Floriduh in the Covid thick of it again


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.

HHS Statewide COVID-19 Update:

Current Confirmed COVID-19 Hospitalizations: 14,787

Percent of Previous Peak (7/23/20): 145%

Inpatient Bed Utilization (all patients): 84.9%

Inpatient ICU Bed Utilization (adults): 89.7%

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Nobody gaf about all those dead and dying in agony people Lotus, Stubby's ER never has patients ever, and it maintains a 3 minute wait time! And I have to admit, that is luxurious!
Now it's 2 minutes

or it makes you feel better, 120 seconds

Yeah, they have this app I downloaded to my phone.

Luxury, it's not just in the cars I drive

Wait, it's luxurious to download an app to a phone? I had no idea. My phone does that too. I thought they all did.

Are you sure COVID didn't just kill your brain while leaving the rest of your body intact?

Like, fuck it, too much ground to cover here, bro, so let's just go after the smallest concentration of mass and be done with it

I hear COVID is intelligents like that


"Luxury, it's not just the cars I drive"


I guess you got the stupid fuck variant ages ago. Maybe you're patient fucking 0

And the fat girl variant rages on

I'm sorry you don't understand what you post. I can empathize with you though.
you know what the saddest thing about this exchange is?

No matter how many times I make run around in circles there's no way you'll ever fit into a size 5 dress

What's actually sad is your obsession with little girls' coochies and the thought of them being violated. It's worse than sad. It's depraved.
what's even sadder are your vitals

and the fact that as a woman over 50 you're sleeping on your mom's couch

Did I mention that my swimming pool is bigger than her entire house?

Luxury, when you can extend your arms and legs without finding your fingers in a neighbor's mouth

Sigh, I'm not Dovey.
Oh we know that.

She'd have to replicate about 500 times to reach your BMI

Right, because that makes sense.
Oh it doesn't ?

Produce a fucking thesis which I want on my desk by 9:00am sharp, gordita

ANd I want peer reviewed sources cited along with Imperial data constructs with jargon mechanisms and all that. None of that funny food label stuff either, shitforbrains


Go fuck yourself, sick fuck.

Nah, sickened.
Food poisoning could be fatal

better get your fat ass over to the ER.

and wait for like 6 hours


It's exchanging posts with a molester that's sickening. I should be shot for posting to you at all. I hope it's just fantasy and you haven't raped one of your nieces.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Iceland did it right.

Early in the pandemic last year, authorities limited travel to Iceland and got busy tracing contacts and quarantining exposed residents while also enforcing strong social-distancing measures. Mask-wearing was widespread and uncontroversial.

There were waves of infection, but they were never very bad. The first wave, in the spring of 2020, resulted in a few thousand confirmed cases. A second wave that fall added a few thousand more. Going into its third and most recent wave starting mid-July, the country had tallied
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(2 percent of the population) and
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(.008 percent).

Meanwhile, while Iceland was locking down, Americans
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to protest even the most modest social-distancing measures. Where Icelanders dutifully wore masks, right-wing media in the United States convinced millions of followers that masks were symbols of oppression.

Heading into this summer’s Delta surge, the United States had registered
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(10 percent of the population) and
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(.18 percent). Cases and deaths were an order of magnitude worse in the U.S. than in Iceland.

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cunt, when Trump wanted to limit travel, you called him racist. First thing I'd do if I ran America would be confiscate your bank account and let you be Portugals problem.

You want to have the power to steal a private citizen's money and you complain about taxation?

What level of slobbering freaking stupid are you?
The kind that would also line all you liberals against a wall and.......march you into a sealed room for a a Zyklon B bath.

The kind that wants to grift and grift and grift some more.
Like muh President, right tubby?

Do you have a combover as well or do you spit shine it?
Shaved, bitch.

Spit shine it is, asshole.
Shaved with a trimmer, idiot. Not a razor.
Male pattern baldness is one of the symptoms the ghey.

Provided by our resident SME on the "ghey"
*pats head* That's Nice Stubby.

*pats head*? is that ghey speak for you want to touch my penis? You fucking queer?

You're always talking about deviant sex. Damn

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Iceland did it right.

Early in the pandemic last year, authorities limited travel to Iceland and got busy tracing contacts and quarantining exposed residents while also enforcing strong social-distancing measures. Mask-wearing was widespread and uncontroversial.

There were waves of infection, but they were never very bad. The first wave, in the spring of 2020, resulted in a few thousand confirmed cases. A second wave that fall added a few thousand more. Going into its third and most recent wave starting mid-July, the country had tallied
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(2 percent of the population) and
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(.008 percent).

Meanwhile, while Iceland was locking down, Americans
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to protest even the most modest social-distancing measures. Where Icelanders dutifully wore masks, right-wing media in the United States convinced millions of followers that masks were symbols of oppression.

Heading into this summer’s Delta surge, the United States had registered
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(10 percent of the population) and
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(.18 percent). Cases and deaths were an order of magnitude worse in the U.S. than in Iceland.

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cunt, when Trump wanted to limit travel, you called him racist. First thing I'd do if I ran America would be confiscate your bank account and let you be Portugals problem.

You want to have the power to steal a private citizen's money and you complain about taxation?

What level of slobbering freaking stupid are you?
The kind that would also line all you liberals against a wall and.......march you into a sealed room for a a Zyklon B bath.

The kind that wants to grift and grift and grift some more.
Like muh President, right tubby?

Do you have a combover as well or do you spit shine it?
Shaved, bitch.

Spit shine it is, asshole.
Shaved with a trimmer, idiot. Not a razor.
Male pattern baldness is one of the symptoms the ghey.

Provided by our resident SME on the "ghey"
*pats head* That's Nice Stubby.

*pats head*? is that ghey speak for you want to touch my penis? You fucking queer?

You're always talking about deviant sex. Damn
channeling your uncle again?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Iceland did it right.

Early in the pandemic last year, authorities limited travel to Iceland and got busy tracing contacts and quarantining exposed residents while also enforcing strong social-distancing measures. Mask-wearing was widespread and uncontroversial.

There were waves of infection, but they were never very bad. The first wave, in the spring of 2020, resulted in a few thousand confirmed cases. A second wave that fall added a few thousand more. Going into its third and most recent wave starting mid-July, the country had tallied
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(2 percent of the population) and
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(.008 percent).

Meanwhile, while Iceland was locking down, Americans
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to protest even the most modest social-distancing measures. Where Icelanders dutifully wore masks, right-wing media in the United States convinced millions of followers that masks were symbols of oppression.

Heading into this summer’s Delta surge, the United States had registered
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(10 percent of the population) and
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(.18 percent). Cases and deaths were an order of magnitude worse in the U.S. than in Iceland.

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cunt, when Trump wanted to limit travel, you called him racist. First thing I'd do if I ran America would be confiscate your bank account and let you be Portugals problem.

You want to have the power to steal a private citizen's money and you complain about taxation?

What level of slobbering freaking stupid are you?
The kind that would also line all you liberals against a wall and.......march you into a sealed room for a a Zyklon B bath.

The kind that wants to grift and grift and grift some more.
Like muh President, right tubby?

Do you have a combover as well or do you spit shine it?
Shaved, bitch.

Spit shine it is, asshole.
Shaved with a trimmer, idiot. Not a razor.
Male pattern baldness is one of the symptoms the ghey.

Provided by our resident SME on the "ghey"
*pats head* That's Nice Stubby.

*pats head*? is that ghey speak for you want to touch my penis? You fucking queer?

You're always talking about deviant sex. Damn
I think must have been subjected to the worst inhumanity to a tiny boy imaginable, i think he is broken.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Iceland did it right.

Early in the pandemic last year, authorities limited travel to Iceland and got busy tracing contacts and quarantining exposed residents while also enforcing strong social-distancing measures. Mask-wearing was widespread and uncontroversial.

There were waves of infection, but they were never very bad. The first wave, in the spring of 2020, resulted in a few thousand confirmed cases. A second wave that fall added a few thousand more. Going into its third and most recent wave starting mid-July, the country had tallied
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(2 percent of the population) and
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(.008 percent).

Meanwhile, while Iceland was locking down, Americans
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to protest even the most modest social-distancing measures. Where Icelanders dutifully wore masks, right-wing media in the United States convinced millions of followers that masks were symbols of oppression.

Heading into this summer’s Delta surge, the United States had registered
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(10 percent of the population) and
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(.18 percent). Cases and deaths were an order of magnitude worse in the U.S. than in Iceland.

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cunt, when Trump wanted to limit travel, you called him racist. First thing I'd do if I ran America would be confiscate your bank account and let you be Portugals problem.

You want to have the power to steal a private citizen's money and you complain about taxation?

What level of slobbering freaking stupid are you?
The kind that would also line all you liberals against a wall and.......march you into a sealed room for a a Zyklon B bath.

The kind that wants to grift and grift and grift some more.
Like muh President, right tubby?

Do you have a combover as well or do you spit shine it?
Shaved, bitch.

Spit shine it is, asshole.
Shaved with a trimmer, idiot. Not a razor.
Male pattern baldness is one of the symptoms the ghey.

Provided by our resident SME on the "ghey"
*pats head* That's Nice Stubby.

*pats head*? is that ghey speak for you want to touch my penis? You fucking queer?

You're always talking about deviant sex. Damn
I think must have been subjected to the worst inhumanity to a tiny boy imaginable, i think he is broken.

I thought he was a closet case. I didn't know he was also into child incest.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Iceland did it right.

Early in the pandemic last year, authorities limited travel to Iceland and got busy tracing contacts and quarantining exposed residents while also enforcing strong social-distancing measures. Mask-wearing was widespread and uncontroversial.

There were waves of infection, but they were never very bad. The first wave, in the spring of 2020, resulted in a few thousand confirmed cases. A second wave that fall added a few thousand more. Going into its third and most recent wave starting mid-July, the country had tallied
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(2 percent of the population) and
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(.008 percent).

Meanwhile, while Iceland was locking down, Americans
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to protest even the most modest social-distancing measures. Where Icelanders dutifully wore masks, right-wing media in the United States convinced millions of followers that masks were symbols of oppression.

Heading into this summer’s Delta surge, the United States had registered
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(10 percent of the population) and
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(.18 percent). Cases and deaths were an order of magnitude worse in the U.S. than in Iceland.

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cunt, when Trump wanted to limit travel, you called him racist. First thing I'd do if I ran America would be confiscate your bank account and let you be Portugals problem.

You want to have the power to steal a private citizen's money and you complain about taxation?

What level of slobbering freaking stupid are you?
The kind that would also line all you liberals against a wall and.......march you into a sealed room for a a Zyklon B bath.

The kind that wants to grift and grift and grift some more.
Like muh President, right tubby?

Do you have a combover as well or do you spit shine it?
Shaved, bitch.

Spit shine it is, asshole.
Shaved with a trimmer, idiot. Not a razor.

You're still a fugly bald piece of shit irrespective of the tools you used to try to make bald beautiful.
Nope. I'm quite handsome and have been told so all my life.

Bitch, you know its true. Its what makes you so embittered. You believe nobody like my should be allowed to have a good paying job, a fantastic wife, nice things, and good looks. It makes you seethe. I wouldnt be surprised if the diamonds in my wedding ring are worth more than all you have put together! If not those, I damn well guarantee you my wifes ring does!

There is nothing you have that I want. Not one thing. I swear that on the lives of everyone I love and esteem.
Like all commie douchebags, its the fact that I have it that enrages you. Too bad bitch.

Let's "logic" here. All I know, for a fact, is what you post. Your words. Your idiocy and racism. How you live, what you drive, what you have I have no independent evidence for of their existence.

Therefore, I can't be enraged by your claims. Mind you, you may very well have all that. I don't know that for a fact. So, those things don't make me disrespect you. I have actual evidence of your idiocy and your racism.

You stupid hick fuck, get that through your head.
Meanwhile, you're full on enraged and it shows.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Iceland did it right.

Early in the pandemic last year, authorities limited travel to Iceland and got busy tracing contacts and quarantining exposed residents while also enforcing strong social-distancing measures. Mask-wearing was widespread and uncontroversial.

There were waves of infection, but they were never very bad. The first wave, in the spring of 2020, resulted in a few thousand confirmed cases. A second wave that fall added a few thousand more. Going into its third and most recent wave starting mid-July, the country had tallied
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(2 percent of the population) and
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(.008 percent).

Meanwhile, while Iceland was locking down, Americans
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to protest even the most modest social-distancing measures. Where Icelanders dutifully wore masks, right-wing media in the United States convinced millions of followers that masks were symbols of oppression.

Heading into this summer’s Delta surge, the United States had registered
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(10 percent of the population) and
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
(.18 percent). Cases and deaths were an order of magnitude worse in the U.S. than in Iceland.

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cunt, when Trump wanted to limit travel, you called him racist. First thing I'd do if I ran America would be confiscate your bank account and let you be Portugals problem.

You want to have the power to steal a private citizen's money and you complain about taxation?

What level of slobbering freaking stupid are you?
The kind that would also line all you liberals against a wall and.......march you into a sealed room for a a Zyklon B bath.

The kind that wants to grift and grift and grift some more.
Like muh President, right tubby?

Do you have a combover as well or do you spit shine it?
Shaved, bitch.

Spit shine it is, asshole.
Shaved with a trimmer, idiot. Not a razor.
Male pattern baldness is one of the symptoms the ghey.

Provided by our resident SME on the "ghey"
*pats head* That's Nice Stubby.

*pats head*? is that ghey speak for you want to touch my penis? You fucking queer?

You're always talking about deviant sex. Damn
I think must have been subjected to the worst inhumanity to a tiny boy imaginable, i think he is broken.

I thought he was a closet case. I didn't know he was also into child incest.
I see twice a week sessions for a minimum 6 Months.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Iceland did it right.

Early in the pandemic last year, authorities limited travel to Iceland and got busy tracing contacts and quarantining exposed residents while also enforcing strong social-distancing measures. Mask-wearing was widespread and uncontroversial.

There were waves of infection, but they were never very bad. The first wave, in the spring of 2020, resulted in a few thousand confirmed cases. A second wave that fall added a few thousand more. Going into its third and most recent wave starting mid-July, the country had tallied
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(2 percent of the population) and
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(.008 percent).

Meanwhile, while Iceland was locking down, Americans
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to protest even the most modest social-distancing measures. Where Icelanders dutifully wore masks, right-wing media in the United States convinced millions of followers that masks were symbols of oppression.

Heading into this summer’s Delta surge, the United States had registered
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(10 percent of the population) and
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(.18 percent). Cases and deaths were an order of magnitude worse in the U.S. than in Iceland.

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cunt, when Trump wanted to limit travel, you called him racist. First thing I'd do if I ran America would be confiscate your bank account and let you be Portugals problem.

You want to have the power to steal a private citizen's money and you complain about taxation?

What level of slobbering freaking stupid are you?
The kind that would also line all you liberals against a wall and.......march you into a sealed room for a a Zyklon B bath.

The kind that wants to grift and grift and grift some more.
Like muh President, right tubby?

Do you have a combover as well or do you spit shine it?
Shaved, bitch.

Spit shine it is, asshole.
Shaved with a trimmer, idiot. Not a razor.

You're still a fugly bald piece of shit irrespective of the tools you used to try to make bald beautiful.
Nope. I'm quite handsome and have been told so all my life.

Bitch, you know its true. Its what makes you so embittered. You believe nobody like my should be allowed to have a good paying job, a fantastic wife, nice things, and good looks. It makes you seethe. I wouldnt be surprised if the diamonds in my wedding ring are worth more than all you have put together! If not those, I damn well guarantee you my wifes ring does!

There is nothing you have that I want. Not one thing. I swear that on the lives of everyone I love and esteem.
Like all commie douchebags, its the fact that I have it that enrages you. Too bad bitch.

Let's "logic" here. All I know, for a fact, is what you post. Your words. Your idiocy and racism. How you live, what you drive, what you have I have no independent evidence for of their existence.

Therefore, I can't be enraged by your claims. Mind you, you may very well have all that. I don't know that for a fact. So, those things don't make me disrespect you. I have actual evidence of your idiocy and your racism.

You stupid hick fuck, get that through your head.
Meanwhile, you're full on enraged and it shows.

I don't like your stupidity. I find it irritating and having to help you use reason shouldn't be my job.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Iceland did it right.

Early in the pandemic last year, authorities limited travel to Iceland and got busy tracing contacts and quarantining exposed residents while also enforcing strong social-distancing measures. Mask-wearing was widespread and uncontroversial.

There were waves of infection, but they were never very bad. The first wave, in the spring of 2020, resulted in a few thousand confirmed cases. A second wave that fall added a few thousand more. Going into its third and most recent wave starting mid-July, the country had tallied
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(2 percent of the population) and
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(.008 percent).

Meanwhile, while Iceland was locking down, Americans
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to protest even the most modest social-distancing measures. Where Icelanders dutifully wore masks, right-wing media in the United States convinced millions of followers that masks were symbols of oppression.

Heading into this summer’s Delta surge, the United States had registered
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(10 percent of the population) and
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(.18 percent). Cases and deaths were an order of magnitude worse in the U.S. than in Iceland.

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cunt, when Trump wanted to limit travel, you called him racist. First thing I'd do if I ran America would be confiscate your bank account and let you be Portugals problem.

You want to have the power to steal a private citizen's money and you complain about taxation?

What level of slobbering freaking stupid are you?
The kind that would also line all you liberals against a wall and.......march you into a sealed room for a a Zyklon B bath.

The kind that wants to grift and grift and grift some more.
Like muh President, right tubby?

Do you have a combover as well or do you spit shine it?
Shaved, bitch.

Spit shine it is, asshole.
Shaved with a trimmer, idiot. Not a razor.
Male pattern baldness is one of the symptoms the ghey.
No, I wont send you dik pics, faggit.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Iceland did it right.

Early in the pandemic last year, authorities limited travel to Iceland and got busy tracing contacts and quarantining exposed residents while also enforcing strong social-distancing measures. Mask-wearing was widespread and uncontroversial.

There were waves of infection, but they were never very bad. The first wave, in the spring of 2020, resulted in a few thousand confirmed cases. A second wave that fall added a few thousand more. Going into its third and most recent wave starting mid-July, the country had tallied
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(2 percent of the population) and
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(.008 percent).

Meanwhile, while Iceland was locking down, Americans
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to protest even the most modest social-distancing measures. Where Icelanders dutifully wore masks, right-wing media in the United States convinced millions of followers that masks were symbols of oppression.

Heading into this summer’s Delta surge, the United States had registered
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(10 percent of the population) and
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(.18 percent). Cases and deaths were an order of magnitude worse in the U.S. than in Iceland.

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cunt, when Trump wanted to limit travel, you called him racist. First thing I'd do if I ran America would be confiscate your bank account and let you be Portugals problem.

You want to have the power to steal a private citizen's money and you complain about taxation?

What level of slobbering freaking stupid are you?
The kind that would also line all you liberals against a wall and.......march you into a sealed room for a a Zyklon B bath.

The kind that wants to grift and grift and grift some more.
Like muh President, right tubby?

Do you have a combover as well or do you spit shine it?
Shaved, bitch.

Spit shine it is, asshole.
Shaved with a trimmer, idiot. Not a razor.

You're still a fugly bald piece of shit irrespective of the tools you used to try to make bald beautiful.
Nope. I'm quite handsome and have been told so all my life.

Bitch, you know its true. Its what makes you so embittered. You believe nobody like my should be allowed to have a good paying job, a fantastic wife, nice things, and good looks. It makes you seethe. I wouldnt be surprised if the diamonds in my wedding ring are worth more than all you have put together! If not those, I damn well guarantee you my wifes ring does!

There is nothing you have that I want. Not one thing. I swear that on the lives of everyone I love and esteem.
Like all commie douchebags, its the fact that I have it that enrages you. Too bad bitch.

Let's "logic" here. All I know, for a fact, is what you post. Your words. Your idiocy and racism. How you live, what you drive, what you have I have no independent evidence for of their existence.

Therefore, I can't be enraged by your claims. Mind you, you may very well have all that. I don't know that for a fact. So, those things don't make me disrespect you. I have actual evidence of your idiocy and your racism.

You stupid hick fuck, get that through your head.
Meanwhile, you're full on enraged and it shows.

I don't like your stupidity. I find it irritating and having to help you use reason shouldn't be my job.
Its a bitch that I've paid more in taxes this year than you've made.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I don't like your stupidity. I find it irritating and having to help you use reason shouldn't be my job.
YOu could always try logging off and hoping on a treadmill instead, just sayin'

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I should be shot for posting
finally something we can agree upon

Wow, that's innovative. You know that cutting a post to twist it. What a badass troll!
Are you gonna cry now?

or just burp and fart again?

Closet Case
Incest fetishist
5th grader

Being short is the least of your problems.
Under sexed
smells like bacon if she moves more than 5 ft in any direction


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Iceland did it right.

Early in the pandemic last year, authorities limited travel to Iceland and got busy tracing contacts and quarantining exposed residents while also enforcing strong social-distancing measures. Mask-wearing was widespread and uncontroversial.

There were waves of infection, but they were never very bad. The first wave, in the spring of 2020, resulted in a few thousand confirmed cases. A second wave that fall added a few thousand more. Going into its third and most recent wave starting mid-July, the country had tallied
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(2 percent of the population) and
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(.008 percent).

Meanwhile, while Iceland was locking down, Americans
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to protest even the most modest social-distancing measures. Where Icelanders dutifully wore masks, right-wing media in the United States convinced millions of followers that masks were symbols of oppression.

Heading into this summer’s Delta surge, the United States had registered
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(10 percent of the population) and
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(.18 percent). Cases and deaths were an order of magnitude worse in the U.S. than in Iceland.

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cunt, when Trump wanted to limit travel, you called him racist. First thing I'd do if I ran America would be confiscate your bank account and let you be Portugals problem.

You want to have the power to steal a private citizen's money and you complain about taxation?

What level of slobbering freaking stupid are you?
The kind that would also line all you liberals against a wall and.......march you into a sealed room for a a Zyklon B bath.

The kind that wants to grift and grift and grift some more.
Like muh President, right tubby?

Do you have a combover as well or do you spit shine it?
Shaved, bitch.

Spit shine it is, asshole.
Shaved with a trimmer, idiot. Not a razor.

You're still a fugly bald piece of shit irrespective of the tools you used to try to make bald beautiful.
Nope. I'm quite handsome and have been told so all my life.

Bitch, you know its true. Its what makes you so embittered. You believe nobody like my should be allowed to have a good paying job, a fantastic wife, nice things, and good looks. It makes you seethe. I wouldnt be surprised if the diamonds in my wedding ring are worth more than all you have put together! If not those, I damn well guarantee you my wifes ring does!

There is nothing you have that I want. Not one thing. I swear that on the lives of everyone I love and esteem.
Like all commie douchebags, its the fact that I have it that enrages you. Too bad bitch.

Let's "logic" here. All I know, for a fact, is what you post. Your words. Your idiocy and racism. How you live, what you drive, what you have I have no independent evidence for of their existence.

Therefore, I can't be enraged by your claims. Mind you, you may very well have all that. I don't know that for a fact. So, those things don't make me disrespect you. I have actual evidence of your idiocy and your racism.

You stupid hick fuck, get that through your head.
Meanwhile, you're full on enraged and it shows.

I don't like your stupidity. I find it irritating and having to help you use reason shouldn't be my job.
Its a bitch that I've paid more in taxes this year than you've made.

Yeah, yeah. You must have been a poor little fucker to be impressed by the money you make in a blue state. Why don't you move to a red state and get a new job? Surely that's a possibility.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I should be shot for posting
finally something we can agree upon

Wow, that's innovative. You know that cutting a post to twist it. What a badass troll!
Are you gonna cry now?

or just burp and fart again?

Closet Case
Incest fetishist
5th grader

Being short is the least of your problems.
Under sexed
smells like bacon if she moves more than 5 ft in any direction
A fatty like that is seldom clean.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I should be shot for posting
finally something we can agree upon

Wow, that's innovative. You know that cutting a post to twist it. What a badass troll!
Are you gonna cry now?

or just burp and fart again?

Closet Case
Incest fetishist
5th grader

Being short is the least of your problems.
Under sexed
smells like bacon if she moves more than 5 ft in any direction

Are you like bacon? Do you shrink when you're flamed?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Iceland did it right.

Early in the pandemic last year, authorities limited travel to Iceland and got busy tracing contacts and quarantining exposed residents while also enforcing strong social-distancing measures. Mask-wearing was widespread and uncontroversial.

There were waves of infection, but they were never very bad. The first wave, in the spring of 2020, resulted in a few thousand confirmed cases. A second wave that fall added a few thousand more. Going into its third and most recent wave starting mid-July, the country had tallied
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
(2 percent of the population) and
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
(.008 percent).

Meanwhile, while Iceland was locking down, Americans
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
to protest even the most modest social-distancing measures. Where Icelanders dutifully wore masks, right-wing media in the United States convinced millions of followers that masks were symbols of oppression.

Heading into this summer’s Delta surge, the United States had registered
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
(10 percent of the population) and
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
(.18 percent). Cases and deaths were an order of magnitude worse in the U.S. than in Iceland.

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
cunt, when Trump wanted to limit travel, you called him racist. First thing I'd do if I ran America would be confiscate your bank account and let you be Portugals problem.

You want to have the power to steal a private citizen's money and you complain about taxation?

What level of slobbering freaking stupid are you?
The kind that would also line all you liberals against a wall and.......march you into a sealed room for a a Zyklon B bath.

The kind that wants to grift and grift and grift some more.
Like muh President, right tubby?

Do you have a combover as well or do you spit shine it?
Shaved, bitch.

Spit shine it is, asshole.
Shaved with a trimmer, idiot. Not a razor.

You're still a fugly bald piece of shit irrespective of the tools you used to try to make bald beautiful.
Nope. I'm quite handsome and have been told so all my life.

Bitch, you know its true. Its what makes you so embittered. You believe nobody like my should be allowed to have a good paying job, a fantastic wife, nice things, and good looks. It makes you seethe. I wouldnt be surprised if the diamonds in my wedding ring are worth more than all you have put together! If not those, I damn well guarantee you my wifes ring does!

There is nothing you have that I want. Not one thing. I swear that on the lives of everyone I love and esteem.
Like all commie douchebags, its the fact that I have it that enrages you. Too bad bitch.

Let's "logic" here. All I know, for a fact, is what you post. Your words. Your idiocy and racism. How you live, what you drive, what you have I have no independent evidence for of their existence.

Therefore, I can't be enraged by your claims. Mind you, you may very well have all that. I don't know that for a fact. So, those things don't make me disrespect you. I have actual evidence of your idiocy and your racism.

You stupid hick fuck, get that through your head.
Meanwhile, you're full on enraged and it shows.

I don't like your stupidity. I find it irritating and having to help you use reason shouldn't be my job.
Its a bitch that I've paid more in taxes this year than you've made.

Yeah, yeah. You must have been a poor little fucker to be impressed by the money you make in a blue state. Why don't you move to a red state and get a new job? Surely that's a possibility.
I like my job and make plenty of money. I'll move out when I retire at 62.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Iceland did it right.

Early in the pandemic last year, authorities limited travel to Iceland and got busy tracing contacts and quarantining exposed residents while also enforcing strong social-distancing measures. Mask-wearing was widespread and uncontroversial.

There were waves of infection, but they were never very bad. The first wave, in the spring of 2020, resulted in a few thousand confirmed cases. A second wave that fall added a few thousand more. Going into its third and most recent wave starting mid-July, the country had tallied
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
(2 percent of the population) and
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
(.008 percent).

Meanwhile, while Iceland was locking down, Americans
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
to protest even the most modest social-distancing measures. Where Icelanders dutifully wore masks, right-wing media in the United States convinced millions of followers that masks were symbols of oppression.

Heading into this summer’s Delta surge, the United States had registered
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
(10 percent of the population) and
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
(.18 percent). Cases and deaths were an order of magnitude worse in the U.S. than in Iceland.

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
cunt, when Trump wanted to limit travel, you called him racist. First thing I'd do if I ran America would be confiscate your bank account and let you be Portugals problem.

You want to have the power to steal a private citizen's money and you complain about taxation?

What level of slobbering freaking stupid are you?
The kind that would also line all you liberals against a wall and.......march you into a sealed room for a a Zyklon B bath.

The kind that wants to grift and grift and grift some more.
Like muh President, right tubby?

Do you have a combover as well or do you spit shine it?
Shaved, bitch.

Spit shine it is, asshole.
Shaved with a trimmer, idiot. Not a razor.

You're still a fugly bald piece of shit irrespective of the tools you used to try to make bald beautiful.
Nope. I'm quite handsome and have been told so all my life.

Bitch, you know its true. Its what makes you so embittered. You believe nobody like my should be allowed to have a good paying job, a fantastic wife, nice things, and good looks. It makes you seethe. I wouldnt be surprised if the diamonds in my wedding ring are worth more than all you have put together! If not those, I damn well guarantee you my wifes ring does!

There is nothing you have that I want. Not one thing. I swear that on the lives of everyone I love and esteem.
Like all commie douchebags, its the fact that I have it that enrages you. Too bad bitch.

Let's "logic" here. All I know, for a fact, is what you post. Your words. Your idiocy and racism. How you live, what you drive, what you have I have no independent evidence for of their existence.

Therefore, I can't be enraged by your claims. Mind you, you may very well have all that. I don't know that for a fact. So, those things don't make me disrespect you. I have actual evidence of your idiocy and your racism.

You stupid hick fuck, get that through your head.
Meanwhile, you're full on enraged and it shows.

I don't like your stupidity. I find it irritating and having to help you use reason shouldn't be my job.
Its a bitch that I've paid more in taxes this year than you've made.

Yeah, yeah. You must have been a poor little fucker to be impressed by the money you make in a blue state. Why don't you move to a red state and get a new job? Surely that's a possibility.
did you get a new job

*coughs and covers mouth*


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I should be shot for posting
finally something we can agree upon

Wow, that's innovative. You know that cutting a post to twist it. What a badass troll!
Are you gonna cry now?

or just burp and fart again?

Closet Case
Incest fetishist
5th grader

Being short is the least of your problems.
Under sexed
smells like bacon if she moves more than 5 ft in any direction
A fatty like that is seldom clean.
Iceland did it right.

Early in the pandemic last year, authorities limited travel to Iceland and got busy tracing contacts and quarantining exposed residents while also enforcing strong social-distancing measures. Mask-wearing was widespread and uncontroversial.

There were waves of infection, but they were never very bad. The first wave, in the spring of 2020, resulted in a few thousand confirmed cases. A second wave that fall added a few thousand more. Going into its third and most recent wave starting mid-July, the country had tallied
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
(2 percent of the population) and
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
(.008 percent).

Meanwhile, while Iceland was locking down, Americans
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
to protest even the most modest social-distancing measures. Where Icelanders dutifully wore masks, right-wing media in the United States convinced millions of followers that masks were symbols of oppression.

Heading into this summer’s Delta surge, the United States had registered
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
(10 percent of the population) and
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
(.18 percent). Cases and deaths were an order of magnitude worse in the U.S. than in Iceland.

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
cunt, when Trump wanted to limit travel, you called him racist. First thing I'd do if I ran America would be confiscate your bank account and let you be Portugals problem.

You want to have the power to steal a private citizen's money and you complain about taxation?

What level of slobbering freaking stupid are you?
The kind that would also line all you liberals against a wall and.......march you into a sealed room for a a Zyklon B bath.

The kind that wants to grift and grift and grift some more.
Like muh President, right tubby?

Do you have a combover as well or do you spit shine it?
Shaved, bitch.

Spit shine it is, asshole.
Shaved with a trimmer, idiot. Not a razor.

You're still a fugly bald piece of shit irrespective of the tools you used to try to make bald beautiful.
Nope. I'm quite handsome and have been told so all my life.

Bitch, you know its true. Its what makes you so embittered. You believe nobody like my should be allowed to have a good paying job, a fantastic wife, nice things, and good looks. It makes you seethe. I wouldnt be surprised if the diamonds in my wedding ring are worth more than all you have put together! If not those, I damn well guarantee you my wifes ring does!

There is nothing you have that I want. Not one thing. I swear that on the lives of everyone I love and esteem.
Like all commie douchebags, its the fact that I have it that enrages you. Too bad bitch.

Let's "logic" here. All I know, for a fact, is what you post. Your words. Your idiocy and racism. How you live, what you drive, what you have I have no independent evidence for of their existence.

Therefore, I can't be enraged by your claims. Mind you, you may very well have all that. I don't know that for a fact. So, those things don't make me disrespect you. I have actual evidence of your idiocy and your racism.

You stupid hick fuck, get that through your head.
Meanwhile, you're full on enraged and it shows.

I don't like your stupidity. I find it irritating and having to help you use reason shouldn't be my job.
Its a bitch that I've paid more in taxes this year than you've made.

Yeah, yeah. You must have been a poor little fucker to be impressed by the money you make in a blue state. Why don't you move to a red state and get a new job? Surely that's a possibility.
I like my job and make plenty of money. I'll move out when I retire at 62.

translation: I can't get no job in a red state.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I should be shot for posting
finally something we can agree upon

Wow, that's innovative. You know that cutting a post to twist it. What a badass troll!
Are you gonna cry now?

or just burp and fart again?

Closet Case
Incest fetishist
5th grader

Being short is the least of your problems.
Under sexed
smells like bacon if she moves more than 5 ft in any direction

Are you like bacon? Do you shrink when you're flamed?
I dunno, I've yet to be flamed

oh wait... you thought that you and the prairie fairy were flaming me?


Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I should be shot for posting
finally something we can agree upon

Wow, that's innovative. You know that cutting a post to twist it. What a badass troll!
Are you gonna cry now?

or just burp and fart again?

Closet Case
Incest fetishist
5th grader

Being short is the least of your problems.
Under sexed
smells like bacon if she moves more than 5 ft in any direction
A fatty like that is seldom clean.
Iceland did it right.

Early in the pandemic last year, authorities limited travel to Iceland and got busy tracing contacts and quarantining exposed residents while also enforcing strong social-distancing measures. Mask-wearing was widespread and uncontroversial.

There were waves of infection, but they were never very bad. The first wave, in the spring of 2020, resulted in a few thousand confirmed cases. A second wave that fall added a few thousand more. Going into its third and most recent wave starting mid-July, the country had tallied
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
(2 percent of the population) and
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
(.008 percent).

Meanwhile, while Iceland was locking down, Americans
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
to protest even the most modest social-distancing measures. Where Icelanders dutifully wore masks, right-wing media in the United States convinced millions of followers that masks were symbols of oppression.

Heading into this summer’s Delta surge, the United States had registered
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
(10 percent of the population) and
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
(.18 percent). Cases and deaths were an order of magnitude worse in the U.S. than in Iceland.

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
cunt, when Trump wanted to limit travel, you called him racist. First thing I'd do if I ran America would be confiscate your bank account and let you be Portugals problem.

You want to have the power to steal a private citizen's money and you complain about taxation?

What level of slobbering freaking stupid are you?
The kind that would also line all you liberals against a wall and.......march you into a sealed room for a a Zyklon B bath.

The kind that wants to grift and grift and grift some more.
Like muh President, right tubby?

Do you have a combover as well or do you spit shine it?
Shaved, bitch.

Spit shine it is, asshole.
Shaved with a trimmer, idiot. Not a razor.

You're still a fugly bald piece of shit irrespective of the tools you used to try to make bald beautiful.
Nope. I'm quite handsome and have been told so all my life.

Bitch, you know its true. Its what makes you so embittered. You believe nobody like my should be allowed to have a good paying job, a fantastic wife, nice things, and good looks. It makes you seethe. I wouldnt be surprised if the diamonds in my wedding ring are worth more than all you have put together! If not those, I damn well guarantee you my wifes ring does!

There is nothing you have that I want. Not one thing. I swear that on the lives of everyone I love and esteem.
Like all commie douchebags, its the fact that I have it that enrages you. Too bad bitch.

Let's "logic" here. All I know, for a fact, is what you post. Your words. Your idiocy and racism. How you live, what you drive, what you have I have no independent evidence for of their existence.

Therefore, I can't be enraged by your claims. Mind you, you may very well have all that. I don't know that for a fact. So, those things don't make me disrespect you. I have actual evidence of your idiocy and your racism.

You stupid hick fuck, get that through your head.
Meanwhile, you're full on enraged and it shows.

I don't like your stupidity. I find it irritating and having to help you use reason shouldn't be my job.
Its a bitch that I've paid more in taxes this year than you've made.

Yeah, yeah. You must have been a poor little fucker to be impressed by the money you make in a blue state. Why don't you move to a red state and get a new job? Surely that's a possibility.
I like my job and make plenty of money. I'll move out when I retire at 62.

translation: I can't get no job in a red state.
*coughs* speaking of jobs.....


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I should be shot for posting
finally something we can agree upon

Wow, that's innovative. You know that cutting a post to twist it. What a badass troll!
Are you gonna cry now?

or just burp and fart again?

Closet Case
Incest fetishist
5th grader

Being short is the least of your problems.
Under sexed
smells like bacon if she moves more than 5 ft in any direction

Are you like bacon? Do you shrink when you're flamed?
I dunno, I've yet to be flamed

oh wait... you thought that you and the prairie fairy were flaming me?


I notice he's taller than you. It must be an aspirational meme for you.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I should be shot for posting
finally something we can agree upon

Wow, that's innovative. You know that cutting a post to twist it. What a badass troll!
Are you gonna cry now?

or just burp and fart again?

Closet Case
Incest fetishist
5th grader

Being short is the least of your problems.
Under sexed
smells like bacon if she moves more than 5 ft in any direction

Are you like bacon? Do you shrink when you're flamed?
I dunno, I've yet to be flamed

oh wait... you thought that you and the prairie fairy were flaming me?


I notice he's taller than you. It must be an aspirational meme for you.
Is he? Oh, that's terrible!

Guess I just have to go swim off the anguish and despair in my swimming pool that is bigger than your mom's entire house.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I should be shot for posting
finally something we can agree upon

Wow, that's innovative. You know that cutting a post to twist it. What a badass troll!
Are you gonna cry now?

or just burp and fart again?

Closet Case
Incest fetishist
5th grader

Being short is the least of your problems.
Under sexed
smells like bacon if she moves more than 5 ft in any direction

Are you like bacon? Do you shrink when you're flamed?
I dunno, I've yet to be flamed

oh wait... you thought that you and the prairie fairy were flaming me?


I notice he's taller than you. It must be an aspirational meme for you.
Is he? Oh, that's terrible!

Guess I just have to go swim off the anguish and despair in my swimming pool that is bigger than your mom's entire house.

So, just how small is your dick that you have to talk about your pool constantly? 3"?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
I don't like your stupidity. I find it irritating and having to help you use reason shouldn't be my job.
YOu could always try logging off and hoping on a treadmill instead, just sayin'
You could log off and try hanging upside down in inversion boots, to try stretching out your spine.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I should be shot for posting
finally something we can agree upon

Wow, that's innovative. You know that cutting a post to twist it. What a badass troll!
Are you gonna cry now?

or just burp and fart again?

Closet Case
Incest fetishist
5th grader

Being short is the least of your problems.
Under sexed
smells like bacon if she moves more than 5 ft in any direction

Are you like bacon? Do you shrink when you're flamed?
I dunno, I've yet to be flamed

oh wait... you thought that you and the prairie fairy were flaming me?


I notice he's taller than you. It must be an aspirational meme for you.
Is he? Oh, that's terrible!

Guess I just have to go swim off the anguish and despair in my swimming pool that is bigger than your mom's entire house.

So, just how small is your dick that you have to talk about your pool constantly? 3"?
Oh noes... the fat chick thinks I have to have a small penis because I have 2 luxury cars and a mansion

and a swimming pool that maintains more square footage than her entire section 8 housing

I'm crushed by such new and innovative material :LOL3: