
Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Why does shortmajor like
Raping children so much?

is it because they’re around the same height?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Hey FloriDUH homeboy. It’s all about kids and Theme parks Stubby.


Factory Bastard
I'm sorry I embarrassed you, ya big liar, Martini.

As for my contributions to BH, maybe you can use the wayback machine and find out who the most awarded posters at BH were ... I think it goes TDM, Bumspud, Cardtrick , myself and Summer of George. Don't be so jealous of me.

Years after BH died you were still begging me and caskur to be in your failed photoshop threads at various forums. When I refused you got pissy with me and started whinging .... "You were never any good at flaming anyway!"

HC…was Blandscape a flame God st BH?

That stupid fucker who types like a Reg Smythe character?

Brawl-hall was a freedom of speech forum but spamming multiple replies like blandscape does would never have been tolerated. He'd have been in the dumpster along with PNGrata and Johnny, those animals would have torn him apart.

I don't remember having to moderate him but BH was closed something like 15 years ago.

When flaming was still alive lots of great posters took advantage of the fun to be had at BH ... then they got bored and left ... all these people who try to bring flaming back didn't do much of anything when flaming was alive and well.

They must feel like they missed out being internet legends.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Drinking water fixes a hangover.
Are you actually trying to be nice for a change?
I’m nice all the time.

I have no clue wtf you were drinking, but 8oz of water to every 2oz of alcohol will keep you from getting hung over.

Hell, slam a gallon of water with a handful of ibuprofen before you sleep will stop a hangover. You might still be drunk when you wake up depending on how much you drank, but it beats being hung over.

wtf were you drinking?
I can't remember, anything I could get, vodka, beer, whiskey, wine... I was fucking killing myself quick...
You wernt “killing” yourself, you were just binge drinking the hard way.

I don’t think you are an alcoholic, if you were, you wouldn’t be here, you’d be drinking. As somebody who has bartended over 20 years, I can tell you first hand an alcoholic doesn’t care about anything but drinking. To ppl who talk about how their parents were alcoholics, congrats, your parents didn’t give a fuck about you.

From my experience, alcoholics sit at the end of the bar and drink. They’re not looking at their phones, and they might chit chat here and there,
Weird? seems to me that I could actually get along with martini??

Uh, no.

Recovery test 1. Learn who the toxic people are and do not be "friends" with them.

(Anyone trying to tell you to consume a substance you know is problematic to you, and telling you that you DONT have a problem with it when you know you do).

Martini just said literally everything an addicts inner voice tells them when they are justifying using anything. Alcohol is a terrible addiction. One that he himself had an issue with.....and kinda sounds relapsey here.

Here is your test. Replace alcohol with heroin and pretend he is talking to me. If that sounds bad.....well, that's because it is. Terrible advice. Dont take it seriously

Just get to Monday so you can talk to that nurse and get started on your medical detox.
Ok, Karen.

Im sorry, I have a little more faith in the guy then a fucking basket case like you.

You, are a junkie. He, is binge drinking. There’s a complete difference. Don’t try and couple yourself with the shit you did with a kid who’s young enough to learn from what he’s done.

As somebody who knows the difference between binge drinking and alcoholism, no offense, your pea brained junkie mind has little to offer in this situation.

You, used heroin. I was a binge drinker. One is not like the other. Somebody binge drinking is doing it for a reason other then to get high. YOU, we’re chasing dragons because you were selfish enough to say fuck it to everything else to get your fix.

We are not the same

Shamp is 40 fucking years old....ffs lol

And did I say you and I were the SAME somewhere? Did you read that somehow?

IM not the one saying stupid shit "der there is a difference between binge eating pain killers and being a junkie" .....because there isn't. I've heard this same "logic" from my alcoholic....oh sorry...."binge drinking" mother for decades who was just a "binge drinker" not a real "alcoholic" lol.

We are never gonna be the same, P. I dont think it's cute that you are telling someone who is at the point where they are openly admitting they have a problem(on the internet, where it's probably worse irl than what they chose to share btw) that they dont.....and calling upon some authority you imagine you have as a bartender who legit makes money off people drinking. I wouldnt feel some sense of pride if I convinced a struggling person to do something harmful like you would.

So no we ain't the same.

And look at Lily digging your maliscious posts because she dislikes me so much she will legit respond positively to your very obvious attempts to drag someone into a gutter by telling them alcohol isnt actually hurting them. Fucking sad. Hence why I wont associate privately with either of you.

That's fine I got all the "you arent a real addict" circular logic from some people too. If Shamp is smart and dead set to get healthy he will disregard this dry drunk idiocy.
See, dumbass, this is where you have a hard time not blurring the lines.

Your mother is an alcoholic. She didn’t give a fuck about you. You’ve basically said as much countless times. You are trying to correlate your experience with your mom to the shit Shampain is going thru because that’s what you know.

I, on the other hand, was a binge drinker who was drinking to forget the shit that was going on at the time. Which sounds a lot more similar to the shit he’s going thru. And now with the revelation he’s 40 instead of the assumption he was a kid, that further makes my point more logical.

The guy needs a reset, not an intervention. He can do more for himself by himself then having some doctor throw some shit at him and telling him to swallow it. He clearly stated he wanted his own space, that in itself is healing. He sees he has a problem, and I also said if it took suboxone for him to be a better person, good luck. So again, you jumping to conclusions like the communities house of pain is just more victim breeding on your behalf.

Pack it up and pack it in, Dovid.
Your biggest mistake here, is making it so public. You carry on like a man-child! Grow the fuck up idiot!

He has so much to say about me and I have no interest in any of it. Same repetitive and bitter garbage.

It's just sad. Every few months he pops in and repeats himself for a few days and dips out.

Narcissists never stop holding grudges and never reach any points of indifference and they always assume their "target" has the same energy over it as they do. Such a sensitive trigger. They never just let it go and act normal, they dont know how.

So textual tantrums aside my stance and advice stands and it's a good learning moment. Recovery is more and deeper than simple abstinence. And disregard anyone who would try to tell you that your problem isnt real - they dont have your best interest in mind AND odds are good they have a heap of their own issues that you dont want to inflict on yourself.
This is the whole reason why I find it hard giving him a chance like Shampers suggests. I’ve never done this with my ex girlfriends. In fact I’m still friends with most of them to this day. It frustrates my wife like none other…

How did "Hey.....Martinis advice here is terrible. Here is a better way to think about this" turn into "hey Martini....I'd like to see another several paragraphs worth of your angry opinions about me as a person that youve already shared unsolicited at least 100 times" ?

Because I sure the fuck didnt express an interest in any of that lmao.

Fucking hell. I mean thanks for demonstrating why the source of that bad advice isnt credible. Lol.
I honestly gloss over most of his shit. I’ve read everyday for the entirety of my life. I have speed-reading sown up! These people try make themselves sound all cultured. In business it simply sounds like someone is trying to pull the wool…and I hate crooked business.

OMG, you're a bad ass businessman taken in by that moron?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
This is the whole reason why I find it hard giving him a chance like Shampers suggests. I’ve never done this with my ex girlfriends. In fact I’m still friends with most of them to this day. It frustrates my wife like none other…

I agree with your point about exes. But then I've never had an ex like Dovey, except the one who suicided a few months after I last saw her (and we were still friends, more or less, at that point.)

No, I view the two of them as equally tiresome in their own right. My reasons for not buying any bullshit from either one of them are based on forum histories.

Dove is not a healthy enough individual to tell anyone how to do anything. I guess it could be argued that Martini is in the same boat. Martini and Dove were attracted to one another for a reason.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
I think there should be a flame match here between two seasoned flamers so us gorehounds can see what the fuck it's all about... We hear about it day after day... Hopefully it'll be delectable...
An actual flame match where everyone wants to create good content would be fun.

The goal is to make everyone laugh and be entertained, including the ppl your flaming. If that would happen, ppl would turn the page.

The shit you see being spewed here daily isn’t flaming, it’s bickering.

Take Flynn for example. All she does is bicker, that’s why she isn’t Pickles. Pickles is a flamer.

Caskur is an excellent poster here, but in a match, she’s ruthless.

Looney is a shit poster, and in a flame match, you guessed it, he’s still a shit poster.

This place could use a good old flame match

I'm going to pretend that you're not talking out the side of your size 70 neck again. Because...

...if I were to actually take you seriously, I would have immediately separated your 32 pound head from your flabby shoulders.
Bitch plz, you should have been milking in that “Flynn is Pickles” shit cuz only then would you have had any semblance of Flynn= flamer.

Face facts, Kastronomical, you were a bit player at BH, and have gone down a notch at every forum after. The only reason you get any mercy replies is because most of the limited intellectuals here think your pickles and want him to make a comic. (Snickers)

Benzo divined his colostomy bag like it was a crystal ball and shat out his "flynn is pickles" troll.


he should go back to talking to dead things like his forum posting career.
Same old shit, huh?
That's one of the main reasons why FT failed.
Funny the KOF board is yet still up, no?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
This is the whole reason why I find it hard giving him a chance like Shampers suggests. I’ve never done this with my ex girlfriends. In fact I’m still friends with most of them to this day. It frustrates my wife like none other…

I agree with your point about exes. But then I've never had an ex like Dovey, except the one who suicided a few months after I last saw her (and we were still friends, more or less, at that point.)

No, I view the two of them as equally tiresome in their own right. My reasons for not buying any bullshit from either one of them are based on forum histories.

Dove is not a healthy enough individual to tell anyone how to do anything. I guess it could be argued that Martini is in the same boat. Martini and Dove were attracted to one another for a reason.
Your blood pressure looks like a fucking tax return and you’re talking about healthy?

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
I'm sorry I embarrassed you, ya big liar, Martini.

As for my contributions to BH, maybe you can use the wayback machine and find out who the most awarded posters at BH were ... I think it goes TDM, Bumspud, Cardtrick , myself and Summer of George. Don't be so jealous of me.

Years after BH died you were still begging me and caskur to be in your failed photoshop threads at various forums. When I refused you got pissy with me and started whinging .... "You were never any good at flaming anyway!"

HC…was Blandscape a flame God st BH?

That stupid fucker who types like a Reg Smythe character?

Brawl-hall was a freedom of speech forum but spamming multiple replies like blandscape does would never have been tolerated. He'd have been in the dumpster along with PNGrata and Johnny, those animals would have torn him apart.

I don't remember having to moderate him but BH was closed something like 15 years ago.

When flaming was still alive lots of great posters took advantage of the fun to be had at BH ... then they got bored and left ... all these people who try to bring flaming back didn't do much of anything when flaming was alive and well.

They must feel like they missed out being internet legends.
Hey man, you still got Pickles and his ole' lady's pics?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
This is the whole reason why I find it hard giving him a chance like Shampers suggests. I’ve never done this with my ex girlfriends. In fact I’m still friends with most of them to this day. It frustrates my wife like none other…

I agree with your point about exes. But then I've never had an ex like Dovey, except the one who suicided a few months after I last saw her (and we were still friends, more or less, at that point.)

No, I view the two of them as equally tiresome in their own right. My reasons for not buying any bullshit from either one of them are based on forum histories.

Dove is not a healthy enough individual to tell anyone how to do anything. I guess it could be argued that Martini is in the same boat. Martini and Dove were attracted to one another for a reason.
Your blood pressure looks like a fucking tax return and you’re talking about healthy?

Oh, your special hacking skills have given you access to my medical records have they?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I think there should be a flame match here between two seasoned flamers so us gorehounds can see what the fuck it's all about... We hear about it day after day... Hopefully it'll be delectable...
An actual flame match where everyone wants to create good content would be fun.

The goal is to make everyone laugh and be entertained, including the ppl your flaming. If that would happen, ppl would turn the page.

The shit you see being spewed here daily isn’t flaming, it’s bickering.

Take Flynn for example. All she does is bicker, that’s why she isn’t Pickles. Pickles is a flamer.

Caskur is an excellent poster here, but in a match, she’s ruthless.

Looney is a shit poster, and in a flame match, you guessed it, he’s still a shit poster.

This place could use a good old flame match

I'm going to pretend that you're not talking out the side of your size 70 neck again. Because...

...if I were to actually take you seriously, I would have immediately separated your 32 pound head from your flabby shoulders.
Bitch plz, you should have been milking in that “Flynn is Pickles” shit cuz only then would you have had any semblance of Flynn= flamer.

Face facts, Kastronomical, you were a bit player at BH, and have gone down a notch at every forum after. The only reason you get any mercy replies is because most of the limited intellectuals here think your pickles and want him to make a comic. (Snickers)

Benzo divined his colostomy bag like it was a crystal ball and shat out his "flynn is pickles" troll.


he should go back to talking to dead things like his forum posting career.
Same old shit, huh?
That's one of the main reasons why FT failed.
Funny the KOF board is yet still up, no?
You ain’t no better you fucking ghost of Christmas past

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
This is the whole reason why I find it hard giving him a chance like Shampers suggests. I’ve never done this with my ex girlfriends. In fact I’m still friends with most of them to this day. It frustrates my wife like none other…

I agree with your point about exes. But then I've never had an ex like Dovey, except the one who suicided a few months after I last saw her (and we were still friends, more or less, at that point.)

No, I view the two of them as equally tiresome in their own right. My reasons for not buying any bullshit from either one of them are based on forum histories.

Dove is not a healthy enough individual to tell anyone how to do anything. I guess it could be argued that Martini is in the same boat. Martini and Dove were attracted to one another for a reason.
Your blood pressure looks like a fucking tax return and you’re talking about healthy?

Oh, your special hacking skills have given you access to my medical records have they?
It’s pretty obvious you fat fucking shrek looking mouth breather? Or did you hacking doveys medical records to support your comment?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
This is the whole reason why I find it hard giving him a chance like Shampers suggests. I’ve never done this with my ex girlfriends. In fact I’m still friends with most of them to this day. It frustrates my wife like none other…

I agree with your point about exes. But then I've never had an ex like Dovey, except the one who suicided a few months after I last saw her (and we were still friends, more or less, at that point.)

No, I view the two of them as equally tiresome in their own right. My reasons for not buying any bullshit from either one of them are based on forum histories.

Dove is not a healthy enough individual to tell anyone how to do anything. I guess it could be argued that Martini is in the same boat. Martini and Dove were attracted to one another for a reason.
Your blood pressure looks like a fucking tax return and you’re talking about healthy?

Oh, your special hacking skills have given you access to my medical records have they?
It’s pretty obvious you fat fucking shrek looking mouth breather? Or did you hacking doveys medical records to support your comment?

There are no credible comments being made. People who act like her and have extreme control issues and get nasty and hateful over politics are not in any positions to comment on anyone else's health, physical or otherwise.

More so when they gotta pick random things they think can twist into "reasons" because they lack authenticity, true convictions and proper boundaries.

You dont see me aligning with narcissists just they start ripping on people I dont like...I'm js.

I'll stick to being the primary authority on my own health and decide when I need any professional consults on the matter. I'm doing pretty good with that and I'm quite pleased.

Discernment comes with growth. And I'm not talking about BMI growth. I mean actual growth when you slam someone as one who needs help and cannot be trusted with any off board personal info, you dont flip the script and join them in behavior you were condemning because you are mad at their target for having views you dont like but cant challange without rage and shittiness.

If I require an opinion on MY mental state.....I'll be consulting a professional adult who is competent and has no alternative motives. Not bitter older women who drink too much, cant control their emotions and project their worst qualities on strangers on a daily basis as a way to cope with depression.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
This is the whole reason why I find it hard giving him a chance like Shampers suggests. I’ve never done this with my ex girlfriends. In fact I’m still friends with most of them to this day. It frustrates my wife like none other…

I agree with your point about exes. But then I've never had an ex like Dovey, except the one who suicided a few months after I last saw her (and we were still friends, more or less, at that point.)

No, I view the two of them as equally tiresome in their own right. My reasons for not buying any bullshit from either one of them are based on forum histories.

Dove is not a healthy enough individual to tell anyone how to do anything. I guess it could be argued that Martini is in the same boat. Martini and Dove were attracted to one another for a reason.
Your blood pressure looks like a fucking tax return and you’re talking about healthy?

Oh, your special hacking skills have given you access to my medical records have they?
It’s pretty obvious you fat fucking shrek looking mouth breather? Or did you hacking doveys medical records to support your comment?

I didn't make a medical diagnosis, unlike you.


Factory Bastard
I'm sorry I embarrassed you, ya big liar, Martini.

As for my contributions to BH, maybe you can use the wayback machine and find out who the most awarded posters at BH were ... I think it goes TDM, Bumspud, Cardtrick , myself and Summer of George. Don't be so jealous of me.

Years after BH died you were still begging me and caskur to be in your failed photoshop threads at various forums. When I refused you got pissy with me and started whinging .... "You were never any good at flaming anyway!"

HC…was Blandscape a flame God st BH?

That stupid fucker who types like a Reg Smythe character?

Brawl-hall was a freedom of speech forum but spamming multiple replies like blandscape does would never have been tolerated. He'd have been in the dumpster along with PNGrata and Johnny, those animals would have torn him apart.

I don't remember having to moderate him but BH was closed something like 15 years ago.

When flaming was still alive lots of great posters took advantage of the fun to be had at BH ... then they got bored and left ... all these people who try to bring flaming back didn't do much of anything when flaming was alive and well.

They must feel like they missed out being internet legends.
Hey man, you still got Pickles and his ole' lady's pics?

I'm sure I do somewhere.

The only reason I have those pictures is because Caskur and Ant Antagonizer posted them at Third Rail forum where they were deleted because Martini and Pickles cried their eyes out. Something about their e-lives being ruined.

Anyways, I refuse to believe that pictures are identifiable private information so I posted them again, reminding bra1n how futile it was to attempt to protect morons who let their pics get leaked, no matter how goofy they looked. Bra1n told me not to do it again, so I just started posting random fat girls with glasses and an occasion Mrs Pickles picture just to point out, mods could not enforce a picture ban without knowing exactly what pickle's wife looked like. The damage had already been done - he couldn't protect them after the fact - I still don't understand why he bothered. Rule number one when going on a flame forum the internet is to make sure you protect your own private information.

Bra1n said something along the lines of, "You don't think I'll ban you because you're H.C.Trouble" and then he banned me for a year. A year later I came back and posted the real pictures again. Like I give a fuck about being banned at a forum. To me it was just another Tuesday.

If I wanted to fuck with their real lives, removing their pictures couldn't stop me or anybody else. I wasn't trying to ridicule bra1n ... I was passing down knowledge everybody on the internet should already know.

Kirk made a nice chop commemorating my martyrdom so it was a huge win for me.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
That’s cause you’re stupid and don’t know what you’re t
This is the whole reason why I find it hard giving him a chance like Shampers suggests. I’ve never done this with my ex girlfriends. In fact I’m still friends with most of them to this day. It frustrates my wife like none other…

I agree with your point about exes. But then I've never had an ex like Dovey, except the one who suicided a few months after I last saw her (and we were still friends, more or less, at that point.)

No, I view the two of them as equally tiresome in their own right. My reasons for not buying any bullshit from either one of them are based on forum histories.

Dove is not a healthy enough individual to tell anyone how to do anything. I guess it could be argued that Martini is in the same boat. Martini and Dove were attracted to one another for a reason.
Your blood pressure looks like a fucking tax return and you’re talking about healthy?

Oh, your special hacking skills have given you access to my medical records have they?
It’s pretty obvious you fat fucking shrek looking mouth breather? Or did you hacking doveys medical records to support your comment?

I didn't make a medical diagnosis, unlike you.
alking about


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
That’s cause you’re stupid and don’t know what you’re t
This is the whole reason why I find it hard giving him a chance like Shampers suggests. I’ve never done this with my ex girlfriends. In fact I’m still friends with most of them to this day. It frustrates my wife like none other…

I agree with your point about exes. But then I've never had an ex like Dovey, except the one who suicided a few months after I last saw her (and we were still friends, more or less, at that point.)

No, I view the two of them as equally tiresome in their own right. My reasons for not buying any bullshit from either one of them are based on forum histories.

Dove is not a healthy enough individual to tell anyone how to do anything. I guess it could be argued that Martini is in the same boat. Martini and Dove were attracted to one another for a reason.
Your blood pressure looks like a fucking tax return and you’re talking about healthy?

Oh, your special hacking skills have given you access to my medical records have they?
It’s pretty obvious you fat fucking shrek looking mouth breather? Or did you hacking doveys medical records to support your comment?

I didn't make a medical diagnosis, unlike you.
alking about

You can't even manage a post and you want to make diagnoses you aren't capable of making. All doctors have made it out of high school, even the worst doctors. Again, unlike you.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
That’s cause you’re stupid and don’t know what you’re t
This is the whole reason why I find it hard giving him a chance like Shampers suggests. I’ve never done this with my ex girlfriends. In fact I’m still friends with most of them to this day. It frustrates my wife like none other…

I agree with your point about exes. But then I've never had an ex like Dovey, except the one who suicided a few months after I last saw her (and we were still friends, more or less, at that point.)

No, I view the two of them as equally tiresome in their own right. My reasons for not buying any bullshit from either one of them are based on forum histories.

Dove is not a healthy enough individual to tell anyone how to do anything. I guess it could be argued that Martini is in the same boat. Martini and Dove were attracted to one another for a reason.
Your blood pressure looks like a fucking tax return and you’re talking about healthy?

Oh, your special hacking skills have given you access to my medical records have they?
It’s pretty obvious you fat fucking shrek looking mouth breather? Or did you hacking doveys medical records to support your comment?

I didn't make a medical diagnosis, unlike you.
alking about

You can't even manage a post and you want to make diagnoses you aren't capable of making. All doctors have made it out of high school, even the worst doctors. Again, unlike you.
Don’t get mad at me because you’re fat stupid and unhealthy


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
That’s cause you’re stupid and don’t know what you’re t
This is the whole reason why I find it hard giving him a chance like Shampers suggests. I’ve never done this with my ex girlfriends. In fact I’m still friends with most of them to this day. It frustrates my wife like none other…

I agree with your point about exes. But then I've never had an ex like Dovey, except the one who suicided a few months after I last saw her (and we were still friends, more or less, at that point.)

No, I view the two of them as equally tiresome in their own right. My reasons for not buying any bullshit from either one of them are based on forum histories.

Dove is not a healthy enough individual to tell anyone how to do anything. I guess it could be argued that Martini is in the same boat. Martini and Dove were attracted to one another for a reason.
Your blood pressure looks like a fucking tax return and you’re talking about healthy?

Oh, your special hacking skills have given you access to my medical records have they?
It’s pretty obvious you fat fucking shrek looking mouth breather? Or did you hacking doveys medical records to support your comment?

I didn't make a medical diagnosis, unlike you.
alking about

You can't even manage a post and you want to make diagnoses you aren't capable of making. All doctors have made it out of high school, even the worst doctors. Again, unlike you.
Don’t get mad at me because you’re fat stupid and unhealthy

Facts are not anger.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
That’s cause you’re stupid and don’t know what you’re t
This is the whole reason why I find it hard giving him a chance like Shampers suggests. I’ve never done this with my ex girlfriends. In fact I’m still friends with most of them to this day. It frustrates my wife like none other…

I agree with your point about exes. But then I've never had an ex like Dovey, except the one who suicided a few months after I last saw her (and we were still friends, more or less, at that point.)

No, I view the two of them as equally tiresome in their own right. My reasons for not buying any bullshit from either one of them are based on forum histories.

Dove is not a healthy enough individual to tell anyone how to do anything. I guess it could be argued that Martini is in the same boat. Martini and Dove were attracted to one another for a reason.
Your blood pressure looks like a fucking tax return and you’re talking about healthy?

Oh, your special hacking skills have given you access to my medical records have they?
It’s pretty obvious you fat fucking shrek looking mouth breather? Or did you hacking doveys medical records to support your comment?

I didn't make a medical diagnosis, unlike you.
alking about

You can't even manage a post and you want to make diagnoses you aren't capable of making. All doctors have made it out of high school, even the worst doctors. Again, unlike you.
Don’t get mad at me because you’re fat stupid and unhealthy

Facts are not anger.
Your blubber is not healthy

high blood pressure and all that

Plus, being misreable and angry doesn’t help, lardass


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
That’s cause you’re stupid and don’t know what you’re t
This is the whole reason why I find it hard giving him a chance like Shampers suggests. I’ve never done this with my ex girlfriends. In fact I’m still friends with most of them to this day. It frustrates my wife like none other…

I agree with your point about exes. But then I've never had an ex like Dovey, except the one who suicided a few months after I last saw her (and we were still friends, more or less, at that point.)

No, I view the two of them as equally tiresome in their own right. My reasons for not buying any bullshit from either one of them are based on forum histories.

Dove is not a healthy enough individual to tell anyone how to do anything. I guess it could be argued that Martini is in the same boat. Martini and Dove were attracted to one another for a reason.
Your blood pressure looks like a fucking tax return and you’re talking about healthy?

Oh, your special hacking skills have given you access to my medical records have they?
It’s pretty obvious you fat fucking shrek looking mouth breather? Or did you hacking doveys medical records to support your comment?

I didn't make a medical diagnosis, unlike you.
alking about

You can't even manage a post and you want to make diagnoses you aren't capable of making. All doctors have made it out of high school, even the worst doctors. Again, unlike you.
Don’t get mad at me because you’re fat stupid and unhealthy

Facts are not anger.
Your blubber is not healthy

high blood pressure and all that

Plus, being misreable and angry doesn’t help, lardass

Prove I have hbp.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
That’s cause you’re stupid and don’t know what you’re t
This is the whole reason why I find it hard giving him a chance like Shampers suggests. I’ve never done this with my ex girlfriends. In fact I’m still friends with most of them to this day. It frustrates my wife like none other…

I agree with your point about exes. But then I've never had an ex like Dovey, except the one who suicided a few months after I last saw her (and we were still friends, more or less, at that point.)

No, I view the two of them as equally tiresome in their own right. My reasons for not buying any bullshit from either one of them are based on forum histories.

Dove is not a healthy enough individual to tell anyone how to do anything. I guess it could be argued that Martini is in the same boat. Martini and Dove were attracted to one another for a reason.
Your blood pressure looks like a fucking tax return and you’re talking about healthy?

Oh, your special hacking skills have given you access to my medical records have they?
It’s pretty obvious you fat fucking shrek looking mouth breather? Or did you hacking doveys medical records to support your comment?

I didn't make a medical diagnosis, unlike you.
alking about

You can't even manage a post and you want to make diagnoses you aren't capable of making. All doctors have made it out of high school, even the worst doctors. Again, unlike you.
Don’t get mad at me because you’re fat stupid and unhealthy

Facts are not anger.
Your blubber is not healthy

high blood pressure and all that

Plus, being misreable and angry doesn’t help, lardass

Prove I have hbp.
Prove dove isn’t healthy


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
That’s cause you’re stupid and don’t know what you’re t
This is the whole reason why I find it hard giving him a chance like Shampers suggests. I’ve never done this with my ex girlfriends. In fact I’m still friends with most of them to this day. It frustrates my wife like none other…

I agree with your point about exes. But then I've never had an ex like Dovey, except the one who suicided a few months after I last saw her (and we were still friends, more or less, at that point.)

No, I view the two of them as equally tiresome in their own right. My reasons for not buying any bullshit from either one of them are based on forum histories.

Dove is not a healthy enough individual to tell anyone how to do anything. I guess it could be argued that Martini is in the same boat. Martini and Dove were attracted to one another for a reason.
Your blood pressure looks like a fucking tax return and you’re talking about healthy?

Oh, your special hacking skills have given you access to my medical records have they?
It’s pretty obvious you fat fucking shrek looking mouth breather? Or did you hacking doveys medical records to support your comment?

I didn't make a medical diagnosis, unlike you.
alking about

You can't even manage a post and you want to make diagnoses you aren't capable of making. All doctors have made it out of high school, even the worst doctors. Again, unlike you.
Don’t get mad at me because you’re fat stupid and unhealthy

Facts are not anger.
Your blubber is not healthy

high blood pressure and all that

Plus, being misreable and angry doesn’t help, lardass

Prove I have hbp.

i have no doubt you are so fat that your bedroom is outfitted with an experimental anti-gravity device and you spend all day bouncing off the ceiling while posting your hate filled snarks


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
That’s cause you’re stupid and don’t know what you’re t
This is the whole reason why I find it hard giving him a chance like Shampers suggests. I’ve never done this with my ex girlfriends. In fact I’m still friends with most of them to this day. It frustrates my wife like none other…

I agree with your point about exes. But then I've never had an ex like Dovey, except the one who suicided a few months after I last saw her (and we were still friends, more or less, at that point.)

No, I view the two of them as equally tiresome in their own right. My reasons for not buying any bullshit from either one of them are based on forum histories.

Dove is not a healthy enough individual to tell anyone how to do anything. I guess it could be argued that Martini is in the same boat. Martini and Dove were attracted to one another for a reason.
Your blood pressure looks like a fucking tax return and you’re talking about healthy?

Oh, your special hacking skills have given you access to my medical records have they?
It’s pretty obvious you fat fucking shrek looking mouth breather? Or did you hacking doveys medical records to support your comment?

I didn't make a medical diagnosis, unlike you.
alking about

You can't even manage a post and you want to make diagnoses you aren't capable of making. All doctors have made it out of high school, even the worst doctors. Again, unlike you.
Don’t get mad at me because you’re fat stupid and unhealthy

Facts are not anger.
Your blubber is not healthy

high blood pressure and all that

Plus, being misreable and angry doesn’t help, lardass

Prove I have hbp.

i have no doubt you are so fat that your bedroom is outfitted with an experimental anti-gravity device and you spend all day bouncing off the ceiling while posting your hate filled snarks
Oi…don’t jump on the bandwagon you poofter! We don’t even know what you are yet!?


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
That’s cause you’re stupid and don’t know what you’re t
This is the whole reason why I find it hard giving him a chance like Shampers suggests. I’ve never done this with my ex girlfriends. In fact I’m still friends with most of them to this day. It frustrates my wife like none other…

I agree with your point about exes. But then I've never had an ex like Dovey, except the one who suicided a few months after I last saw her (and we were still friends, more or less, at that point.)

No, I view the two of them as equally tiresome in their own right. My reasons for not buying any bullshit from either one of them are based on forum histories.

Dove is not a healthy enough individual to tell anyone how to do anything. I guess it could be argued that Martini is in the same boat. Martini and Dove were attracted to one another for a reason.
Your blood pressure looks like a fucking tax return and you’re talking about healthy?

Oh, your special hacking skills have given you access to my medical records have they?
It’s pretty obvious you fat fucking shrek looking mouth breather? Or did you hacking doveys medical records to support your comment?

I didn't make a medical diagnosis, unlike you.
alking about

You can't even manage a post and you want to make diagnoses you aren't capable of making. All doctors have made it out of high school, even the worst doctors. Again, unlike you.
Don’t get mad at me because you’re fat stupid and unhealthy

Facts are not anger.
Your blubber is not healthy

high blood pressure and all that

Plus, being misreable and angry doesn’t help, lardass

Prove I have hbp.

i have no doubt you are so fat that your bedroom is outfitted with an experimental anti-gravity device and you spend all day bouncing off the ceiling while posting your hate filled snarks
Just a grammar hint: hate-filled. Don’t be lazy!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
That’s cause you’re stupid and don’t know what you’re t
This is the whole reason why I find it hard giving him a chance like Shampers suggests. I’ve never done this with my ex girlfriends. In fact I’m still friends with most of them to this day. It frustrates my wife like none other…

I agree with your point about exes. But then I've never had an ex like Dovey, except the one who suicided a few months after I last saw her (and we were still friends, more or less, at that point.)

No, I view the two of them as equally tiresome in their own right. My reasons for not buying any bullshit from either one of them are based on forum histories.

Dove is not a healthy enough individual to tell anyone how to do anything. I guess it could be argued that Martini is in the same boat. Martini and Dove were attracted to one another for a reason.
Your blood pressure looks like a fucking tax return and you’re talking about healthy?

Oh, your special hacking skills have given you access to my medical records have they?
It’s pretty obvious you fat fucking shrek looking mouth breather? Or did you hacking doveys medical records to support your comment?

I didn't make a medical diagnosis, unlike you.
alking about

You can't even manage a post and you want to make diagnoses you aren't capable of making. All doctors have made it out of high school, even the worst doctors. Again, unlike you.
Don’t get mad at me because you’re fat stupid and unhealthy

Facts are not anger.
Your blubber is not healthy

high blood pressure and all that

Plus, being misreable and angry doesn’t help, lardass

Prove I have hbp.
Prove dove isn’t healthy

She fucked Martini.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
That’s cause you’re stupid and don’t know what you’re t
This is the whole reason why I find it hard giving him a chance like Shampers suggests. I’ve never done this with my ex girlfriends. In fact I’m still friends with most of them to this day. It frustrates my wife like none other…

I agree with your point about exes. But then I've never had an ex like Dovey, except the one who suicided a few months after I last saw her (and we were still friends, more or less, at that point.)

No, I view the two of them as equally tiresome in their own right. My reasons for not buying any bullshit from either one of them are based on forum histories.

Dove is not a healthy enough individual to tell anyone how to do anything. I guess it could be argued that Martini is in the same boat. Martini and Dove were attracted to one another for a reason.
Your blood pressure looks like a fucking tax return and you’re talking about healthy?

Oh, your special hacking skills have given you access to my medical records have they?
It’s pretty obvious you fat fucking shrek looking mouth breather? Or did you hacking doveys medical records to support your comment?

I didn't make a medical diagnosis, unlike you.
alking about

You can't even manage a post and you want to make diagnoses you aren't capable of making. All doctors have made it out of high school, even the worst doctors. Again, unlike you.
Don’t get mad at me because you’re fat stupid and unhealthy

Facts are not anger.
Your blubber is not healthy

high blood pressure and all that

Plus, being misreable and angry doesn’t help, lardass

Prove I have hbp.

i have no doubt you are so fat that your bedroom is outfitted with an experimental anti-gravity device and you spend all day bouncing off the ceiling while posting your hate filled snarks
Oh for fuck sakes. Start with a capital and end with a full stop. Why are you FT spanners so illiterate!?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
That’s cause you’re stupid and don’t know what you’re t
This is the whole reason why I find it hard giving him a chance like Shampers suggests. I’ve never done this with my ex girlfriends. In fact I’m still friends with most of them to this day. It frustrates my wife like none other…

I agree with your point about exes. But then I've never had an ex like Dovey, except the one who suicided a few months after I last saw her (and we were still friends, more or less, at that point.)

No, I view the two of them as equally tiresome in their own right. My reasons for not buying any bullshit from either one of them are based on forum histories.

Dove is not a healthy enough individual to tell anyone how to do anything. I guess it could be argued that Martini is in the same boat. Martini and Dove were attracted to one another for a reason.
Your blood pressure looks like a fucking tax return and you’re talking about healthy?

Oh, your special hacking skills have given you access to my medical records have they?
It’s pretty obvious you fat fucking shrek looking mouth breather? Or did you hacking doveys medical records to support your comment?

I didn't make a medical diagnosis, unlike you.
alking about

You can't even manage a post and you want to make diagnoses you aren't capable of making. All doctors have made it out of high school, even the worst doctors. Again, unlike you.
Don’t get mad at me because you’re fat stupid and unhealthy

Facts are not anger.
Your blubber is not healthy

high blood pressure and all that

Plus, being misreable and angry doesn’t help, lardass

Prove I have hbp.

i have no doubt you are so fat that your bedroom is outfitted with an experimental anti-gravity device and you spend all day bouncing off the ceiling while posting your hate filled snarks

You're just like Biggie and Aryan. You should be embarrassed. Whining about others' content.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
I'm sorry I embarrassed you, ya big liar, Martini.

As for my contributions to BH, maybe you can use the wayback machine and find out who the most awarded posters at BH were ... I think it goes TDM, Bumspud, Cardtrick , myself and Summer of George. Don't be so jealous of me.

Years after BH died you were still begging me and caskur to be in your failed photoshop threads at various forums. When I refused you got pissy with me and started whinging .... "You were never any good at flaming anyway!"

HC…was Blandscape a flame God st BH?

That stupid fucker who types like a Reg Smythe character?

Brawl-hall was a freedom of speech forum but spamming multiple replies like blandscape does would never have been tolerated. He'd have been in the dumpster along with PNGrata and Johnny, those animals would have torn him apart.

I don't remember having to moderate him but BH was closed something like 15 years ago.

When flaming was still alive lots of great posters took advantage of the fun to be had at BH ... then they got bored and left ... all these people who try to bring flaming back didn't do much of anything when flaming was alive and well.

They must feel like they missed out being internet legends.
Hey man, you still got Pickles and his ole' lady's pics?

I'm sure I do somewhere.

The only reason I have those pictures is because Caskur and Ant Antagonizer posted them at Third Rail forum where they were deleted because Martini and Pickles cried their eyes out. Something about their e-lives being ruined.

Anyways, I refuse to believe that pictures are identifiable private information so I posted them again, reminding bra1n how futile it was to attempt to protect morons who let their pics get leaked, no matter how goofy they looked. Bra1n told me not to do it again, so I just started posting random fat girls with glasses and an occasion Mrs Pickles picture just to point out, mods could not enforce a picture ban without knowing exactly what pickle's wife looked like. The damage had already been done - he couldn't protect them after the fact - I still don't understand why he bothered. Rule number one when going on a flame forum the internet is to make sure you protect your own private information.

Bra1n said something along the lines of, "You don't think I'll ban you because you're H.C.Trouble" and then he banned me for a year. A year later I came back and posted the real pictures again. Like I give a fuck about being banned at a forum. To me it was just another Tuesday.

If I wanted to fuck with their real lives, removing their pictures couldn't stop me or anybody else. I wasn't trying to ridicule bra1n ... I was passing down knowledge everybody on the internet should already know.

Kirk made a nice chop commemorating my martyrdom so it was a huge win for me.

Well, should you find them,
Pass them on to me.
I will privately pass them on to a friend of mine,
Who will do with them what he will.

Personally, I find them, from memory,
Entirely average.
They will satisfy a desired result.
At your convenience.