Describe something done by someone you thought you were into in that totally turned you off?


well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.......
Terra Firma
He was constantly taking selfies and expecting me to scroll through tons of them and pick the best ones for him to post



Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Post divorce I went into what has been commonly referred to as my baby cougar era. My gay male friends dubbed me Stiffler’s mom after meeting my gorgeous son. I drive a caddy and was getting 20something male attention at the clubs regularly. It’s pretty ironically funny when you think about it….

Well, there was this one guy, the 22ish soccer player from Honduras that I found on a dance floor and took an immediate liking too. We were making out all night and I got a lot of props from my gay male entourage because he was gorgeous. So, like any good fuckboy, he waited 3 weeks to call me. When he showed up at my house I had a silk robe on and nothing else… because let’s not forget what we are actually doing here… no one was trying to go to dinner where we could be seen by people I worked with, etc.

We hooked up a few times and one night we were laying in bed and he started kissing the back of my neck and worked his way down my back and then licked my butthole :Whaa?:


well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.......
Terra Firma
Post divorce I went into what has been commonly referred to as my baby cougar era. My gay male friends dubbed me Stiffler’s mom after meeting my gorgeous son. I drive a caddy and was getting 20something male attention at the clubs regularly. It’s pretty ironically funny when you think about it….

Well, there was this one guy, the 22ish soccer player from Honduras that I found on a dance floor and took an immediate liking too. We were making out all night and I got a lot of props from my gay male entourage because he was gorgeous. So, like any good fuckboy, he waited 3 weeks to call me. When he showed up at my house I had a silk robe on and nothing else… because let’s not forget what we are actually doing here… no one was trying to go to dinner where we could be seen by people I worked with, etc.

We hooked up a few times and one night we were laying in bed and he started kissing the back of my neck and worked his way down my back and then licked my butthole :Whaa?:

a perfectly timed juicy fart at that moment would have been hilarious :CooL:
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well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.......
Terra Firma
There are zero comments from men here..are we to assume men never had any bad experiences with women :GiggleBitch:

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
There are zero comments from men here..are we to assume men never had any bad experiences with women :GiggleBitch:

Men are not as emotionally erratic as women.

Women will get all these unrealistic fantasies going about a man that they hardly know. They will "fill in the blanks" and build up a guy to into something he is not, and get emotionally invested in that dream. Then when they are sure they are into him and he does something like lick their bung hole, they do a complete 180m and get turned-off.

Men take their time and learn about a woman before getting emotional. Before that, women are basically a piece of meat to provide sexual pleasure.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Men are not as emotionally erratic as women.

Women will get all these unrealistic fantasies going about a man that they hardly know. They will "fill in the blanks" and build up a guy to into something he is not, and get emotionally invested in that dream. Then when they are sure they are into him and he does something like lick their bung hole, they do a complete 180m and get turned-off.

Men take their time and learn about a woman before getting emotional. Before that, women are basically a piece of meat to provide sexual pleasure.

When we're young that's pretty true, once we've lived several decades we see the low-down dirty dogs coming down the road a mile away...

And I would say that women are conditioned to believe in fantasy.


well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.......
Terra Firma
Men are not as emotionally erratic as women.

Women will get all these unrealistic fantasies going about a man that they hardly know. They will "fill in the blanks" and build up a guy to into something he is not, and get emotionally invested in that dream. Then when they are sure they are into him and he does something like lick their bung hole, they do a complete 180m and get turned-off.

Men take their time and learn about a woman before getting emotional. Before that, women are basically a piece of meat to provide sexual pleasure.
I was really talking about something someone you thought you were attracted to did when you first met that made you reevaluate your opinion of them…..not some long term relationship crap that went sour because he/she failed to live up to your expectations.

like the guy/girl licked the plate when they finished eating, or he/she was rude to waitstaff for no reason type stuff…

although some women are emotionally erratic, and most hold grudges forever

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
when you first met that made you reevaluate your opinion of them

That is the point: When men first meet someone, we do not form opinions about them beyond what we have already learned about them.

If we find out a bunch of negative stuff about a woman, then it is just a learning experience, not a "bad experience" as you put it.

I will give you an example. I do not like women with big feet or ugly toes. Until I see a woman's feet, I will not think that I am into her, because it is an unknown. Whereas a woman would create expectations that a dude has great feet and will potentially be disappointed, I will wait until I see her feet before I check that box on my "Requirements to be Into a Woman" checklist.


well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.......
Terra Firma
That is the point: When men first meet someone, we do not form opinions about them beyond what we have already learned about them.

If we find out a bunch of negative stuff about a woman, then it is just a learning experience, not a "bad experience" as you put it.

I will give you an example. I do not like women with big feet or ugly toes. Until I see a woman's feet, I will not think that I am into her, because it is an unknown. Whereas a woman would create expectations that a dude has great feet and will potentially be disappointed, I will wait until I see her feet before I check that box on my "Requirements to be Into a Woman" checklist.
I’m talking about initial attraction….and something that killed that :Disagree2: before any “relationship” was even being considered…..

What if you were with a woman you found attractive enough to meet for lunch, before you saw her feet or toes, and after you both finished the nachos you’d ordered she picked up the plate and licked all the remaining cheese off it, would you continue to find her attractive?


well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.......
Terra Firma
Lol - time machine



The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I’m talking about initial attraction….and something that killed that :Disagree2: before any “relationship” was even being considered…..

At that point I would not think that I am "into her" (as stated in the thread title), I would think that "there is still a possibility that I will be into her".

What if you were with a woman you found attractive enough to meet for lunch, before you saw her feet or toes, and after you both finished the nachos you’d ordered she picked up the plate and licked all the remaining cheese off it, would you continue to find her attractive?

Depending on how exactly she licked the cheese, the shape of her tongue, and the noises she made while licking the cheese this might be a positive or a negative.

Seriously though, wasting food is a pet peeve of mine, as is giving a fuck what some douchebag at the next table thinks of other people's table this might be compatible with me. Being a loud eater in general is a turn off and chewing with an open mouth is a turn off.

But my point still stands: As a man, I would not have considered myself "into" the broad until I have learned a lot more about her without presumptions, whereas women will set themselves up for disappointment by getting "into" a guy before really knowing much about him.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.

Maybe this is a female my guy says "Eggs are 'expensive' and sperm is 'cheap'" he's speaking biologically. We get these signals that turn us off for reasons that we just can't always explain.


The Prowler

Factory Bastard

Maybe this is a female my guy says "Eggs are 'expensive' and sperm is 'cheap'" he's speaking biologically. We get these signals that turn us off for reasons that we just can't always explain.

Dudes want to spread their seed and can be much less concerned about the quality of the recipient because in about 2 hours we are good to spread it to someone else.

Broads only want the best seed they can get, because there is a possibility that they get prego and they are out of commission for 9 months and then have to raise the child for another 20 years or so.

I think when broads find it hard to get a good man they get a little desperate and, as I said before, they "fill in the blanks" and imagine that a guy is better (or more compatible) than he really is.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Dudes want to spread their seed and can be much less concerned about the quality of the recipient because in about 2 hours we are good to spread it to someone else.

Broads only want the best seed they can get, because there is a possibility that they get prego and they are out of commission for 9 months and then have to raise the child for another 20 years or so.

I think when broads find it hard to get a good man they get a little desperate and, as I said before, they "fill in the blanks" and imagine that a guy is better (or more compatible) than he really is.

Yes, that's what I said. Women, generally, seem to be pickier.

Though this topic isn't about "desperate broads" but about things a potential "mate" can do to turn you off.


well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society.......
Terra Firma
Dudes want to spread their seed and can be much less concerned about the quality of the recipient because in about 2 hours we are good to spread it to someone else.

Broads only want the best seed they can get, because there is a possibility that they get prego and they are out of commission for 9 months and then have to raise the child for another 20 years or so.

I think when broads find it hard to get a good man they get a little desperate and, as I said before, they "fill in the blanks" and imagine that a guy is better (or more compatible) than he really is.
Imagine the audacity of the Broads not wanting seed from some loser :OhGawd: how dare she!!

Trust me…smart men don’t want to risk “spreading their seed” to any *Broad* who’s that desperate … but as Lily said this isn’t about spreading seed…it’s about red flags or turn offs

lol@ she can lick food off the floor but heaven forbid she chews with her mouth open :LOL3:


Not Important
Just Behind You
There are zero comments from men here..are we to assume men never had any bad experiences with women :GiggleBitch:
None that stand out from the rest of the crowd in any particular way. Every woman I've been with, I was into. And each of them eventually provided reason enough to terminate the arrangement. But none of them did anything particularly outstanding in that regard, so...

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Imagine the audacity of the Broads not wanting seed from some loser :OhGawd: how dare she!!

Nobody criticized broads for only wanting to risk getting prego from a worthy dude.

Why are you so defensive?

Trust me…smart men don’t want to risk “spreading their seed” to any *Broad* who’s that desperate … but as Lily said this isn’t about spreading seed…it’s about red flags or turn offs

Nah. Most dudes will bang any broad that they find even half attractive. If it turns out that the broad is a nutjob or has ugly feet or some other "turn off" big deal.

lol@ she can lick food off the floor but heaven forbid she chews with her mouth open :LOL3:

Who said anything about licking food off the floor? What a weird thing to say.

Stop being so defensive and dishonest and maybe learn to chew with your mouth closed. It is disgusting.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
None that stand out from the rest of the crowd in any particular way. Every woman I've been with, I was into. And each of them eventually provided reason enough to terminate the arrangement. But none of them did anything particularly outstanding in that regard, so...

I think @AnnaConda might be one of those broads who overreacts to just about anything. She gets clingy really quickly because she is desperate for a relationship, imagines that this one is the one, and then gets extremely disappointed when he shows more interest in his own selfies than in her.

It will never be a her problem, even when it is clear that the guy is not into her....

He was constantly taking selfies and expecting me to scroll through tons of them and pick the best ones for him to post


Take a hint.