Half the stories on yahoo are about trannies these days it seems...


Domestically feral
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United states

Yes yes because on Christmas all us gurlz put on teddies and shake our titties on socail media.

This. Is. A. Sexual. Fetish.

Gotdammit WTF!


Domestically feral
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United states

So basically they want to stay fucking the wife but now as a lesbian couple?

No wonder Blurt will do the idiot dance when you ask him a simple question. Sir Issac Newton couldn't logically explain this labyrinth of bullshit after a 5th of tequila and a pound of weed

holy shit

Yep. Bruce Jenner did it.

They completely destroy their families and everything becomes about them. And of course the kids feel they have to go along with it because they are abuse victims who feel responsible for carrying the weight of their parents emotions and need for validation.

As I said.....I would rather my husband cheat on me than have him troon out. I'd much rather have neither but you know what I mean LOL


Domestically feral
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United states
Most of those older troons trooned out after a long period of addiction to sissy porn. A huge number are also autistic gay men.

Yep. Sissy porn is a big thing in that...."community".

It's a fetish. A paraphilia. Autogynophilia has been a thing forever....its NOT gender dysphoria and should not be treated like it is.

These people dont give a shit about women and girls though. Or kids.


Domestically feral
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United states

A fucking 32 year old man who lives at home with his parents and had his Christmas list on the fridge.

I havent made a Christmas list since I was 14.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Have you guys noticed how so much of this trans cult shit is child centered? The pink and blue flag. The child language like saying "girl". The cartoon stuff....like carebears. My little ponies. Child things that little girls like? The Prescious Moments figures.

And it's not just this fuckwad.....so many do this. It's the "norm". The sissie porn we just brought up. The fetish play as babies and children. The mock breastfeeding that is straight up child abuse.

Also these people make this their entire personality. Everything about them revolves around "trans". How exhausting does that have to be for others in their life? It's so narcissistic.

It would not shock me if they lose friends and family not because of the trans thing....but because of their self obsession. Everything has to be trans and about their trans identity. It's always constant. I couldn't be around someone like this....it would be so draining. They really lack empathy and have no ability to connect with anything outside themselves.

That's why they end up in their cult groups. They can only be around wacko troons who are equally obsessed and consumed with their trans identity and they can sit and repeat and parrot the same old stupid shit to eachother that everyone else got way sick of hearing about or accommodating.

They really are horrible, selfish people who dont give a single shit about anything outside themselves.