Hey Dildo Cindy......i heard you are giving out tickets for transphobia


Domestically feral
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United states
Nice Portland style tantrum. But I got a few.....things to say about your little rant about someone who rightly called "Ms" Nevada a man. It WAS a bad joke.... though not for reasons YOU say. It was pretty misogynistic....but since you hate women I doubt you even noticed that.


What is masculine about him is the fact he was born male, has the YX chromosomes. That's literally all that is required to be a man. Just because he surgically altered himself to LARP being a woman doesnt mean he is. There is A LOT more to being a woman than being "feminized". Feminity is a socail construct.....what is traditionally feminine is a society thing. Adopting it doesnt make him less a MAN. Just like YOU. You are a biological MAN larping your patriarchal view of femininity.

Is this "transphobia"? Yikes. Its actually just biological facts.


Ahhhh no. And this post is rapey as fuck. Being gay isnt about gender roles. If this guy fucked the guy who won Ms Nevada? THAT would make him gay. Because Ms Nevada is a BIO MAN. That doesnt change because YOU want it to. Gay people are attracted to the same sex. Not gender ideas.

And no.....Nevada is NOT as much a woman as his GF. SHE has female biology and chromosomes. Nevada has MALE chromosomes. They are NOT the same. That is a fucking LIE and you know it.


He isnt havent the meltdown, dude. You are. All fucking raging because someone spoke the TRUTH that Ms Nevada is a MAN.

Btw.....cis isnt real. You have gender dysphoria. You dont label people who DONT have gender dysphoria. That's like labeling people who dont have schizophrenia to show they are not mentally ill. Its fucking stupid. You are speaking to a MAN. There is no "cis" there. Just like I'm not a "cis" woman. I'm just a WOMAN. You know.....a human adult female. No one is obligated to accept a label because you have gender dysphoria.... or some fetish.


Yeah stating facts that everyone knows isnt really supposed to be original. Facts are facts and dont change to accommodate peoples feelings. You know what else wasnt original? You going buck nuts calling him a white trash red neck and screeching about "transphobia"!. Seems to be the default anytime you guys encounter words you dont like.

And....I'm actually surprised he hasnt shot up a school as well. He is a leftist and leftists almost always resort to mindless violence and hatred. Every school shooter or mass shooter always seems to be a dem or prog.

Good talk.

Remember....and I'm sure you often do....being a woman is BORN. Not worn. ;)
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Domestically feral
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United states
I definately dont have a problem with trans people.

I have a problem with biological men demanding to be considered the same as a woman. There are extremely important distinctions and allowing men to just "identify" as women and then have free unfettered access to womens sex segregated spaces is extremely harmful to women and girls.

I'm not okay with every single thing they find unpleasant being label transphobia and shouted down.

And there plenty men who do this as a fetish and these trans rights laws legitimizes them and squashes MY sex based rights.

So now I have a problem.....not with them, but their selfish and authoritarian ideology that directly attacks women.


I definately dont have a problem with trans people.

I have a problem with biological men demanding to be considered the same as a woman. There are extremely important distinctions and allowing men to just "identify" as women and then have free unfettered access to womens sex segregated spaces is extremely harmful to women and girls.

I'm not okay with every single thing they find unpleasant being label transphobia and shouted down.

And there plenty men who do this as a fetish and these trans rights laws legitimizes them and squashes MY sex based rights.

So now I have a problem.....not with them, but their selfish and authoritarian ideology that directly attacks women.

I have a problem with the left endlessly glorifying this shit. These people are mentally ill.


Domestically feral
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United states
I definately dont have a problem with trans people.

I have a problem with biological men demanding to be considered the same as a woman. There are extremely important distinctions and allowing men to just "identify" as women and then have free unfettered access to womens sex segregated spaces is extremely harmful to women and girls.

I'm not okay with every single thing they find unpleasant being label transphobia and shouted down.

And there plenty men who do this as a fetish and these trans rights laws legitimizes them and squashes MY sex based rights.

So now I have a problem.....not with them, but their selfish and authoritarian ideology that directly attacks women.

I have a problem with the left endlessly glorifying this shit. These people are mentally ill.

Targetting children. Suppressing info about detransitioners.

Pushing bad and harmful info that children should be transitioned and calling ANY info that contradicts their feelings "transphobia".

How weak are they to call everything "transphobia waaahhh"

Dont like men whipping dicks out in front of little girls? Transphobia.

What it is? It's just insane misogyny.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Nice Portland style tantrum. But I got a few.....things to say about your little rant about someone who rightly called "Ms" Nevada a man. It WAS a bad joke.... though not for reasons YOU say. It was pretty misogynistic....but since you hate women I doubt you even noticed that.


What is masculine about him is the fact he was born male, has the YX chromosomes. That's literally all that is required to be a man. Just because he surgically altered himself to LARP being a woman doesnt mean he is. There is A LOT more to being a woman than being "feminized". Feminity is a socail construct.....what is traditionally feminine is a society thing. Adopting it doesnt make him less a MAN. Just like YOU. You are a biological MAN larping your patriarchal view of femininity.

Is this "transphobia"? Yikes. Its actually just biological facts.


Ahhhh no. And this post is rapey as fuck. Being gay isnt about gender roles. If this guy fucked the guy who won Ms Nevada? THAT would make him gay. Because Ms Nevada is a BIO MAN. That doesnt change because YOU want it to. Gay people are attracted to the same sex. Not gender ideas.

And no.....Nevada is NOT as much a woman as his GF. SHE has female biology and chromosomes. Nevada has MALE chromosomes. They are NOT the same. That is a fucking LIE and you know it.


He isnt havent the meltdown, dude. You are. All fucking raging because someone spoke the TRUTH that Ms Nevada is a MAN.

Btw.....cis isnt real. You have gender dysphoria. You dont label people who DONT have gender dysphoria. That's like labeling people who dont have schizophrenia to show they are not mentally ill. Its fucking stupid. You are speaking to a MAN. There is no "cis" there. Just like I'm not a "cis" woman. I'm just a WOMAN. You know.....a human adult female. No one is obligated to accept a label because you have gender dysphoria.... or some fetish.


Yeah stating facts that everyone knows isnt really supposed to be original. Facts are facts and dont change to accommodate peoples feelings. You know what else wasnt original? You going buck nuts calling him a white trash red neck and screeching about "transphobia"!. Seems to be the default anytime you guys encounter words you dont like.

And....I'm actually surprised he hasnt shot up a school as well. He is a leftist and leftists almost always resort to mindless violence and hatred. Every school shooter or mass shooter always seems to be a dem or prog.

Good talk.

Remember....and I'm sure you often do....being a woman is BORN. Not worn. ;)
Post of 2021


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
That CBT trannie is quite literally certifiable.

You know what's interesting? How masculine he is. He may wear make up and dresses.... but he has a lot of male aggression.

Threatening to punch strangers outside if they get too close to him without a mask? That's MALE aggression.

I dont know if Cindy's Dildo is genuinely gender dysphoric.. or if he is a fetishist....its none of my business either way

Up until he tries to claim there is no difference between me and a transwoman(man).

Its like.... they treat womanhood like it's just some outfit you can put on. Its NOT.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
That CBT trannie is quite literally certifiable.
the only sane thing he ever did was to Ban Oak

That wasnt even sane. Of all the reasons to want to ban Oak......all she was doing was stating a FACT. She wasnt even being rude.

And Cindy's Dildo was so pumped on his testosterone raging male aggresion over people being OUTSIDE without a mask that he turned it on her.

So even that was ridiculous.

But notice he didnt ban the MAN for his "transphobic joke" that was more misogynistic than anything.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
That CBT trannie is quite literally certifiable.
the only sane thing he ever did was to Ban Oak

That wasnt even sane. Of all the reasons to want to ban Oak......all she was doing was stating a FACT. She wasnt even being rude.

And Cindy's Dildo was so pumped on his testosterone raging male aggresion over people being OUTSIDE without a mask that he turned it on her.

So even that was ridiculous.

But notice he didnt ban the MAN for his "transphobic joke" that was more misogynistic than anything.

Toxic Masculinity

It was his Toxic Masculinity, hon

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
It's more important to these unbelievabley selfish and narcissistic pricks to have legislation that honors their "gender identity" than it is to prevent women from getting raped in prison by MEN WHO DECIDED THEY IDENTIFIED AS WOMEN so they can have access to victims.

People who support this are total fucking SCUM. Violent and hateful SCUM.

Who cares about the safety of women and girls when a fucking MAN wants his "gender identity" affirmed. Fucking typical toxic and abusive male.

If women so much as SPEAK about how this harms them or tries to defend our safety these psychopaths get aggresive, violent and unhinged like "transphobia" is some how worse than rape.

Its fucking not.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Yeah, I've never seen Lotus and Poark on good terms.

Because Lotus wont back down.

Oak cant stand women who are strong in their convictions and I cant stand how Lotus will refuse to have a respectful discussion but.....Lotus doesnt really have that level of anger and hate in her.

Lotus wont attack another woman in such a personal and demeaning way.

I'm pretty sure I could get through a day with Lotus without anything seriously unpleasant happening(in a hypothetical circumstance where get stuck together for the day somehow). I have no reason to think I'd feel unsafe. I think she knows I'm firm in my thinking and shes form in hers......so it would left alone for the sake of peace for the day.

If I got stuck with Oak I am 90 percent convinced she would corner me in a very unpleasant and hostile situation that would be borderline abusive and it would be horrid. And I would stand up for myself .....but controlling people just escalate if the other person sets a boundary.

I do not think Lotus would trap a woman in a potentially emotionally and mentally traumatic encounter.


Factory Bastard
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Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Yeah, I've never seen Lotus and Poark on good terms.

Because Lotus wont back down.

Oak cant stand women who are strong in their convictions and I cant stand how Lotus will refuse to have a respectful discussion but.....Lotus doesnt really have that level of anger and hate in her.

Lotus wont attack another woman in such a personal and demeaning way.

I'm pretty sure I could get through a day with Lotus without anything seriously unpleasant happening(in a hypothetical circumstance where get stuck together for the day somehow). I have no reason to think I'd feel unsafe. I think she knows I'm firm in my thinking and shes form in hers......so it would left alone for the sake of peace for the day.

If I got stuck with Oak I am 90 percent convinced she would corner me in a very unpleasant and hostile situation that would be borderline abusive and it would be horrid. And I would stand up for myself .....but controlling people just escalate if the other person sets a boundary.

I do not think Lotus would trap a woman in a potentially emotionally and mentally traumatic encounter.

Yeah, the only way you would probably escape from being cornered by the salsa slug is if you tossed some red meat in the opposite direction, like with a wild animal, and hope that she wobbled after it.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
who the heck is cindy?

A tranny that runs a board called Cindy's been trippin.

It's a leftwing hive.
lol oh okay, i thought it was someone here :p

No, but members of it do come here. Like Admin and Peaches.
im from theYNC clan and never dabbled in these other forums

im sure everyone has their alt sleeper accounts ready and waiting ;)

Tell Badger to lick my Aryan swingers!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
who the heck is cindy?

A tranny that runs a board called Cindy's been trippin.

It's a leftwing hive.
lol oh okay, i thought it was someone here :p

No, but members of it do come here. Like Admin and Peaches.
im from theYNC clan and never dabbled in these other forums

im sure everyone has their alt sleeper accounts ready and waiting ;)

Tell Badger to lick my Aryan swingers!
u sure, cuz i will :D

i hardly ever log in there, just unlogged for recent vids

the forum got closed down from lack of interest after we all left lol