Floriderp Sets Single Day Record For New Covids.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Did you seriously just quote yourself and reply? The fuck????????

Joe fucks up way worse than that in most of his posts.

I merely asked you to provide proof of the following statement:

Conservatives are, on average, much more generous with their wealth.

I would love to compare charitable receipts with you....

And you couldn't do it.

Therefore, I can only conclude, that you have made a spurious statement.

If we were in a formal debate or court of law, you would lose against me @The Prowler.

Mind you I have not stated whether your remark is TRUE or FALSE.

Just that you have been unable thus far, to prove or verify your statment.

So, for all in intents and purposes, you have lost this argument.
Oh look! josephine is a fukin Rhodes Scholar!!!

Well, it'd be like if I said,

"On average, MAGA/Trump supporters can't afford to buy a decent computer."

...but of course, that is spurious statement especially if I don't provide proof or any statistics that it is true, right? and of course, it isn't true.

That's just a person talking out of the side of their mouth taking a swipe at someone because they don't like their political leanings.
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Heres what this link sez:


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As individual donors, conservatives are hearty givers—as made clear in this graph, the one previous, and many other data sets.

When it comes to running foundations, though, liberals tend to control the reins.
Matched analyses of the major American foundations reported in the book The New Leviathan found 82 foundations whose staff took a clear conservative orientation in their giving, and 122 foundations whose staff operated with a clear liberal orientation. The conservative-controlled foundations had assets of $10 billion in 2010, from which they gave away $832 million annually. That same year, the liberal-controlled foundations had assets of $105 billion (more than ten times their conservative counterparts), and gave away $8.8 billion annually (11 times as much as conservative counterparts).

Many foundations end up espousing the priorities and orientations of their staff rather than the principles of the donor behind the foundation. As this has become more widely understood, some new foundations have made efforts to protect “donor intent” and be sure that funds are expended on causes compatible with the founder’s views. There has also been a sharp jump of interest in “sunset” foundations—which spend all their money relatively close to the donor’s lifetime, rather than existing in perpetuity, where capture by staff becomes almost inevitable. See the text accompanying Graph 18 for more details on sunsetting.

I have way more detailed statistics than that page.

And for more countries.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Anyway it doesn't matter who gives or how much. I don't know why political leanings matter. I met some really nice American conservatives who were very generous towards me. Some of the nicest people I met were Republicans & I remember them well. They did a lot for me & I appreciate what they did. It seems childish to be preoccupied with the ideology of the donor especially if it benefits everyone.

Well, welcome back Dr. Jekyll.

You just missed Mr. Hyde.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Look idiot, if you were in a formal debate or in a Court of Law, you'd lose your debate or case if you couldn't back up your statements

You're the one who's being childish.

If ya caint put up then Shut up, Fool!

Let us look back at where you went wrong....

....why does the benefactor's political leanings/ideology concern you @The Prowler? If a school, road, hospital or cultural center gets built does the donor's political leanings even matter?

Hey, if it does not matter to you, fine. Then it does not matter to you.

Anyways, do you have any stats to back up your claims?

You said it does not matter to you. Why would you want to see stats about something that does not matter to you?

You illogical fuckwad.

If you wanted to see the stats, then do not claim that they do not matter to you.

I have the stats for years 1990 through 2019 in a tab in my browser. They are quite interesting.

But since they do not matter to you....

I will keep them to myself.

No you brought up the political leaning of the donor not me.

So that must be important to you.

Evidently there have been large donations by liberals and conservatives in the United States and elsewhere which have benefited others regardless of race, religion or political leanings and without preference.

Just leave it at that.

Who cares where it came from as long as these donations yield tangible results.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Funny that millions around the world are banking on that one mask, then two masks, maybe three. One vaccine, then two vaccines and a booster, plus a mask...

Last time I checked, Dr. FullofShit isn't my primary and Mr. Joe(not my President) Biden has not ever put his "MANDATORY" on the books proper.

You poor people are seriously in trouble.
I'm sorry for you sheep. Truly.

I question the quality of the vaccine products out there right now.

I don't think they're gonna get rid of the Pandemic with Pfizer. 4 people I know came down with COVID this Christmas. They were all vaccinated twice with Pfizer.

Better vaccines and products from other companies have to be introduced to get the Pandemic under control.

Pfizer and even Moderna don't cut it.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Joe is getting this thread back on track.

Better vaccines and products from other companies have to be introduced to get the Pandemic under control.

There is a problem with your logic, Joe.

Can you see it?

Here, I will try to help:

Better vaccines and products from other companies have to be introduced to get the Pandemic under control.

Now do you see it?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Joe is getting this thread back on track.

Better vaccines and products from other companies have to be introduced to get the Pandemic under control.

There is a problem with your logic, Joe.

Can you see it?

Here, I will try to help:

Better vaccines and products from other companies have to be introduced to get the Pandemic under control.

Now do you see it?

When a vaccine develiped a poor essentially 2nd/3rd world country like Cuba is starting to deliver better results than Pfizer then I start to question the efficacy of their vaccines.

If Cuba's not for profit vaccine ends up being the better product then the world oughta be able to ditch Pfizer for the Cuban one.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Joe is getting this thread back on track.

Better vaccines and products from other companies have to be introduced to get the Pandemic under control.

There is a problem with your logic, Joe.

Can you see it?

Here, I will try to help:

Better vaccines and products from other companies have to be introduced to get the Pandemic under control.

Now do you see it?

When a vaccine develiped a poor essentially 2nd/3rd world country like Cuba is starting to deliver better results than Pfizer then I start to question the efficacy of their vaccines.

If Cuba's not for profit vaccine ends up being the better product then the world oughta be able to ditch Pfizer for the Cuban one.
Do you see the problem with your logic?

You think that better vaccines and products have to be introduced to get the Pandemic under control.

That is your opinion. So nothing wrong with it. But then you went and qualified it without any good reasoning. Do you see what you did?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Anyway it doesn't matter who gives or how much. I don't know why political leanings matter. I met some really nice American conservatives who were very generous towards me. Some of the nicest people I met were Republicans & I remember them well. They did a lot for me & I appreciate what they did. It seems childish to be preoccupied with the ideology of the donor especially if it benefits everyone.

It does matter, Joe. If conservatives didnt exist, Lord knows where I would be today. Stuck on some state maintenance program hating myself.

Fucking scares me to think about.

You know what else scares me to think about? I was what would be a called a gender nonconforming child. I wanted my hair hacked off. I was never into girly stuff ever. Most of my child hood friends were boys. I played on the all boy soccer team up until puberty when the school made me stop and join Home Ec with the other girls. And I was depressed about it. AND humiliated. I legit begged to bind my breasts so I could continue to play soccer. The boys on the team were even upset. They literally said "shes not a normal girl. We need her back" lol. My own mother admits she was expecting me to be GAY.

If that were today? I'd have been "socially transitioned", given he/him pronouns and treated as a boy. I'd have been fucked in the head from being told I was a boy. We have no tomboys any more. They are all getting "top surgery" because in todays world we have very strict and rigid gender roles and if you dont fit one you must be the other.

That fucking scares me. My first two daughters are not these feminine little flowers either. Thank God Squish is and I wont have to deal with any of that mess in my house.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Joe is getting this thread back on track.

Better vaccines and products from other companies have to be introduced to get the Pandemic under control.

There is a problem with your logic, Joe.

Can you see it?

Here, I will try to help:

Better vaccines and products from other companies have to be introduced to get the Pandemic under control.

Now do you see it?

When a vaccine develiped a poor essentially 2nd/3rd world country like Cuba is starting to deliver better results than Pfizer then I start to question the efficacy of their vaccines.

If Cuba's not for profit vaccine ends up being the better product then the world oughta be able to ditch Pfizer for the Cuban one.
Do you see the problem with your logic?

You think that better vaccines and products have to be introduced to get the Pandemic under control.

That is your opinion. So nothing wrong with it. But then you went and qualified it without any good reasoning. Do you see what you did?

@The Prowler -

....and yet I wonder why Cuba has greatly reduced COVID infections & deaths using its own homegrown vaccine while Florida just 90 miles away has seen a surge in its covid caseload where they have vaccinated a large % of their population using Pfizer & other vaccines.

Given this disparity it is not poor or unsound reasoning to investigate the possibility that vaccines other than Pfizer may or will be more effective at combating COVID. This is not a definite conclusion but given Cuba's recent success it is certainly worth looking into.

So yes my reasoning tho not conclusive, is sound based upon actual events and recent vaccination campaigns in Cuba and the United States whose success rates/data can be measured, analyzed & compared.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
....why does the benefactor's political leanings/ideology concern you @The Prowler? If a school, road, hospital or cultural center gets built does the donor's political leanings even matter?

Oh, okay, then I guess the donor's political leaning are not of concern or interest.

Immediate Contradiction Alert!!!!
Anyways, do you have any stats to back up your claims?

So you make the point that political leanings/ideology of donors should not be a concern.

And then you want me to show statistics on political leanings/ideology of donors.


No...you made a statement that Conservatives are more generous than liberals. I don't know if this is true or not. But if you made that claim you ought to be able to back it up.

It actually is true and has been true for years.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
....why does the benefactor's political leanings/ideology concern you @The Prowler? If a school, road, hospital or cultural center gets built does the donor's political leanings even matter?

Oh, okay, then I guess the donor's political leaning are not of concern or interest.

Immediate Contradiction Alert!!!!
Anyways, do you have any stats to back up your claims?

So you make the point that political leanings/ideology of donors should not be a concern.

And then you want me to show statistics on political leanings/ideology of donors.


No...you made a statement that Conservatives are more generous than liberals. I don't know if this is true or not. But if you made that claim you ought to be able to back it up.

It actually is true and has been true for years.

I wonder in the United States why it matters so much which political persuasion contribute to projects which may benefit everyone. We dont care in Canada if a liberal or conservative contributes millions of dollars to public projects such as healthcare. Just how many lives can be saved by these donations. The only thing they get in return are hospitals or foundations named after them for which most people left or right are grateful.

I guess extreme political partisanship infects every aspect of American life.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
....why does the benefactor's political leanings/ideology concern you @The Prowler? If a school, road, hospital or cultural center gets built does the donor's political leanings even matter?

Oh, okay, then I guess the donor's political leaning are not of concern or interest.

Immediate Contradiction Alert!!!!
Anyways, do you have any stats to back up your claims?

So you make the point that political leanings/ideology of donors should not be a concern.

And then you want me to show statistics on political leanings/ideology of donors.


No...you made a statement that Conservatives are more generous than liberals. I don't know if this is true or not. But if you made that claim you ought to be able to back it up.

It actually is true and has been true for years.

I wonder in the United States why it matters so much which political persuasion contribute to projects which may benefit everyone. We dont care in Canada if a liberal or conservative contributes millions of dollars to public projects such as healthcare. Just how many lives can be saved by these donations. The only thing they get in return are hospitals or foundations named after them for which most people left or right are grateful.

I guess extreme political partisanship infects every aspect of American life.

It matters because the side that doesnt do shit except waste money on politics is constantly trying to berate the side that actually does all the charity.

And they talk about taxing the church and taking more taxes for bad socail programs and if they do that....it take AWAY from the people conservatives are helping and goes to politicains and pork.

That's why it matters. Its also been the left who spits out radical activists who have said for years that everything is political. So .. .now everything is political.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
You know what else scares me to think about? I was what would be a called a gender nonconforming child. I wanted my hair hacked off. I was never into girly stuff ever.

You know, when I think about, 2 out of 3 of my sisters were Tom Boys. Maybe not to the same extent as you, but they were real sporty girls. Each played several competitive sports. One even played university varsity women's hockey when women's hockey was a brand new thing.

The funny thing is, both of them are easily offended left-leaning almost SJW-type people. I gotta remember to remind them that if they grew up now, they would be questioning (and pressured into questioning) whether they are a boy or a girl.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
....and yet I wonder why Cuba has greatly reduced COVID infections & deaths using its own homegrown vaccine while Florida just 90 miles away has seen a surge in its covid caseload where they have vaccinated a large % of their population using Pfizer & other vaccines.

Given this disparity it is not poor or unsound reasoning to investigate the possibility that vaccines other than Pfizer may or will be more effective at combating COVID. This is not a definite conclusion but given Cuba's recent success it is certainly worth looking into.

So yes my reasoning tho not conclusive, is sound based upon actual events and recent vaccination campaigns in Cuba and the United States whose success rates/data can be measured, analyzed & compared.

So you contend that it is impossible for Pfizer or Moderna to develop a new, effective treatment, or a new preventative medicine, for Covid-19?

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
It actually is true and has been true for years.

The problem with Joe is that he is a contradicting, illogical fucktard.

He says it is not something that people should be concerned with.....and then he asks for the stats.

Why would someone want stats on something that nobody should be concerned with?

There is not a good answer.

If there is a good answer, then it disproves the notion that it is not something that people should be concerned with. Which then invalidates the question (because the "nobody should be concerned with" condition is not met)...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
....and yet I wonder why Cuba has greatly reduced COVID infections & deaths using its own homegrown vaccine while Florida just 90 miles away has seen a surge in its covid caseload where they have vaccinated a large % of their population using Pfizer & other vaccines.

Given this disparity it is not poor or unsound reasoning to investigate the possibility that vaccines other than Pfizer may or will be more effective at combating COVID. This is not a definite conclusion but given Cuba's recent success it is certainly worth looking into.

So yes my reasoning tho not conclusive, is sound based upon actual events and recent vaccination campaigns in Cuba and the United States whose success rates/data can be measured, analyzed & compared.

So you contend that it is impossible for Pfizer or Moderna to develop a new, effective treatment, or a new preventative medicine, for Covid-19?

It's possible but neither has developed or released a better vaccine thus far.

I am a recipient of the mRNA based Moderna vaccine who has experienced minor tho not adverse side effects from it. Therefore given my own experience I neither criticize nor encourage anti vaxxers about getting the vaccine.

Personally I feel the Moderna vaccine affected or altered my body & for that reason I don't want to get a booster shot from them. And the side effects become more noticeable with each dose I received from them.

So I am researching alternatives to the current crop of vaccines such as Moderna & Pfizer.

And I do not feel that the concerns or fears of anti vaxxers are unreasonable. But they should be careful and take precautions if they don't wanna vaxx.

I don't trust these MRNA vaccines to continually vaxx with booster shots.
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The Prowler

Factory Bastard
So you contend that it is impossible for Pfizer or Moderna to develop a new, effective treatment, or a new preventative medicine, for Covid-19?

It's possible

Okay, then you should not have said this:
Better vaccines and products from other companies have to be introduced to get the Pandemic under control.

You should have said this:

"Better vaccines and products have to be introduced to get the Pandemic under control."

Just leave out the phrase "from other companies" because you believe that it does not have to be from other companies; you believe it could be from Pfizer or Moderna.

You seem to say a lot of things that contradict what you actually believe.

I am only trying to help you be an effective communicator, Joe.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Okay, then you should not have said this:
Better vaccines and products from other companies have to be introduced to get the Pandemic under control.

You should have said this:

"Better vaccines and products have to be introduced to get the Pandemic under control."

Just leave out the phrase "from other companies" because you believe that it does not have to be from other companies; you believe it could be from Pfizer or Moderna.

You seem to say a lot of things that contradict what you actually believe.

Why should I reword my sentence @The Prowler ?

Actually what I advocate is what any true free enterprise conservative Capitalist would - more competition. Are you not aware that more competition might force Pfizer or Moderna to produce better products and lower their prices?

This might be to the detriment of shareholders who want Dutch tulip prices for their big pharma shares to continue forever, but it may also be for the benefit and the greater good of the many.

And with more vaccines available they offer greater choice for the consumer.

Isn't that what capitalism is about?

Sure it's possible that Pfizer or Moderna may release better vaccines in the near future but there is no guarantee it will happen anytime soon. I haven't heard about any new vaccines from them. Have you? And will they be safer than their previous products?

Currently there are at least 2 other promising vaccine candidates - Novavax from the USA and Medicago from Canada. Cuba's homegrown vaccines show great promise but the possibility of them ever being introduced into the United States is slim given the strained relations between the 2 countries.

And yes politics and collusion' does play a key role in which vaccines are approved in our supposedly 'free' Capitalist market.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You know what else scares me to think about? I was what would be a called a gender nonconforming child. I wanted my hair hacked off. I was never into girly stuff ever.

You know, when I think about, 2 out of 3 of my sisters were Tom Boys. Maybe not to the same extent as you, but they were real sporty girls. Each played several competitive sports. One even played university varsity women's hockey when women's hockey was a brand new thing.

The funny thing is, both of them are easily offended left-leaning almost SJW-type people. I gotta remember to remind them that if they grew up now, they would be questioning (and pressured into questioning) whether they are a boy or a girl.

It really does unsettle me to think about. Had i been the same girl today I would be told and led to believe I was a boy.

See what they do? Instead of expanding what feminity and masculinity mean....they shrink it down and make those gender roles even LESS forgiving.

I'm just as much a woman as any other, I just am who I am. My girls were still girls even if they didnt like dolls or fluff or make up.

It's just ridiculous. Maybe if we had lived in an area with more girls i would have had more girl friends as a child. It just so happened there were mostly boys....so i either played with them or didnt have any one to play with at all.

I certainly made more female friends as I grew up.

I could tell my little girl shes really a boy inside and she would believe me and it would be like raping her soul. I think parents who do this shit are cruel and abusive.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You know, when I think about, 2 out of 3 of my sisters were Tom Boys. Maybe not to the same extent as you, but they were real sporty girls. Each played several competitive sports. One even played university varsity women's hockey when women's hockey was a brand new thing.

I like watching top notch women's international ice hockey like at the Olympics. They have acquired the finesse & skills which are sorely lacking in the Men's game now. That is - swift skating, passing, stick handling, end to end rushing. Less dirty play.

The men's game often looks so slow & dorky now. No flow to this 'new game'. The NHL has turned into a sad joke & just a pale shadow of its past greatness. If there is a professional sport which badly craves reform the NHL is it.

The NHL only exists now for the benefit of sports betting. Teams like the Las Vegas Golden Knights are a front for gambling interests.
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The Prowler

Factory Bastard
You know, when I think about, 2 out of 3 of my sisters were Tom Boys. Maybe not to the same extent as you, but they were real sporty girls. Each played several competitive sports. One even played university varsity women's hockey when women's hockey was a brand new thing.

I like watching top notch women's international ice hockey like at the Olympics. They have acquired the finesse & skills which are sorely lacking in the Men's game now. That is - swift skating, passing, stick handling, end to end rushing. Less dirty play.

The men's game often looks so slow & dorky now. No flow to this 'new game'. The NHL has turned into a sad joke & just a pale shadow of its past greatness. If there is a professional sport which badly craves reform the NHL is it.

The NHL only exists now for the benefit of sports betting. Teams like the Las Vegas Golden Knights are a front for gambling interests.
Women's hockey might appear faster to you, Joe, but I can guarantee it is not.

A good Minor Midget (16 y.o.) AAA boy's team could beat the top women's national hockey teams.

A couple years ago (before Covid) I refereed the Women's D1 College scoring champion in a mixed recreational league in my city. She was very, very good for a girl, but she was just an average player in this league - and it was a weak league of mostly 20-something year old ex-house league players.

In my 40's I played some summer hockey with top Canadian women players and I slowed my game down to make it more competitive.

And in an NHL level game!??!! Fuck, I would look like I was standing still. You have no fucking idea how fast those guys skate.

Here is a video with a good 16 year old boys team beating the USA National Women's Team 7-0 in 15 minutes and then tying 0-0 in the next 15 minutes because they were embarrassing the women.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You know, when I think about, 2 out of 3 of my sisters were Tom Boys. Maybe not to the same extent as you, but they were real sporty girls. Each played several competitive sports. One even played university varsity women's hockey when women's hockey was a brand new thing.

I like watching top notch women's international ice hockey like at the Olympics. They have acquired the finesse & skills which are sorely lacking in the Men's game now. That is - swift skating, passing, stick handling, end to end rushing. Less dirty play.

The men's game often looks so slow & dorky now. No flow to this 'new game'. The NHL has turned into a sad joke & just a pale shadow of its past greatness. If there is a professional sport which badly craves reform the NHL is it.

The NHL only exists now for the benefit of sports betting. Teams like the Las Vegas Golden Knights are a front for gambling interests.
Women's hockey might appear faster to you, Joe, but I can guarantee it is not.

A good Minor Midget (16 y.o.) AAA boy's team could beat the top women's national hockey teams.

A couple years ago (before Covid) I refereed the Women's D1 College scoring champion in a mixed recreational league in my city. She was very, very good for a girl, but she was just an average player in this league - and it was a weak league of mostly 20-something year old ex-house league players.

In my 40's I played some summer hockey with top Canadian women players and I slowed my game down to make it more competitive.

And in an NHL level game!??!! Fuck, I would look like I was standing still. You have no fucking idea how fast those guys skate.

Here is a video with a good 16 year old boys team beating the USA National Women's Team 7-0 in 15 minutes and then tying 0-0 in the next 15 minutes because they were embarrassing the women.

I think you're right on that Prowler. Men are bigger faster and stronger.

However what I don't like about today's men's professional game is it lacks flow and finesse. And I'm not the first person to remark on this either. I've seen other remark on this as well. Not sure what they can do - expand the size of the rink? This has been done before. Original NHL rink was only 150 ft.

There's not enough room on that ice anymore. I saw one overtimes & they took off 1 man to make it 4 on 4. Why can't they just make a bigger rink? The optimal size could be determined thru trial and error during exhibition games.

Also perhaps discorage dumping the puck by forcing players to pass it in which would be facilitated by a wider & longer rink size. Maybe make it an icing call? In football baseball soccer or basketball if the ball goes in the end zone play is dead.

Expand the size behind the net

The NHL will probably need to move towards outdoor games anyways in this post covid era. 20,000 people in a stadium spaced far apart in a covered semi outdoor 60,000 seat stadium may become the norm as it appears that it's now become unsafe to hold games indoors now with people too closely huddled together.

So a large stadium could definitely facilitate larger rink sizes without a loss of revenue. They had these outdoor games held in large outdoor stadiums before so they may as well make it the norm.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Why should I reword my sentence @The Prowler ?

Blah Blah Blah...

Because it in not what you believe. You should say what you actually believe.

That's exactly what I believe @The Prowler. Companies like Pfizer & Moderna need competition to up their game & improve their vaccines/products. This vaccination program should never have been about producing whopping profits for Pfizer & it's shareholders. In fact trading on those companies should not have been allowed during national emergencies like Pandemics because it's profiteering.

The Cuban and Canadian approach should have been devised instead with government funding & a national strategy to provide the best vaccines possible, not to boost share prices or pressure the FDA in doing Pfizer’s bidding.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
You know, when I think about, 2 out of 3 of my sisters were Tom Boys. Maybe not to the same extent as you, but they were real sporty girls. Each played several competitive sports. One even played university varsity women's hockey when women's hockey was a brand new thing.

I like watching top notch women's international ice hockey like at the Olympics. They have acquired the finesse & skills which are sorely lacking in the Men's game now. That is - swift skating, passing, stick handling, end to end rushing. Less dirty play.

The men's game often looks so slow & dorky now. No flow to this 'new game'. The NHL has turned into a sad joke & just a pale shadow of its past greatness. If there is a professional sport which badly craves reform the NHL is it.

The NHL only exists now for the benefit of sports betting. Teams like the Las Vegas Golden Knights are a front for gambling interests.
Women's hockey might appear faster to you, Joe, but I can guarantee it is not.

A good Minor Midget (16 y.o.) AAA boy's team could beat the top women's national hockey teams.

A couple years ago (before Covid) I refereed the Women's D1 College scoring champion in a mixed recreational league in my city. She was very, very good for a girl, but she was just an average player in this league - and it was a weak league of mostly 20-something year old ex-house league players.

In my 40's I played some summer hockey with top Canadian women players and I slowed my game down to make it more competitive.

And in an NHL level game!??!! Fuck, I would look like I was standing still. You have no fucking idea how fast those guys skate.

Here is a video with a good 16 year old boys team beating the USA National Women's Team 7-0 in 15 minutes and then tying 0-0 in the next 15 minutes because they were embarrassing the women.

I think you're right on that Prowler. Men are bigger faster and stronger.

However what I don't like about today's men's professional game is it lacks flow and finesse. And I'm not the first person to remark on this either. I've seen other remark on this as well. Not sure what they can do - expand the size of the rink? This has been done before. Original NHL rink was only 150 ft.

There's not enough room on that ice anymore. I saw one overtimes & they took off 1 man to make it 4 on 4. Why can't they just make a bigger rink? The optimal size could be determined thru trial and error during exhibition games.

Also perhaps discorage dumping the puck by forcing players to pass it in which would be facilitated by a wider & longer rink size. Maybe make it an icing call? In football baseball soccer or basketball if the ball goes in the end zone play is dead.

Expand the size behind the net

The NHL will probably need to move towards outdoor games anyways in this post covid era. 20,000 people in a stadium spaced far apart in a covered semi outdoor 60,000 seat stadium may become the norm as it appears that it's now become unsafe to hold games indoors now with people too closely huddled together.

So a large stadium could definitely facilitate larger rink sizes without a loss of revenue. They had these outdoor games held in large outdoor stadiums before so they may as well make it the norm.

I cannot comment on the NHL as I do not watch much NHL hockey.

It is too difficult to get the right ice conditions in the outdoors with the changing weather.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

So are you opposed to other vaccines from other companies or sources from entering the market @The Prowler? If you look at the numbers we still have the same number of covid deaths as last year.

And of course infection rates are soaring.

Plus the Pfizer doesn't seem to work that great. Breakthrough cases are common.

I know 4 people who came down with COVID...all in Christmas day. They had all double vaxxed with Pfizer.

There must be a better vaccine than that, Prowler.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
So are you

Blah blah blah

Do you understand the mistake you made that I pointed out earlier?

Honestly, why should I give any thought to a question you have now when you do not seem to understand simple English or basic logic?