Gyroscope in jail


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.That little treasured pm...that youve saved for so long....awwww...itll be okay :)...Im sure youll find someone elses reputation to destroy.....oh...Yeah....looks like youre trying to destroy mine....WOW...that didnt take you long ;)
Oh, I didn't read this one. What, I mix jokes in with my fights, that's how I am, I'm sarcastic.. you think I'd waste time fighting here if I couldn't get a chuckle out if it? Then again, you are pretty weird and have no idea about social etiquette, just saying.
And, you're lying here, Raven. You know where I got that PM from.. you were once in the circle of trust when you jumped right on board the Scott train to start tossing things at KP, yeah.. but let's not discuss that though, recounting the truth regarding your contradictions would ruin you. My memory, knack for elaborating everything and YOU are your biggest problem right now.
PS. Nice try at giving me an anemic kick while huffing out the door with your ball.. kinda felt like a massage actually. Thanks.
Is the 'Scott train' where you and genie line up and stick your dicks in each others ass ??


Factory Bastard
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I plan on ignoring you here, Scott... I agree with you politically and we are both from the same military background.... but I stand by my decision that the PM that you've been using as a weapon against someone you detest.. Is a FAKE... I'm entitled to that decision without you coming here trying to destroy me because I don't agree with you on that issue.. :( The PM that I posted was posted from BADGER.. as an uncut post... so .. go take it up with him if you don't like it.. I personally don't think this site should allow people to accuse others of child RAPE, it's careless and could get them in trouble legally.. I haven't kept in touch with you for this reason... You can't handle that I disagree with you on this.. Sorry... I am not a follower... and I don't care if I have ANY friends here... I will stand with my decision.. It's who I am...
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Factory Bastard
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I plan on ignoring you here, Scott... I agree with you politically and we are both from the same military background.... but I stand by my decision that the PM that you've been using as a weapon against someone you detest.. Is a FAKE... I'm entitled to that decision without you coming here trying to destroy me because I don't agree with you on that issue.. :( The PM that I posted was posted from BADGER.. as an uncut post... so .. go take it up with him if you don't like it.. I personally don't think this site should allow people to accuse others of child RAPE, it's careless and could get them in trouble legally.. I haven't kept in touch with you for this reason... You can't handle that I disagree with you on this.. Sorry... I am not a follower... and I don't care if I have ANY friends here... I will stand with my decision.. It's who I am...

Ahh, we got our strength back with a nobility pill, did we.. well that's good.
Too bad it was placebo because I'll be reducing that to the pile contradictory rubbish it is in short order ..maybe tomorrow, but I promise it'll be real good and might even we'll help you snap back into reality although it might also have you leaving again without my even trying.
^ oh, and don't let that uneasy thought go gnawing at you in uneasy apprehension.. :EvilOne2:


Factory Bastard
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You are boring, Scott.. truly boring.. You already ruined one forum.. Don't be a bully.. I truly like people here and made my escape from the Y because of this kind of shit.. I disagreed with you.. SO WHAT? Are you that butt hurt that you can't have someone disagree with you? Really?... I hate fighting.. truly do.. IRL and on the net.. it's not me to fight with people.. I've only been defending myself here.. not starting anything.. Be a bully.. don't care.. YOU ARE PURE DRAMA... crying because I don't agree with you?? Who cares...


Factory Bastard
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You just like fighting with someone.. and it's not going to be me :D


Factory Bastard
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Signing out...Goodbye Kriss

You will be back within 24 hours with a new account.

^ My FIRST of many prophecies that shall come to fruition.


Factory Bastard
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Just so everyone knows what's going on here.. Scott has used a fake PM to accuse a person of RAPING their child... I stuck up for that person and offered evidence contradicting this... and Now he wants to rip my reputation apart... You truly are a narcissist … think yo shit don't stink... Go way Drama Queen.. … Nope … no alt..same account.. not going to let you drive me away... I like it here because people are nice and don't fight much.. But that's why Bear invited you here... to beat up on KP.. sorry I had to discredit your little wildcard.. :)…. OH AND.. this happened over 2 years ago.. and he's still upset about it.. WOW>>>>>
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Factory Bastard
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Just so everyone knows what's going on here.. Scott has used a fake PM to accuse a person of RAPING their child... I stuck up for that person and offered evidence contradicting this... and Now he wants to rip my reputation apart... You truly are a narcissist … think yo shit don't stink... Go way Drama Queen.. … Nope … no alt..same account.. not going to let you drive me away... I like it here because people are nice and don't fight much.. But that's why Bear invited you here... to beat up on KP.. sorry I had to discredit your little wildcard.. :)…. OH AND.. this happened over 2 years ago.. and he's still upset about it.. WOW>>>>>

^ look at all that.. stuff coming out, that was one productive post I made.
We'll do some exploring now..
Your having a moment of calm clarity but it's me, and we know what kind of trouble making mania is waiting under that veil of yours, i.e. your high profile spectacles, demands on the walls of admin, "close my account, now! I'll be back in an hour!!!!!!!", and then, you'd repeat it until they accommodated you, not once but many times again and again and again, only to have you blowing trumpets on the way out instead of just leaving.
Your noble words don't match your actions and you don't make sense.
Please correct the things I say that are wrong as I say them.. but ya can't. So don't wheel the smooth as velvet sensibility approach at me.
Have you no self control? Explain this part..

Did you really think for a one solitary second I was going to let you spin a yarn of selective bullshit here at me?
You reached out and brought me into this, now you got it and I don't mind.


Factory Bastard
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I love this, we are in my wheelhouse and I am going to push all your buttons until your phoney mask falls off.


Factory Bastard
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You are delusional, Scott... I rarely get involved in these threads...)meltdown) YOU KNOW.. I hate fighting with people.. I've explained that to you over and over again... life is hard enough.. and my little get away..pathetic as it is.. Is this forum and these people.. They give me a laugh that I wouldn't have during the day.. So I beg you, to please stop fighting with me... I come here to post a few photoshops and reply to a couple of threads.. that's it... .. I disagreed with you... so what? get over it...


Factory Bastard
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You don't know me, Scott... You don't know what my life is like.. what I go through or what I've been through... I just want to come here in peace.. and be left alone...


Factory Bastard
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I'm not a phony person.. I am an extremely forgiving person.... and if you wanted to call this quits right now...I would forgive you.. and move on...


Factory Bastard
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You are delusional, Scott... I rarely get involved in these threads...)meltdown) YOU KNOW.. I hate fighting with people.. I've explained that to you over and over again... life is hard enough.. and my little get away..pathetic as it is.. Is this forum and these people.. They give me a laugh that I wouldn't have during the day.. So I beg you, to please stop fighting with me... I come here to post a few photoshops and reply to a couple of threads.. that's it... .. I disagreed with you... so what? get over it...

Oh you're so innocent, what happened to your big bold battle horse? Is the kid diddler watching it for ya in the stables?
Remember when you jumped right on board the anti-KP/PLEASE ASS BOX ME! train with the PM, all those LOLOLOLs from you and then you even putting your creative photo shopping to work as well in the campaign to expose him. And here you are, the great DEFENDER! lol
So you're the rabid patriotic service veteran, eh? But rolling around trumpeting a crusade to protect a witless and weird creepy leftist with the worst taint hanging over him who hates your country, hates its military, routinely lives by slander, likes to dig up the dead and use that as a thing to fight with.. That's your people, eh? Your crusade? NO, you don't give a fuck, this is a way to the drama you crave, either that or your certifiably psychotic.
When are you going to tell the TRUTH?
I'm drop kicking your right off your very fake horse.
I see your, "I like these people", hoping they read it and feel complimented, you call me a "bully", and maybe some sympathy will come your way because some guy is beating the fuck out of you right now, so sad.. (Won't someone rescue this damsel in distress??!) Not so fast fellas.. lol. I've seen this number too many times before.
Remember, Raven Want to talk about that part?
We are going to get passed this cool demeanor and get to the bottom of you once and for all.
You like to open your mouth, write big boisterous checks and then, skate from the consequences. You try it on me because my thing is being famous for giving out pussy passes, but, what happens if I stop thinking you got one? Uh oh! Could be, that.. not sure.
Guess I'm on the fence a bit, aka, your favorite seat.


Factory Bastard
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How foolish of you to initiate this with me.. still worth it to ya? Any regrets, Ravey?


Factory Bastard
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Pfffftttt… The last thing I am is a fence rider, Scott.. I look at what is presented and judge by that... FFS... Do you think I'd go through all of this horseshit if I were a fence rider? When I first joined the Y.. you all were in battle over this stupid fucking PM.. that I knew nothing about.. I thought it was all a big game.. UNTIL.. I saw it.. and realized how horribly wrong it was.. I changed my tune 1 1/2 years ago.. and I have NEVER changed my mind about it.. even when KP has pissed me off to NO END.. which he does a lot.. I will always defend him on this issue.. my views have never swayed. If you look around and read the threads... I have given him MANY MANY downvotes and horseshit votes.. because of his LEFTARD VIEWS and his hatred for trump... It pisses me off.. but that is a different story.. We are talking about this man's life and the accusation that you have made... … And I am being honest about coming here and these people.. I don't get to laugh much during the day..So it is fun for me to come here for a chuckle.. Not much more I can say about it... I'm being as sincere as I can .


Factory Bastard
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I wish you knew me irl, Scott.. Your judgements of me are way off base... I'm not some crazy woman.. I am sane as all shit.. goofy and quirky, yes.. but sane. I take a stand and I stick to my beliefs, bullied or not :/


Factory Bastard
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I'm not a phony person.. I am an extremely forgiving person.... and if you wanted to call this quits right now...I would forgive you.. and move on...
You'll forgive me? Of course you will, as far as I can tell, people can get away with anything they do to you. People called you valor fraud, fatso, General Raymond Rae lol, a man, etc.. all the time and had you.. at the end of your rope (at least you claimed this) So I defended you and you practically groveled to suck em off like a glutton for abuse who kinda lked it DESPITE also hating it. IOW, OF COURSE YOU WILL FORGIVE ANYTHING.
Oh boy, lemme tell ya, if that's the case, you are going to be SO IN LOVE WITH ME lmao


Factory Bastard
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This is one issue we are discussing.. and that is the PM accusing a man of doing the unspeakable to his children.. with NO PROOF... I will defend him on this.. Unwavering


Factory Bastard
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Oh, I thought me and Tosh fought for a year because he was cutting you up with everything I just mentioned and I defended you.. you have a serious memory gap, major.
Maybe I'll just leave this one for Genie, you'll suffer a million cuts with a little smile at the end of each wee one liner she posts. I swear, if I'm online and she starts at you, I WON'T pile on.. it would be criminal for the two of us to go after one person at the same time lol


Factory Bastard
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She get a real kick out of all those Zzzzz you been posting at her like you were really determined to find some trouble we both know you can't handle... I pity ya. Plead insanity, maybe that'll work.. dunno, she's a loose cannon.


Factory Bastard
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I have NO problem with Genie, in fact, I quite like her.. but I will always defend myself.. it's in my nature to do so. I'm tired, Scott.. truly tired.... I'm not into name calling and fighting with people.. soo.. You guys have at it... I hope it's fun you.. I'm going to get back to my photoshopping here... Ya know? Fun stuff :)… good night, Scott.


Factory Bastard
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I thought about that... I can't delete it... Only edit... Think I'll do that...


Factory Bastard
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The PM I posted was taken right off of the Y, Scott... free info.. not dropping names.. it was there for the taking... :/