Hey Biggie-Shit


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Gullible Fuckwit Alert!!!

Let me try something I haven't tried since that Canadian bloke Prowler, that I had post receipts for his and his wife's dinner functions.

I fink you might just be dat dumb Joo.

Show us your wealth.

Prowler posted receipts to prove how wealthy he was? Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahahahahahahahaha. I got this chump named Farmer from CO to post his community college grades once. He wanted to prove how smart he was. I almost peed my pants laughing at that. Good times!

@The Prowler You so PWNT!

Absolutely not.

Nobody prompted me to post the receipt. It was to a burger joint and the bill was probably $20 or $30. That would hardly be an attempt to "prove my wealth", you hopeless twat.

I actually forget why I posted it. I know I was trolling someone with it, but I forget who. I do know what the troll was, but that would be saying too much.

I did post a picture of a wad of $100 bills one time. I usually have a couple of thousand dollars cash laying around. Again, it was not prompted by anyone. And again, it was to troll someone. And again, I will not tell you what the troll was.

You will tend to notice that years after the fact, people will make claims of how they pulled one over on me. Sometimes I even think they believe it. It can be a survival mechanism. The subconscious works wonders.

It can help maintain mental health. For some people who have.


My attention.

It can literally be a life saver.
But I can flick the switch in anyone's subconscious and put them into irrational panic mode.





Keep that in mind, Leaker.



Factory Bastard


Factory Bastard
Gullible Fuckwit Alert!!!

Let me try something I haven't tried since that Canadian bloke Prowler, that I had post receipts for his and his wife's dinner functions.

I fink you might just be dat dumb Joo.

Show us your wealth.

Prowler posted receipts to prove how wealthy he was? Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahahahahahahahaha. I got this chump named Farmer from CO to post his community college grades once. He wanted to prove how smart he was. I almost peed my pants laughing at that. Good times!

@The Prowler You so PWNT!

Absolutely not.

Nobody prompted me to post the receipt. It was to a burger joint and the bill was probably $20 or $30. That would hardly be an attempt to "prove my wealth", you hopeless twat.

I actually forget why I posted it. I know I was trolling someone with it, but I forget who. I do know what the troll was, but that would be saying too much.

I did post a picture of a wad of $100 bills one time. I usually have a couple of thousand dollars cash laying around. Again, it was not prompted by anyone. And again, it was to troll someone. And again, I will not tell you what the troll was.

You will tend to notice that years after the fact, people will make claims of how they pulled one over on me. Sometimes I even think they believe it. It can be a survival mechanism. The subconscious works wonders.

It can help maintain mental health. For some people who have.


My attention.

It can literally be a life saver.
But I can flick the switch in anyone's subconscious and put them into irrational panic mode.





Keep that in mind, Leaker.


Gid ol' JimmyBang, still banging his head again the nearest brick troll.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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now if I were a scoundrel I'd be posting Murdy's "very valid reasons" which she herself now admits to "begging" about as to why I should leave Peaches alone but I'm not as I don't think Old peaches will ever look at her the same if I did.

Besides she's done enough damage to herself for one evening
Are you still searching for the SG Vault?


Factory Bastard
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Did this fucking idiot just ask to see someone’s bank statement??

It could have been worse, we could all ask your credentials to make a decent post.
Would you like a few tax returns too?

Don't need the tax returns, after all your leader doesn't provide them.

Just the proof that you are what you claim to be.
You don’t think a tax return would be most reliable to prove to you I am who I say I am?
It’s really important to me personally to get this right

Who could short pudgy dwa
I learned something new in this thread.

Biggies likes to hoist "legal statues" on short pedestals.

Guess slogging through the sewage flooding the last half dozen pages was worth it.

Call it "learning by degrees," if you must.

Cute post


Factory Bastard
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now if I were a scoundrel I'd be posting Murdy's "very valid reasons" which she herself now admits to "begging" about as to why I should leave Peaches alone but I'm not as I don't think Old peaches will ever look at her the same if I did.

Besides she's done enough damage to herself for one evening
Are you still searching for the SG Vault?

The vault? The SG vault? I bet someone used what was inside.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
DICK MOVE: I told you Peaches lost his nose in Vietnam due to agent orange with the hopes that you would STOP… and instead, you ruined TV. This was after you destroyed DO. The list is longer…. but I digress…..
Did ole peaches share this with you in confidence? Cause he damn sure never admitted to it publicly. You just did tho. Which demonstrates clearly to people of reasonable intelligence That not only are you borderline bizarre as @wizer so aptly pointed out; but that you have zero integrity and are so desperate for some kind of inclusion into a peer group (purpose inconsequential) that you would happily sell out anyone at any point in time just to enjoy the validation you so desperately crave

I guess that more than adequately explains this alarming fascination you have with BLM. A group that not only could care less about their own race but is hell bent on trying to destroy people who look JUST LIKE YOU. It's cringe-worthy indeed to watch as you hypocrite without a pause and shamelessly sell out your own race to thugs who burn and loot and destroy the lives of innocent people both black and white under this pretense that you are supporting a cause. Supporting their cause my ass, I know you far better than that, dearest; and can say with this with certainty -- if that cause called for a sacrifice of any significance you'd be Casper faster than a rabbit gets fucked.

No darling, you're not there "supporting their cause". You're there supporting YOUR need for an attention fix and the possibility of meeting the next whirlwind romance you're so famous for.

that's sad. Get help. No seriously.

It’s painfully obvious that you’re afraid of being alone…. my theory is based on your throwing money around and being so boastful about it. It’s tacky. I’m also not impressed by the woman hating tyrant you’ve become.

Speaking of lonely, I always did wonder how you managed to rack up nearly 10,000 posts in less than a year over at Murdy's Mongoloid Pit when you had maybe three people posting there at any given time and the second highest post count was somewhere in the 500 range.

Lmao. talking to one's self both on and off line has got to suck.

Perhaps if you are not too busy dragging third parties who might otherwise want to remain on the sidelines of our little foray into your miserable quicksand pit you could provide some kind of reasonable rationale for that one?

No, but seriously, stop and think for a second who looks lonelier; Me, or the miserable drunk, known, in quite distinguished fashion I might add, for gratuitously supplying nudies to any poster that even remotely resembled a male online for like 15 years straight?

Murdy, I hate to break this to you in such ugly fashion but you might as well have changed your screen name to the Duchess of Loneliness & alcohol abuse as the desperation for male attention was so thick. In fact, I personally know of two posters who got a flash back to the angel of death scene told in the bible where pigs blood would be splattered on the doors of Isrealities hoping that God's executioner would passby leaving their homes alone. Only, in this instance, it wasn't pigs blood that would keep your wanton desperation from creeping on in to PM boxes late at night it was a flip of the gender symbol from male to female and a revamping of their posting styles.

I'll take: What was Murdock's nickname among the guys on the admin boards back at Trollvalhalla for 200.00 please.
Last edited:

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
now if I were a scoundrel I'd be posting Murdy's "very valid reasons" which she herself now admits to "begging" about as to why I should leave Peaches alone but I'm not as I don't think Old peaches will ever look at her the same if I did.

Besides she's done enough damage to herself for one evening
Are you still searching for the SG Vault?
Are you still sucking cock in a truckstop bathroom?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Of course it is true… why do you think he is such a relentless cunt towards peaches about it? Why do you think they attack Oak so viciously? It’s like watching a shark smell the tinniest drop of blood in the water and then attack like its found a fat juicy seal to much on. They are junkies of the worst kind.

It’s disgusting having to watch these two fiends bleed out their broken ass narcissistic only child with serious mommy issues syndrome all over anything that a normal person would feel empathy for.

That's rich Murdock, considering how many texts I have from you laughing your ass clear off your backside at the latest joke about Peaches nose. In fact, I distinctly remember you making me an admin at Murdope's Mud Pouch version 1 just so that you could laugh as peaches "whined incessantly in your inbox about it"

Yeah, some empathy you felt when you were practically dying with laughter after discovering Sum CUnt had Chopped not only peaches but his wife too over at flametruth. Didn't see much of this convenient and sudden empathy back then

Seriously, do the depths of your hypocrisy have a bottom or do they just float on endlessly ?
They think they are Republicans while they constantly shit on anyone who has ever served in the military. They respect nothing, including the freedoms they get to enjoy at the expense of others. I don’t think you can get any lower than making fun of a disfigured Vietnam vet tbh.


Again, the Irony is wealthy. Filthy fucking rich in fact. Coming from a person who attended the same BLM rallies which saw our flag being burned and veterans being chased by thugs for standing up for their country.

*spits* hypocrite.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Let me try something I haven't tried since that Canadian bloke Prowler, that I had post receipts for his and his wife's dinner functions.

I fink you might just be dat dumb Joo.

Show us your wealth.

Prowler posted receipts to prove how wealthy he was? Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa hahahahahahahahahaha. I got this chump named Farmer from CO to post his community college grades once. He wanted to prove how smart he was. I almost peed my pants laughing at that. Good times!

@The Prowler You so PWNT!

Blandscape, who was never at CO, knows about that, eh? I don’t give a fuck what anyone says…Blandscape is someone from BH who reinvented himself. No one can convince me otherwise. I said what I said
Bland was at CO


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.


Domestically feral
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United states
The tearing up for Trayvon Martin.....going on about "could you imagine your child being murdered"...

.....and getting shitty and cutting me off as soon as I said "what about Secoriea Turner".

The 8 year old little girl....little black girl fyi....who was shot in fucking cold blood and murdered by BLM "protesters".

People who defend this terror group have absolutely zero empathy, do not view other people as human beings, and are motivated by nothing but hate. Completely brainwashed useful idiots who dont have the courage or convictions to go against what they view as the acceptable stance. Whether it's truth or lies.

This is exactly what has happened during every authoritarian insurgency through human history. It's always rose with the support of citizens. And turning the population on eachother.

So fucking sad it's happening here. :(


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Peaches really doesn’t have a nose?

I thought it was a meme

I believe he had cancer. If my memory serves me, it got out because he met a poster in real life who apparently told others. It's fucked up.
Agent Orange is a hell of a drug.
Speaking of agent orange….

There was this one time back in the day I was hanging out with this waitress from work.

She needed her lawn fertilized and asked me if I could help her.

idk why,srsly.

So we went to Home Depot and I picked out the fertilizer. But she also had a grub problem. So I picked out this grub killer shit.

So I mowed the lawn, dropped the fertilizer then came back with the grub killer.

We went inside and it started to stink like fucking hell. Opened the door and the grass was on fire and there was smoke everywhere.

They called 911 and guys in hazmat suits came out cuz mixing that shit together made agent orange.

I was at the police department for like four hours before they let me go


Factory Bastard
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admin still sucks cock
Says the Shrimp w/o a College Degree.


who gives a fuck about a college degree? I know way too many people that make hundreds of thousands a year with just a high school diploma. Stick your degree up your gaping anus, you faggot.

College degrees are not just about money, though.

I once had a friend who was going on and on about some horrible shit some family from her home town did. She kept saying it was such a surprise, because they were a "good family." I finally asked her what she meant by a "good family." She said, "Oh, they were very wealthy. At the top of the heap there."

Fuck that shit. Money is the root of all evil. Not education. Money.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter


Factory Bastard
DICK MOVE: I told you Peaches lost his nose in Vietnam due to agent orange with the hopes that you would STOP… and instead, you ruined TV. This was after you destroyed DO. The list is longer…. but I digress…..
Did ole peaches share this with you in confidence? Cause he damn sure never admitted to it publicly. You just did tho. Which demonstrates clearly to people of reasonable intelligence That not only are you borderline bizarre as @wizer so aptly pointed out; but that you have zero integrity and are so desperate for some kind of inclusion into a peer group (purpose inconsequential) that you would happily sell out anyone at any point in time just to enjoy the validation you so desperately crave

I guess that more than adequately explains this alarming fascination you have with BLM. A group that not only could care less about their own race but is hell bent on trying to destroy people who look JUST LIKE YOU. It's cringe-worthy indeed to watch as you hypocrite without a pause and shamelessly sell out your own race to thugs who burn and loot and destroy the lives of innocent people both black and white under this pretense that you are supporting a cause. Supporting their cause my ass, I know you far better than that, dearest; and can say with this with certainty -- if that cause called for a sacrifice of any significance you'd be Casper faster than a rabbit gets fucked.

No darling, you're not there "supporting their cause". You're there supporting YOUR need for an attention fix and the possibility of meeting the next whirlwind romance you're so famous for.

that's sad. Get help. No seriously.

It’s painfully obvious that you’re afraid of being alone…. my theory is based on your throwing money around and being so boastful about it. It’s tacky. I’m also not impressed by the woman hating tyrant you’ve become.

Speaking of lonely, I always did wonder how you managed to rack up nearly 10,000 posts in less than a year over at Murdy's Mongoloid Pit when you had maybe three people posting there at any given time and the second highest post count was somewhere in the 500 range.

Lmao. talking to one's self both on and off line has got to suck.

Perhaps if you are not too busy dragging third parties who might otherwise want to remain on the sidelines of our little foray into your miserable quicksand pit you could provide some kind of reasonable rationale for that one?

No, but seriously, stop and think for a second who looks lonelier; Me, or the miserable drunk, known, in quite distinguished fashion I might add, for gratuitously supplying nudies to any poster that even remotely resembled a male online for like 15 years straight?

Murdy, I hate to break this to you in such ugly fashion but you might as well have changed your screen name to the Duchess of Loneliness & alcohol abuse as the desperation for male attention was so thick. In fact, I personally know of two posters who got a flash back to the angel of death scene told in the bible where pigs blood would be splattered on the doors of Isrealities hoping that God's executioner would passby leaving their homes alone. Only, in this instance, it wasn't pigs blood that would keep your wanton desperation from creeping on in to PM boxes late at night it was a flip of the gender symbol from male to female and a revamping of their posting styles.

I'll take: What was Murdock's nickname among the guys on the admin boards back at Trollvalhalla for 200.00 please.

When JooDug scroll bombs, he goes full scroll bomb, as he bombs.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
DICK MOVE: I told you Peaches lost his nose in Vietnam due to agent orange with the hopes that you would STOP… and instead, you ruined TV. This was after you destroyed DO. The list is longer…. but I digress…..
Did ole peaches share this with you in confidence? Cause he damn sure never admitted to it publicly. You just did tho. Which demonstrates clearly to people of reasonable intelligence That not only are you borderline bizarre as @wizer so aptly pointed out; but that you have zero integrity and are so desperate for some kind of inclusion into a peer group (purpose inconsequential) that you would happily sell out anyone at any point in time just to enjoy the validation you so desperately crave

I guess that more than adequately explains this alarming fascination you have with BLM. A group that not only could care less about their own race but is hell bent on trying to destroy people who look JUST LIKE YOU. It's cringe-worthy indeed to watch as you hypocrite without a pause and shamelessly sell out your own race to thugs who burn and loot and destroy the lives of innocent people both black and white under this pretense that you are supporting a cause. Supporting their cause my ass, I know you far better than that, dearest; and can say with this with certainty -- if that cause called for a sacrifice of any significance you'd be Casper faster than a rabbit gets fucked.

No darling, you're not there "supporting their cause". You're there supporting YOUR need for an attention fix and the possibility of meeting the next whirlwind romance you're so famous for.

that's sad. Get help. No seriously.

It’s painfully obvious that you’re afraid of being alone…. my theory is based on your throwing money around and being so boastful about it. It’s tacky. I’m also not impressed by the woman hating tyrant you’ve become.

Speaking of lonely, I always did wonder how you managed to rack up nearly 10,000 posts in less than a year over at Murdy's Mongoloid Pit when you had maybe three people posting there at any given time and the second highest post count was somewhere in the 500 range.

Lmao. talking to one's self both on and off line has got to suck.

Perhaps if you are not too busy dragging third parties who might otherwise want to remain on the sidelines of our little foray into your miserable quicksand pit you could provide some kind of reasonable rationale for that one?

No, but seriously, stop and think for a second who looks lonelier; Me, or the miserable drunk, known, in quite distinguished fashion I might add, for gratuitously supplying nudies to any poster that even remotely resembled a male online for like 15 years straight?

Murdy, I hate to break this to you in such ugly fashion but you might as well have changed your screen name to the Duchess of Loneliness & alcohol abuse as the desperation for male attention was so thick. In fact, I personally know of two posters who got a flash back to the angel of death scene told in the bible where pigs blood would be splattered on the doors of Isrealities hoping that God's executioner would passby leaving their homes alone. Only, in this instance, it wasn't pigs blood that would keep your wanton desperation from creeping on in to PM boxes late at night it was a flip of the gender symbol from male to female and a revamping of their posting styles.

I'll take: What was Murdock's nickname among the guys on the admin boards back at Trollvalhalla for 200.00 please.

When JooDug scroll bombs, he goes full scroll bomb, as he bombs.
It’s a troll.


Factory Bastard
DICK MOVE: I told you Peaches lost his nose in Vietnam due to agent orange with the hopes that you would STOP… and instead, you ruined TV. This was after you destroyed DO. The list is longer…. but I digress…..
Did ole peaches share this with you in confidence? Cause he damn sure never admitted to it publicly. You just did tho. Which demonstrates clearly to people of reasonable intelligence That not only are you borderline bizarre as @wizer so aptly pointed out; but that you have zero integrity and are so desperate for some kind of inclusion into a peer group (purpose inconsequential) that you would happily sell out anyone at any point in time just to enjoy the validation you so desperately crave

I guess that more than adequately explains this alarming fascination you have with BLM. A group that not only could care less about their own race but is hell bent on trying to destroy people who look JUST LIKE YOU. It's cringe-worthy indeed to watch as you hypocrite without a pause and shamelessly sell out your own race to thugs who burn and loot and destroy the lives of innocent people both black and white under this pretense that you are supporting a cause. Supporting their cause my ass, I know you far better than that, dearest; and can say with this with certainty -- if that cause called for a sacrifice of any significance you'd be Casper faster than a rabbit gets fucked.

No darling, you're not there "supporting their cause". You're there supporting YOUR need for an attention fix and the possibility of meeting the next whirlwind romance you're so famous for.

that's sad. Get help. No seriously.

It’s painfully obvious that you’re afraid of being alone…. my theory is based on your throwing money around and being so boastful about it. It’s tacky. I’m also not impressed by the woman hating tyrant you’ve become.

Speaking of lonely, I always did wonder how you managed to rack up nearly 10,000 posts in less than a year over at Murdy's Mongoloid Pit when you had maybe three people posting there at any given time and the second highest post count was somewhere in the 500 range.

Lmao. talking to one's self both on and off line has got to suck.

Perhaps if you are not too busy dragging third parties who might otherwise want to remain on the sidelines of our little foray into your miserable quicksand pit you could provide some kind of reasonable rationale for that one?

No, but seriously, stop and think for a second who looks lonelier; Me, or the miserable drunk, known, in quite distinguished fashion I might add, for gratuitously supplying nudies to any poster that even remotely resembled a male online for like 15 years straight?

Murdy, I hate to break this to you in such ugly fashion but you might as well have changed your screen name to the Duchess of Loneliness & alcohol abuse as the desperation for male attention was so thick. In fact, I personally know of two posters who got a flash back to the angel of death scene told in the bible where pigs blood would be splattered on the doors of Isrealities hoping that God's executioner would passby leaving their homes alone. Only, in this instance, it wasn't pigs blood that would keep your wanton desperation from creeping on in to PM boxes late at night it was a flip of the gender symbol from male to female and a revamping of their posting styles.

I'll take: What was Murdock's nickname among the guys on the admin boards back at Trollvalhalla for 200.00 please.

When JooDug scroll bombs, he goes full scroll bomb, as he bombs.
It’s a troll.

It's an attempt at one granted, but it looks much better through shit tinted reading spectacles.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.


Factory Bastard
People who defend this terror group have absolutely zero empathy,

So fucking sad it's happening here. :(

Well Americans who sought independence in Gt.Britain were branded terrorist long before they fielded a conglomeration of militia to fight under one uniform, and one flag. One either believes in democracy, or fights against a mere interpretation of it.

We called it sedition then, and you seem to wield it as terrorism now.