Flynn, Biggie's PI and BF


Factory Bastard
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Sunshine State ☀️
Actually, it is related to a word with a much different prefix. Dumbfuckism.

I couldn’t give a shit less about Moon tbh.

Also, Big blasted a bunch of Lily’s PMs and did this knowing she had his cell # and first name before she never blasted his PI publicly. You remember what it’s like to tell someone something privately and they share it with everyone, right?
You edited this post because you are a lying snake and just maybe you have some sort of a centimeter of empathy that might be why. Who knows but seriously you could have came up with something better but you really aren't that clever.

And give a shit about me?? No honey all you cared about is YOU. Still shows lol


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You edited this post because you are a lying snake and just maybe you have some sort of a centimeter of empathy that might be why. Who knows but seriously you could have came up with something better but you really aren't that clever.

And give a shit about me?? No honey all you cared about is YOU. Still shows lol
quit boring us, entertain or GTFO

The Countess

Hood with it
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Dumb bitch showed up here like I had to answer to her for something. Who the hell do those retards think they are?

Now I’m a dumb bitch? Why…cuz I drag your fat white friend inside out for being a degenerate? Why can’t she fight me herself?

You and I had a nice civil pm chat a while back and I explained to you why I keep my foot on that heffers triple chin. I have every right and if I explained it to BF himself, he’d agree. You claim you did what you did to Biggie for bringing up your family, right? While I’m not gonna do the same, I’ll remind that filthy fucking animal just how fucking gross she is every time. And if she wants to fuck around and cross boundaries, she’ll find out real quick.

Every piece of info they got on you, they got from HER. You may have forgave her and that’s fine. But don’t start a war with me over that fucked up drunk blimp. I’ve seen her chastise you for being civil to me. Is she like the only friend you have? Cuz I don’t let no one tell me who I can and cannot talk to.

The Countess

Hood with it
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Just 7 more surgical procedure and she will be at her goal weight!

One thing is for sure, I will stay on Ozempic than become an overweight pig like you. You really can’t be happy for other women, can you? It’s like you hate on anyone better looking than you. What a sad existence


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Now I’m a dumb bitch? Why…cuz I drag your fat white friend inside out for being a degenerate? Why can’t she fight me herself?

You and I had a nice civil pm chat a while back and I explained to you why I keep my foot on that heffers triple chin. I have every right and if I explained it to BF himself, he’d agree. You claim you did what you did to Biggie for bringing up your family, right? While I’m not gonna do the same, I’ll remind that filthy fucking animal just how fucking gross she is every time. And if she wants to fuck around and cross boundaries, she’ll find out real quick.

Every piece of info they got on you, they got from HER. You may have forgave her and that’s fine. But don’t start a war with me over that fucked up drunk blimp. I’ve seen her chastise you for being civil to me. Is she like the only friend you have? Cuz I don’t let no one tell me who I can and cannot talk to.

I was referring to Moonpie. For your own sake, don't assume that when I say "dumb bitch" that I'm talking about you. Have a little more self-esteem than that. She came here looking for drama with me. She said I dropped HUGELY's PI because he isn't interested in me. WTF? The most I ever felt with that guy was a little bit of friendliness. AT MOST. I have never been interested in him in any other way. I have a partner that I enjoy and I don't find Hugely attractive. He's not a man I would ever consider. And that is long before I knew how ginormous he really is...She is making up fantasy motives for why I did what I did. She's the dumb fucking bitch.

Now, no one tells me whom I can befriend. I make my choices independently of anyone's opinion. I know you have your logic behind why you hate Murdy and I did hear you out in pm. It was a civil discussion.

I've learned more since then. I have also learned from you directly that Murdy has never, in fact, had any contact with you or any member of your family. I also learned that any information she had on you was obtained directly from Caskur. Caskur was ginning her up to doxx you because of what you had said about her dead son. To her credit, Murdy doesn't play trolling into real life. Unlike Caskur. I see through Caskur because she has threatened to swat me with the police (hahaha-fucking retard) and also posted my name several times, like Breakfall has also done this week.

Your reasoning for hating Murdy I have to reject on principle. She hasn't doxxed or bothered your family in any way. Like most sane people, she has no interest in doing that.

Unfortunately, you choose to hang out with people that do doxx, that do drag family members in and who do drop names into their troll. They are so out of control and you refuse to see it. I think it's because you do some of the same. You've trolled me about my son. Have I ever mentioned your children? No, not once. Why would I? They are off limits. As they should be.

Don't come here judging me. As our culture says "Dime con quien andas y te digo quien eres."

Peace and sincerely Merry Christmas.
Last edited:


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
No cookie toss… :GiggleBitch:
You edited this post because you are a lying snake and just maybe you have some sort of a centimeter of empathy that might be why. Who knows but seriously you could have came up with something better but you really aren't that clever.

And give a shit about me?? No honey all you cared about is YOU. Still shows lol
I edited the post to spare you the public humiliation of your actions AGAIN, dipshit.


Factory Bastard
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Sunshine State ☀️
I was referring to Moonpie. For your own sake, don't assume that when I say "dumb bitch" that I'm talking about you. Have a little more self-esteem than that. She came here looking for drama with me. She said I dropped HUGELY's PI because he isn't interested in me. WTF? The most I ever felt with that guy was a little bit of friendliness. AT MOST. I have never been interested in him in any other way. I have a partner that I enjoy and I don't find Hugely attractive. He's not a man I would ever consider. And that is long before I knew how ginormous he really is...She is making up fantasy motives for why I did what I did. She's the dumb fucking bitch.

Now, no one tells me whom I can befriend. I make my choices independently of anyone's opinion. I know you have your logic behind why you hate Murdy and I did hear you out in pm. It was a civil discussion.

I've learned more since then. I have also learned from you directly that Murdy has never, in fact, had any contact with you or any member of your family. I also learned that any information she had on you was obtained directly from Caskur. Caskur was ginning her up to doxx you because of what you had said about her dead son. To her credit, Murdy doesn't play trolling into real life. Unlike Caskur. I see through Caskur because she has threatened to swat me with the police (hahaha-fucking retard) and also posted my name several times, like Breakfall has also done this week.

Your reasoning for hating Murdy I have to reject on principle. She hasn't doxxed or bothered your family in any way. Like most sane people, she has no interest in doing that.

Unfortunately, either you choose to hang out with people that do doxx, that do drag family members in and who do drop names into their troll. They are so out of control and you refuse to see it. I think it's because you do some of the same. You've trolled me about my son. Have I ever mentioned your children? No, not once. Why would I? They are off limits. As they should be.

Don't come here judging me. As our culture says "Dime con quien andas y te digo quien eres."

Peace and sincerely Merry Christmas.
Causing drama?? Maybe just pointing out what a shitty thing you did was and how you think it's justified is all. Just stop posting to me if I'm so drama and stupid. Lol


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
How's ya boobs hanging lately, gravity not your friend these days lmao. Haven't seen every other post with them in it like the norm.

You edited it to spare yourself the humiliation :LOL3:

You wanna go back to the shit I used to do online 10 years ago… have at.

From where I stand, you are in the same place you were back then… but with the added bonus of you went back to a cheating pig of a husband and you’re going to be stuck there for life, LOSER.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Causing drama?? Maybe just pointing out what a shitty thing you did was and how you think it's justified is all. Just stop posting to me if I'm so drama and stupid. Lol

The problem wasn't commenting on what I did. The problem for me was when you ascribed motives that you have no evidence of...just because you're attracted to a big fat pig for his gentle grunts doesn't mean I am.

If you keep talking shit, you will be corrected.


Factory Bastard
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Sunshine State ☀️
The problem wasn't commenting on what I did. The problem for me was when you ascribed motives that you have no evidence of...just because you're attracted to a big fat pig for his gentle grunts doesn't mean I am.

If you keep talking shit, you will be corrected.
You're going to correct me? You need help and a life sadly. Even though from your reputation I really should back off from you. So you're threatening me now. Take a step back. You have been banned from how many forums now??????
You wanna go back to the shit I used to do online 10 years ago… have at.

From where I stand, you are in the same place you were back then… but with the added bonus of you went back to a cheating pig of a husband and you’re going to be stuck there for life, LOSER.
Yeah so boring and how you think you could get every guy with posting your boobs and now you want to talk shit about me like I'm some slut. Bitch please.

My life is nothing compared to what you are going through trust that.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
You're going to correct me? You need help and a life sadly. Even though from your reputation I really should back off from you. So you're threatening me now. Take a step back. You have been banned from how many forums now??????

Where in that thread, retard, did you read a threat? Can you outline where I'm threatening you, retard?

Yeah, I'm going to correct you. Stop me.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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You're going to correct me? You need help and a life sadly. Even though from your reputation I really should back off from you. So you're threatening me now. Take a step back. You have been banned from how many forums now??????

Yeah so boring and how you think you could get every guy with posting your boobs and now you want to talk shit about me like I'm some slut. Bitch please.

My life is nothing compared to what you are going through trust that.
no yuo


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
You're going to correct me? You need help and a life sadly. Even though from your reputation I really should back off from you. So you're threatening me now. Take a step back. You have been banned from how many forums now??????

Yeah so boring and how you think you could get every guy with posting your boobs and now you want to talk shit about me like I'm some slut. Bitch please.

My life is nothing compared to what you are going through trust that.

You know that Flea has shared her boobs online as well, right? Are all women that have shared their boobs bad, or is it just Murdy?

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Put the fork down and push away from the table.
Careful... or you'll have large Lil's grandson on your case.
