Hey Flynn, here is where you can explain


Domestically feral
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United states
Why you want photos of a strangers underaged daughters.

That's what your whole spam fest is gunning for, right? You want "proof" your stupid "accusations" are false? Bahaha. Right you fucking PLEASE ASS BOX ME!.

And no.....I dont everyone a PLEASE ASS BOX ME!. I call people who show predatory behavior towards children pedos. Most people do not demand and obsess over info on other peoples kids.

So Flynn decides that a good way to get photos or info on underaged girls is to just start spamming "deeerr ur kids were taken by the state" hoping that I will actually fucking care about what some psycho cyber stalker says enough to argue this bullshit.

So when this fails the stupid PLEASE ASS BOX ME! fuck flat out tells me to "prove it" are you fucking serious?

Hey Flynn I think you should explain to everyone why you are using Bastard Factory to dig for pictures/information on children. You stupid child stalker.

Probably because you have a thing for young girls and being the stupid narcissistic sociopath you are.....you think by making up random bullshit and repeating it works on normal healthy people.

How many times has this idiotic spam fest worked for you?

It ain't gonna fly here, pervert. If anything I'm just gonna make sure you get investigated.

And I'm just gonna throw out that deleting FB messenger convos is fine and good....but I have screen shots from when I showed those pictures to the police. Just sayin.

Fucking predator.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Are you still on this paranoid, schizophrenic blather that Iam Flynn, spit latherer? Or are the drugs not hitting the way they should?

Why you want photos of a strangers underaged daughters.
Me? I don't. I could care less about a fucking numbskull such as you or the poor children who got stuck having you as a fucking inept mother who spends more time surrounded by the fuck ups this community has generated (hi Havok!!) then actually being with them.

You, dumbass, are invested more into this shit because it's the only fucking form of social interaction you have because everyone in your RL thinks your a fuck up.

Comfort in strangers, indeed

That's what your whole spam fest is gunning for, right? You want "proof" your stupid "accusations" are false? Bahaha. Right you fucking PLEASE ASS BOX ME!.
No, idiot, Flynn is making you look stupid.

Do you not see what she's doing? She's saying the same thing over and over because that is what you do, and have been the prototypical broken record for almost two years now. Sulking like a fucking useless pleb at every forum with your "woe is me" sob story because that's how you actually got clout. You relish this shit like a hot dog because it's all you have on account of you are nothing but just another shit poster on these forums without it.

Yes, Dovid, you are a shit poster. If that comes as a shock, fear naught, here, you are surrounded by them, Flynn included, so do feel comfortable and cozy here.
And no.....I dont everyone a PLEASE ASS BOX ME!. I call people who show predatory behavior towards children pedos. Most people do not demand and obsess over info on other peoples kids.
Most ppl don't cyberstalk members children.....but you did. How many pictures of my kids do you have on your phone? Every one posted on my EX's SM? Yup

How many do I have of yours?


Know why, I could care less. I wasn't the one weaponizing a kids console by putting it over a toilet, was I? And wasn't that the crux as to why you cyberstalked my ex? To get my child his console back? So your gonna weaponize my kids 300 dollar system to spite moi?

Some mother right there. Do you do the same thing to your kids? Cuz last time I recall, it was me who bought your kids mindcraft when they were locked out of their account, one of your kids the hair color she wanted that you wouldn't buy her, and gave them access to a Netflix account because buying your gas station heroin was more important then giving them something to take their minds off all the shit you three on them because you couldn't pay your fucking rent like a deadbeat.

Wait, this isn't the type of shit Flynn says, huh? Dumbass.

And let's just point out, you were spending money on gas to see me, pick me up to bring me back to your "haunted" house you couldn't pay for that I was telling you to contact your landlord and work out a payment plan with.

And get this, I even volunteered to go with this useless sack to talk to her landlord, since I have a way with words, to fix her problems with past due rent.

So Flynn decides that a good way to get photos or info on underaged girls is to just start spamming "deeerr ur kids were taken by the state" hoping that I will actually fucking care about what some psycho cyber stalker says enough to argue this bullshit.
No, Flynn wants to make you log off and never return.

Are you really this fucking dumb? Or are you taking these forums that srsly you actually think ppl give a fuck about your kids when you yourself caring about your kids is questionable at best.

This, is just another projection on your part, which is a fucking trend with you not that everyone hasn't noticed. And no offense, Dovid, you are at the end of the rope when it comes to forums to fester your drivel at because you have been laughed off every other one and now are stuck here, which the trash nobody else wants at their forums because they are the shit of this community.

So I'm a sense, you should be leary of ppl trying to phish out info.

But not from Flynn
So when this fails the stupid PLEASE ASS BOX ME! fuck flat out tells me to "prove it" are you fucking serious?
It's called "trolling".

Kind of like when you trolled some mentally unstable women into logging off from a forum because you kept bleating on about her having an abortion and make her feel ashamed of it? Remember that? And how much accomplishment you beemed over it?

Well guess what, you are that mentally unstable women now and Flynn is doing it to you. Fancy that, much?
Hey Flynn I think you should explain to everyone why you are using Bastard Factory to dig for pictures/information on children. You stupid child stalker.
PKB in the chat
Probably because you have a thing for young girls and being the stupid narcissistic sociopath you are.....you think by making up random bullshit and repeating it works on normal healthy people.
Normal healthy ppl where?

Here? You are joking, right? This entire community wasn't built for "normal healthy ppl" you stupid fool. Ppl aren't here because they have to be, they're here for the selfish need that they want to be, which is narcissistic in nature at its core with the exception you project all your failures on everyone else.

Murdork says you have pics of little kids genitals= everyone is a PLEASE ASS BOX ME!

See what I did there? You are the raving lunatic on this forum 24/7 allowing Flynn to wind you up to the point you think Flynn is me. When a simple IP lookup by an admin can prove that's not the case.

You, Dovid, are unhinged. And I honestly can't believe I stuck my dick in somebody so fucking crazy. The drugs reckd your fucking brain that much the fucking delusions have become reality.

Outside of schizophrenia, did you ever think you suffer from depression? Like two fucking huge bookends in what's left of the decomposing, mucusy rot you call a brain?
How many times has this idiotic spam fest worked for you?
I rarely post here. But if you are referring to Flynn who has a trophy thread right here from you, it's obviously working, eh?
It ain't gonna fly here, pervert. If anything I'm just gonna make sure you get investigated.
You do that. I'm sure whomever you have investigating me will take posts from a forum that has what looks like CP in a thread seriously. (Giggles)
And I'm just gonna throw out that deleting FB messenger convos is fine and good....but I have screen shots from when I showed those pictures to the police. Just sayin.
The pictures of my 26 year old gf who was 24 in the picture? What did the police say?

They're harmless? If a 24 year old magically is underage, there was nothing about them that was illegal?


Are you doing drugs again?

Just recently, I bought my youngest a Fortnite winter coat, I asked him to send me a selfie so I can see it. In Dovids rancid mind, thats CP.

Seek help, before you kill
Fucking predator.
Fucking drugged addled nutjob.

Srsly, go back to thinking Flynn's me. You don't look as fucking bad try harding against that clown.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Are you still on this paranoid, schizophrenic blather that Iam Flynn, spit latherer? Or are the drugs not hitting the way they should?

Why you want photos of a strangers underaged daughters.
Me? I don't. I could care less about a fucking numbskull such as you or the poor children who got stuck having you as a fucking inept mother who spends more time surrounded by the fuck ups this community has generated (hi Havok!!) then actually being with them.

You, dumbass, are invested more into this shit because it's the only fucking form of social interaction you have because everyone in your RL thinks your a fuck up.

Comfort in strangers, indeed

That's what your whole spam fest is gunning for, right? You want "proof" your stupid "accusations" are false? Bahaha. Right you fucking PLEASE ASS BOX ME!.
No, idiot, Flynn is making you look stupid.

Do you not see what she's doing? She's saying the same thing over and over because that is what you do, and have been the prototypical broken record for almost two years now. Sulking like a fucking useless pleb at every forum with your "woe is me" sob story because that's how you actually got clout. You relish this shit like a hot dog because it's all you have on account of you are nothing but just another shit poster on these forums without it.

Yes, Dovid, you are a shit poster. If that comes as a shock, fear naught, here, you are surrounded by them, Flynn included, so do feel comfortable and cozy here.
And no.....I dont everyone a PLEASE ASS BOX ME!. I call people who show predatory behavior towards children pedos. Most people do not demand and obsess over info on other peoples kids.
Most ppl don't cyberstalk members children.....but you did. How many pictures of my kids do you have on your phone? Every one posted on my EX's SM? Yup

How many do I have of yours?


Know why, I could care less. I wasn't the one weaponizing a kids console by putting it over a toilet, was I? And wasn't that the crux as to why you cyberstalked my ex? To get my child his console back? So your gonna weaponize my kids 300 dollar system to spite moi?

Some mother right there. Do you do the same thing to your kids? Cuz last time I recall, it was me who bought your kids mindcraft when they were locked out of their account, one of your kids the hair color she wanted that you wouldn't buy her, and gave them access to a Netflix account because buying your gas station heroin was more important then giving them something to take their minds off all the shit you three on them because you couldn't pay your fucking rent like a deadbeat.

Wait, this isn't the type of shit Flynn says, huh? Dumbass.

And let's just point out, you were spending money on gas to see me, pick me up to bring me back to your "haunted" house you couldn't pay for that I was telling you to contact your landlord and work out a payment plan with.

And get this, I even volunteered to go with this useless sack to talk to her landlord, since I have a way with words, to fix her problems with past due rent.

So Flynn decides that a good way to get photos or info on underaged girls is to just start spamming "deeerr ur kids were taken by the state" hoping that I will actually fucking care about what some psycho cyber stalker says enough to argue this bullshit.
No, Flynn wants to make you log off and never return.

Are you really this fucking dumb? Or are you taking these forums that srsly you actually think ppl give a fuck about your kids when you yourself caring about your kids is questionable at best.

This, is just another projection on your part, which is a fucking trend with you not that everyone hasn't noticed. And no offense, Dovid, you are at the end of the rope when it comes to forums to fester your drivel at because you have been laughed off every other one and now are stuck here, which the trash nobody else wants at their forums because they are the shit of this community.

So I'm a sense, you should be leary of ppl trying to phish out info.

But not from Flynn
So when this fails the stupid PLEASE ASS BOX ME! fuck flat out tells me to "prove it" are you fucking serious?
It's called "trolling".

Kind of like when you trolled some mentally unstable women into logging off from a forum because you kept bleating on about her having an abortion and make her feel ashamed of it? Remember that? And how much accomplishment you beemed over it?

Well guess what, you are that mentally unstable women now and Flynn is doing it to you. Fancy that, much?
Hey Flynn I think you should explain to everyone why you are using Bastard Factory to dig for pictures/information on children. You stupid child stalker.
PKB in the chat
Probably because you have a thing for young girls and being the stupid narcissistic sociopath you are.....you think by making up random bullshit and repeating it works on normal healthy people.
Normal healthy ppl where?

Here? You are joking, right? This entire community wasn't built for "normal healthy ppl" you stupid fool. Ppl aren't here because they have to be, they're here for the selfish need that they want to be, which is narcissistic in nature at its core with the exception you project all your failures on everyone else.

Murdork says you have pics of little kids genitals= everyone is a PLEASE ASS BOX ME!

See what I did there? You are the raving lunatic on this forum 24/7 allowing Flynn to wind you up to the point you think Flynn is me. When a simple IP lookup by an admin can prove that's not the case.

You, Dovid, are unhinged. And I honestly can't believe I stuck my dick in somebody so fucking crazy. The drugs reckd your fucking brain that much the fucking delusions have become reality.

Outside of schizophrenia, did you ever think you suffer from depression? Like two fucking huge bookends in what's left of the decomposing, mucusy rot you call a brain?
How many times has this idiotic spam fest worked for you?
I rarely post here. But if you are referring to Flynn who has a trophy thread right here from you, it's obviously working, eh?
It ain't gonna fly here, pervert. If anything I'm just gonna make sure you get investigated.
You do that. I'm sure whomever you have investigating me will take posts from a forum that has what looks like CP in a thread seriously. (Giggles)
And I'm just gonna throw out that deleting FB messenger convos is fine and good....but I have screen shots from when I showed those pictures to the police. Just sayin.
The pictures of my 26 year old gf who was 24 in the picture? What did the police say?

They're harmless? If a 24 year old magically is underage, there was nothing about them that was illegal?


Are you doing drugs again?

Just recently, I bought my youngest a Fortnite winter coat, I asked him to send me a selfie so I can see it. In Dovids rancid mind, thats CP.

Seek help, before you kill
Fucking predator.
Fucking drugged addled nutjob.

Srsly, go back to thinking Flynn's me. You don't look as fucking bad try harding against that clown.

Damn, kid.

See. I was waiting for that. Finally you nuke the fuck out of Dovey.

I wasn't going to do it. Not my place.

Respect, kid.

Finally. My spirit can now go onto the afterlife. The spirit of Flynn has left this human host.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
So it figures Chode would answer twice with some big ass long load of psychotic obsessed shit I'm not gonna read. I'm not reading any of that fucking butt hurt retarded blather Kevin. I really should have kicked you into oncoming traffick when I had the chance, because you really are not shit but a scorned miserable fucking psycho who makes everyone in your life miserable.

If I wanted to hear any of your retarded fucking drama, dont you think I would go to FT? Unblock you? Why the fuck did your waste your already meaningless time on that?

You hurt? Oh fucking well! Dont care. Go cry in the "dovey hurt me" board. How long are gonna mouth breath over BF? 5 more years?

What the fuck. Here is a tip. Unless I address you and ask you to respond to me? Dont waste your time typing because I'm not reading any of your stupid, toxic and incoherent NPD shit. I do not want you trying to look me up either. Get into some gotdamn therapy, you pathological fucking sociopath. Accept when your shit isnt fucking wanted and stop trying to force yourself on anyone.

Bottom line......demanding information of ANY kind about someone's kids is completely fucking innapropriate and predatory.

Run off at the mouth about your own fucking crotch goblins if you are determined to be a shit fucking parent and use your kids as forum fodder but dont spam the gotdamn board trying to troll for info about other peoples kids as if you have the liberties to do so.

You are honestly a pathetic, irrelevent piece of psycho shit. Look at you demented drooling ass loser...all foaming at the mouth ranting pissed the fuck off nonsense I give the slightest fuck about lmao. Your chance to talk ended over a year ago, you are just too fucking bent up to notice.

You are a predatory cyber stalker, and absolutely fucking NO ONE cares to discuss kids with you.

Go die mad. No one will care.
Last edited:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
So it figures Chode would answer twice with some big ass long load of psychotic obsessed shit I'm not gonna read. I'm not reading any of that fucking butt hurt retarded blather Kevin. I really should have kicked you into oncoming traffick when I had the chance, because you really are not shit but a scorned miserable fucking psycho who makes everyone in your life miserable.

If I wanted to hear any of your retarded fucking drama, dont you think I would go to FT? Unblock you? Why the fuck did your waste your already meaningless time on that?

You hurt? Oh fucking well! Dont care. Go cry in the "dovey hurt me" board. How long are gonna mouth breath over BF? 5 more years?

What the fuck. Here is a tip. Unless I address you and ask you to respond to me? Dont waste your time typing because I'm not reading any of your stupid, toxic and incoherent NPD shit. I do not want you trying to look me up either. Get into some gotdamn therapy, you pathological fucking sociopath. Accept when your shit isnt fucking wanted and stop trying to force yourself on anyone.

Bottom line......demanding information of ANY kind about someone's kids is completely fucking innapropriate and predatory.

Run off at the mouth about your own fucking crotch goblins if you are determined to be a shit fucking parent and use your kids as forum fodder but dont spam the gotdamn board trying to troll for info about other peoples kids as if you have the liberties to do so.

You are honestly a pathetic, irrelevent piece of psycho shit. Look at you demented drooling ass loser...all foaming at the mouth ranting pissed the fuck off nonsense I give the slightest fuck about lmao. Your chance to talk ended over a year ago, you are just too fucking bent up to notice.

You are a predatory cyber stalker, and absolutely fucking NO ONE cares to discuss kids with you.

Go die mad. No one will care.

You sound vey upset Mother OF The Decade.

If you get really angry and stomp your feet twice, CPS might give you custody of your children.



Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
And for the record, since I've been getting a ton of DM's on this subject;

Yes, everything written by yours truly is 100% fact. My story this entire time has not changed while Dovids has seemingly by the hour.

She needs mental help. No matter how much projection she types out for sympathy, she is completely unstable and a lose cannonesque loser.

You idiots who friends zone her? You are her actual real life friends not names on a screen playing a game of childish insults. And since you now have that responsibility, guide her into getting the mental help she needs. And it's not about the Summer of Poofer, she was a nutjob long before that. This is her only form of social interaction only because in her RL everyone has turned their back on her because she is unstable. Her only actual friends either are, or were from these forums.

So, I say this to you, be a friend to her, she needs it. I have seen the type of person she is in RL and will just be like everyone else who has crossed paths with her and turn my back as well.

And even if you don't need her....

She needs you

(Mic dropped)


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
And for the record, since I've been getting a ton of DM's on this subject;

Yes, everything written by yours truly is 100% fact. My story this entire time has not changed while Dovids has seemingly by the hour.

She needs mental help. No matter how much projection she types out for sympathy, she is completely unstable and a lose cannonesque loser.

You idiots who friends zone her? You are her actual real life friends not names on a screen playing a game of childish insults. And since you now have that responsibility, guide her into getting the mental help she needs. And it's not about the Summer of Poofer, she was a nutjob long before that. This is her only form of social interaction only because in her RL everyone has turned their back on her because she is unstable. Her only actual friends either are, or were from these forums.

So, I say this to you, be a friend to her, she needs it. I have seen the type of person she is in RL and will just be like everyone else who has crossed paths with her and turn my back as well.

And even if you don't need her....

She needs you

(Mic dropped)
Why do you have an Italian New York funny accent? Did yoo not finish year 12?


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
And Flynn;

You really need to stop the whole CPS angle. Having your kids taken away from you isn't funny. You are much better at this shit then to stoop to the fucking lows these two clowns have sunk.

They, Dovid and Peggy, are fucking full blown losers. You aren't. You are a relentless troll currently hitting on all cylinders who doesn't need to bring up children to get a point across.

As a parent, I understand where you are coming from, but let it go.

There's so much shit you can ding that nimrod on instead of bringing her children, who from the few times I met them, are actual sweethearts.

Dovid deserves everything you say....

But they don't.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
And Flynn;

You really need to stop the whole CPS angle. Having your kids taken away from you isn't funny. You are much better at this shit then to stoop to the fucking lows these two clowns have sunk.

They, Dovid and Peggy, are fucking full blown losers. You aren't. You are a relentless troll currently hitting on all cylinders who doesn't need to bring up children to get a point across.

As a parent, I understand where you are coming from, but let it go.

There's so much shit you can ding that nimrod on instead of bringing her children, who from the few times I met them, are actual sweethearts.

Dovid deserves everything you say....

But they don't.
Answer the question you fucking loser! Why do you have a shit Italian New York accent you slimy cunt!?


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
And Flynn;

You really need to stop the whole CPS angle. Having your kids taken away from you isn't funny. You are much better at this shit then to stoop to the fucking lows these two clowns have sunk.

They, Dovid and Peggy, are fucking full blown losers. You aren't. You are a relentless troll currently hitting on all cylinders who doesn't need to bring up children to get a point across.

As a parent, I understand where you are coming from, but let it go.

There's so much shit you can ding that nimrod on instead of bringing her children, who from the few times I met them, are actual sweethearts.

Dovid deserves everything you say....

But they don't.
Answer the question you fucking loser! Why do you have a shit Italian New York accent you slimy cunt!?
(Looks down)

What, little fella?


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
And Flynn;

You really need to stop the whole CPS angle. Having your kids taken away from you isn't funny. You are much better at this shit then to stoop to the fucking lows these two clowns have sunk.

They, Dovid and Peggy, are fucking full blown losers. You aren't. You are a relentless troll currently hitting on all cylinders who doesn't need to bring up children to get a point across.

As a parent, I understand where you are coming from, but let it go.

There's so much shit you can ding that nimrod on instead of bringing her children, who from the few times I met them, are actual sweethearts.

Dovid deserves everything you say....

But they don't.
Answer the question you fucking loser! Why do you have a shit Italian New York accent you slimy cunt!?
(Looks down)

What, little fella?
Oh FFS! The accent you fucking doofus! What the fuck are you doing here?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
And Flynn;

You really need to stop the whole CPS angle. Having your kids taken away from you isn't funny. You are much better at this shit then to stoop to the fucking lows these two clowns have sunk.

They, Dovid and Peggy, are fucking full blown losers. You aren't. You are a relentless troll currently hitting on all cylinders who doesn't need to bring up children to get a point across.

As a parent, I understand where you are coming from, but let it go.

There's so much shit you can ding that nimrod on instead of bringing her children, who from the few times I met them, are actual sweethearts.

Dovid deserves everything you say....

But they don't.

For the record I never bashed her children. As for the CPS, that started happening when Dovey called Flea a bad mother. I'm not giving excuses why, I'm explaining why.

As far as I'm concerned anytime Dovey brings up some bullshit and then starts crying about it when it gets used against her is just tough fucking shit.
I could care less what HER feelings are and could care even fucking less WHAT SHE FUCKING THINKS.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
And Flynn;

You really need to stop the whole CPS angle. Having your kids taken away from you isn't funny. You are much better at this shit then to stoop to the fucking lows these two clowns have sunk.

They, Dovid and Peggy, are fucking full blown losers. You aren't. You are a relentless troll currently hitting on all cylinders who doesn't need to bring up children to get a point across.

As a parent, I understand where you are coming from, but let it go.

There's so much shit you can ding that nimrod on instead of bringing her children, who from the few times I met them, are actual sweethearts.

Dovid deserves everything you say....

But they don't.

For the record I never bashed her children. As for the CPS, that started happening when Dovey called Flea a bad mother. I'm not giving excuses why, I'm explaining why.

As far as I'm concerned anytime Dovey brings up some bullshit and then starts crying about it when it gets used against her is just tough fucking shit.
I could care less what HER feelings are and could care even fucking less WHAT SHE FUCKING THINKS.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
And Flynn;

You really need to stop the whole CPS angle. Having your kids taken away from you isn't funny. You are much better at this shit then to stoop to the fucking lows these two clowns have sunk.

They, Dovid and Peggy, are fucking full blown losers. You aren't. You are a relentless troll currently hitting on all cylinders who doesn't need to bring up children to get a point across.

As a parent, I understand where you are coming from, but let it go.

There's so much shit you can ding that nimrod on instead of bringing her children, who from the few times I met them, are actual sweethearts.

Dovid deserves everything you say....

But they don't.

For the record I never bashed her children. As for the CPS, that started happening when Dovey called Flea a bad mother. I'm not giving excuses why, I'm explaining why.

As far as I'm concerned anytime Dovey brings up some bullshit and then starts crying about it when it gets used against her is just tough fucking shit.
I could care less what HER feelings are and could care even fucking less WHAT SHE FUCKING THINKS.

You can shut the fuck up too, BF Hall Monitor.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
And Flynn;

You really need to stop the whole CPS angle. Having your kids taken away from you isn't funny. You are much better at this shit then to stoop to the fucking lows these two clowns have sunk.

They, Dovid and Peggy, are fucking full blown losers. You aren't. You are a relentless troll currently hitting on all cylinders who doesn't need to bring up children to get a point across.

As a parent, I understand where you are coming from, but let it go.

There's so much shit you can ding that nimrod on instead of bringing her children, who from the few times I met them, are actual sweethearts.

Dovid deserves everything you say....

But they don't.

For the record I never bashed her children. As for the CPS, that started happening when Dovey called Flea a bad mother. I'm not giving excuses why, I'm explaining why.

As far as I'm concerned anytime Dovey brings up some bullshit and then starts crying about it when it gets used against her is just tough fucking shit.
I could care less what HER feelings are and could care even fucking less WHAT SHE FUCKING THINKS.

You can shut the fuck up too, BF Hall Monitor.
Shave your anus!