Dovid, a word...

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
shitty life?
Last edited:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Go peg 5 cobras....

So then you would have to call me Flynn Five Cobras! Ohhhhhh....I like that name!



Fade In:

(A dark alleyway around 2:15am on a Sunday morning In Freud's butthole)

A woman walking home from her bartending job decides to take some time off her commute by going through an alley. Halfway through she hears a shuffling sound behind her. Quickly she spins around and spies a bald hunchback with a Polaroid camera in their right hand. The freakish creature is wearing a long dirty night shirt that reads: "Does this shirt make my butt look fat?" And a well worn gray diaper that has seen better days. The woman is frozen in paralyzing fear as Freud gingerly limps towards her. She can't help it and urinates all over herself.


Freud: So hey lady, I'm gonna give you a choice. You give me $1500 or look at my pictures.

The woman shaking in fear closes her eyes tightly to block out Freud's oblong head that resembles Biggie Whiner's dwarf sized dick, with ruby red foreskin and two fried green tomatoes on the side.

Lady: No. Please! No. I have a husband!

Freud ponders this while fishing around his ass crack area.

Freud: You must choose! Or I will punk you like I did 5 Guys Mumbai!

The woman looks up at Freud confused.

Freud: Errrr...long story about this poster that claimed to be female....wait. Nevermind that. Since you cannot choose I will choose for you.

Finally finding what he was looking for in his butt crack, Freud retrieves his hand before smelling the brown stained card in his fingers.

Freud: A-HA! This card says that you must look at one of my pictures while chanting, "Mad Cow Shazam does have a working anus for all to enjoy."

The frail woman shrinks back from Freud in terror as he's soo close to her now that she can smell the semen on his breath from 5 Guys Mumbai, and see the ejaculation stains they left on his Klingon looking forehead.

Woman: Here take all my money! Just take it! It's all I have! I have a husband I love very much, we just got married.

Freud in slow motion brings out a colored instant Polaroid photo out from under his Depends. He shows it to her. The lady screams and fights to get away. Freud keeps jutting the picture towards the woman which makes her scream even louder as he holds her in place with an emaciated arm that's shaped like a dildo for a mouse. She's falls to the ground with her skirt bunching up around her milky thighs, exposing the cleft of one of her vaginal lips. This is not lost on Freud as he hisses and brings out two well used vibrators that were made into a rudimentary cross.


Freud (Skin burning): I will not fear the vahina! It will not hurt me! I will fight it!

Suddenly a bright light shines through the night sky. A mysterious figure appears from the light and stands in front of Freud as he tries to hide from the accidental exposed pussy lip.

Flynn Five Cobras: Freud! Haven't you got anything better to do than show off your pictures of your fungal infected feet?

Flynn is dressed in pink spandex, with jazzercise leotards over the top of them. Her neon pink headband glows in the dark as she throws down her blue feather boa.


Freud: I would have gotten away with it too, had you not been in the neighborhood buying bubble gum again. You gotta piece you can spare? No? Okay. You wanna see a picture of my turtle's feet?

Flynn rolls her eyes at Freud and helps the lady up who is still scared out of her wits up off the ground. Flynn escorts the lady out of the alleyway.

Lady: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for saving my life! When I get home I'm going to give my husband a big long wet kiss!

Flynn Five Cobras: I think that your husband would appreciate that. Are you okay?

Lady: I am now that you're here.

The woman gives Flynn a hug.

Flynn Five Cobras: My pleasure. We'll see ya around Aryan.

Aryan: Thank you again. Bye!

Flynn Five Cobras turns to face Freud but he escaped when Flynn rescued Aryan. Flynn walks out of the alleyway only to get hit by a speeding ambulance and gets thrown through a plate glass window as alarm bells go off.

(Somewhere nearby Freud witnesses Flynn get plowed over as he hums playfully to himself while he twirls his cock and balls in a counter clockwise direction.)

Fade out.

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Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
When 4 out of 5 of you decide to tongue punch in one's Poppadom, do you wear shopping bags as bibs or go in au naturale?


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Yes, you do speak like a Queen.

But this time could you tone down the overly gay lisp and work on enunciation?


That would be relevant if our text was vocalised. It's not.

It's just text.

5 brains amongst you all and you've still managed to keep your fail on. :LOL3:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
That would be relevant if our text was vocalised. It's not.

It's just text.

5 brains amongst you all and you've still managed to keep your fail on. :LOL3:

It's called I heard your bitch ass voice on a recording you fucking halfwit. Did you actually think I was referring to right now?

Though I will say, that Vocaroo you did of Lily just fucking killed me, the one where you mimicked her eating with grunts and groans, a burp and then some choking sounds. Hilarious!

Such a shame you can't be that funny 1.34% of the time.



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April 18th, 2023, 11:50 am

The Iron Dink/Shen Li/Fashionista said:

"I was curious about the great white whale's latest antics, so I took a peek at the flame forum. I couldn't find what I was looking for, but I did find this:

I get it Dove, you are a turmoil-junkie mess of a woman. You''ll never change. However, why the fuck do you always have to share your latest self-inflicted wounds with a tiny group of strangers on an obscure forum. Nobody needs to be reminded again, again and again what a total fuck up you are . No normal person wants to know these details of your life either."


As you can see Dove. Even one of your biggest supporters is tired of this great need to be in the center of the drama all the fucking time. Fashionista is echoing pretty much the same things I've been saying all along. Your real life must be shit because EVERYONE knows that your kind of out of body boasting is like King Martini saying that he "played you." When in reality you both were looking for love in the wrong place.

You have a habit of "residing" with a new man every 19 months. As Fashionista said, why do you think anyone wants to read your latest "fuck up" on a forum? How come you can't go and get proper counseling like the rest of the medicated fuckwits that can't make correct decisions in life? I'll tell you why. Because all these actions you take are premeditated, the intrinsic value goes up with shocking attention seeking behavior. For example:

Couple of questions. How come you felt it "nessesary" to come onto a public forum and without any kind of rhyme or reason you just blurt out that your 6th marriage is in shambles and now you're moving onto some guy who turns you on with his cooking skills? Who exactly asked you on either forum how your new "relationship" was going? Was there any mention of your loins stirring from your new partner's cooking? I mean if the guy makes a mean omelet, I can understand. What I can't "understand" is why you felt the need to come here and proclaim this very unroyal proclamation in dirty underwear.

Second question. Do you think you're fooling anyone? Like the old saying goes, those who brag about "having big dicks" and "Are happy going on their 312th relationship this year" are full of shit. You are and always have been full of crap. It wasn't until this very second that I now realize why we don't like each other. It's because you congregate with these people online and offline. I didn't realize how very serious you take these forums. The forums for me is a place for some good laughs and to read some excellent writing from time-to-time. I dont need to "know" everyone in passing. I don't need to meet any of these people offline and ruin what I constructed them to look like in my head. This is a place mostly made up of fantasy. Most of the people say things they can't/won't in their real lives, their personas are made up caricatures from their real world and are for entertainment value only. You're mixing in something that was never supposed to be joined at the hip.

I know you've probably had it rough. I'll never omit the fact I probably haven't gone through some of the horrid things you or anyone else here has gone through. And now you've got to face some of the same kind of mental abuse you were running from. See. The words on here have no power. The only power the words have are the one's you give it. With that being said, this will be my last correspondence to you. I dislike having to post to you soo very much that I'm just not going to do it anymore. It doesn't help you or me. I honestly feel sorry for you, and I don't say that as an insult. I understand what you want in this life because everyone wants that too. If not for circumstances beyond your control, I can see you being a Lawyer, Doctor or anything you wanted to be.

Goodbye Dove and good luck to you.
do you word vomit much? is this affliction throughout your whole family or something? reduce this to one or two seances ok? fucking obsessed pencil neck geek. jesus.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
It's called I heard your bitch ass voice on a recording you fucking halfwit. Did you actually think I was referring to right now?

Though I will say, that Vocaroo you did of Lily just fucking killed me, the one where you mimicked her eating with grunts and groans, a burp and then some choking sounds. Hilarious!

Such a shame you can't be that funny 1.34% of the time.

That will be 1500 USD in cash, wire transferred to an account of my choice.

Thank you for shopping at Freudy-Mart.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Somebody needs to find Oak and bring her back here.

I drank a whole carafe of orange juice contemplating this move....


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Somebody needs to find Oak and bring her back here.

I drank a whole carafe of orange juice contemplating this move....

Apparently I have some sort of pig knuckles? for feet.

I could draw her in with a foot porn spread.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Apparently I have some sort of pig knuckles? for feet.

I could draw her in with a foot porn spread.
I once went to an ethnic party filled with brothers and sisters. Loved it.

But then I saw them eating pigs feet. Sucking the meat off....eww.

I fell asleep in a car on cinder blocks. It was comfortable

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I once went to an ethnic party filled with brothers and sisters. Loved it.

But then I saw them eating pigs feet. Sucking the meat off....eww.

I fell asleep in a car on cinder blocks. It was comfortable
Fascinating, you ought to consider releasing your wigger memoirs... I'm sure at least 3 people, including you and your brother, would read it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
So then you would have to call me Flynn Five Cobras! Ohhhhhh....I like that name!



Fade In:

(A dark alleyway around 2:15am on a Sunday morning In Freud's butthole)

A woman walking home from her bartending job decides to take some time off her commute by going through an alley. Halfway through she hears a shuffling sound behind her. Quickly she spins around and spies a bald hunchback with a Polaroid camera in their right hand. The freakish creature is wearing a long dirty night shirt that reads: "Does this shirt make my butt look fat?" And a well worn gray diaper that has seen better days. The woman is frozen in paralyzing fear as Freud gingerly limps towards her. She can't help it and urinates all over herself.


Freud: So hey lady, I'm gonna give you a choice. You give me $1500 or look at my pictures.

The woman shaking in fear closes her eyes tightly to block out Freud's oblong head that resembles Biggie Whiner's dwarf sized dick, with ruby red foreskin and two fried green tomatoes on the side.

Lady: No. Please! No. I have a husband!

Freud ponders this while fishing around his ass crack area.

Freud: You must choose! Or I will punk you like I did 5 Guys Mumbai!

The woman looks up at Freud confused.

Freud: Errrr...long story about this poster that claimed to be female....wait. Nevermind that. Since you cannot choose I will choose for you.

Finally finding what he was looking for in his butt crack, Freud retrieves his hand before smelling the brown stained card in his fingers.

Freud: A-HA! This card says that you must look at one of my pictures while chanting, "Mad Cow Shazam does have a working anus for all to enjoy."

The frail woman shrinks back from Freud in terror as he's soo close to her now that she can smell the semen on his breath from 5 Guys Mumbai, and see the ejaculation stains they left on his Klingon looking forehead.

Woman: Here take all my money! Just take it! It's all I have! I have a husband I love very much, we just got married.

Freud in slow motion brings out a colored instant Polaroid photo out from under his Depends. He shows it to her. The lady screams and fights to get away. Freud keeps jutting the picture towards the woman which makes her scream even louder as he holds her in place with an emaciated arm that's shaped like a dildo for a mouse. She's falls to the ground with her skirt bunching up around her milky thighs, exposing the cleft of one of her vaginal lips. This is not lost on Freud as he hisses and brings out two well used vibrators that were made into a rudimentary cross.


Freud (Skin burning): I will not fear the vahina! It will not hurt me! I will fight it!

Suddenly a bright light shines through the night sky. A mysterious figure appears from the light and stands in front of Freud as he tries to hide from the accidental exposed pussy lip.

Flynn Five Cobras: Freud! Haven't you got anything better to do than show off your pictures of your fungal infected feet?

Flynn is dressed in pink spandex, with jazzercise leotards over the top of them. Her neon pink headband glows in the dark as she throws down her blue feather boa.


Freud: I would have gotten away with it too, had you not been in the neighborhood buying bubble gum again. You gotta piece you can spare? No? Okay. You wanna see a picture of my turtle's feet?

Flynn rolls her eyes at Freud and helps the lady up who is still scared out of her wits up off the ground. Flynn escorts the lady out of the alleyway.

Lady: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for saving my life! When I get home I'm going to give my husband a big long wet kiss!

Flynn Five Cobras: I think that your husband would appreciate that. Are you okay?

Lady: I am now that you're here.

The woman gives Flynn a hug.

Flynn Five Cobras: My pleasure. We'll see ya around Aryan.

Aryan: Thank you again. Bye!

Flynn Five Cobras turns to face Freud but he escaped when Flynn rescued Aryan. Flynn walks out of the alleyway only to get hit by a speeding ambulance and gets thrown through a plate glass window as alarm bells go off.

(Somewhere nearby Freud witnesses Flynn get plowed over as he hums playfully to himself while he twirls his cock and balls in a counter clockwise direction.)

Fade out.


Post a Vocaroo you stupid bitch.