Every damn one of you gun nuts has blood on your hands


Domestically feral
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United states
Right. Disarm everyone and all the blood will be on yours.

You guys never post the violent crimes stats in areas with the policies you want. All that blood is on your hands.

I'm not giving up my equalizer.

Every woman and girls who gets raped and assaulted is on the progs hands. That's you. You guys ignore all that though while using deaths as emotional blackmail against your opposition as it suits you.


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
I own 7 guns. 4 handguns 3 rifles

That’s 7 less guns in the hands of criminal thugs
We were allowed to carry exactly that amount at 17 years of age back in Africa where the monkeys reign savage.
She has no fucking idea…Miss Privileged Leftard living in her own peri-peri fart bubble over in Portugal.
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Factory Bastard
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This kind of shit is just too easy with the US gun culture. Despicable. Insane. Unforgiveable.

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The USA is a violent country @LotusBud. If they havent Americans need to begin to accept this reality.

I was attacked 3 times when i lived there once at gun point.

1 Canadian named Briton Amos was shot in the back and crippled for life when I lived there. Briton Amos. Go look him up or google the name folks.

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Same place someone threatened me. East Palo Alto. Tough neighborhood. An ex ploiceman I met on a bus told me he was disabled for life after being beaten up by gang members there.
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Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
The USA is a violent country @LotusBud. If they havent Americans need to begin to accept this reality.

I was attacked 3 times when i lived there once at gun point.

1 Canadian named Briton Amos was shot in the back and crippled for life when I lived there. Briton Amos. Go look him up or google the name foljs.
Mugged twice, girlfriend attacked in front of my eyes, gun pulled to the head, biker gang trying to bash down my door.

“Yeah mate….don’t come in, I have a knife!”


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This kind of shit is just too easy with the US gun culture. Despicable. Insane. Unforgiveable.

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We are to blame for a ghetto black woman chimping out on a stranger? You are a brain damaged idiot. This had everything to do with black ghetto thug culture.


Domestically feral
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United states
The same people who blame US for criminals using guns illegally are the same people who will ignore women and girls being raped and assaulted in female spaces directly because of self ID laws.

They just support whatever shit they think is against "teh right". They dont even take the time to understand what we even support.

She thought Aryan wants ethnic cleansing. She has no clue what nationalism even is.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Well would you look at that

When it's a black woman who shoots a white woman with an illegally possessed firearm the white libtards REFUSE to hold the black person accountable for THIER actions and seek to make this about responsible gun owners instead. Most of whom are white if stats are to be believed.

But imagine the racism which would be alledged if the white woman had shot the black woman? OMG we'd never hear the end of it as a case of ""systemic racism"

and these libtards wonder why we consider them so vile and disingenuous

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You libs are fucking disgusting. And this is coming from a man who is partnered with a black woman.

*spits - you all need to round up and hanged from the nearest lamppost


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The same people who blame US for criminals using guns illegally are the same people who will ignore women and girls being raped and assaulted in female spaces directly because of self ID laws.

They just support whatever shit they think is against "teh right". They dont even take the time to understand what we even support.

She thought Aryan wants ethnic cleansing. She has no clue what nationalism even is.
But even if you own a bucketfull of guns you still ought to know non firearm self defense techniques as well @Dove


Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
The same people who blame US for criminals using guns illegally are the same people who will ignore women and girls being raped and assaulted in female spaces directly because of self ID laws.

They just support whatever shit they think is against "teh right". They dont even take the time to understand what we even support.

She thought Aryan wants ethnic cleansing. She has no clue what nationalism even is.
These people are morally repulsive

I can totally see why Marjorie taylor greene said we need a national divorce

she's right

you cannot have a functioning society with people who skew narratives with such blatant lies and rhetoric


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
These people are morally repulsive

I can totally see why Marjorie taylor greene said we need a national divorce

she's right

you cannot have a functioning society with people who skew narratives with such blatant lies and rhetoric

And they demonize and twist everything.

What's happening in schools is beyond disgusting and they smear parents as "anti lgbt" abusers.

Its unhinged and you're right....we cant live with people like this.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Did I not tell you people lotus was scum and couldn't be reasoned with from day one?

Yeah I did

and this thread, given all the relevant facts and how she's framed narrative is proof positive of that.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
And they demonize and twist everything.

What's happening in schools is beyond disgusting and they smear parents as "anti lgbt" abusers.

Its unhinged and you're right....we cant live with people like this.
Kids cannot even do basic math and read at grade level and these degenerates want the assurance that they can spend classroom time and taxpayer money talking to these kids about their freaky weekend with some other non-binary degenerate in a dog mask and ball gag -- in lieu of any subject which is consistent with standard scholastic itinerary

and they wonder why we want to grab our guns and blow their fucking brains out.


Domestically feral
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United states
The whole idea that we should expect women to engage in hand to hand combat with males is insane. It's a way to make money on self defense classes that wont help you and give women a false sense of empowerment.

We have watched way too many action movies when so many people think that's reasonable.

I can definitely throw a punch and I'm not weak. That doesn't mean I should physically fight a man. I have a huge biological disadvantage and since I enjoy staying alive, I recognize that.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
The whole idea that we should expect women to engage in hand to hand combat with males is insane. It's a way to make money on self defense classes that wont help you and give women a false sense of empowerment.

We have watched way too many action movies when so many people think that's reasonable.

I can definitely throw a punch and I'm not weak. That doesn't mean I should physically fight a man. I have a huge biological disadvantage and since I enjoy staying alive, I recognize that.
Isn't it just amazing how it is the alleged misogynists who are standing up for women when there is a real threat but the so called ""feminists"" are either on the sidelines or against women

and that's after DECADES of fighting a fight that didn't really exist to begin with


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Kids cannot even do basic math and read at grade level and these degenerates want the assurance that they can spend classroom time and taxpayer money talking to these kids about their freaky weekend with some other non-binary degenerate in a dog mask and ball gag -- in lieu of any subject which is consistent with standard scholastic itinerary

and they wonder why we want to grab our guns and blow their fucking brains out.

Typical response from a short ineffective puffball.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Isn't it just amazing how it is the alleged misogynists who are standing up for women when there is a real threat but the so called ""feminists"" are either on the sidelines or against women

and that's after DECADES of fighting a fight that didn't really exist to begin with

It's always been like that. Abortion was never for the good of women. Men came up with it. Men perfected it. Men marketed it to the feminists so they make shit tons of money helping other men dodge child support and get off the hook.

But when you get people thinking a certain way, its damn near impossible to get them see it any other way. So we can show facts, show how devastating it is....show how women are coerced and pressured by father and family....they will stick to the way they want to see it.

It really used to bother me and get to me how for many people, it's not even about caring about other people. It's about partisan loyalties and an ingrained and misled hatred of other parties.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
It's always been like that. Abortion was never for the good of women. Men came up with it. Men perfected it. Men marketed it to the feminists so they make shit tons of money helping other men dodge child support and get off the hook.

But when you get people thinking a certain way, its damn near impossible to get them see it any other way. So we can show facts, show how devastating it is....show how women are coerced and pressured by father and family....they will stick to the way they want to see it.

It really used to bother me and get to me how for many people, it's not even about caring about other people. It's about partisan loyalties and an ingrained and misled hatred of other parties.
I know that

My step daughter just found herself the victim of that with her scumbag boyfriend. She was experiencing a difficult pregnancy and really really wanted her baby. She'd experienced a very traumatic miscarriage in the past.

So this scumbag assures her he'd found a good doctor that would help her along. So he drives her down to Tampa the whole while she's thinking this dude is finally stepping up and being a man about his contribution to this pregnancy ie -- his fucking sperm.

So they pull up to the parking lot and she notices something really odd about the office. It didn't feel right. So as she's about to go inside the dude hands her 500.00 bucks. She's startled and asks what's this for. He responds "this is what they charge for abortion services" -- poor girl completely broke down sobbing. And to boot it was a fight with this asshole right there in the car and he was threatening to leave her there. And that's an hour and 20 minutes from my home. She was staying with us at the time. And if you seen how this poor girl was caring for herself just to be sure her baby would survive it would bring a tear to your eye. I'm a grown fucking man who's tough as nails and it did to mine -- and this rodent goes and does this.

Now this dirtbag is fucking lucky I found out about this after the fact ... or let me rephrase that -- both he and I are lucky as he'd be dead and I'd be in jail.

Can you believe these motherfuckers? You got no problem busting your nut in the girl but then want to shriek back under your rock when you are called to account

Typical liberal scum.

and this dude is a libtard too... I never fucking liked him from day one. Now he really can't come anywhere near me.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Oh.. and let me point something out here while I'm at it.

It's no secret my girl is a black woman and therefore obviously my step daughter is black

this dude is not black. But is a real paper freedom fighter for the black race (just like the white scumbags around here who proclaim the same). All BLM n shit. Is eager to show you a Black jesus in the bible and the whole nine.

Even sat at my dinner table once proclaiming trump to be an avowed racist and asked me how, with my obvious intimacy to the black community, I could support a man like that. So I asked him to provide me a single instance where trump said or did anything racists in nearly 60 years of a very public life. He spent the next two hours on his phone digging. Only to find nothing.

and the kicker?

He didn't want his PARENTS knowing his black girlfriend has heavy with child. So the black girl is good enough to fuck but not good enough to birth the next iteration of the family legacy huh? Typical. *spits

so if you've ever wondered why I hate white libtards with such an undying passion you really need look no further than that story... and this is only the tip of the iceberg.


Factory Bastard
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BTW here are the actual facts of the case. The white mother was exiting the grocery store after having finished grocery shopping and was crossing the cross walk so she could get to the parking lot to unload her groceries with her child. The early 20's ghetto trash black woman was speeding and became irate that she had to stop and wait for someone to cross in the cross walk and started honking and screaming racial slurs at the white woman and her child.

The white mother pointed out that she was in a cross walk and that the other woman had been speeding in the parking lot. After which the ghetto chimp started firing with her illegal concealed firearm.

You'd have to be a real sub human shit stain, like Stinky, to blame anyone but the violent black criminal with the already illegal firearm but that is exactly what Stinky is. A subhuman shit stain.

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Factory Bastard
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Stink says we need more laws about guns because a black criminal illegally had a gun and shot a white woman illegally simply because she was crossing a street in a cross walk. Wait... Why did the black criminal simply ignore the existing gun laws and how would even more gun laws prevent that kind of illegal law breaking?

Also why does she vote for the party who declares black criminals should never be held responsible for breaking the law simply because they are black? I mean most gun crime, violent crimes, and murder is committed by black criminals so surely she would want dangerous criminals like that went to prison, no? Sadly, Lotusbutt is to stupid to figure any of this out. She is literally just a waste of space.