Has anyone else noticed....

Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
....that even during altercations on the forum which are outside of the realm of politics, the same factions who agree with each other politically stick together and clash with the opposition?


Lotusberg, Poark/Lily, Flynn, Aidsman, Semenmajor, Hollysgay, Levon/Peaches, Murdock....


Moi, UncleDilf, Shampain, Biggie Smiles, Dove, Blazor, Freud, Oliver Shagnasty, Lokmar, Oerdin....

It's evident that the political divide in society today runs very deep.

It's "evident" that your group has the most fucking retards.

Need I say more? Sure. Let's look at your "$uper Group."

You: A "guy" that's over 40 years of age, that dresses like 12-year-old transgender girl. Plus, I shall bring up the fact that your teeth are fucking dreadful.

UncleMiLF: An on the spectrum fucktard that runs around calling people, "Father fuckers" and accuses people of being H.I.V. positive.

SHAMPAIN: A proven woman beater and ex-mod.

Biggie Steroids: Another former mod/admin that fell from grace because this lonely dork pays for sex off a forum. Not only that, this low self-esteemed twit also claims to be a fucking Gazillionaire.

Dovey: Do I really need to show examples? Lol.

Ok, this works both ways, Miss Sandy Snatch;

You: A meth addict in her mid 30's with a severe attitude problem and a forehead large enough to land a jumbo jet on.

Aidsman: An elderly homosexual from libtarded Oregon who holds the current world record for the most amount of black cocks rammed into his mouth simultaneously.

Lotusberg: An ex Commiefornian canteen lunch lady who fled her state due to it going down the shitter, yet still parrots the same far left political garbage from afar, despite it being the reason for the decline of her home county.

Poark/Lily: A morbidly obese slob also from Commiefornia with a single digit IQ and regularly shits on the sidewalk.

Yes. Team soy really is something to be marvelled at.

Why did it take you 20 minutes to cut and paste that?

Cut and paste from where exactly?

My apologies, I wasn't aware that you're sat there in your wheelchair with a stopwatch.

from readily available posts of yours here at this forum

I don't need a stopwatch when posts have timestamps, dumbass.

WTF are you rambling on about?

Something tells me that you're taking all this way too seriously if you're sat there counting time intervals between posts.

Way to show just how sad and tragic your existence is by the way LOL.

Who counts, dipshit?

You evidently....

The only thing that is evident is your inferiority.

If we were stood next to each other right now, that's the last thing anyone would think.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
....that even during altercations on the forum which are outside of the realm of politics, the same factions who agree with each other politically stick together and clash with the opposition?


Lotusberg, Poark/Lily, Flynn, Aidsman, Semenmajor, Hollysgay, Levon/Peaches, Murdock....


Moi, UncleDilf, Shampain, Biggie Smiles, Dove, Blazor, Freud, Oliver Shagnasty, Lokmar, Oerdin....

It's evident that the political divide in society today runs very deep.

It's "evident" that your group has the most fucking retards.

Need I say more? Sure. Let's look at your "$uper Group."

You: A "guy" that's over 40 years of age, that dresses like 12-year-old transgender girl. Plus, I shall bring up the fact that your teeth are fucking dreadful.

UncleMiLF: An on the spectrum fucktard that runs around calling people, "Father fuckers" and accuses people of being H.I.V. positive.

SHAMPAIN: A proven woman beater and ex-mod.

Biggie Steroids: Another former mod/admin that fell from grace because this lonely dork pays for sex off a forum. Not only that, this low self-esteemed twit also claims to be a fucking Gazillionaire.

Dovey: Do I really need to show examples? Lol.

Ok, this works both ways, Miss Sandy Snatch;

You: A meth addict in her mid 30's with a severe attitude problem and a forehead large enough to land a jumbo jet on.

Aidsman: An elderly homosexual from libtarded Oregon who holds the current world record for the most amount of black cocks rammed into his mouth simultaneously.

Lotusberg: An ex Commiefornian canteen lunch lady who fled her state due to it going down the shitter, yet still parrots the same far left political garbage from afar, despite it being the reason for the decline of her former home town.

Poark/Lily: A morbidly obese slob also from Commiefornia with a single digit IQ and regularly shits on the sidewalk.

Yes. Team soy really is something to be marvelled at.

Post the threads where it was a fact that I'm on "meth." That's your go to when I'm slapping your denture cream from out of your toothless mouth. Speaking of looks, you look like the wet tail end of a fucking drowned Cocker Spaniel.

Post the threads where it's fact that I'm toothless, Broomhilda.

Post the thread where you aren't.

Now you're just being a faggot.

Are you sure you didn't want to call me a "dick sucker" instead?


Yeah, we all know you regularly offer that "service".

For the right price of course.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Hey flynn... how are your 37 strains of runaway herpes doing today?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
....that even during altercations on the forum which are outside of the realm of politics, the same factions who agree with each other politically stick together and clash with the opposition?


Lotusberg, Poark/Lily, Flynn, Aidsman, Semenmajor, Hollysgay, Levon/Peaches, Murdock....


Moi, UncleDilf, Shampain, Biggie Smiles, Dove, Blazor, Freud, Oliver Shagnasty, Lokmar, Oerdin....

It's evident that the political divide in society today runs very deep.

It's "evident" that your group has the most fucking retards.

Need I say more? Sure. Let's look at your "$uper Group."

You: A "guy" that's over 40 years of age, that dresses like 12-year-old transgender girl. Plus, I shall bring up the fact that your teeth are fucking dreadful.

UncleMiLF: An on the spectrum fucktard that runs around calling people, "Father fuckers" and accuses people of being H.I.V. positive.

SHAMPAIN: A proven woman beater and ex-mod.

Biggie Steroids: Another former mod/admin that fell from grace because this lonely dork pays for sex off a forum. Not only that, this low self-esteemed twit also claims to be a fucking Gazillionaire.

Dovey: Do I really need to show examples? Lol.

Ok, this works both ways, Miss Sandy Snatch;

You: A meth addict in her mid 30's with a severe attitude problem and a forehead large enough to land a jumbo jet on.

Aidsman: An elderly homosexual from libtarded Oregon who holds the current world record for the most amount of black cocks rammed into his mouth simultaneously.

Lotusberg: An ex Commiefornian canteen lunch lady who fled her state due to it going down the shitter, yet still parrots the same far left political garbage from afar, despite it being the reason for the decline of her home county.

Poark/Lily: A morbidly obese slob also from Commiefornia with a single digit IQ and regularly shits on the sidewalk.

Yes. Team soy really is something to be marvelled at.

Why did it take you 20 minutes to cut and paste that?

Cut and paste from where exactly?

My apologies, I wasn't aware that you're sat there in your wheelchair with a stopwatch.

from readily available posts of yours here at this forum

I don't need a stopwatch when posts have timestamps, dumbass.

WTF are you rambling on about?

Something tells me that you're taking all this way too seriously if you're sat there counting time intervals between posts.

Way to show just how sad and tragic your existence is by the way LOL.

Who counts, dipshit?

You evidently....

The only thing that is evident is your inferiority.

If we were stood next to each other right now, that's the last thing anyone would think.

But I can't stand, I can't walk, right, dumbfuck? The plaque on your teeth have higher iq than you do.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
....that even during altercations on the forum which are outside of the realm of politics, the same factions who agree with each other politically stick together and clash with the opposition?


Lotusberg, Poark/Lily, Flynn, Aidsman, Semenmajor, Hollysgay, Levon/Peaches, Murdock....


Moi, UncleDilf, Shampain, Biggie Smiles, Dove, Blazor, Freud, Oliver Shagnasty, Lokmar, Oerdin....

It's evident that the political divide in society today runs very deep.

It's "evident" that your group has the most fucking retards.

Need I say more? Sure. Let's look at your "$uper Group."

You: A "guy" that's over 40 years of age, that dresses like 12-year-old transgender girl. Plus, I shall bring up the fact that your teeth are fucking dreadful.

UncleMiLF: An on the spectrum fucktard that runs around calling people, "Father fuckers" and accuses people of being H.I.V. positive.

SHAMPAIN: A proven woman beater and ex-mod.

Biggie Steroids: Another former mod/admin that fell from grace because this lonely dork pays for sex off a forum. Not only that, this low self-esteemed twit also claims to be a fucking Gazillionaire.

Dovey: Do I really need to show examples? Lol.

Ok, this works both ways, Miss Sandy Snatch;

You: A meth addict in her mid 30's with a severe attitude problem and a forehead large enough to land a jumbo jet on.

Aidsman: An elderly homosexual from libtarded Oregon who holds the current world record for the most amount of black cocks rammed into his mouth simultaneously.

Lotusberg: An ex Commiefornian canteen lunch lady who fled her state due to it going down the shitter, yet still parrots the same far left political garbage from afar, despite it being the reason for the decline of her former home town.

Poark/Lily: A morbidly obese slob also from Commiefornia with a single digit IQ and regularly shits on the sidewalk.

Yes. Team soy really is something to be marvelled at.

Post the threads where it was a fact that I'm on "meth." That's your go to when I'm slapping your denture cream from out of your toothless mouth. Speaking of looks, you look like the wet tail end of a fucking drowned Cocker Spaniel.

Post the threads where it's fact that I'm toothless, Broomhilda.

Post the thread where you aren't.

Now you're just being a faggot.

Are you sure you didn't want to call me a "dick sucker" instead?


Yeah, we all know you regularly offer that "service".

For the right price of course.


What else you got?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
....that even during altercations on the forum which are outside of the realm of politics, the same factions who agree with each other politically stick together and clash with the opposition?


Lotusberg, Poark/Lily, Flynn, Aidsman, Semenmajor, Hollysgay, Levon/Peaches, Murdock....


Moi, UncleDilf, Shampain, Biggie Smiles, Dove, Blazor, Freud, Oliver Shagnasty, Lokmar, Oerdin....

It's evident that the political divide in society today runs very deep.

It's "evident" that your group has the most fucking retards.

Need I say more? Sure. Let's look at your "$uper Group."

You: A "guy" that's over 40 years of age, that dresses like 12-year-old transgender girl. Plus, I shall bring up the fact that your teeth are fucking dreadful.

UncleMiLF: An on the spectrum fucktard that runs around calling people, "Father fuckers" and accuses people of being H.I.V. positive.

SHAMPAIN: A proven woman beater and ex-mod.

Biggie Steroids: Another former mod/admin that fell from grace because this lonely dork pays for sex off a forum. Not only that, this low self-esteemed twit also claims to be a fucking Gazillionaire.

Dovey: Do I really need to show examples? Lol.

Ok, this works both ways, Miss Sandy Snatch;

You: A meth addict in her mid 30's with a severe attitude problem and a forehead large enough to land a jumbo jet on.

Aidsman: An elderly homosexual from libtarded Oregon who holds the current world record for the most amount of black cocks rammed into his mouth simultaneously.

Lotusberg: An ex Commiefornian canteen lunch lady who fled her state due to it going down the shitter, yet still parrots the same far left political garbage from afar, despite it being the reason for the decline of her former home town.

Poark/Lily: A morbidly obese slob also from Commiefornia with a single digit IQ and regularly shits on the sidewalk.

Yes. Team soy really is something to be marvelled at.

Post the threads where it was a fact that I'm on "meth." That's your go to when I'm slapping your denture cream from out of your toothless mouth. Speaking of looks, you look like the wet tail end of a fucking drowned Cocker Spaniel.

Post the threads where it's fact that I'm toothless, Broomhilda.

Post the thread where you aren't.

Now you're just being a faggot.

Are you sure you didn't want to call me a "dick sucker" instead?


Yeah, we all know you regularly offer that "service".

For the right price of course.


What else you got?
I can put you in contact with some soap and water
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
....that even during altercations on the forum which are outside of the realm of politics, the same factions who agree with each other politically stick together and clash with the opposition?


Lotusberg, Poark/Lily, Flynn, Aidsman, Semenmajor, Hollysgay, Levon/Peaches, Murdock....


Moi, UncleDilf, Shampain, Biggie Smiles, Dove, Blazor, Freud, Oliver Shagnasty, Lokmar, Oerdin....

It's evident that the political divide in society today runs very deep.

It's "evident" that your group has the most fucking retards.

Need I say more? Sure. Let's look at your "$uper Group."

You: A "guy" that's over 40 years of age, that dresses like 12-year-old transgender girl. Plus, I shall bring up the fact that your teeth are fucking dreadful.

UncleMiLF: An on the spectrum fucktard that runs around calling people, "Father fuckers" and accuses people of being H.I.V. positive.

SHAMPAIN: A proven woman beater and ex-mod.

Biggie Steroids: Another former mod/admin that fell from grace because this lonely dork pays for sex off a forum. Not only that, this low self-esteemed twit also claims to be a fucking Gazillionaire.

Dovey: Do I really need to show examples? Lol.

Ok, this works both ways, Miss Sandy Snatch;

You: A meth addict in her mid 30's with a severe attitude problem and a forehead large enough to land a jumbo jet on.

Aidsman: An elderly homosexual from libtarded Oregon who holds the current world record for the most amount of black cocks rammed into his mouth simultaneously.

Lotusberg: An ex Commiefornian canteen lunch lady who fled her state due to it going down the shitter, yet still parrots the same far left political garbage from afar, despite it being the reason for the decline of her home county.

Poark/Lily: A morbidly obese slob also from Commiefornia with a single digit IQ and regularly shits on the sidewalk.

Yes. Team soy really is something to be marvelled at.

Why did it take you 20 minutes to cut and paste that?

Cut and paste from where exactly?

My apologies, I wasn't aware that you're sat there in your wheelchair with a stopwatch.

from readily available posts of yours here at this forum

I don't need a stopwatch when posts have timestamps, dumbass.

WTF are you rambling on about?

Something tells me that you're taking all this way too seriously if you're sat there counting time intervals between posts.

Way to show just how sad and tragic your existence is by the way LOL.

Who counts, dipshit?

You evidently....

The only thing that is evident is your inferiority.

If we were stood next to each other right now, that's the last thing anyone would think.

But I can't stand, I can't walk, right, dumbfuck? The plaque on your teeth have higher iq than you do.

As I've already stated, I'm amazed that someone your age who weighs the equivalent of a fully grown hippo is still breathing.

Congrats, I guess you deserve a round of applause for defying nature like that.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
....that even during altercations on the forum which are outside of the realm of politics, the same factions who agree with each other politically stick together and clash with the opposition?


Lotusberg, Poark/Lily, Flynn, Aidsman, Semenmajor, Hollysgay, Levon/Peaches, Murdock....


Moi, UncleDilf, Shampain, Biggie Smiles, Dove, Blazor, Freud, Oliver Shagnasty, Lokmar, Oerdin....

It's evident that the political divide in society today runs very deep.

It's "evident" that your group has the most fucking retards.

Need I say more? Sure. Let's look at your "$uper Group."

You: A "guy" that's over 40 years of age, that dresses like 12-year-old transgender girl. Plus, I shall bring up the fact that your teeth are fucking dreadful.

UncleMiLF: An on the spectrum fucktard that runs around calling people, "Father fuckers" and accuses people of being H.I.V. positive.

SHAMPAIN: A proven woman beater and ex-mod.

Biggie Steroids: Another former mod/admin that fell from grace because this lonely dork pays for sex off a forum. Not only that, this low self-esteemed twit also claims to be a fucking Gazillionaire.

Dovey: Do I really need to show examples? Lol.

Ok, this works both ways, Miss Sandy Snatch;

You: A meth addict in her mid 30's with a severe attitude problem and a forehead large enough to land a jumbo jet on.

Aidsman: An elderly homosexual from libtarded Oregon who holds the current world record for the most amount of black cocks rammed into his mouth simultaneously.

Lotusberg: An ex Commiefornian canteen lunch lady who fled her state due to it going down the shitter, yet still parrots the same far left political garbage from afar, despite it being the reason for the decline of her former home town.

Poark/Lily: A morbidly obese slob also from Commiefornia with a single digit IQ and regularly shits on the sidewalk.

Yes. Team soy really is something to be marvelled at.

Post the threads where it was a fact that I'm on "meth." That's your go to when I'm slapping your denture cream from out of your toothless mouth. Speaking of looks, you look like the wet tail end of a fucking drowned Cocker Spaniel.

Post the threads where it's fact that I'm toothless, Broomhilda.

Post the thread where you aren't.

Now you're just being a faggot.

Are you sure you didn't want to call me a "dick sucker" instead?


Yeah, we all know you regularly offer that "service".

For the right price of course.


What else you got?

Hey, you errr "girls" gotta make a living somehow right?

I'm not the judgemental type.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
....that even during altercations on the forum which are outside of the realm of politics, the same factions who agree with each other politically stick together and clash with the opposition?


Lotusberg, Poark/Lily, Flynn, Aidsman, Semenmajor, Hollysgay, Levon/Peaches, Murdock....


Moi, UncleDilf, Shampain, Biggie Smiles, Dove, Blazor, Freud, Oliver Shagnasty, Lokmar, Oerdin....

It's evident that the political divide in society today runs very deep.

It's "evident" that your group has the most fucking retards.

Need I say more? Sure. Let's look at your "$uper Group."

You: A "guy" that's over 40 years of age, that dresses like 12-year-old transgender girl. Plus, I shall bring up the fact that your teeth are fucking dreadful.

UncleMiLF: An on the spectrum fucktard that runs around calling people, "Father fuckers" and accuses people of being H.I.V. positive.

SHAMPAIN: A proven woman beater and ex-mod.

Biggie Steroids: Another former mod/admin that fell from grace because this lonely dork pays for sex off a forum. Not only that, this low self-esteemed twit also claims to be a fucking Gazillionaire.

Dovey: Do I really need to show examples? Lol.

Ok, this works both ways, Miss Sandy Snatch;

You: A meth addict in her mid 30's with a severe attitude problem and a forehead large enough to land a jumbo jet on.

Aidsman: An elderly homosexual from libtarded Oregon who holds the current world record for the most amount of black cocks rammed into his mouth simultaneously.

Lotusberg: An ex Commiefornian canteen lunch lady who fled her state due to it going down the shitter, yet still parrots the same far left political garbage from afar, despite it being the reason for the decline of her home county.

Poark/Lily: A morbidly obese slob also from Commiefornia with a single digit IQ and regularly shits on the sidewalk.

Yes. Team soy really is something to be marvelled at.

Why did it take you 20 minutes to cut and paste that?

Cut and paste from where exactly?

My apologies, I wasn't aware that you're sat there in your wheelchair with a stopwatch.

from readily available posts of yours here at this forum

I don't need a stopwatch when posts have timestamps, dumbass.

WTF are you rambling on about?

Something tells me that you're taking all this way too seriously if you're sat there counting time intervals between posts.

Way to show just how sad and tragic your existence is by the way LOL.

Who counts, dipshit?

You evidently....

The only thing that is evident is your inferiority.

If we were stood next to each other right now, that's the last thing anyone would think.

But I can't stand, I can't walk, right, dumbfuck? The plaque on your teeth have higher iq than you do.

As I've already stated, I'm amazed that someone your age who weighs the equivalent of a fully grown hippo is still breathing.

Congrats, I guess you deserve a round of applause for defying nature like that.

But you'll never be smarter than the plaque on your teeth. You show no promise whatsoever.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
....that even during altercations on the forum which are outside of the realm of politics, the same factions who agree with each other politically stick together and clash with the opposition?


Lotusberg, Poark/Lily, Flynn, Aidsman, Semenmajor, Hollysgay, Levon/Peaches, Murdock....


Moi, UncleDilf, Shampain, Biggie Smiles, Dove, Blazor, Freud, Oliver Shagnasty, Lokmar, Oerdin....

It's evident that the political divide in society today runs very deep.

It's "evident" that your group has the most fucking retards.

Need I say more? Sure. Let's look at your "$uper Group."

You: A "guy" that's over 40 years of age, that dresses like 12-year-old transgender girl. Plus, I shall bring up the fact that your teeth are fucking dreadful.

UncleMiLF: An on the spectrum fucktard that runs around calling people, "Father fuckers" and accuses people of being H.I.V. positive.

SHAMPAIN: A proven woman beater and ex-mod.

Biggie Steroids: Another former mod/admin that fell from grace because this lonely dork pays for sex off a forum. Not only that, this low self-esteemed twit also claims to be a fucking Gazillionaire.

Dovey: Do I really need to show examples? Lol.

Ok, this works both ways, Miss Sandy Snatch;

You: A meth addict in her mid 30's with a severe attitude problem and a forehead large enough to land a jumbo jet on.

Aidsman: An elderly homosexual from libtarded Oregon who holds the current world record for the most amount of black cocks rammed into his mouth simultaneously.

Lotusberg: An ex Commiefornian canteen lunch lady who fled her state due to it going down the shitter, yet still parrots the same far left political garbage from afar, despite it being the reason for the decline of her former home town.

Poark/Lily: A morbidly obese slob also from Commiefornia with a single digit IQ and regularly shits on the sidewalk.

Yes. Team soy really is something to be marvelled at.

Post the threads where it was a fact that I'm on "meth." That's your go to when I'm slapping your denture cream from out of your toothless mouth. Speaking of looks, you look like the wet tail end of a fucking drowned Cocker Spaniel.

Post the threads where it's fact that I'm toothless, Broomhilda.

Post the thread where you aren't.

Now you're just being a faggot.

Are you sure you didn't want to call me a "dick sucker" instead?


Yeah, we all know you regularly offer that "service".

For the right price of course.


What else you got?
I can put you in contact with some soap and water

And I can put you in a Matchbox sized car. What's your fucking point short stuff?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
....that even during altercations on the forum which are outside of the realm of politics, the same factions who agree with each other politically stick together and clash with the opposition?


Lotusberg, Poark/Lily, Flynn, Aidsman, Semenmajor, Hollysgay, Levon/Peaches, Murdock....


Moi, UncleDilf, Shampain, Biggie Smiles, Dove, Blazor, Freud, Oliver Shagnasty, Lokmar, Oerdin....

It's evident that the political divide in society today runs very deep.

It's "evident" that your group has the most fucking retards.

Need I say more? Sure. Let's look at your "$uper Group."

You: A "guy" that's over 40 years of age, that dresses like 12-year-old transgender girl. Plus, I shall bring up the fact that your teeth are fucking dreadful.

UncleMiLF: An on the spectrum fucktard that runs around calling people, "Father fuckers" and accuses people of being H.I.V. positive.

SHAMPAIN: A proven woman beater and ex-mod.

Biggie Steroids: Another former mod/admin that fell from grace because this lonely dork pays for sex off a forum. Not only that, this low self-esteemed twit also claims to be a fucking Gazillionaire.

Dovey: Do I really need to show examples? Lol.

Ok, this works both ways, Miss Sandy Snatch;

You: A meth addict in her mid 30's with a severe attitude problem and a forehead large enough to land a jumbo jet on.

Aidsman: An elderly homosexual from libtarded Oregon who holds the current world record for the most amount of black cocks rammed into his mouth simultaneously.

Lotusberg: An ex Commiefornian canteen lunch lady who fled her state due to it going down the shitter, yet still parrots the same far left political garbage from afar, despite it being the reason for the decline of her former home town.

Poark/Lily: A morbidly obese slob also from Commiefornia with a single digit IQ and regularly shits on the sidewalk.

Yes. Team soy really is something to be marvelled at.

Post the threads where it was a fact that I'm on "meth." That's your go to when I'm slapping your denture cream from out of your toothless mouth. Speaking of looks, you look like the wet tail end of a fucking drowned Cocker Spaniel.

Post the threads where it's fact that I'm toothless, Broomhilda.

Post the thread where you aren't.

Now you're just being a faggot.

Are you sure you didn't want to call me a "dick sucker" instead?


Yeah, we all know you regularly offer that "service".

For the right price of course.


What else you got?

Hey, you errr "girls" gotta make a living somehow right?

I'm not the judgemental type.

I heard that when it comes to you and denture cream.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
....that even during altercations on the forum which are outside of the realm of politics, the same factions who agree with each other politically stick together and clash with the opposition?


Lotusberg, Poark/Lily, Flynn, Aidsman, Semenmajor, Hollysgay, Levon/Peaches, Murdock....


Moi, UncleDilf, Shampain, Biggie Smiles, Dove, Blazor, Freud, Oliver Shagnasty, Lokmar, Oerdin....

It's evident that the political divide in society today runs very deep.

It's "evident" that your group has the most fucking retards.

Need I say more? Sure. Let's look at your "$uper Group."

You: A "guy" that's over 40 years of age, that dresses like 12-year-old transgender girl. Plus, I shall bring up the fact that your teeth are fucking dreadful.

UncleMiLF: An on the spectrum fucktard that runs around calling people, "Father fuckers" and accuses people of being H.I.V. positive.

SHAMPAIN: A proven woman beater and ex-mod.

Biggie Steroids: Another former mod/admin that fell from grace because this lonely dork pays for sex off a forum. Not only that, this low self-esteemed twit also claims to be a fucking Gazillionaire.

Dovey: Do I really need to show examples? Lol.

Ok, this works both ways, Miss Sandy Snatch;

You: A meth addict in her mid 30's with a severe attitude problem and a forehead large enough to land a jumbo jet on.

Aidsman: An elderly homosexual from libtarded Oregon who holds the current world record for the most amount of black cocks rammed into his mouth simultaneously.

Lotusberg: An ex Commiefornian canteen lunch lady who fled her state due to it going down the shitter, yet still parrots the same far left political garbage from afar, despite it being the reason for the decline of her home county.

Poark/Lily: A morbidly obese slob also from Commiefornia with a single digit IQ and regularly shits on the sidewalk.

Yes. Team soy really is something to be marvelled at.

Why did it take you 20 minutes to cut and paste that?

Cut and paste from where exactly?

My apologies, I wasn't aware that you're sat there in your wheelchair with a stopwatch.

from readily available posts of yours here at this forum

I don't need a stopwatch when posts have timestamps, dumbass.

WTF are you rambling on about?

Something tells me that you're taking all this way too seriously if you're sat there counting time intervals between posts.

Way to show just how sad and tragic your existence is by the way LOL.

Who counts, dipshit?

You evidently....

The only thing that is evident is your inferiority.

If we were stood next to each other right now, that's the last thing anyone would think.

if you stood next to the Krispy Kreme Killer here the thought of Ralph Kramden and Ed Norton would probably spring to mind within seconds



Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
Scouse, thanks for the entertainment, dude.

There's nothing like seeing an unwitting and ineffecrual comedian spending two pages trying to explain a joke that has fallen flat.

Stick to your orthodontics night classes. Fix ya mouth, mate.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Hey Blurt, I'm sure you've noticed that your old buddy Poark is here "disguised" (LOL) as a user named Lily, so don't be shocked if she starts constantly plus repping you during any altercations with moi, the tubby taco queen is triggered as hell right now....


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I see the kiddies are getting on famously today.

You know what... truthfully, you're all a bunch of sad fucks... even Breakfall avoids this dump these days and he's a dumb bum...

Wake up to yourselves. Geezus!~


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
Hey Blurt, I'm sure you've noticed that your old buddy Poark is here "disguised" (LOL) as a user named Lily, so don't be shocked if she starts constantly plus repping you during any altercations with moi, the tubby taco queen is triggered as hell right now....

She's disguised, is she?

I can only hope powder blue hoodies, hot pink sweat pants, and tinfoil tiaras look better on her than they do on you.

I used to look up to you, Scouse. You were a model of with-it hipness, dripping bouncer bling--all neon-baked leather and brass knuckles. But powder blue brand outlet hoodies?

How the shite-y have fallen!


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
I see the kiddies are getting on famously today.

You know what... truthfully, you're all a bunch of sad fucks... even Breakfall avoids this dump these days and he's a dumb bum...

Wake up to yourselves. Geezus!~

^^ Bemoans birds shitting on sidewalks. Flies in to shit on sidewalk.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I see the kiddies are getting on famously today.

You know what... truthfully, you're all a bunch of sad fucks... even Breakfall avoids this dump these days and he's a dumb bum...

Wake up to yourselves. Geezus!~

^^ Bemoans birds shitting on sidewalks. Flies in to shit on sidewalk.

Are you denying the people here are sadsacks, oops, I mean sad fucks?


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
Sure, sure. Antidepressants and antipsychotics are helpful for people in your state.