First Republic Bank on verge of collapse



Factory Bastard
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They're only $3 a share so it might be a good buy @Garraty_47

$300 for 100 shares? Might be worth the risk.

Trouble is, the handlers of the so called free market might suspend trading before it opens tomorrow

It's 'free market' when they make money and it isn't when the average investor does

Typical gambling casino tactics.

The 'House' would rather that the ordinary investor not make too much.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
They're only $3 a share so it might be a good buy @Garraty_47

$300 for 100 shares? Might be worth the risk.

Trouble is, the handlers of the so called free market might suspend trading before it opens tomorrow

It's 'free market' when they make money and it isn't when the average investor does

Typical gambling house tactis.
Not too many things in life are "Free Trade" It's more a concept or theory(Libertarian fantasy) for comparative heuristics as an example.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Not too many things in life are "Free Trade" It's more a concept or theory(Libertarian fantasy) for comparative heuristics as an example.
yes if it were truly free, there probably wouldnt be any budget deficits either.

Too many corporations, lobbyists, special interests groups CEOs being paid off, eh?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
What did FSB have on Killary?

Actually stocks like this can pay off big on rare occasions, if someone is willing to gamble....a few bucks.

I think the major reason poverty exists just about everywhere is that it empowers the rich.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Not sure why I got tagged but...

I would never fuck with banking or other financials not because there isn't money to be made but because I'd rather douse them with gasoline and shoot bottle rockets at them until they go *FOOSH*.

Wall Street isn't a casino. How many casinos are you aware of that if someone loses too much money the house steps in to apologize and give their money back?

Wall Street is capitalism in a nutshell:
Privatize the profits but socialize the costs and risks.
It's a fucking scam; an engine for transferring wealth upward into a very few hands.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Not sure why I got tagged but...

I would never fuck with banking or other financials not because there isn't money to be made but because I'd rather douse them with gasoline and shoot bottle rockets at them until they go *FOOSH*.

Wall Street isn't a casino. How many casinos are you aware of that if someone loses too much money the house steps in to apologize and give their money back?

Wall Street is capitalism in a nutshell:
Privatize the profits but socialize the costs and risks.
It's a fucking scam; an engine for transferring wealth upward into a very few hands.
Right at this moment FEMA and probably some us military, and I assume several florida emergency services are in South East Florida offering aid to the tornado damaged peeps....
fookin government! amirite?



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Oh, the more I see of Wall Street/Stock Market, the more I'm convinced that it's just another form of gambling albeit a highly manipulated one.

Professional gamblers who actually make money have told me that gmabling parlors, horse races, etc are similarly fixed.

That being said, there's an absurdity about workers pouring their money into401k plans in the belieft that they are 'saving' for retirement by investing these savings into the stock market. It is not a tpical savings account that pays guaranteed anual interest. It is a trading account with no guarantee of returns.

I mean...haven't we been there before with the 1929 stock market crash?
That's what people did back then too. Poured all their money into the stock market thinking that it would pay for their retirement and their kids' college educations. It was exactly the same mentality but still many people are falling into that very same trap in 2023.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Oh, the more I see of Wall Street/Stock Market, the more I'm convinced that it's just another form of gambling albeit a highly manipulated one.

Professional gamblers who actually make money have told me that gmabling parlors, horse races, etc are similarly fixed.

That being said, there's an absurdity about workers pouring their money into401k plans in the belieft that they are 'saving' for retirement by investing these savings into the stock market. It is not a tpical savings account that pays guaranteed anual interest. It is a trading account with no guarantee of returns.

I mean...haven't we been there before with the 1929 stock market crash?
That's what people did back then too. Poured all their money into the stock market thinking that it would pay for their retirement and their kids' college educations. It was exactly the same mentality but still many people are falling into that very same trap in 2023.

@Joe Now compare returns between the stock market and a savings account in a bank.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@Joe Now compare returns between the stock market and a savings account in a bank.


But there are times to invest and to times to pull out.

Wouldn't you agree?

The last decade were the glory years.

But now doesn't seem like tis the season or moment to invest.

There may well be at least 1 more economic boom in the future, but I don't think it's now. @The Prowler

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
But there are times to invest and to times to pull out.

@Joe There are a lot of good, solid stocks right now.

@Joe You were on here within the last few years talking about P/E Ratios and how they are too high (i.e. prices are too high).

@Joe Well if you truly believed and understood that, they why are you not looking at stock like Wajax Corporation (WJX.TO) 7.27, Canfor Corporation (CFP.TO) 3.17, Manulife Financial Corporation (MFC.TO) 7.27, etc. etc. etc. etc. when the P/E Ratios are so low (i.e. prices are low)?

@Joe Can you answer that question, or are you going to go off on a tangent because you cannot find a YouTuber who will answer it for you?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@Joe There are a lot of good, solid stocks right now.

@Joe You were on here within the last few years talking about P/E Ratios and how they are too high (i.e. prices are too high).

@Joe Well if you truly believed and understood that, they why are you not looking at stock like Wajax Corporation (WJX.TO) 7.27, Canfor Corporation (CFP.TO) 3.17, Manulife Financial Corporation (MFC.TO) 7.27, etc. etc. etc. etc. when the P/E Ratios are so low (i.e. prices are low)?

@Joe Can you answer that question, or are you going to go off on a tangent because you cannot find a YouTuber who will answer it for you?
I'd like to dive in at some point @The Prowler, but not now.

All I seem to hear right now on YouTube (even from the wealthiest and most successful investors0 is fear.

Almost 10 for 10 they're advising ordinary folk like myself to sit out and wait for a better environment to invest in.

Word I keep hearing is that a recession and stock market correction is on the horizon.

At best, the top investors say it will merely stagnate for the remainder of the decade.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I'd like to dive in at some point @The Prowler, but not now.

All I seem to hear right now on YouTube (even from the wealthiest and most successful investors0 is fear.

Almost 10 for 10 they're advising ordinary folk like myself to sit out and wait for a better environment to invest in.

Word I keep hearing is that a recession and stock market correction is on the horizon.

At best, the top investors say it will merely stagnate for the remainder of the decade.

@Joe You imply that they (Wall Street) are out to screw the ordinary folk like you, and then you follow their instructions to the letter when they tell you to sit on the sidelines.

@Joe I am making 5-10% returns in dividends on most of my portfolio.

@Joe How much are you making in your savings account?

@Joe Be honest. @Joe what is your Net Worth? Just give me an estimate. Is it $1-2mil? $2-5 mil? $5-10 mil?

@Joe It is hard to discuss investing with a guy who talks about investing $300 as you did earlier. It seems a little out-of-touch.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Perhaps you know something I don’t @The Prowler

However its just personal preference to sit on the sidelines to see where the market is headed.

But im not going to throw $20,000 into the market at what I feel is the wrong time. Im interested but not at the moment. As you’re probably aware we are in uncertain economic times Prowler.

You know the expression - "No Sense in throwing good money after bad."

And they've come off a long bull market which inevitably is followed by a bear. From a layman's POV I just figger they run outta money during the current economic cycle, and therefore need time to build up investment capital to create the next boom cycle. So of course that'll take a number of years to turn the situation around.

Any event it would be interesting to revisit this thread in 1 to 2 years to see where the markets are at that time
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Not sure why I got tagged but...

I would never fuck with banking or other financials not because there isn't money to be made but because I'd rather douse them with gasoline and shoot bottle rockets at them until they go *FOOSH*.

Wall Street isn't a casino. How many casinos are you aware of that if someone loses too much money the house steps in to apologize and give their money back?

Wall Street is capitalism in a nutshell:
Privatize the profits but socialize the costs and risks.
It's a fucking scam; an engine for transferring wealth upward into a very few hands.
Sorry I mistook Admin for you.

My apologies.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard

@Joe This guys is a stooge.

@Joe He said early in the video 0:42 that he has been warning people about FR Bank. Then why was be not shorting the stock?

@Joe At around 4:26 he says that it is outrageous that the FDIC has agreed to share some potential losses on some residential and commercial loans with JP Morgan. That is because JP Morgan is bailing the FDIC out on some of the bad debt that they have insured. If the FDIC does not agree to it, then JP Morgan would not be making the deal.

@Joe At the end of this he is just a Chicken Little running around telling you to worry, but offering no opinion on a solution.

@Joe Where do you find these losers?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@Joe This guys is a stooge.

@Joe He said early in the video 0:42 that he has been warning people about FR Bank. Then why was be not shorting the stock?

@Joe At around 4:26 he says that it is outrageous that the FDIC has agreed to share some potential losses on some residential and commercial loans with JP Morgan. That is because JP Morgan is bailing the FDIC out on some of the bad debt that they have insured. If the FDIC does not agree to it, then JP Morgan would not be making the deal.

@Joe At the end of this he is just a Chicken Little running around telling you to worry, but offering no opinion on a solution.

@Joe Where do you find these losers?

Dooohhh! LOL @The Prowler !

So ya didn't like what the guy said, eh? Good. Say what you think.

I never said he was right nor that anything you see on the Interent or YouTube is correct.

I just try ta glean what I can from diverse sources try ta find a pattern, come up with a consensus and then reach my own conclusions.

maybe you're right and they're wrong. I'm not sure who is right or wrong anymore cuz there's so much spin and fake news going around in general.

yet I think it's good to entertain different POV and then you reach your own set of conclusions.

Whatever the POV there seems to be a general sentiment that the economy isn't in great shape these days and that if it is a bellweather, the market is also precarious as well.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I just try ta glean what I can from diverse sources try ta find a pattern, come up with a consensus and then reach my own conclusions.

@Joe What a dishonest and stupid thing to say.

@Joe There would be no need to "come up with a consensus" if you were going to reach your own conclusions.

@Joe You seem to think every truth is the most popular opinion.

@Joe You are a weak-minded little sheep who is happy to be led to slaughter as long as you have a lot of company.

@Joe Be honest. @Joe what is your Net Worth? Just give me an estimate. Is it $1-2mil? $2-5 mil? $5-10 mil?

@Joe Fess up. After decades of worrying about your financial position; after decades of it being one of the main focuses of your attention: Where do you stand?


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
The stock market has always been an insiders gambling scheme. It's not the free market.

I made the decision when I was a teen to never participate in the scam.

Maybe I would have temporarily made out, but likely I'd be in the exact same place when I die as when I was born.... none the richer, and just a swaddling of cloth wrapped around me.

My conscience will be clear.

Trading unquantifiable things which unquantifiable entities decide the value of in shadowy back room deals or summits is the epitome of slavery, should you eagerly sign up for an account.
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The Prowler

Factory Bastard
The stock market has always been an insiders gambling scheme. It's not the free market.

I made the decision when I was a teen to never participate in the scam.

Maybe I would have temporarily made out, but likely I'd be in the exact same place when I die as when I was born.... none the richer, and just a swaddling of cloth wrapped around me.

My conscience will be clear.

Trading unquantifiable things which unquantifiable entities decide the value of in shadowy back room deals or summits is the epitome of slavery, should you eagerly sign up for an account.

I invest in solid companies that provide desirable goods and/or services and make a healthy profit. They exist to everyone's benefit.

And Pfizer. Because it makes @Joe cry.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I invest in solid companies that provide desirable goods and/or services and make a healthy profit. They exist to everyone's benefit.

And Pfizer. Because it makes @Joe cry.

It's all going to crash again and severely. Whether in our lifetimes or our children's, it's just a natural and repetitive cycle in the concept of human greed.

Not yours... you're just investing as a bricks and mortar investor.

Build a system that's too big to fail, then fail it intentionally, get bailed out, pass the loss to the bricks and mortar customers, and start a NEW system... wash, rinse, repeat.

There is no sound money except physical commodities and goods in hand.

You can argue against me any way you like, but my observation stands the test of time and cycles.
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Factory Bastard
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Exactly why I rarely use credit cards. Cash only. No Stock market investments. Gold Silver Copper is where my extra goes. For the last 23 years


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
Exactly why I rarely use credit cards. Cash only. No Stock market investments. Gold Silver Copper is where my extra goes. For the last 23 years
Oh keep quiet. I use a credit card for all my financial transactions and haven’t been hacked once. Plus my bank offers me full reimbursement in the event of a hack or swindle.

And we‘ve heard about your silver and fucking gold for donkey’s years. Fit a cork…or a pineapple for that matter. Your fucking currency is the fucking Costa Rican Colön for fuck sakes!



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Exactly why I rarely use credit cards. Cash only. No Stock market investments. Gold Silver Copper is where my extra goes. For the last 23 years

I wouldn't be to heavily into metals. Avoiding revolving credit lines is a good thing though.


Factory Bastard
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From 2011 to 2019 gold lost about 40% of its value. During the same period just having an index fund in the S&P 500 would have gotten you a steady ~10% with no loads and rock bottom fees. Hell, today you can get ~6.5% interest on a high yield savings account before we even talk about CDs.