Double vaccinated Emmy Winner dies of COVID


Factory Bastard
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There you go lying again and claiming anyone who isn't an extreme leftist is some how "alt right". You are a delusional liar when you lie and slander people like that. Also you are clearly one of the worst partisans here (though not as bad as aidsman) so please stop projecting your personal failings on to other please.

The thing that really shows who the partisan hack is here is that you won't even read or acknowledge any source which is not left wing. To compare I read sources from all over the spectrum as well as foreign sources then compare and make up my own mind based upon the information available and how verifiable that information is. You would never do that because, like most left wing extremists, you are frightened to leave your bubble and even learn what other people are actually saying. That is why you remain so ignorant and fall for stupid obvious lies like calling huge numbers of people "alt right" when they clearly are not using any standard definition.
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Factory Bastard
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You can especially see this bubble syndrome on places like Twitter where conservatives follow people on both the left and the right while the leftists pretty much exclusively only follow fellow leftists. Conservatives want to know what the other side is saying and are willing to engage in debate and honest discussion where as liberals rarely if ever do the same.

Refusing to even listen to muchless consider other people's point of view or supporting evidence means leftists don't know what the other side is saying, at all. That ignorance makes it very easy for them to get mislead by dishonest actors into believing u true things. I agree that is a general human failing and we certainly see people on the right also do things like that but it is far, far, far more common among the American left instead of the American right.


Factory Bastard
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As for me supposedly being a partisan I was a registered democrat, a relatively centrist free thinking one, for all my adult life up until the summer of 2020 when it all just became too retarded for me. I decided I could not in good conscience remain in a party which had clearly lost its mind and had such poor policies. I will admit from 2010 to 2016 I pretty much voted 3rd party as a protest vote despite still being a registered Democrat so there was a transition period as the Democratic Party moved further and further to the extreme left and away from a traditional centrist like me.


Domestically feral
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United states
There you go lying again and claiming anyone who isn't an extreme leftist is some how "alt right". You are a delusional liar when you lie and slander people like that. Also you are clearly one of the worst partisans here (though not as bad as aidsman) so please stop projecting your personal failings on to other please.

The thing that really shows who the partisan hack is here is that you won't even read or acknowledge any source which is not left wing. To compare I read sources from all over the spectrum as well as foreign sources then compare and make up my own mind based upon the information available and how verifiable that information is. You would never do that because, like most left wing extremists, you are frightened to leave your bubble and even learn what other people are actually saying. That is why you remain so ignorant and fall for stupid obvious lies like calling huge numbers of people "alt right" when they clearly are not using any standard definition.

Exactly. I'm not a fan of either party. I will go to a variety of sources and perspectives and check claims being made.

You pretty much HAVE to anymore if you want to know the have to make an effort to get the truth.

The more I actually dug in to media with scrunity......oh man. Once you pick up on the tactics they use to paint these pictures and build narratives? You see how that's ALL they do. They do not inform. They slip in bits of truthful information and paint a narrative that always favors the establishment. Even the bits of truth get so twisted they become lies. And they all echo eachother. Repetition is used. Its master level manipulation.

It's basically State TV. In NK the people are required to always have a radio playing 1 station, and they are not allowed to change it or turn it off, and its nonstop propaganda about the dictator. These poor people are so brainwashed and fucked up.

When people are fed a narrative they get emotionally attached to it and anything that threatens that narrative is bad. So they shut down communication, reject the info, and attack the person(dismissing them as a partisan hack, calling them stupid, anything that discredits them).

I even know where they get we are "partisan hacks". Its like they redefined partisan hack to mean "anyone who disagrees with the narrative I've chosen". They dont really ever give reasons for anything.

I like when Admin accuses us of "going after our own" whenever a shitbag establishment Republican gets roasted by our "side". Like he just cannot get outside his own bubble. They really see this as nothing besides partisans trying to have a blue team red team war and just cannot get passed that thinking.


Domestically feral
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United states
You can especially see this bubble syndrome on places like Twitter where conservatives follow people on both the left and the right while the leftists pretty much exclusively only follow fellow leftists. Conservatives want to know what the other side is saying and are willing to engage in debate and honest discussion where as liberals rarely if ever do the same.

Refusing to even listen to muchless consider other people's point of view or supporting evidence means leftists don't know what the other side is saying, at all. That ignorance makes it very easy for them to get mislead by dishonest actors into believing u true things. I agree that is a general human failing and we certainly see people on the right also do things like that but it is far, far, far more common among the American left instead of the American right.

If you even go to leftwing forums or boards, all they do there is slam everyone from other parties.

They dont really understand fuck all about their opposition or what any of us think or want. They have a very narrow view, are very closed minded, they WANT to hate us and they enjoy it....even if its lies they are believing to justify it. They feed eachothers hate of others and they reinforce total bullshit lies.

The way some of them talk about their own families who disagree with them is really sad.

Some people are just never going to be reached. They prefer where they are. :/

They really do not know what we are saying or understand anyone else's pov. Shit just like we see HERE, if you correct them on what your POV even is, they will legit call you a liar and tell you what you think.

Then they lack self awareness enough to say WE are the closed minded ones who live in a bubble.


Factory Bastard
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Dove said:
Then they lack self awareness enough to say WE are the closed minded ones who live in a bubble.

....maybe both sides are.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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This thread is about Admin's thirst for man ass and cock. right?


Domestically feral
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United states
Dove said:
Then they lack self awareness enough to say WE are the closed minded ones who live in a bubble.

....maybe both sides are.

Sure. There are definately pretty closed minded conservatives.

But general? It's so much easier to talk to conservatives. They will hear you out and discuss an issue and will make an effort to understand oppositing arguments. And they will support their arguments.

You cant talk to a leftist. They immediately get over the top defensive. They twist your words. They aggressively and intentionally misunderstand thier opposition. They gas light. They get condescending and they insult you. They literally refuse to show empathy and dont even know the positions of their opposition. It's absolutely nothing but bad faith.

If you dont agree with them you are a dumb horrible person and even if your reasons are the betterment or safety of others, they just accuse you of the worst.

And I believe they know they do this, and they convinced themselves that their goals are so holy and noble that it's an acceptable way to treat other people. They feel more comfortable hating and dehumanizing people when they can twist and distort the truth. If they label their opposition "white supremacists' or any of thier gross labels, they think thier hatred is some moral duty.

At this point they are so deep in this thinking that they dont want to change that.

That's why they refuse to engage or have any honest discussions. And tell eachother to not have any honest discussions. They dont want to have to think about anything or humanize anything.

That's how cults work. Even when people in it know inside themselves there is something very wrong.. they never go outside that hive. It would be way too disruptive to the lives and identity they formed around that ideology.

When someone walks away from the left, their friends and socail circles turn on them. And they dont want to be seen as the thing they've turned all of us it just is what it is. Propaganda is really powerful.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Dove said:
Then they lack self awareness enough to say WE are the closed minded ones who live in a bubble.

....maybe both sides are.

To some extent that is true. It comes down to percentages though. On the right the Qanon people are a small single digit percentage while on the left the ridged ideologues who behave like Dove and I have described are no doubt a plurality if not the majority.

So one one side the crazies are loud but mostly ignored when it comes to actual decision making while on the other the lunatics are running the asylum.