Forum Deportation Raid - The Prowler - June 1, 2022


Factory Bastard
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Another victim of liberal retardation.


I'm Republican. Got nothing to do with Politics and all to do with you fucking up topics.
I've let you personally slide here for awiLe.. You were overdue. You're be fine.

Find me a lib jacking threads. Let's get 'em down here.

Point 'em out.
Dude, I get it, you're trying to tame romper room. Thing is, I'm not built to rat. I accept that this resulted in the current situation.

It should have been real easy to see though that right off the bat, admin continued his spam bullshit, several people,, had our posts moved AFTER, he started his shit, which gives the appearance of moderator meat shielding. Its not insane in the least bit.

Look, I said, over and over, that we weren't interested in a sterile forum. Insults could be levied back and forth, but you guys go off the rails.

If anyone goes to look at misplaced meltdowns, I also removed admins posts.
Ya didnt. You moved mine, left his. Now I'm A-OK with that shit but you left his, i.e. meatshielded. Its what I expected.

Point out which specific post...let's reason this out.
Oak, I hardly think I'm gonna take an hour or more to look through every topic I posted on over the last 2 days. IF I actually gave a dam about the occurrence, I would have made a note of it. Again, when something of mine gets tossed, I just LOL and move along.

Oh, okay. Thanks for all the needless drama in that case.
Anytime, bitch.

Fuck you.
Go fuk yourself nigger bitch.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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So Admins baiting.
I don't doubt it.
I see him do it. often.

Let's get him down here.
Sir, with all due respect, are you at all aware of the nonstop "baiting" I get on a DAILY basis, up to and including 'admin suck cock' aidsman gay, ADMONG SPAM! etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc and so on?
You fukin hypocritical shitbag, the ONLY reason that ever started was due to your constant threadjacking, meme spamming, and other assorted bullshittery. Now you're crying cause the shit got tossed back at you. Spare me the bullshit, ya faggit.
I beg your pardon young man, I am upstairs with the posters with at least a modicum of self restraint...take this time to think about that.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
So Admins baiting.
I don't doubt it.
I see him do it. often.

Let's get him down here.
Sir, with all due respect, are you at all aware of the nonstop "baiting" I get on a DAILY basis, up to and including 'admin suck cock' aidsman gay, ADMONG SPAM! etc etc etc etc etc etc etc etc and so on?
You fukin hypocritical shitbag, the ONLY reason that ever started was due to your constant threadjacking, meme spamming, and other assorted bullshittery. Now you're crying cause the shit got tossed back at you. Spare me the bullshit, ya faggit.
I beg your pardon young man, I am upstairs with the posters with at least a modicum of self restraint...take this time to think about that.
Yea,yea,yea. Enjoy being a meatshielded pet, faggit. It wont last forever.

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
I don't geddit? Somebody shit posts and you confine them to the sub where that kind of behaviour ruins what capable posters are trying to achieve. I'm sure @Flynn will be delighted.

Banishments should be to the shitbox and no other place.

It doesn't make sense.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I don't geddit? Somebody shit posts and you confine them to the sub where that kind of behaviour ruins what capable posters are trying to achieve. I'm sure @Flynn will be delighted.

Banishments should be to the shitbox and no other place.

It doesn't make sense.

BH would turn your avatar into pink undies and your title would be shitposter or something like that. they should do that here


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I don't geddit? Somebody shit posts and you confine them to the sub where that kind of behaviour ruins what capable posters are trying to achieve. I'm sure @Flynn will be delighted.

Banishments should be to the shitbox and no other place.

It doesn't make sense.

I agree with that @Bastard Factory.
Get to it then.

Deep cleansing breaths, Batmobile Boy.
Is that you brown bagging a dick, faggit?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I don't geddit? Somebody shit posts and you confine them to the sub where that kind of behaviour ruins what capable posters are trying to achieve. I'm sure @Flynn will be delighted.

Banishments should be to the shitbox and no other place.

It doesn't make sense.

I know it doesn't make much sense. Look at it like this, Lokmar is basically harmless. Yes he's annoying like a foul mouthed old lady that threatens to bash you over the head with her cane. Other than that he does make people think from time to time and with him in Meltdown he can keep on being well...Lokmar, without compromising the rest of the board. Just look at it like this, you're able to kick out his cane and see him fall anytime you'd like without any repercussions.

Now that doesn't sound too bad does it?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I don't geddit? Somebody shit posts and you confine them to the sub where that kind of behaviour ruins what capable posters are trying to achieve. I'm sure @Flynn will be delighted.

Banishments should be to the shitbox and no other place.

It doesn't make sense.

I agree with that @Bastard Factory.
Get to it then.

I don't get to make those decisions.
Damn you're dumb.....that was a message.