In Todays Moral Turpitude news. Republicans push to abolish age limit on heterosexual marriages; Make Child Brides Great Again.


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Tennessee Republicans push to abolish age limit on heterosexual marriages amidst "groomer" outrage

The bill's sponsor wants to give Tennesseans “an alternative form of marriage” for people who want to marry minors
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Domestically feral
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United states
Since when Salon disapprove of PLEASE ASS BOX ME!?

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I mean.....gotdamn! You cant make this up :LOL3:

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So the TN Republicans were totally good guys confirming pro child rapist judge Jackson right? And Green was an asshole for calling them pro PLEASE ASS BOX ME! rinos.

But now....omg Salon says these repukes want PLEASE ASS BOX ME!. Bahahaha.

Can you guys be deprogrammed, Admin?


Factory Bastard
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Tennessee Republicans push to abolish age limit on heterosexual marriages amidst "groomer" outrage

The bill's sponsor wants to give Tennesseans “an alternative form of marriage” for people who want to marry minors
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Well they used to marry 12 year old girls on the American Frontier.

Brides 13 or 14 married to older men was once common in the United States.

Should be banned tho to prevent overpopulation as a result of underage brides.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Since when Salon disapprove of PLEASE ASS BOX ME!?

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I mean.....gotdamn! You cant make this up :LOL3:

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So the TN Republicans were totally good guys confirming pro child rapist judge Jackson right? And Green was an asshole for calling them pro PLEASE ASS BOX ME! rinos.

But now....omg Salon says these repukes want PLEASE ASS BOX ME!. Bahahaha.

Can you guys be deprogrammed, Admin?
The sky on my planet is often this wonderful bright blue, what is your sky like?


Factory Bastard
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Tennessee Republicans push to abolish age limit on heterosexual marriages amidst "groomer" outrage

The bill's sponsor wants to give Tennesseans “an alternative form of marriage” for people who want to marry minors
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Wholesome content.

Well they used to marry 12 year old girls on the American Frontier.

Brides 13 or 14 married to older men was once common in the United States.

Should be banned tho to prevent overpopulation as a result of underage brides.

Should be banned also because 12, 14-year-old girls are fucking CHILDREN. No child should be married off to a full grown man. Disgusting.


Factory Bastard
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Since when Salon disapprove of PLEASE ASS BOX ME!?

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I mean.....gotdamn! You cant make this up :LOL3:

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So the TN Republicans were totally good guys confirming pro child rapist judge Jackson right? And Green was an asshole for calling them pro PLEASE ASS BOX ME! rinos.

But now....omg Salon says these repukes want PLEASE ASS BOX ME!. Bahahaha.

Can you guys be deprogrammed, Admin?

It is a fact that some people are pedos. Isn't it way better if they deny their desires than act on them?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Tennessee Republicans push to abolish age limit on heterosexual marriages amidst "groomer" outrage

The bill's sponsor wants to give Tennesseans “an alternative form of marriage” for people who want to marry minors
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Why are Republicans normalizing PLEASE ASS BOX ME!? Not just normalizing, they are institutionalizing it. Sick!


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Since when Salon disapprove of PLEASE ASS BOX ME!?

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I mean.....gotdamn! You cant make this up :LOL3:

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So the TN Republicans were totally good guys confirming pro child rapist judge Jackson right? And Green was an asshole for calling them pro PLEASE ASS BOX ME! rinos.

But now....omg Salon says these repukes want PLEASE ASS BOX ME!. Bahahaha.

Can you guys be deprogrammed, Admin?

It is a fact that some people are pedos. Isn't it way better if they deny their desires than act on them?There
There's a couple people on this planet, that I wouldn't mind giving a savage beating to, but I won't, for reasons.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Tennessee Republicans push to abolish age limit on heterosexual marriages amidst "groomer" outrage

The bill's sponsor wants to give Tennesseans “an alternative form of marriage” for people who want to marry minors
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Wholesome content.

Why are Republicans normalizing PLEASE ASS BOX ME!? Not just normalizing, they are institutionalizing it. Sick!
They are complete psychotics, this is their "response" to "PLEASE ASS BOX ME!" their latest manufactured outrage.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Tennessee Republicans push to abolish age limit on heterosexual marriages amidst "groomer" outrage

The bill's sponsor wants to give Tennesseans “an alternative form of marriage” for people who want to marry minors
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Wholesome content.

Why are Republicans normalizing PLEASE ASS BOX ME!? Not just normalizing, they are institutionalizing it. Sick!
They are complete psychotics, this is their "response" to "PLEASE ASS BOX ME!" their latest manufactured outrage.

How could they not have thought about age when crafting this bill?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Tennessee Republicans push to abolish age limit on heterosexual marriages amidst "groomer" outrage

The bill's sponsor wants to give Tennesseans “an alternative form of marriage” for people who want to marry minors
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Wholesome content.

Why are Republicans normalizing PLEASE ASS BOX ME!? Not just normalizing, they are institutionalizing it. Sick!
They are complete psychotics, this is their "response" to "PLEASE ASS BOX ME!" their latest manufactured outrage.

How could they not have thought about age when crafting this bill?
I think they were, tbh.


Factory Bastard
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Tennessee Republicans push to abolish age limit on heterosexual marriages amidst "groomer" outrage

The bill's sponsor wants to give Tennesseans “an alternative form of marriage” for people who want to marry minors
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Wholesome content.

Well they used to marry 12 year old girls on the American Frontier.

Brides 13 or 14 married to older men was once common in the United States.

Should be banned tho to prevent overpopulation as a result of underage brides.

Should be banned also because 12, 14-year-old girls are fucking CHILDREN. No child should be married off to a full grown man. Disgusting.

Morality or not, it'd create a demographic disaster.

Yeah I can see why marriages to young girls was once permitted. The USA as a country was young, there were wide open spaces & the population was only 40 million.

Fast forward 100 to 150 years later there are 340 million people. Forcing 12 or 14 year old girls to give birth will create a population explosion of excess births coupled with limited choices for abortion and birth control.

That's why places like India and Africa are shitholes cuz young underage girls are forced to breed like rabbits
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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Tennessee Republicans push to abolish age limit on heterosexual marriages amidst "groomer" outrage

The bill's sponsor wants to give Tennesseans “an alternative form of marriage” for people who want to marry minors
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Wholesome content.

Why are Republicans normalizing PLEASE ASS BOX ME!? Not just normalizing, they are institutionalizing it. Sick!
They are complete psychotics, this is their "response" to "PLEASE ASS BOX ME!" their latest manufactured outrage.

How could they not have thought about age when crafting this bill?
I think they were, tbh.

I was really trying to give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe that's a mistake.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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That Ketanji girl wants to turn the Pedos lose!


Domestically feral
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United states
FYI.....child marriage was already made illegal in TN 4 years ago.

This bill....HB 233 (I have yet to read it, it has not even been heard yet) is apparently about common law marriage being recognized. Since there wasnt an age restriction included, the propaganda media is claiming they are trying to legalize something that IS ALREADY LEGAL IN CALIFORNIA AND A HANDFUL OF OTHER DEM STATES ran by the same gotdamn people who are LYING about this bill

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Hey dem/prog voters? Why dont you EVER seem to know what is happening in your own states?

Should I get the whole list of all 44 states child marriage literally is legal?

It's not legal in TN. And this bill is about common law marriage. It isnt about child marriage being legal but if you dont like that? And you shouldnt....why dont actually pay attention to what's legal where you fucking live?

Let me guess.....its totally okay when DEMOCRATS do things like allow child marriage. Its just suddenly a problem when you need to smear your opposing party and you blather more bullshit about Bill's you did not even read.

From a pro PLEASE ASS BOX ME! media source that has been bluntly apologetic towards pedos. As I already have shown.


Domestically feral
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United states
Since planet fucking Oink "loved" Admins misinfo about how "TN didnt put an age restriction in a law about common law marriage.....even though it's already illegal to marry children in TN"

She should be outraged that CA already allows child marriage and has for a long time.


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Talk about cleaning your own back yard.

Yet another example of how dem/prog voters dont actually care about anything but attacking and hating people who dont submit to their stupid, narcissistic and authoritarian party of hypocrites.

"Child marriage is still legal in California. It requires the consent of just one parent through a court order. Many of these marriages are between young girls to men significantly older than them, making way for gender-based violence within the marriage".

Its legal in MY blue state, as well. Its fucking revolting and problem but you people vote based on "party" and have so much hate nothing will change. Oh and in MI and CA (and many other states) it's legal to distribute porn to little children as long as its "educational". Something FL just got rid of.

You guys do nothing but mindlessly parrot media. You never actually read bills or look into anything. It was perfectly fine for democrats to vote for Biden while openly admitting they believe women he assaulted. Now dems are twisting a bill into something it isnt without having read or bothering to make sure child marriage wasnt legal in their own states. You know because none of them actually give a fuck
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It would certainly be strange driving ones wife to elementary school...

Maybe that's why they have all these child beauty pageants in the Southern US States

They wanna marry them off as quicky as possible.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Since planet fucking Oink "loved" Admins misinfo about how "TN didnt put an age restriction in a law about common law marriage.....even though it's already illegal to marry children in TN"

She should be outraged that CA already allows child marriage and has for a long time.


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Talk about cleaning your own back yard.

Yet another example of how dem/prog voters dont actually care about anything but attacking and hating people who dont submit to their stupid, narcissistic and authoritarian party of hypocrites.

"Child marriage is still legal in California. It requires the consent of just one parent through a court order. Many of these marriages are between young girls to men significantly older than them, making way for gender-based violence within the marriage".

Its legal in MY blue state, as well. Its fucking revolting and problem but you people vote based on "party" and have so much hate nothing will change. Oh and in MI and CA (and many other states) it's legal to distribute porn to little children as long as its "educational". Something FL just got rid of.

You guys do nothing but mindlessly parrot media. You never actually read bills or look into anything. It was perfectly fine for democrats to vote for Biden while openly admitting they believe women he assaulted. Now dems are twisting a bill into something it isnt without having read or bothering to make sure child marriage wasnt legal in their own states. You know because none of them actually give a fuck
And now for a brief musical interlude....



Domestically feral
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United states
"The United States has a child marriage problem – but a simple solution is available.

Nearly 300,000 minors, under age 18, were legally married in the U.S. between 2000 and 2018, this study found. A few were as young as 10, though nearly all were age 16 or 17. Most were girls wed to adult men an average of four years older.

Child marriage – or marriage before age 18 – is dangerous. Even at age 16 or 17, regardless of spousal age difference, child marriage"

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^^^ child forced marriage is a problem in the country.

But dems/progs and the establishment corporate media dont care a single bit up until they want to literally once again lie about a bill.....that doesnt even address child marriage....claiming "REPUBLICANS!" are trying to legalize child marriage based on the fact that age restriction on common marriage wasnt addressed in the bill(so they say) while fucking child marriage in legal in like 44 states and has been a problem for years now.

I'm willing to bet these pricks laughed at people who may have brought it up and called the "Qers".

They also dont listen about how minors as young as 13 in CA, WA and OR can be put on the medical pathway for transitioning and the PLEASE ASS BOX ME! and pushing with that is insane.

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And this

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