If anyone wants a definition of what message board menstruation looks like


Factory Bastard
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Stubby, you’re another lying sac of shit. A broke Puerto Rican who fantasizes. Proof??


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!

Flynn is always pissed the fuck off and trying really hard to convince people he is laughing. Like because the dumb shit all capped "ROTFLMAO" that's really the selling point :LOL3:

What a fucking psycho moron.

I wonder if he ever gargles the dog semen.

And you're touting fake news like how Masturbation and Oral Sex is okay in regards to the Bible. What other kind of retarded misinformation are you going to fart out of your loose ass next?

Maybe you'd also like to add that the Bible only caters to Conservatives and how the Bible was only written for you, that way you can personally add chapters to it as you make up more fucking bullshit as you run you stupid mouth about things you don't know?

Maybe you'd like to explain to me the difference between "fishing" and "phishing" as I already educated your retarded ass on more than one occasion?


MOronic cunt.

You are fucking truly stupid!
Last edited:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
What time do the Americans go to bed?

Are you gonna nag?
haha I don't want yous to go to bed, I'd spike whatever your sipping on with a few of these and we could talk about how flynn poaches little bits of PI from you at a time by saying you told lies and your "story" doesn't add up lol you told me he done that ages ago and now I know exactly what you mean...

Well. If you quit lying about shit, maybe I wouldn't have to point those out.
No, you're just fishing fur my P fucking I, soon you'll have me doxxed and you'll steal my identity, haha you'd get the jail and I wouldn't, "No officer My name's Dave honestly, check that guys passport in his back pocket before he runs away Officer Right Mr *********** you're under arrest breach of court order you'll be in the cells till you go to court on Monday" hahahaha nae luck Flynn ya identity thriving swine enjoy yer weekender!! No, honestly all jokes aside the hardest, most excruciating time you can do is a full weekender in the police cells before you go to court, maaaan you're just put in a bare cell with a metal toilet and some sandpaper loo roll and that's it! It can be from a Friday morning right through till you go to court on Monday morning then you have a whole day in there when you get taken up LAST to learn whether the judge GIVES you bail or not there's no money involved at all you either get it or in my case the procurator fiscal (that's the Scottish crown or state) opposes bail and gleefully hands the judge a slice of paper with all my past lows on it takes a little look at it and says bail refused and you're now remanded in custody go downstairs to wait some more on the fancy bus coming, then it comes and by this point, an experienced guy like me is wondering what prison I'm going to, @Flynn yer hoping to go to either Barlinnie or Addiewell but do not fuckin say low moss, where's Mr ********* going eh let...Me....Check Low Moss, BASTARDS!!! It better be two fuckin rolls and tuna I/you @Flynn get when we roll up to Slow Moss or am taking yous hostage when you let me oot this wagon lol just in a wee joke way with the staff but Low Moss it's called but it should officially be called Slow Moss where a day feels like 4, it's like it's sat right on a time rift or something it's just slow that last three-month remand broke ma fuckin back that was heavy time, felt like mega bird @Flynn locked up till lunch get about 20 mins to sit on the wing and get a laugh wae the troops n see who's got a mill a subby, get one, happy as fuck,don't get one DAY FINISHED/huff then they're telling yi times up get in behind your door and you need to listen to the screws at slow moss they're fuckin dogs man THEY WILL take you into your cell off cameras and snap your fingers or try and break your ribs BUT if your co-pilot (cell mate we call them co pilots in Scotland) is in your cell you've dodged a bullet, he'd be witness to the brutality of those fuckin animals, some cells are single but vast majority are co-pilot SO as a man of prison experience you know this time in the first room after strip search there's the other guys on your lorry van you firstly need to find out whos got anything any drug will do then you need to work out in your heed some important, very important factors @Flynn If one or two of them have drugs so they get an immediate nod, are they full of shit like you just know doing some time in a cell with this banger would drive you nuts, do they look respectable, we're all stinking we've just lay in a box all weekend no shower or change of underwear but you suss out any abnormal smells or habits watching them closely and you know there's a few doing the exact same thing sussing you out, if you've been talking to somebody the whole time, seems clean and can count to 50 you stick wae that guy and get doubled up wae him, smart mans choice but you could take a real gamble that might pay off (ma choice ALWAYS now) you stay close to the smelly mutant looking cunt that's got a whole load of comfy jail life up his arse, your asking me how I know that arent you@Flynn well I told you to be sussing your new co pilot out and you've not even noticed he's fucked, dead on his feet but he'd rather lean against the wall with his legs spread apart rather than sit down he's got lots of easy days up his ass pipe and (We sorry you @Flynn as me whom you collected a database PfuckinI and stolen my trip to Low Moss incase you forgot dear)act like you've known him all yer days and drive home to him that you've ALWAYS got full canteen money £40 a week on remand you stick with him and start making wee I'll buy this and I'll get my vape pen and pods tomorrow at least we've got these disposable ones for the night how much money he's got in his ppc and if he's getting money sent in? This is all done in the confines of close quarters in wee whispers and sound effects, we're all doing the same thing I bossed getting the guy that's packing last time but in a scenario where another man's trying to nick you bestest brand new pal off you if you're gonna handle prison easy you need to let this fucker know the guards could come at any minute to take us down the wing you've got to think of what this fucker is potentially taking off you, first night getting blasted on a tiny sniff of heroin, then you talk to the mutant looking fucker you'd NEVER ever want to be seen associating with, he's your bro now so you say can I buy 2gm for wholesale for myself each week but you get to amounts your fucking buzzed as fuck every day and drugs every day funds every day smokes aall day and new fake friends that hover the drugs then that brown is your brown people bringing pregabalin,vallium so that kind of jail time OR sitting reading a book most of the time, having wee awkward aweright bro then somebody skanks them and they don't know what to say or do and their time gets harder.. That's not YOU so the time is now to tell this other guy that's sniffing after the parcel sorry the friend I/you @Flynn stood firm at 6ft 6 ready to bounce in our new vapormax said he's my co-pilot there's nothin there fur ye, you might get sorted oot if you stop wobbling when you fuckin address me in future... huh you really just took the biggest back seat I've ever seen in my life chump! Usually you get unreliable tales that his aunt whatever is gonna send £20 I'm like a week a month or wit and it usually some 50 yarder never fuckin happens but that big parcel he's got banked is gonna numb the pain whatevers in it, won't be coke, if it is I've just made a fucking blunder, this cunts in big debt tae some real yins that's above a con just trying to plan his bird to suit it going in quick with shit! but he squeezes it out and as expected it's an ounce of hash and a big half ounce of heroin and the first thing he sez was that's awe mine eh, bought it wae ma full giro (welfare monthly payment) I knew I didn't need to buy food coz a wiz cummin here (true story, happened to me the last time) my first actual thoughts were, I don't think one monthly welfare payment covers that which made me sus that he either stole it from a stash or he's got it on tic(pay next week or whatever)then I'm thinking to myself what if he's on the sick and claiming pip & lcwra and on £1400 a month, that would do it????:SmokeBreak1:
If you're gonna make sure you tell the other twos guys that are thinking the very same as you that it's just not there for them and he's GOING IN WAE ME TROOPS if you can believe me now?

Is Flynn going to survive with the lost retards doing a 3 month remand in Slow Moss
Things were looking good for PfecknI pincher as she stole her way into a prison sentence in Brutally slow HMPSlow Moss?
wILL THE LAGS find out once and for all if Flynn has a penis or a nice tight vagina because no other type of vagina will do!!
get the gossip from a real criminal sign up now


Should we start calling you Gallium now?



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!

Flynn is always pissed the fuck off and trying really hard to convince people he is laughing. Like because the dumb shit all capped "ROTFLMAO" that's really the selling point :LOL3:

What a fucking psycho moron.

I wonder if he ever gargles the dog semen.

Bottom line...I got your dumbass to reply to me because you just can't help your ignorant self.

That's right cunt, avoid all the points where it shows you're full of shit and you have no fucking idea what you're even talking about.

Show me where it states in the Bible that Masturbation and Oral Sex is "okay."



Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
What time do the Americans go to bed?

Are you gonna nag?
haha I don't want yous to go to bed, I'd spike whatever your sipping on with a few of these and we could talk about how flynn poaches little bits of PI from you at a time by saying you told lies and your "story" doesn't add up lol you told me he done that ages ago and now I know exactly what you mean...

Well. If you quit lying about shit, maybe I wouldn't have to point those out.
No, you're just fishing fur my P fucking I, soon you'll have me doxxed and you'll steal my identity, haha you'd get the jail and I wouldn't, "No officer My name's Dave honestly, check that guys passport in his back pocket before he runs away Officer Right Mr *********** you're under arrest breach of court order you'll be in the cells till you go to court on Monday" hahahaha nae luck Flynn ya identity thriving swine enjoy yer weekender!! No, honestly all jokes aside the hardest, most excruciating time you can do is a full weekender in the police cells before you go to court, maaaan you're just put in a bare cell with a metal toilet and some sandpaper loo roll and that's it! It can be from a Friday morning right through till you go to court on Monday morning then you have a whole day in there when you get taken up LAST to learn whether the judge GIVES you bail or not there's no money involved at all you either get it or in my case the procurator fiscal (that's the Scottish crown or state) opposes bail and gleefully hands the judge a slice of paper with all my past lows on it takes a little look at it and says bail refused and you're now remanded in custody go downstairs to wait some more on the fancy bus coming, then it comes and by this point, an experienced guy like me is wondering what prison I'm going to, @Flynn yer hoping to go to either Barlinnie or Addiewell but do not fuckin say low moss, where's Mr ********* going eh let...Me....Check Low Moss, BASTARDS!!! It better be two fuckin rolls and tuna I/you @Flynn get when we roll up to Slow Moss or am taking yous hostage when you let me oot this wagon lol just in a wee joke way with the staff but Low Moss it's called but it should officially be called Slow Moss where a day feels like 4, it's like it's sat right on a time rift or something it's just slow that last three-month remand broke ma fuckin back that was heavy time, felt like mega bird @Flynn locked up till lunch get about 20 mins to sit on the wing and get a laugh wae the troops n see who's got a mill a subby, get one, happy as fuck,don't get one DAY FINISHED/huff then they're telling yi times up get in behind your door and you need to listen to the screws at slow moss they're fuckin dogs man THEY WILL take you into your cell off cameras and snap your fingers or try and break your ribs BUT if your co-pilot (cell mate we call them co pilots in Scotland) is in your cell you've dodged a bullet, he'd be witness to the brutality of those fuckin animals, some cells are single but vast majority are co-pilot SO as a man of prison experience you know this time in the first room after strip search there's the other guys on your lorry van you firstly need to find out whos got anything any drug will do then you need to work out in your heed some important, very important factors @Flynn If one or two of them have drugs so they get an immediate nod, are they full of shit like you just know doing some time in a cell with this banger would drive you nuts, do they look respectable, we're all stinking we've just lay in a box all weekend no shower or change of underwear but you suss out any abnormal smells or habits watching them closely and you know there's a few doing the exact same thing sussing you out, if you've been talking to somebody the whole time, seems clean and can count to 50 you stick wae that guy and get doubled up wae him, smart mans choice but you could take a real gamble that might pay off (ma choice ALWAYS now) you stay close to the smelly mutant looking cunt that's got a whole load of comfy jail life up his arse, your asking me how I know that arent you@Flynn well I told you to be sussing your new co pilot out and you've not even noticed he's fucked, dead on his feet but he'd rather lean against the wall with his legs spread apart rather than sit down he's got lots of easy days up his ass pipe and (We sorry you @Flynn as me whom you collected a database PfuckinI and stolen my trip to Low Moss incase you forgot dear)act like you've known him all yer days and drive home to him that you've ALWAYS got full canteen money £40 a week on remand you stick with him and start making wee I'll buy this and I'll get my vape pen and pods tomorrow at least we've got these disposable ones for the night how much money he's got in his ppc and if he's getting money sent in? This is all done in the confines of close quarters in wee whispers and sound effects, we're all doing the same thing I bossed getting the guy that's packing last time but in a scenario where another man's trying to nick you bestest brand new pal off you if you're gonna handle prison easy you need to let this fucker know the guards could come at any minute to take us down the wing you've got to think of what this fucker is potentially taking off you, first night getting blasted on a tiny sniff of heroin, then you talk to the mutant looking fucker you'd NEVER ever want to be seen associating with, he's your bro now so you say can I buy 2gm for wholesale for myself each week but you get to amounts your fucking buzzed as fuck every day and drugs every day funds every day smokes aall day and new fake friends that hover the drugs then that brown is your brown people bringing pregabalin,vallium so that kind of jail time OR sitting reading a book most of the time, having wee awkward aweright bro then somebody skanks them and they don't know what to say or do and their time gets harder.. That's not YOU so the time is now to tell this other guy that's sniffing after the parcel sorry the friend I/you @Flynn stood firm at 6ft 6 ready to bounce in our new vapormax said he's my co-pilot there's nothin there fur ye, you might get sorted oot if you stop wobbling when you fuckin address me in future... huh you really just took the biggest back seat I've ever seen in my life chump! Usually you get unreliable tales that his aunt whatever is gonna send £20 I'm like a week a month or wit and it usually some 50 yarder never fuckin happens but that big parcel he's got banked is gonna numb the pain whatevers in it, won't be coke, if it is I've just made a fucking blunder, this cunts in big debt tae some real yins that's above a con just trying to plan his bird to suit it going in quick with shit! but he squeezes it out and as expected it's an ounce of hash and a big half ounce of heroin and the first thing he sez was that's awe mine eh, bought it wae ma full giro (welfare monthly payment) I knew I didn't need to buy food coz a wiz cummin here (true story, happened to me the last time) my first actual thoughts were, I don't think one monthly welfare payment covers that which made me sus that he either stole it from a stash or he's got it on tic(pay next week or whatever)then I'm thinking to myself what if he's on the sick and claiming pip & lcwra and on £1400 a month, that would do it????:SmokeBreak1:
If you're gonna make sure you tell the other twos guys that are thinking the very same as you that it's just not there for them and he's GOING IN WAE ME TROOPS if you can believe me now?

Is Flynn going to survive with the lost retards doing a 3 month remand in Slow Moss
Things were looking good for PfecknI pincher as she stole her way into a prison sentence in Brutally slow HMPSlow Moss?
wILL THE LAGS find out once and for all if Flynn has a penis or a nice tight vagina because no other type of vagina will do!!
get the gossip from a real criminal sign up now


Should we start calling you Gallium now?

I enjoyeded writing that!


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
… If I could stick a knife in my heart
Suicide right on stage
Would it be enough for your teenage lust
Would it help to ease the pain?
Ease your brain?

… If I could dig down deep in my heart
Feelings would flood on the page
Would it satisfy ya, would it slide on by ya
Would ya think the boy's insane?
He's insane


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Flynn is so fucking stupid.

See Flynn i would love to address all your ignorant and low intelligence, hysterical mewlings....but not really.

Yet I'm not making up passages in the Bible.

Chew on that you retarded sow!


Stupid bitch!!-


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
You're still fucking dogs

and possibly other animals too



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Flynn is so fucking stupid.

See Flynn i would love to address all your ignorant and low intelligence, hysterical mewlings....but not really.
Flynn is a terrible poaster. Very low ratings. Not even 0ak wants her on her board. Sad!
I heard Oak died of a fajita overdose

is that true?
If you saw what she said about you at CBT this morning, you’d flip your cheap wig, FAX!
If I wasn't banned for 40 million years for making you cucks cry maybe I would



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Flynn is so fucking stupid.

See Flynn i would love to address all your ignorant and low intelligence, hysterical mewlings....but not really.
Flynn is a terrible poaster. Very low ratings. Not even 0ak wants her on her board. Sad!
I heard Oak died of a fajita overdose

is that true?
If you saw what she said about you at CBT this morning, you’d flip your cheap wig, FAX!
If I wasn't banned for 40 million years for making you cucks cry maybe I would


Cry me a river bitch!!


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Flynn is so fucking stupid.

See Flynn i would love to address all your ignorant and low intelligence, hysterical mewlings....but not really.
Flynn is a terrible poaster. Very low ratings. Not even 0ak wants her on her board. Sad!
I heard Oak died of a fajita overdose

is that true?
If you saw what she said about you at CBT this morning, you’d flip your cheap wig, FAX!
If I wasn't banned for 40 million years for making you cucks cry maybe I would


Cry me a river bitch!!
Maybe during his time out, Stubby can work on his impulse control.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Flynn is so fucking stupid.

See Flynn i would love to address all your ignorant and low intelligence, hysterical mewlings....but not really.
Flynn is a terrible poaster. Very low ratings. Not even 0ak wants her on her board. Sad!
I heard Oak died of a fajita overdose

is that true?
If you saw what she said about you at CBT this morning, you’d flip your cheap wig, FAX!
If I wasn't banned for 40 million years for making you cucks cry maybe I would


Cry me a river bitch!!
Maybe during his time out, Stubby can work on his impulse control.

Not gonna happen. He's too fucking obsessed with your dick and his mouth.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Flynn is so fucking stupid.

See Flynn i would love to address all your ignorant and low intelligence, hysterical mewlings....but not really.
Flynn is a terrible poaster. Very low ratings. Not even 0ak wants her on her board. Sad!
I heard Oak died of a fajita overdose

is that true?
If you saw what she said about you at CBT this morning, you’d flip your cheap wig, FAX!
If I wasn't banned for 40 million years for making you cucks cry maybe I would


Cry me a river bitch!!
Maybe during his time out, Stubby can work on his impulse control.

maybe the other boards will flourish while you’re busy here biting on my ankles


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Flynn is so fucking stupid.

See Flynn i would love to address all your ignorant and low intelligence, hysterical mewlings....but not really.
Flynn is a terrible poaster. Very low ratings. Not even 0ak wants her on her board. Sad!
I heard Oak died of a fajita overdose

is that true?
If you saw what she said about you at CBT this morning, you’d flip your cheap wig, FAX!
If I wasn't banned for 40 million years for making you cucks cry maybe I would

Flynn is so fucking stupid.

See Flynn i would love to address all your ignorant and low intelligence, hysterical mewlings....but not really.
Flynn is a terrible poaster. Very low ratings. Not even 0ak wants her on her board. Sad!
I heard Oak died of a fajita overdose

is that true?
If you saw what she said about you at CBT this morning, you’d flip your cheap wig, FAX!
If I wasn't banned for 40 million years for making you cucks cry maybe I would


Cry me a river bitch!!
Maybe during his time out, Stubby can work on his impulse control.

maybe the other boards will flourish while you’re busy here biting on my ankles