Feeling cute and it's looking like I'll be going on another luxury cruise in March


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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He's a race baiter.
There are so many programs out there to help his kind, too bad he's too frightened of knowledge.



Domestically feral
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United states
After all the years you known and been Pegging Stubby, I would think you'd be acclimated to it by now.

Me pegging Biggie would be 100 percent a hetro act. Any sex acts involving opposite sex partners is hetro.

I'm acclimated to gayness moreso because of the women I've had sex with. Not so much because of the men.....yanno.


Domestically feral
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United states
Of Course it is, if Stubby says so, it is so.


Facts say it is.

If it involves opposite sex partners...it cannot be gay.

Is it gay if I give a blowjob, since gay men blow eachother?

Is it gay if I experience temporary insanity and let a man fuck me in the ass (since gay men fuck in eachother in the ass)?

Is a man acting the part of a lesbian if he goes down on me?

Gay means Biggie wouldnt be getting pegged by a woman. No gay man would want a plastic dick rammed up his ass by a woman.....he would be fucked by an actual man with a real dick.

If its between a man and woman....its not gay at all. It's very very hetro. And that's not because Biggie says so.....its because thems the facts. It's not the act itself that makes something gay. It's the biological sex of the people doing the act that make it gay or straight.

Glad we could have this talk :D


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Facts say it is.

If it involves opposite sex partners...it cannot be gay.

Is it gay if I give a blowjob, since gay men blow eachother?

Is it gay if I experience temporary insanity and let a man fuck me in the ass (since gay men fuck in eachother in the ass)?

Is a man acting the part of a lesbian if he goes down on me?

Gay means Biggie wouldnt be getting pegged by a woman. No gay man would want a plastic dick rammed up his ass by a woman.....he would be fucked by an actual man with a real dick.

If its between a man and woman....its not gay at all. It's very very hetro. And that's not because Biggie says so.....its because thems the facts. It's not the act itself that makes something gay. It's the biological sex of the people doing the act that make it gay or straight.

Glad we could have this talk :D
TLDR, What's the largest Dildo Stubby has been able to take?


Domestically feral
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United states
If its gay for a man to enjoy WOMEN fucking him in the ass with anything from a finger to a dildo.....than its JUST as gay for him to like a blowjob from a woman.

Since gay men love to stick their dicks in eachothers mouths

See how much sense that makes?


Domestically feral
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United states
TLDR, What's the largest Dildo Stubby has been able to take?

No you dont.

Dont you guys support sex education?

See Admin me pegging Biggie would be a totally hetro sex act since I'm a woman having sex with a man.

You asking how much he can take? Eeehhhh that's kinda gay, my friend.

Something youd like to tell me?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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No you dont.

Dont you guys support sex education?

See Admin me pegging Biggie would be a totally hetro sex act since I'm a woman having sex with a man.

You asking how much he can take? Eeehhhh that's kinda gay, my friend.

Something youd like to tell me?
I believe the Red States have it right, NO SEX EDUCATION OF ANY KIND! </Sarcasm>


Domestically feral
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United states
Stop asking! She'll probably answer after all it's hetero that he likes a dildo stuffed up his ass.

If he only allows them to stuffed in his ass by women than yes Oak.....that's hetro.

Do we need the dictionary?

You guys are adorable. Look at you! All sweet and pure and innocent. And supporting flat out unhinged depravity in elementary schools of all places.

Make it make sense lol
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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lmao -- admin must be lusting and drooling all over himself reading this thread

imagining himself and alphoso in Murdy's sex dungeon


Domestically feral
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United states
I actually think....and I know a lot of others that agree...all over the politcal spectrum that we should have an age and development appropriate ongoing health class that follows the basic curriculum.

So teaching children about their bodies and health should be a thing. It should start in kindergarten and involve diet and exercise and what body parts we have.

And as the kids get older to puberty age continue on and involve evidence based sexual health education taught by a nurse. NOT ideological pornographic trash taught by activist teachers that shoves graphic and vile descriptions of young boys sucking off grown men down their throats via these gross and degrading books.

Or teaching vulnerable and impressionable youth that people can be born into the wrong bodies.

Do you have any idea the struggle young girls already go through during puberty hating their bodies as it is? Promoting self harm in the name of "acceptance" and pushing a full blown religion in classrooms is NOT sex education. Its warped politcal activism.

It disturbs me to see grown people so radicalized they cannot even identify when something crossed the boundaries of evidence based science into a cult.

You guys show you are incapable of having an adult discussion about a very serious topic involving youth and the civil rights of entire groups of people (women and homosexuals) because you are too mentally locked into a destructive and divisive mentality where you believe your greatest and only threat are people who disagree with your politcal party.

Anyway. If I pegged Biggie....it would he completely hetro. It would only be gay if he wanted a man to fuck him.

I mean....as a red state supporter I seem to know more about sexuality than the progs.. .not a shocker.


Domestically feral
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United states
Hearing about how she pegged him is not sex education.

And no one is saying it is. The education (as any reader who isnt interested in gaslighting or using fallacies which is what you just did and do all the time) part is explaining why a sex act between a man and a woman cannot be gay.

I'm not sure if you understood and are intentionally using NPD tactics or if you really are not as educated as you believe you are.

Educated people can typically identify and avoid fallacies and sophistry. Even a non college educated peasent could read this and understand the education part is NOT the "Dovey pegging Biggie" part. Js. The education part is what makes something gay or not gay.


Domestically feral
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United states
hahahahahaha the irony is on a firesale today :LOL3:

No kidding.

I like when thry defend and support the system.....after showing they believe the whole thing is racist AF.

Oak thinks black single mothers on the system who are genuinely stuck there are just lazy. No joke lol

I'm not sure what she REALLY thinks. I'm pretty sure that because they view me as a Republican that anything I say they have to take the opposite on.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Admin seems really really interested in pegging and gay cruising

Could this have anything to do with his time spent in the navy?
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I have the shit pusher on ignore.

Is he still drooling at the thought of pegging?