"I believe every fetus is a gift from God on high, here let me show you my collection."



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Domestically feral
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United states
Damn for a minute I thought this was about "Dr" Roth from Michigan who was keeping fetal remains in his trunk and who was doing illegal abortions at peoples houses.

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No pro abortion person ever cares about the abuse of women done by these hack doctors. There has been sexual abuse, misuse of narcs, keeping fetal parts, negligence, leaving women to bleed too death on sidewalks, pushing them into cars because they didnt want an ambulance making them "look bad". Even cannibalism.

But as soon as someone who opposes abortion does something fucked up worthy of prison....that gets jumped on.

Shouldnt you have a problem with shit like this regardless of who does it? Smh.

Yeah this is disgusting right? Well if you have a problem with this (and you should) it's done shockingly often by abortionists.


Domestically feral
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United states
Oh look.....there is another

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As I start listing off abortionists who keep fetal remains at their house.....are you still going to be opposed to this?

Kermit Gosnell is notorious because he was one of the few actually charged. But he sure the fuck is not a rare thing.


Domestically feral
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United states
I'll have to ask a friend for this recording but Renee Chalien(who ownes Northland Family Planning in MI) was recorded discussing fetal remain disposal and on top of her ghoulish comments about burning them in a bonfire up north, she said she wishes she could put them in a "gift bag" and give them back to their mothers because it shouldnt be "her problem"....and her and her colleagues laughed :/

That's pretty much how these people regard women and human beings.

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Domestically feral
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Little human eyeballs falling into your lap as you rip a helpless human being apart while they are still alive is so hilarious.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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But if pro-lifers are so much better, why would any have fetuses tucked away in their home at all?
She has no fucking clue how to cope with it, so sherefuses to address that, instead she feverishly searches for "Libtards" that have done the same sick shit, or aka Whataboutism. The gigantic hypocrisy of a "Pro-Lifer" abusing fetuses sails right over their heads.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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I hope those fetuses weren't gay

cause we can't talk about gay fetuses according to new Florida legislation

right, libs?


Domestically feral
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United states
But if pro-lifers are so much better, why would any have fetuses tucked away in their home at all?
She has no fucking clue how to cope with it, so sherefuses to address that, instead she feverishly searches for "Libtards" that have done the same sick shit, or aka Whataboutism. The gigantic hypocrisy of a "Pro-Lifer" abusing fetuses sails right over their heads.

You guys are constantly approaching topics as if people who oppose you and yourself are in some "one up" battle about who is better.

It's not about that. And based on this, who is abusing fetuses?

Anytime your hypocrisy gets called out, instead of owning it and growing from it, you guys dismiss and keep right on going.

I'm not the one who views people as collectives. If you have a problem with this person and the fetuses....then you should also have a problem with people who do that period.

This shows you dont care about human life or what's done to the remains. You think you've proved something about "pro lifers". All you've shown is that sick people exist. We know this. However, you only condemn sickness like this when you feel it helps your platform. You dont even CARE if the same thing is done.....with ghoulish frequency....by people you "support".

You call this "abuse", but you are blind the abuses that occur on a daily basis by what you support. That's the point.

I'm not the one who supports those little bodies being removed from mothers in the first place. That alone is a huge abuse of humanity. If I had my way no one would have fetal remains to do sick shit with because they would be left alone.

So.....not sure what kind of point you think you've made.

Out of all the women trying to "cope" with post abortion grief.....you guys also only validate women who did it and openly praise and support it. The rest of us, you try to discredit or ignore. And that's how it's always been.

You only support it because it's a cause your side of politics does. I dont believe you've ever spent anytime delving into the issue or thinking about it. Or understanding the opposition to it.

Which is sad, because this is a matter of human rights for all humans and how life is viewed and how see ourselves and others.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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So basically a woman who claims to be christian prolife is really a twisted Jeffery Dahmer fucktard and admong who is also a fucktard knows where to find stuff about twisted fucking fucktards people cause he lives in places with sick twisted fucking fucktards and even performs fellatio on them regularly

that about cover it?

Is this anything like all conservatives being child molesters because we opposed PLEASE ASS BOX ME! children sexually in schools and Mat Gaetz was accused of being a sex trafficer?

hey admong, when you get a moment, pump my fucking gas... then you may go make me a sandwich

that is of course, when I come to Oregon and "find out"



Domestically feral
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United states
So basically a woman who claims to be christian prolife is really a twisted Jeffery Dahmer fucktard and admong who is also a fucktard knows where to find stuff about twisted fucking fucktards people cause he lives in places with sick twisted fucking fucktards and even performs fellatio on them regularly

that about cover it?

Is this anything like all conservatives being child molesters because we opposed PLEASE ASS BOX ME! children sexually in schools and Mat Gaetz was accused of being a sex trafficer?

hey admong, when you get a moment, pump my fucking gas... then you may go make me a sandwich

that is of course, when I come to Oregon and "find out"


What gets me is how they see this stuff, and think they have some sort of evidence that we are hypocrites. At least that's the tone. They dont really ever clarify what their point is.

So this story right here, in his thinking, is some "got ya". As if this is what people who oppose abortion do or that we somehow approve of this.

Now when WE point out hypocrisies or double standards on their end, they call it a "whataboutism" (again misusing the term).

But by those standards.....how the fuck is this OP not a whataboutism?

A whataboutism is when someone makes an argument, and instead of addressing the argument, you immediately point out something done by your opponent. This is almost always completely different from the point in the arguement. It's different from pointing out a hypocrisy.

Basically since absolutely none of the arguments against abortion have been addressed and instead of addressing them Admin throws this "pro life" ghoul into the discussion and acts like this discredits the anti abortion arguments, THIS op is a "whataboutism".

Since I called out the direct double standard of him preaching about this woman having fetal remains but being completely silent over these same things done multiple times by the abortion side.... that is not a "whataboutism". I am condemning ALL of these actions. And my examples were directly about the same topic.

If Admin views running around with fetal remains as abuse and wrong, well I happen to agree with him. But as long as he supports killing these tiny humans and extracting them from their mothers, sick people are gonna do an Ed Gains and start collecting them.

If he is fine and silent when it's done by abortionists, he has no valid reason to not be fine with it when anyone does it. His grievance here isnt genuine. It's not about the tiny human. It's about him seeing it some ammo against pro lifers. And in his head, this ammo is only useful against those who disagree with his stance, it doesnt apply to those who agree with his stance.

They use "whataboutisms" all the time but when we point out a double standard, they cry "whataboutism"....when it's not even that. They misuse the term to wiggle out of a tough double standard without having to address it.

I definately addressed this OP. I simply asked for the same disgust and condemnation to be applied evenly and fairly. Just like any group there are sickos....however, its the pro abortion side that approves of removing the tiny humans to begin with. I oppose them even becoming remains. My stance does not allow or give opportunity for this kind of shit.


Domestically feral
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United states
So here is the real issue

This anti abortion activists with the fetuses obtained the remains to expose illegal activity on behalf of the abortuary.

I find it really sad that some Anti-Abortion Leaders are using their platforms to slander the activist who obtained the 5 late term baby corpses.

I don’t know Lauren Handy. I don’t know what type of person she is. I don’t know all her past errors (which we all have btw), and I don’t need to know.

What I do know is that she helped to expose the illegal activity going on in that abortion clinic. The illegal activity being that at least one of the babies appears to have been born alive and then murdered post-birth.

Of course these little humans’ deaths should ALL be considered murder. And the focus should be on THEM, not the tactics of this activist.

Horrifying. "

So.....as expected, there is more to this. The woman was attempting to expose the clinic and obtained the remains for that reason.

I'm gonna be checking this out further.


Domestically feral
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United states
Alright guys I have pictures. So if you are sensitive to this? Dont look.

If you support abortion? You should be forced to look.

Anyway here are the 5 late term dead tiny humans who were aborted and thrown away like garbage. The woman obtained them from the clinic garbage, took them and called police. One was born alive :( These are the fetal remains the woman had.

She was NOT the one abusing these tiny humans. She was exposing the "clinic". SHE got the authorities. And its HER being attacked.

Not the ones who committed this brutality.






Every one of these HUMAN BEINGS was subjected to a brutal death and was disposed of like garbage. Each could have been delivered alive and adopted out. But instead they were brutalized. We dont even inflict such inhumanity on rapist murderers.

So yeah.....the woman took the human remains, alerted authorities, to expose the clinic.

I guess its permissible when disgusting abortion "doctors" collect fetal remains because they are sick in the head. And when they abuse women. Or severely injure women.

But yeah let's try to distract from the unbelievable cruelty and inhumane practices of the clinic by attacking the woman who collected the proof needed to expose them.

She wasnt starting a fetal remains collection. She took them and called the police to SHOW what this place is doing.

The one in the pan in pieces was a little girl.....and she deserved this for "womens rights"? Fuck you all who call that "womens rights"(while you trash real sex based rights by changing the definition of woman). NO innocent human being ever deserves this ghoulish and heartless treatment.

Take a good hard and long look at these bodies and realize this isnt about your fucking politics. This is about the value and dignity of human life. It's about having mercy on our most defenseless. It's about helping and supporting mothers AND babies and children. This is a human rights atrocity. How can you sit there and talk about Ukraine and lecture others on compassion when you turn your eyes from THIS?

Another example of what is done in darkness will always be brought to the light.
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