In an overwhelming defeat for International Trumpism, Lula defeats Bolsonaro.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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I don’t give a shit about Brazil. Your man just got voted out. What’s gonna keep you there?
I know. People like you don't give a shit. About anything. Or anyone. Except yourselves.

I mean, what else to expect from people who'd murder the innocent just to keep your precious lives safe and protected?

Render unto Caesar and all that, let the dead bury their dead, all that crap.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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Maybe it will be better than you expect.

Considering the criminals are already feeling like Brazil is now a big open free buffet, I seriously doubt that

Lotus, we need to save the world. People are destroying the world. So, to save the world we must _______________ (fill in the blank)


Factory Bastard
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Considering the criminals are already feeling like Brazil is now a big open free buffet, I seriously doubt that

Lotus, we need to save the world. People are destroying the world. So, to save the world we must _______________ (fill in the blank)
Find a way to eliminate poverty so that people are more satisfied with their lives, and thus crimes rates go way down. You know, there's hardly any crime in Portugal, and it's basically a socialist country. The crime rate is low because of the people themselves, not because of the GNR, imo. Most Portuguese just aren't violent in any way.

Actually, I bet you'd like Portugal. |You should move here.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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Find a way to eliminate poverty so that people are more satisfied with their lives, and thus crimes rates go way down. You know, there's hardly any crime in Portugal, and it's basically a socialist country. The crime rate is low because of the people themselves, not because of the GNR, imo. Most Portuguese just aren't violent in any way.

Actually, I bet you'd like Portugal. |You should move here.
And how you're going to eliminate poverty while destroying the economy and the means of production? How can I believe in those speeches when I know that their only objective is to kill billions and completely control the rest?

How can I believe that they care about the welfare of people when they keep saying that the world is too crowded and population numbers must go down ASAP?

Portugal looks good today, but these days, things change too quickly. And I've been seeing tons of Brazilians complaining that things are getting outrageously expensive there and it's not longer a good option to move or stay there if you also need to save money for your future.

I had already decided that I'd do a couple changes in the farm if the corrupt thief won and that's what I'm gonna do. I'm getting rid of half the fruit orchard and I'm going to plant yucca and a few other plants that are great for subsistence. I'm also tripling the chicken coop's area and digging two more fish tanks

I'd gladly live the rest of my days there if I have enough to feed me and a few others I care about.


Factory Bastard
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I know. People like you don't give a shit. About anything. Or anyone. Except yourselves.

I mean, what else to expect from people who'd murder the innocent just to keep your precious lives safe and protected?

Render unto Caesar and all that, let the dead bury their dead, all that crap.

I don’t huh. I don’t give a shit about assumptions guesses and conspiracy theories. What are you doing about this situation that you don’t like, aside from complaining about it?

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Even with Twitter having his back could save the right wing authoritarian's grip on power.


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Rancid is shaking his keyboard in big anger!
(((Max Berger)))

Could you be any more jewish, Aidsman?

I initially assumed you're just a typical 'Murican lily white soycuck, but now I'm beginning to wonder if you're one of (((them))).

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I know. People like you don't give a shit. About anything. Or anyone. Except yourselves.

I mean, what else to expect from people who'd murder the innocent just to keep your precious lives safe and protected?

Render unto Caesar and all that, let the dead bury their dead, all that crap.
Semen only cares about fellow jews and to a lesser degree, liberals.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I haven't really been following the Brazoo happenings bruder, I gather things are not looking good?

I read something briefly earlier about right wing Canadian style trucker protests taking place in response to the election result ?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You know it's a cult when people say "authoritarian right" while talking about people who oppose censorship, government over reach and over regulation.

The party that controls every institution, who shit down businesses, who allowed riots, who coerced and forced vaccines, who pump constant pro establishment propaganda, who have actual politcal prisoners, who labels half the country dangerous extremists, who removed women's rights..actually calls the other side "authoritarian".

The party of centralized power who destroys our economy and rights.

The side that wants to be left alone and have their liberties and rights preserved are the authoritarians.

A guy who bought a socail media company and made speech on it freer is "dangerous".

I mean you guys are a serious threat to the country and the world. You support actual dangerous people in power while demonizing regular ass people who dont want to be forced into your bullshit anti Constitutional "utopia" where women have no sex based protections and are forced to share spaces with males, where children are indoctrinated with racist hatred in CRT (that you deny is being pushed in school while also defending it) and have sexual material and politcs pushed on them.

Dems/progs are trying to make it child abuse if parents dont "affirm" a childs "gender identity" and they are ripping kids out of homes, away from families and putting them on puberty blockers.

But yeah you arent hateful tyrants. You just think people who oppose you should be punished and that violence is acceptable if your shitty party doesnt get it's way. You want a one party authoritarian government.

People who support censorship, forced medical interventions, tearing families apart over "gender" nonsense, violent riots.....have no business calling anyone else dangerous.


Factory Bastard
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If your situation begins to look completely fucked and irredeemable, you need to get you and your loved ones out of there and get to a US red state or somewhere in Europe.

The red states will be the first to go down.


Factory Bastard
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And how you're going to eliminate poverty while destroying the economy and the means of production? How can I believe in those speeches when I know that their only objective is to kill billions and completely control the rest?

How can I believe that they care about the welfare of people when they keep saying that the world is too crowded and population numbers must go down ASAP?

Portugal looks good today, but these days, things change too quickly. And I've been seeing tons of Brazilians complaining that things are getting outrageously expensive there and it's not longer a good option to move or stay there if you also need to save money for your future.

I had already decided that I'd do a couple changes in the farm if the corrupt thief won and that's what I'm gonna do. I'm getting rid of half the fruit orchard and I'm going to plant yucca and a few other plants that are great for subsistence. I'm also tripling the chicken coop's area and digging two more fish tanks

I'd gladly live the rest of my days there if I have enough to feed me and a few others I care about.
What makes you say "while destroying the economy and means of production"? Who's going to do that? Whose objective is to kill billions? I'm speaking about getting completely new governments in place -- governments designed to work for the people. ALL the people, not just the rich thieves.


Domestically feral
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United states
The red states will be the first to go down.

Except red states are doing better on every level. While blue ones are overwhelmed with poverty and crime.

I dont understand why anyone would be so emotionally invested in hating on the right that even as countries are destroyed with blue policies they still claim its red states that "go down".


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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What makes you say "while destroying the economy and means of production"? Who's going to do that? Whose objective is to kill billions? I'm speaking about getting completely new governments in place -- governments designed to work for the people. ALL the people, not just the rich thieves.
Lotus, I like you, really do, but your gullibility takes a huge toll on you

They talk about helping people only when they're asking for the vote of poor people. The rest of the time, they make it clear what the objective is.

It's not by accident that so many people are referring to humanity as a plague, a cancer, a virus these days. Where is that coming from?

Is it really fair that the same people that profited from overpopulation, when they were in need of people to produce and buy their products to make them rich but now preach that the world is too crowded and we must do away with 90% of the population?

How can you say that the left govern for the poor, while the very richest people in western world are on their side?


Factory Bastard
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Lotus, I like you, really do, but your gullibility takes a huge toll on you

They talk about helping people only when they're asking for the vote of poor people. The rest of the time, they make it clear what he objective is.

It's not by accident that so many people are referring to humanity as a plague, a cancer, a virus these days. Where is that coming from?

Is it really fair that the same people that profited from overpopulation, when they were in need of people to produce and buy their products to make them rich but now preach that the world is too crowded and we must do away with 90% of the population?

How can you say that the left govern for the poor, while the very richest people in western world are on their side?
Rancid, te adoro. Verdade. Mas, tenho perguntas para voce, querido.

How do you think the world got overpopulated? Lack of birth control, and governments that made abortion difficult because they wanted more and more people for cheap labor. I don't think anyone is actually trying to reduce the population, but if they are, they're the same people who grew it before. Any way, I am arguing that all those power mongers need to go. We need to develop people's governments around the globe. I didn't actually say anything about left or right. I don't think economic policy should be partisan at all.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Lotus, I like you, really do, but your gullibility takes a huge toll on you

They talk about helping people only when they're asking for the vote of poor people. The rest of the time, they make it clear what the objective is.

It's not by accident that so many people are referring to humanity as a plague, a cancer, a virus these days. Where is that coming from?

Is it really fair that the same people that profited from overpopulation, when they were in need of people to produce and buy their products to make them rich but now preach that the world is too crowded and we must do away with 90% of the population?

How can you say that the left govern for the poor, while the very richest people in western world are on their side?

When working class people explain to these people why Trumps policies benefited them and how the Democrats destroy lives and drive poverty, they start shitting on them.

So I wonder who the "people" are to the leftist. Because they have such a hot hatred for the working regular people they cant accept anything we say in good faith.

The tax cuts were a good example. All they saw was the rich getting tax cuts.....they dont care families like mine were thriving with it, and the lowered insurance costs. They make tons of excuses for why we cant have any policies that actually help us. Then they sit and claim they care about the people? Which people?

It's not any of the people who had small businesses destroyed by government lock downs. It's not people whose businesses were destroyed by riots. It's not people who are suffering because of rampant crime. It's not people who were fired over vaccines.

They get some sort of ego boost feeling like revolutionaries for the people but when it comes down to it they actually hate and have contempt for the people.

Lotus wont even consider other women. Disadvantaged women fleeing abuse who have no safe place anymore because biological males are invading women's shelters. Women have been driven out and put on the streets over this. Women forced to share prison cells with rapists. Girls raped in school.

They wont touch base with reality here. How can someone who said the democrats have their "hearts in the right place"? Those people are soulless monsters and liars. They are the status quo. You cant claim to care about working people while also dismissing or shitting on Trumps policies that directly helped the people.

It's entirely about tribal loyalty to narratives.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Admin is showing exactly how the left truly feels about the working people. If democrat policies drove my family into homelessness he wouldn't give a single shit.

All you guys really want to do is force compliance. You dont truly care about the people. You think you've solved all the world's problems and that everyone needs to just do what you want. You have hard, hateful hearts and dont care who suffers because of what you support and push.

If I had supported what's happening today I would feel horrible. You guys are not capable of empathy. Period.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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Admin is showing exactly how the left truly feels about the working people. If democrat policies drove my family into homelessness he wouldn't give a single shit.

All you guys really want to do is force compliance. You dont truly care about the people. You think you've solved all the world's problems and that everyone needs to just do what you want. You have hard, hateful hearts and dont care who suffers because of what you support and push.

If I had supported what's happening today I would feel horrible. You guys are not capable of empathy. Period.
My guess is that at some point, they were taught to dismiss and refuse every single information that doesn't come from the "pre-approved" channels. No matter how clear, undeniable or outrageous the situation becomes because of their policies, they aren't supposed to change their minds.

This is one of the things that really got me worried a few years ago. Even after Lula was proved beyond any doubt that he was indeed a corrupt mastermind criminal, some people still stayed on their side. And when the Brazilians justice stained Brazil with the biggest shitshow this country had ever witnessed, even more got on their side.

It became clear that the massive brainwashing worked and that from now on, facts, numbers and the TRUTH no longer matter. What matters is what they're told by those they were taught to listen to, no matter what.

Get your mind and your heaty ready, do the same for your kids and loved ones, because things have gotten as bad as they could.


Factory Bastard
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My guess is that at some point, they were taught to dismiss and refuse every single information that doesn't come from the "pre-approved" channels. No matter how clear, undeniable or outrageous the situation becomes because of their policies, they aren't supposed to change their minds.

This is one of the things that really got me worried a few years ago. Even after Lula was proved beyond any doubt that he was indeed a corrupt mastermind criminal, some people still stayed on their side. And when the Brazilians justice stained Brazil with the biggest shitshow this country had ever witnessed, even more got on their side.

It became clear that the massive brainwashing worked and that from now on, facts, numbers and the TRUTH no longer matter. What matters is what they're told by those they were taught to listen to, no matter what.

Get your mind and your heaty ready, do the same for your kids and loved ones, because things have gotten as bad as they could.

Would love to see your facts, numbers and truth. So far, assumptions. Maybe you’d change my mind.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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I would imagine
That's your problem. You "imagine" things instead of trying to grasp reality.

Tell me Mr. Imagination, how's the economy doing under Biden today? Better or worse?

How's the border situation? Fentanyl crisis? LBGT dressing childhood? Crime infestations in several states and cities?

The world almost entering WW3 because people like you put a weak geriatric corrupt pedophile in power?

Can you REALLY say things are better under Biden than they were under Trump? FFS, what I'm saying. Of course you can. Because you IMAGINE it's better now and that's all you need.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
That's your problem. You "imagine" things instead of trying to grasp reality.

Tell me Mr. Imagination, how's the economy doing under Biden today? Better or worse?

How's the border situation? Fentanyl crisis? LBGT dressing childhood? Crime infestations in several states and cities?

The world almost entering WW3 because people like you put a weak geriatric corrupt "BabyPumperAlert!" in power?

Can you REALLY say things are better under Biden than they were under Trump? FFS, what I'm saying. Of course you can. Because you IMAGINE it's better now and that's all you need.

The economy is overheated, so we have inflation. Shockingly corporate profits are through the roof, probably just a coincidence.

The border is the same, the right wing is simply braying about it. People are being apprehended at the border the same as they always have. What's changed is where they're coming from a bit.

Fentanyl crisis is the same, people are dropping like flies like they used to before the pandemic.

I don't know what LGBT dressing childhood means, but I am guessing it's terrible if Fox says so.

Crime is higher in Oklahoma than in NY or CA, you just need to look at the crime data.

The world is not going to WW3 I don't think, but if it does it's because of authoritarians like Putin and his goal of a new Russian Empire. Not because of Biden. It's been a few years since we've invaded anyone.

Things are only worse because of idiots that only read and listen to ideas, articles and stories in their echo chamber.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
That's your problem. You "imagine" things instead of trying to grasp reality.

Tell me Mr. Imagination, how's the economy doing under Biden today? Better or worse?

How's the border situation? Fentanyl crisis? LBGT dressing childhood? Crime infestations in several states and cities?

The world almost entering WW3 because people like you put a weak geriatric corrupt "BabyPumperAlert!" in power?

Can you REALLY say things are better under Biden than they were under Trump? FFS, what I'm saying. Of course you can. Because you IMAGINE it's better now and that's all you need.

These things have existed for years. What’s gonna stop it now?