

Factory Bastard
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Right, this is where my questions were hanging. I know a man and his wife passed married 6 months later claiming it was the "love" of his life. I recently joined a forum called LuvNdun tho. So I kinda can't blame him in a way.
I don't blame him at all. I don't have that much respect for men who are terrified of being alone.


Domestically feral
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United states
With every relationship that ended up not being "the one" I lost a little more interest in that whole thing.

Eventually I had been single for so long that it *is* my default now.
Trying to imagine anything else is what seems weird.

Not that I'm philosophically opposed to marriage or a long-term relationship...
...it's just not on my ToDo list anymore.

I'm already a whole person and not merely resigned to but actually content with things as they are.

Never say never but at some point... yeah, it's probably never.
The most important thing is to not let that poison everything else.

If you have a best female friend and she ends up needing to stay with you for "two weeks" .....that could get very interesting for you lol.

My man has been single his entire life. Never lived with a woman. Never married. No kids. He doesn't even go out. 45 years old. He was exactly in the same mindset as you. Probably gonna die alone...was perfectly fine with that.

I mean even if we didn't get together I never leave him alone so he would not have died alone alone.

But yeah two weeks have turned into a year a two months LoL.

Even still men who have been alone like this for long periods of time are a whole different level. He is much less codependent than I am. I know he loves me, more than anyone in my life ever has...but at the same time I'm the more attached one. He would do better without me than i would do without him. Im definately the psycho of the relationship.


Factory Bastard
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I like being alone. It would be nice to have a partner to help me through life but people suck, so I don't want to get involved with situations. Best case scenario would be me moving in with my best friend but he has a wife and kids.

We've joked about it. Somewhat divorcing his family and buying that million dollar house on the hill and having bands and strippers. LOL



Domestically feral
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United states
It's funny how people wonder why G is single and ask.

But we all know why some others in particular are single so no one asked.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
If you have a best female friend and she ends up needing to stay with you for "two weeks" .....that could get very interesting for you lol.

My man has been single his entire life. Never lived with a woman. Never married. No kids. He doesn't even go out. 45 years old. He was exactly in the same mindset as you. Probably gonna die alone...was perfectly fine with that.

My last serious relationship was a live-together situation; lasted about a year.

But the back half was more like a contest to see whether she or I would be the first to say out loud that it was shite. At one point I told her I'd propose if she could go a month without saying "fuck you" for no good reason. Needless to say I was never close to being in danger of going ring shopping.

After we finally went our separate ways I was so definitely done with all that nonsense. LoL

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I don't blame him at all. I don't have that much respect for men who are terrified of being alone.

Okay, this is what is happening with The Homewrecker.

Every man she meets falls into these categories:

A) In a relationship and responsive to her sexual advances.

Her conclusion: The man is suffering through a bad relationship.

B) In a relationship and non-responsive to her sexual advances.

Her conclusion: The man is terrified of being alone.

C) Not in a relationship and responsive to her sexual advances.

Her conclusion: The man is desperate.

D) Not in a relationship and non-responsive to her sexual advances.

Her conclusion: The man must be a homosexual.

All this nonsense that she tells you people on here is just what she think you will want to hear.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
Plus, you realized that you cannot get along well with anyone for more than 20 minutes at a time.

It kinda makes "spending the evening together" a burden.

That's very not true.
I can't get along well with *ALMOST* anyone for more than 20 minutes at a time.

I know it looks like a small distinction but it's an extremely important one.

I have never dated anyone I couldn't happily spend entire days with.
That's hardly the same as enmeshing our lives, though.


Domestically feral
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United states
My last serious relationship was a live-together situation; lasted about a year.

But the back half was more like a contest to see whether she or I would be the first to say out loud that it was shite. At one point I told her I'd propose if she could go a month without saying "fuck you" for no good reason. Needless to say I was never close to being in danger of going ring shopping.

After we finally went our separate ways I was so definitely done with all that nonsense. LoL
That sounds terrible. I wouldn't live with anyone who turned everyday into a battle.

Honestly me and this guy have been in eachothers lives for 30 years ...have definately been angry at eachother, hurt, ect but we have never talked to eachother like that. Ever.


Factory Bastard
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Sunshine State ☀️
That sounds terrible. I wouldn't live with anyone who turned everyday into a battle.

Honestly me and this guy have been in eachothers lives for 30 years ...have definately been angry at eachother, hurt, ect but we have never talked to eachother like that. Ever.
Umm to some I know saying that is their love language. It's horrible but that's how some roll.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Umm to some I know saying that is their love language. It's horrible but that's how some roll.

I know.

He talks shit to me all the time and we joke around a lot but we have never talked to eachother in anger like that.

Don't get me wrong, he has said things to me that cut me to my core....just never any angry cussing or name calling.

I do send him shit like this everyday. That's my love language lol


The Prowler

Factory Bastard
And, of course, those ^^^^^^ are the very men who complain endlessly about "the wife," and how awful being married is. Go solo, you fuckwit.

It sounds like you have met a man who will not give you a mercy fuck, Homewrecker, and is using "being married" as an excuse to let you down softly.

Just move on, Homewrecker.

He will never lower himself to your level.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
And, of course, those ^^^^^^ are the very men who complain endlessly about "the wife," and how awful being married is. Go solo, you fuckwit.

When I was a stripper a lot of regulars were married men who belly ached constantly about their wives and being married.

The week I quite dancing for good (and I was 28), a married male customer, who was known to bitch about his wife (who BTW...gave birth to triplets. So this poor woman had his triplets and he was constantly bitching about how he wasn't getting the attention and sex he wanted. Like no shit, asshole. She's exhausted and probably feels undesirable) offered me 450 dollars for a blow job.

I told him the reasons his marriage is shit is because instead of being at home helping his wife, he is in a strip club offering 450 dollars to a strange woman for a blow job. I was so disgusted. I told him he should use that money on marriage counseling or pay for some help for his wife and put his effort into her. He was a regular in the club and spent A LOT of money. Enough to have paid for a nanny and took his wife on vacation more than once.

It just disgusted me that instead of using his time and resources to improve his marriage....he was in a fucking strip club, drinking alcohol, blowing money on strippers and trying to get his dick wet while his poor wife was home tending to their children. Probably tired and stressed and feeling like her body was destroyed. Most of the dancers like myself were also mothers. I don't know why these men think they are going to get sympathy. We all thouht they were disgusting and feel bad for their wives.

You'd get the rare married guy who actually was a victim, whose wife was abusive and a cheater but that was rare. Most of the married customers were just selfish, narcissist pricks mad that there were not worshipped like a god at home. Putting NO effort into their relationships with their wives.


Factory Bastard
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The power of self-delusion is fairly incredible. I hope he thinks he's being funny, for his sake.
He certainly thinks he's being clever, and is quite proud of himself. He thinks he's got one up on me! The self-delusion is, indeed, strong in that one.