Frood's/Freud's/DD's Abridged Guidelines for Flynn/Pickles/Five Guys Mumbai to not make another similarly catastrophic mistake of strategy....


Have kink will travel.
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1. Know your prey. Understand what motivates them and what they consider as a win or a loss. You might think you're over the target but consider which way up you're approaching from.

2. If your desired prey considers you an inferior poster, they won't invest any meaningful efforts besides the bare minimum to toy with and clown you with your own approach....usually for the amusement of others because desired prey are fucking charitable like that, they truly fucking are. If you generally only receive back 2-10 word replies, they're drawing you down and causing you to expend mojo. Mojo is a commodity and very few can mine more at the drop of a hat.

3. Stay in your lane. There are people who have been stirring the pot for decades before you were just a wetspot on your parent's mattress. Those poster's longevity is a testament to mental muscle memory. Every challenge has multiple counter-angles. Each angle of approach back has even more subtleties which can be dispensed on whim.

4. Don't post inebriated or on mind altering substances unless you've trained on them. Consistency is the key. Few would ever slam down a bottle of Jack and then proceed to joy ride through a school zone at 3 pm on a weekday. Don't get weekend hammered or smoked up and think you can hold your own at 2 in the morning with somebody in a daylight time zone on the other side of the world. You're not your best even if you're already widely considered to be a Shitsmear of a poster and mod when you do have control of your limbs and bowel movements.

5. And finally, never explain.... never justify... swagger/confidence is everything.

I had high hopes for you in 2006 that you'd just might make a fine troll one day (because let's face it... your flame game is formulaic bum nuggets and always has been).

Sober up, reflect, and at least TRY to do Flametown proud for a change...



Have kink will travel.
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Class, as we can see here beyond my latest post ↑↑↑... somebody wasn't following ANY of the basic rules and got clowned rather quickly.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Playing the "flame" game or no there are a couple of rules that still apply:

1) Don't Feed The Trolls
1a) Unless it's a morsel of bait but still... frugality is key

2) They're all trolls.
No seriously- until proven otherwise just presume everyone everywhere online is a troll.

Because they almost always are, even if they don't consciously know it.

People who for whatever reason (usually drunk with ego, power, and/or hatred) ignore those simple rules inevitably trip over their own feet trying to tango with someone who's maybe not even a much better dancer but is simply keeping better rhythm.

This advice, like 99.99% of all advice ever given, will be wasted.
There are none so foolish as those who refuse to admit they're fools.


Have kink will travel.
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But trolls are so cute... who can deny a fluffy troll a morsel?



Have kink will travel.
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I know, right?
Sometimes I toss them a crumb even without a hook inside just to see the adorable little face light up.

It's like putting out bird seed into a backyard feeder... you know you should be carefully filling it with no spillage lest you attract in predators, but you'd rather tear a rip into the 20 pound sack and Maori dance across the yard until the frenzy begins...

There are no wrong approaches except a Flynn...


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
so, which one O yoo was the bottom ? I bet it was frood :LOL3:

I wish you'd tire of this same ol' song and dance because I sure as fuck did long ago.

I mean you *will* eventually get tired of it won't you, because you're more or less normal? Such a shame if you turn out to be another Admajor-type obsessive who only has two or three rote responses to every post.

Say it ain't so, X'yPoo!


Site Supporter
I wish you'd tire of this same ol' song and dance because I sure as fuck did long ago.

I mean you *will* eventually get tired of it won't you, because you're more or less normal? Such a shame if you turn out to be another Admajor-type obsessive who only has two or three rote responses to every post.

Say it ain't so, X'yPoo!

you were the bottom ?


Site Supporter
Normal? :LOL3:

who the fuck made you a normality cop sittin' up there on that horse LOL
quit shittin on my fun and scroll along creampuff


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
1. Know your prey. Understand what motivates them and what they consider as a win or a loss. You might think you're over the target but consider which way up you're approaching from.

2. If your desired prey considers you an inferior poster, they won't invest any meaningful efforts besides the bare minimum to toy with and clown you with your own approach....usually for the amusement of others because desired prey are fucking charitable like that, they truly fucking are. If you generally only receive back 2-10 word replies, they're drawing you down and causing you to expend mojo. Mojo is a commodity and very few can mine more at the drop of a hat.

3. Stay in your lane. There are people who have been stirring the pot for decades before you were just a wetspot on your parent's mattress. Those poster's longevity is a testament to mental muscle memory. Every challenge has multiple counter-angles. Each angle of approach back has even more subtleties which can be dispensed on whim.

4. Don't post inebriated or on mind altering substances unless you've trained on them. Consistency is the key. Few would ever slam down a bottle of Jack and then proceed to joy ride through a school zone at 3 pm on a weekday. Don't get weekend hammered or smoked up and think you can hold your own at 2 in the morning with somebody in a daylight time zone on the other side of the world. You're not your best even if you're already widely considered to be a Shitsmear of a poster and mod when you do have control of your limbs and bowel movements.

5. And finally, never explain.... never justify... swagger/confidence is everything.

I had high hopes for you in 2006 that you'd just might make a fine troll one day (because let's face it... your flame game is formulaic bum nuggets and always has been).

Sober up, reflect, and at least TRY to do Flametown proud for a change...


1. Don't get outted trying to be a woman. Understand that you have always sucked at "flaming/trolling." Again, the only reason you're even posting up this symphony of crap is because I blew your fucking brains out by highlighting the fact you failed at being Dinky Diana.

2. When you're 15 levels below the person you're trying to bad mouth, it's important to realize that it would be prudent to travel in a group because Freud gets demolished when the tool tries going heads up with an elite poster.

3. Don't ever try being a woman without the use of a digital voice modulator...that is unless your name is Freud. By his own admission, he admitted to trying to fool the male posters by acting like a woman online.

4. If your name is Freud, it's a wise idea to not to post at all, that way you're not showing off how truly fucking stupid you are. Freud logic is when he's getting his pussy boxed in, accuse the person (me) of being inebriated, though I've posted many times over that I don't drink. This is more of the common sense Freud exudes.

5. And finally if you're Freud, deflect even though there's a fucking thread with the truth blasting him in the face, but ignore that and maybe it'll go away. :LOL3:

Get more schooling Freud, the way you post shows me you barely graduated Primary School, let alone graduating from any accredited college.

Tell me more DD!
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Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Flynn's problem is that it gets mad, really REALLY mad., over the most trivial nonsense... and for those of us who aren't complete fucking newbs, we realise that such an approach is a recipe for disaster and ridicule.

Still trying to deflect the fact that the dummy defended a dude pretending to be a woman.

Fucking funny shit.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Dovey troalled that dumbass for years with socail and trailor.

Here's the fucking idiot that actually wanted to see I.P. logs of posters because the stupid fuck was soooo certain that I was trolling him on a guest account in the Shoutbox.

What a fucking maroon.