Donald Trump's Final Address as President of the United States


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Good that he's gone. At least america does not have to be ashamed of its president anymore :)


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Good that he's gone. At least america does not have to be ashamed of its president anymore :)
America wasnt ashamed of him dumb ass. In fact, they re-elected him.

alzheimer joe is an embarrassment though! Gaffemaster galore!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Good that he's gone. At least america does not have to be ashamed of its president anymore :)

Because those of us who elected him and voted for his second term just dont count as Americans. Only left leaning upper class whites and corporations count.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Good that he's gone. At least america does not have to be ashamed of its president anymore :)

Because those of us who elected him and voted for his second term just dont count as Americans. Only left leaning upper class whites and corporations count.

Sombeody keeps changing the name of 'T rump' to 'Drumpf'.

Just to let you know, it isn't me Dovey!


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Good that he's gone. At least america does not have to be ashamed of its president anymore :)
America wasnt ashamed of him dumb ass. In fact, they re-elected him.
No they did not. Try to accept the reality. Your psychiatrist can prescribe you some medication if you need that


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Good that he's gone. At least america does not have to be ashamed of its president anymore :)
Because those of us who elected him and voted for his second term just dont count as Americans. Only left leaning upper class whites and corporations count.
I heard from a lot of americans they were really ashamed of him


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Good that he's gone. At least america does not have to be ashamed of its president anymore :)

Because those of us who elected him and voted for his second term just dont count as Americans. Only left leaning upper class whites and corporations count.

Sombeody keeps changing the name of 'T rump' to 'Drumpf'.

Just to let you know, it isn't me Dovey!

Word mask lol.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Good that he's gone. At least america does not have to be ashamed of its president anymore :)
America wasnt ashamed of him dumb ass. In fact, they re-elected him.
No they did not. Try to accept the reality. Your psychiatrist can prescribe you some medication if you need that

The reality is that Biden cheated to get in. So in fact, Trump was re-elected.

Joe Biden is not my president.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Good that he's gone. At least america does not have to be ashamed of its president anymore :)
America wasnt ashamed of him dumb ass. In fact, they re-elected him.
No they did not. Try to accept the reality. Your psychiatrist can prescribe you some medication if you need that


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Good that he's gone. At least america does not have to be ashamed of its president anymore :)
Because those of us who elected him and voted for his second term just dont count as Americans. Only left leaning upper class whites and corporations count.
I heard from a lot of americans they were really ashamed of him

Likely because you surround yourself mostly with those who agree with you. Most people do.

The facts tell another story. When you realize 80 million didnt even vote, 75 million voted for him.....that's not exactly "most Americans" and Biden definitely didnt have some stunning victory.

A pretty decent sized chunk of the country supports him. And there is a lot of pissed off people who feel disenfranchised and bullied by the government.


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Good that he's gone. At least america does not have to be ashamed of its president anymore :)
America wasnt ashamed of him dumb ass. In fact, they re-elected him.
No they did not. Try to accept the reality. Your psychiatrist can prescribe you some medication if you need that

The reality is that SlowJoe cheated to get in. So in fact, Drumpf was re-elected.

Joe SlowJoe is not my president.
If you keep repeating it, you might even start believing it yourself, but that would be REALLY stupid.

Joe Biden is the new president of the USA! He has won the elections fair and square!


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Good that he's gone. At least america does not have to be ashamed of its president anymore :)
Because those of us who elected him and voted for his second term just dont count as Americans. Only left leaning upper class whites and corporations count.
I heard from a lot of americans they were really ashamed of him
Likely because you surround yourself mostly with those who agree with you. Most people do.

The facts tell another story. When you realize 80 million didnt even vote, 75 million voted for him.....that's not exactly "most Americans" and SlowJoe definitely didnt have some stunning victory.

A pretty decent sized chunk of the country supports him. And there is a lot of pissed off people who feel disenfranchised and bullied by the government.
I meet a lot of people professionally, not really possible to select those based on a political opinion. So that argument is off the table. Most of the americans I spoke to told me they were ashamed of Trum‎p or used other words to tell me they were not like him. Some even apoligised out of the blue for having him as a president.
And if you have a look at the numbers of voters for Bid‎en and for Tru‎mp you'll see that a large amount of people prefer Bi‎den over Tru‎mp
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Good that he's gone. At least america does not have to be ashamed of its president anymore :)
America wasnt ashamed of him dumb ass. In fact, they re-elected him.
No they did not. Try to accept the reality. Your psychiatrist can prescribe you some medication if you need that
Look ugly man-lady. One simply has to ask, if there was nothing to hide about the election counting, why would multiple states throw poll watchers out, bar the doors, cover the windows, and continue counting in secret?

When they tried to do this same shit to Jimmy Carter in foreign countries, you clowns had a word for it....FRAUD! PWN3D!


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Good that he's gone. At least america does not have to be ashamed of its president anymore :)
America wasnt ashamed of him dumb ass. In fact, they re-elected him.
No they did not. Try to accept the reality. Your psychiatrist can prescribe you some medication if you need that
@Breakfail apparently forgot to read why he is an utter stupid loser...

See for the explanation


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Awww, butthurt libtards still caterwauling cause 75 million people still love SaintTrump and wont line up behind brain dead joe the kiddie sniffer!


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Awww, butthurt libtards still caterwauling cause 75 million people still love SaintTrump and wont line up behind brain dead joe the kiddie sniffer!
Yuck! The vomiting goat is also here....


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Good that he's gone. At least america does not have to be ashamed of its president anymore :)
Because those of us who elected him and voted for his second term just dont count as Americans. Only left leaning upper class whites and corporations count.
I heard from a lot of americans they were really ashamed of him
Likely because you surround yourself mostly with those who agree with you. Most people do.

The facts tell another story. When you realize 80 million didnt even vote, 75 million voted for him.....that's not exactly "most Americans" and SlowJoe definitely didnt have some stunning victory.

A pretty decent sized chunk of the country supports him. And there is a lot of pissed off people who feel disenfranchised and bullied by the government.
I meet a lot of people professionally, not really possible to select those based on a political opinion. So that argument is off the table. Most of the americans I spoke to told me they were ashamed of Trum‎p or used other words to tell me they were not like him. Some even apoligised out of the blue for having him as a president.
And if you have a look at the numbers of voters for Bid‎en and for Tru‎mp you'll see that a large amount of people prefer Bi‎den over Tru‎mp

I cited actual stats.

No offense Q, but the media indoctrinated "professional" upper class are not the end all be all of America.

Anytime some wanker apologizes out of nowhere for having a certain president.....that's not fucking normal. That's brainwashing.

And also, kinda revealing considering how many people were absolutely ashamed of the shit Obama did. But you dont get to hear from us because the entire mainstream, upper class and wealthy people are mostly all establishment and corporate shills that do not actually reflect the views of ordinary Americans.

In fact the left wing LOVES to use ordinary working Americans as pawns for their shallow and low info opinions and policies. You dont hear or listen to how those policies impact anyone.

That's the point. So I'm glad for you that you got to hear from "professional" people who have the luxury of voting based on how the media portrays a politicains behavoir because their actions are of no consequence to them.

Did this conversation occur during a luncheon in a 5 star restaurant over a meal that costs a weeks worth of groceries for the regular ass American? Probably.

Just blame it on white supremacy.

You should ask the "essentail worker" who is doing the grocery shopping for those professionals who are safely working from home....for shit wages, you "professionals" dont have to risk your valuable selves. Or, the family whose business is now toast....what they think of democrat policies. And actually hear out most of them....not just the randoms that validate your opinions.
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Scrawny The Ghost

Interdimensional UltraMegaRich Luxury BLTQ+ Banker
Dimension-1218 19.20363 E 50.0266 N
Good that he's gone. At least america does not have to be ashamed of its president anymore :)

If you are ashamed of your president you are a traitor.
Being ashamed of an asshole representing you is showing that YOU at least know better...

The state of America folx... people are proud to openly disrespect their democratically elected leaders. And then the left cries when things like Stop The Steal or the protest at the Capitol happen.

Back in the day both sides respected each other and there wasn't factionalism and toxicity. Nowadays people don't raise their kids Catholic or Protestant they raise them Republican or Democrat.