I'm thinking about selling my mansion


Factory Bastard
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@Joe That made me laugh.

Like applying an algorithm within computer software all of a sudden makes it "measuring it digitally".



Maybe you're not aware of this, but billion dollar corporations use software programs to forecast economic conditions @The Prowler

And they pay million$ for these services.

Do you?

If not, then get with program, putz

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
@Joe That made me laugh.

Like applying an algorithm within computer software all of a sudden makes it "measuring it digitally".




Maybe you're not aware of this, but billion dollar corporations use software programs to forecast economic conditions @The Prowler

And they pay million$ for these services.

Do you?

If not, then get with program, putz

And you think that means it is "measured digitally".

@Joe The reason I was able to retire so young is because I am a highly talented software developer.

Have you measured this digitialy?



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
And you think that means it is "measured digitally".

@Joe The reason I was able to retire so young is because I am a highly talented software developer.
...and just how do you think Stock market performance is measured @The Prowler?

How do you think a money manager like Warrren Buffet or Ray Dalio move billions of equities around in just 1 day?

By guessing?

Here Prowler, - a video I posted in another forum from a Wall Street analyst with over 50 years of experience and infintely more qualified and wealthier than you. Smarter too. He doesn't even have to to pretend that he can afford a home in Florida. He actually ives there. However you just dream about it Putz.

BTW, I don't endorse anything or predictions the guy says in the video but he makes mention of heavy reliance upon digital or computer forecasting tools.

and tho labled a contrarian, Markowski has been previously correct about coming ecconomic downturns and stock market crashes.

The point being, if you watch the video Prowler, he makes mention that he uses digital or computer forecasting software.

How do you think these investing gurus get their business or Market Watch Intelligence?

If you're gonna shoot yer yappy rescue dog mouth off, then at least know what you're talking about fool.

Incidentally, did you clean up after your dog today Prowler? makes sure he doesn't shit in you're neighbors yard.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Here @The Prowler, go for a time out & do a barking session with your rescue dog.

Like this:

It'd do ya a world of good

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
...and just how do you think Stock market performance is measured @The Prowler?

How do you think a money manager like Warrren Buffet or Ray Dalio move billions of equities around in just 1 day?

By guessing?

Here Prowler, - a video I posted in another forum from a Wall Street analyst with over 50 years of experience and infintely more qualified and wealthier than you. Smarter too. He doesn't even have to to pretend that he can afford a home in Florida. He actually ives there. However you just dream about it Putz.

BTW, I don't endorse anything or predictions the guy says in the video but he makes mention of heavy reliance upon digital or computer forecasting tools.

and tho labled a contrarian, Markowski has been previously correct about coming ecconomic downturns and stock market crashes.

The point being, if you watch the video Prowler, he makes mention that he uses digital or computer forecasting software.

How do you think these investing gurus get their business or Market Watch Intelligence?

If you're gonna shoot yer yappy rescue dog mouth off, then at least know what you're talking about fool.

Incidentally, did you clean up after your dog today Prowler? makes sure he doesn't shit in you're neighbors yard.


@Joe You use words, but you have no idea what they mean.

Like applying an algorithm within computer software all of a sudden makes it "measuring it digitally".

@Joe Figure that out and then shut the fuck up, you retard.


The Prowler

Factory Bastard
@Joe I wrote a double-entry accounting system years ago that I use for my PT business.

Does that means I am doing "digital accounting"?

You stupid fuck.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
In reality, I’m looking forward to it all crashing
I keep hearing that they will crash, but I'm not convinced that this will necessarily be the outcome.

A lot of htese prognosticators forget the power of the US Fed

There's a lot of market interference on their part & they might end up propping these markets up.

Rather than forecast a definite outcome I'd just think of them as 'probabilities of outcomes' of which there may be several.

The market could just go sideways remain stagnant or just dip slightly.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I think it is weird that when I asked @Murdy how big her house is she completely avoided answering.

Why talk about a house to people, but not let them know how big it is?

I have 4300 sq ft on 2 acres of property

I'm willing to be my master bedroom alone is as big or almost as big as her entire house

but hey, if she thinks it's cool getting ripped off in one of the most highly taxed and most expensive areas in the country she is welcome to be that dumb. No skin off my back

I know I wouldn't pay that kind of money to live there and I can afford to if I wanted to.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
And now a word from Captain Obvious...

I keep hearing that they will crash, but I'm not convinced that this will necessarily be the outcome.

A lot of htese prognosticators forget the power of the US Fed

There's a lot of market interference on their part & they might end up propping these markets up.

Rather than forecast a definite outcome I'd just think of them as 'probabilities of outcomes' of which there may be several.

The market could just go sideways remain stagnant or just dip slightly.

Holy fuck.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
You are the guy who was bragging about having $80K worth of copper, right? Copper that was not even processed/recovered yet.

And you choose to live in a 3rd world country.

Very curious....
Know a bullshit artist when you see one

or more like a diarrhea finger painter in this instance.

People with tons of money don't go leaving such (allegedly) highly desirable areas in favor of third world shitholes unless

a) they really cant afford such areas or b) they are evading legal prosecution of some kind

In this case it's probably a bit of both.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard

I have 4300 sq ft on 2 acres of property

I'm willing to be my master bedroom alone is as big or almost as big as her entire house

but hey, if she thinks it's cool getting ripped off in one of the most highly taxed and most expensive areas in the country she is welcome to be that dumb. No skin off my back

I know I wouldn't pay that kind of money to live there and I can afford to if I wanted to.


It is such a weird thing to be proud of....

"I live in a really expensive shithole!!"

Errr.....Way to go?
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter

It is such a weird thing to be proud of....

"I live in a really expensive shithole!!"

Errr.....Way to go?
Remember when we were kids and there was always that one who swore he/she got every thing cheaper than what everyone else could buy the item for?

Like if you bought a new pair of Nikes that cost 100.00 and they'd immediately be like "I got those same ones for 50.00"

well now adays the idiots actually think it's some kind of accomplishment of social status to be ripped the fuck off like some gullible moron who doesn't know any better.

no thank you. I can live any where I want but I CHOOSE to live where my money will buy me the most in terms of resources, quality of life and luxury. If Murdope wants to pay a million dollars to live in a truck stop toilet that's on her.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

I have 4300 sq ft on 2 acres of property

I'm willing to be my master bedroom alone is as big or almost as big as her entire house

but hey, if she thinks it's cool getting ripped off in one of the most highly taxed and most expensive areas in the country she is welcome to be that dumb. No skin off my back

I know I wouldn't pay that kind of money to live there and I can afford to if I wanted to.

Florida is way cheap. Jews flock there. In my mind 4300 sq ft is no mansion


> you
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. o O
I have two acres of property too (Lot Size 2.8 Acre.) House is about 2500 sq ft with a 5 car garage. The lake is close, the cities are far.
Behold cw_land:

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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Remember when we were kids and there was always that one who swore he/she got every thing cheaper than what everyone else could buy the item for?

Like if you bought a new pair of Nikes that cost 100.00 and they'd immediately be like "I got those same ones for 50.00"

well now adays the idiots actually think it's some kind of accomplishment of social status to be ripped the fuck off like some gullible moron who doesn't know any better.

no thank you. I can live any where I want but I CHOOSE to live where my money will buy me the most in terms of resources, quality of life and luxury. If Murdope wants to pay a million dollars to live in a truck stop toilet that's on her.
Hey @Biggie Smiles why don't ya see if @The Prowler is interested in purchasing your mansion?

We know he can't afford it, but will you accept an offer $1 million UNDER asking from him? LOL!

He wants it tho. LOL

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Hey @Biggie Smiles why don't ya see if @The Prowler is interested in purchasing your mansion?

We know he can't afford it, but will you accept an offer $1 million UNDER asking from him? LOL!

He wants it tho. LOL

@Joe My house has 3600 square feet of living space and we are going to be downsizing the next time we move. We are not going to be on the market for something even bigger.

@Joe And, yes, we would have to liquidate some assets if we were to purchase a house worth $1.2mil USD. Or we could borrow some money, but I would only do that for a very short term. When I bought my 2023 C8 Corvette late last year, we dipped into our line of credit for a few months. It was an odd feeling to have some debt. If we were to take on debt, it would be very short term as we looked for a good time to sell some investments.

@Joe This year as dividends are flowing in, we repaid our line of credit and, I think I mentioned this before, we are in the process of increasing our investments in equities. I just bought some CALM and we have another $70K in one of our trading accounts that we're going to be investing into stocks over the next few days.

@Joe I am sure Joo's house is nice, and while we could definitely afford it, it is not something that we want.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@Joe My house has 3600 square feet of living space and we are going to be downsizing the next time we move. We are not going to be on the market for something even bigger.

@Joe And, yes, we would have to liquidate some assets if we were to purchase a house worth $1.2mil USD. Or we could borrow some money, but I would only do that for a very short term. When I bought my 2023 C8 Corvette late last year, we dipped into our line of credit for a few months. It was an odd feeling to have some debt. If we were to take on debt, it would be very short term as we looked for a good time to sell some investments.

@Joe This year as dividends are flowing in, we repaid our line of credit and, I think I mentioned this before, we are in the process of increasing our investments in equities. I just bought some CALM and we have another $70K in one of our trading accounts that we're going to be investing into stocks over the next few days.

@Joe I am sure Joo's house is nice, and while we could definitely afford it, it is not something that we want.
If you were REALLY rich, you wouldn't have time to write anyone on these forums @The Prowler

Exceedingly wealthy people don't have time to waste on forums like these.

They're just too busy making money and making deals in the Real World.

The true 1%ers don't have any time to talk or waste.

They are really that busy and focused.

I know because I've met them.

Also truly wealthy people wouldn't be comparing themselves to us middle class folk.

They'd be comparing themselves to other 1%ers.

BTW, have you bought that private plane yet Prowler?

Wealthy people usu have those plus $200,000 luxury import cars. Minimum.

Nice try tho.

But you still can't afford Florida.
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The Prowler

Factory Bastard
If you were REALLY rich, you wouldn't have time to write anyone on these forums @The Prowler

@Joe That makes no sense. Not that I ever claimed to be rich, but how would more money prevent me from being on this forum?

Exceedingly wealthy people don't have time to waste on forums like these.

@Joe Why do you think wealthy people do not have free time?

They're just too busy making money and making deals in the Real World.

@Joe You cannot know what people want to do with their time.

The true 1%ers don't have any time to talk or waste.

@Joe You are stuck on repeat.

They are really that busy and focused.

@Joe You are stuck on repeat.

I know because I've met them.

@Joe Oh, please tell me about how you met every rich person in the world.


Also truly wealthy people wouldn't be comparing themselves to us middle class folk.

@Joe Who is comparing anyone to anyone except you @Joe?

They'd be comparing themselves to other 1%ers.

@Joe You have weird ideas about what people think about.

BTW, have you bought that private plane yet Prowler?

@Joe When have I ever said that I was going to buy a private plane?

Wealthy people usu have those plus $200,000 luxury import cars. Minimum.

@Joe Why are you so worried about these so-called wealthy people?

Nice try tho.

@Joe What do you mean by that? What do you think I was "trying"?

You Weirdo.

But you still can't afford Florida.

@Joe I think I already gave enough detail on this subject. It is really weird how obsessed you are with me and Florida.

Wait. Have you been imaging me laying on the beach in a Speedo?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
But you're not rich.

Clearly you waste a lot of time where you should be busy making money @The Prowler.

And how come you need to walk your dog? Can't you afford a dog walker? All the rich people I've seen can.
Even middle class people can.
Do you have domestics to clean your home?
Gardeners to prune the bushes?

And if you don't how come?

BTW Prowler, this is what a typical mansion looks like where I live:


But they're not $1 million homes. They're more like $10, 20 million homes.

Shaughnessy. Point Grey. If yer in town, ask for a tour and then compare it to your home.

Guy who owned Lulu Lemon lives there. His is a $40 million mansion of prime waterfront property.

I went to his home on opening night.

FACT: He hired The famous Red Hot Chili Peppers band for $1 million for one night.

Sez right here in a respectable publication. Not fake News, fool.

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That's as much as the reputed value of your 'masnion Prowler.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
But you're not rich.

@Joe Right. I would say I am well off. I have accumulated enough money to retire in my early 50's and live comfortably.

Clearly you waste a lot of time where you should be busy making money @The Prowler.

@Joe No, I like to have fun. I worked hard for about seven years, had enough of that experience, and I moved on to other things.

And how come you need to walk your dog? Can't you afford a dog walker? All the rich people I've seen can.

@Joe I enjoy walking my dog. Haha!! You are so clueless. It is a very enjoyable activity. I even volunteer to walk dogs at the local SPCA shelter, which I have been doing for about 20 years.

Do you have domestics to clean your home?

@Joe My wife and I do our own cleaning. I do not want anyone else having access to my house.

Gardeners to prune the bushes?

@Joe My wife enjoys doing the gardening. My mother-in-law comes over to "help" my wife too, since they sold their house about 5 years ago and she does not have a garden of her own any more.

And if you don't how come?

@Joe Already answered. See @Joe, I am way ahead of you!! Hahahaha!!!!

BTW Prowler, this is what a typical mansion looks like where I live:


But they're not $1 million homes. They're more like $10, 20 million homes.

Shaughnessy. Point Grey. If yer in town, ask for a tour and then compare it to your home.

Guy who owned Lulu Lemon lives there. His is a $40 million mansion of prime waterfront property.

I went to his home on opening night.

FACT: He hired The famous Red Hot Chili Peppers band for $1 million for one night.

Sez right here in a respectable publication. Not fake News, fool.

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That's as much as the reputed value of your 'masnion Prowler.

@Joe And that concerns me, how?


You lame fucker!!!
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
If Murdope wants to pay top dollar to live on a postage stamp where she can hear her neighbor's toilet flush in surround sound that's on her

I prefer to get more for my money. And I most certainly am


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
I had no clue that Florida disaster/homeowners insurance premiums are outrageous IF you can even get it…makes sense since Florida is such a shithol:

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Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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Follow the money.
I had no clue that Florida disaster/homeowners insurance premiums are outrageous IF you can even get it…makes sense since Florida is such a shithol:

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Recently Florida has required ALL homeowners to have flood insurance, if you thought homeowners was expensive, KAPOW!