Influential Trumper demands Death for Democrat Pedophiles! (No really!)



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Excellent point, Dove. Just this week the progs were defending that Registered Democrat rioter that Kyle Rittenhouse took out with an amazing running head shot. You know, the one who had just gotten out of prison for assfucking all those little boys. Lotus said that that guy didn't deserve to be killed by a "Trump rioter." She actually said that. Honest to God.

That was a thing of Glory, that head shot by Kyle, a thing that Bards would have sung about in days gone by.

That he was a child molester hasth nothing to do with the events in Kenosha. My partner started down that path and I reminded him that as an attorney he had to agree that it was irrelevant to the case. He agreed that the judge would exclude that information.

Does that mean he was a good person? No, but his past crimes that are unrelated are irrelevant.
Meanwhile your dogshit prosecutor want a video of Kyle intervening in a fight on behalf of his sister to be introduced as evidence.

I’ll take. Who’s the hypocrite now for 200 alex
You mispelled video of Kyle the Kourageous beating up a girl.

He beat a girl?

A true conservative hero!!!
As opposed to being a democrat vermin dirtbag who raped little boys

I think all child molesters are garbage. I don't think the sentence for it is execution.

No one was executed for that. They were shot in self defense because they attacked others.

It is telling that all three jack offs were multi time felons though.

He murdered that person. He walked up to people with a weapon, he was the aggressor.

Lol! Open carry is legal in that stateband, no, you can't attack someone just because they are legally open carrying. It was Ziminski and Rosenbaum who hide between cars and tried to jump on Kyle after threatening to kill him. Kyle's response was to run away while Ziminski's response was to start firing his illegal 9mm pistol while Rosenbaum threw things at Kyle cornered him and tried to grab his rifle. That is an open and shut case as it gets.

If they felt threatened, yes they can. I would feel threatened if I saw a teen male walking up to me with a firearm in this country.
Especially a dorky looking incel type carrying the most popular cosplay gun.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Excellent point, Dove. Just this week the progs were defending that Registered Democrat rioter that Kyle Rittenhouse took out with an amazing running head shot. You know, the one who had just gotten out of prison for assfucking all those little boys. Lotus said that that guy didn't deserve to be killed by a "Trump rioter." She actually said that. Honest to God.

That was a thing of Glory, that head shot by Kyle, a thing that Bards would have sung about in days gone by.

That he was a child molester hasth nothing to do with the events in Kenosha. My partner started down that path and I reminded him that as an attorney he had to agree that it was irrelevant to the case. He agreed that the judge would exclude that information.

Does that mean he was a good person? No, but his past crimes that are unrelated are irrelevant.
Meanwhile your dogshit prosecutor want a video of Kyle intervening in a fight on behalf of his sister to be introduced as evidence.

I’ll take. Who’s the hypocrite now for 200 alex
You mispelled video of Kyle the Kourageous beating up a girl.

He beat a girl?

At a school an older girl attacked and was beating up his younger sister so he intervened to stop the fight. When the older girl started hitting him to he fought back. All over in seconds and nothing came of it.

All of which is irrelevant to the case just like the background of the others.

Intervening doesn't include punching a female.

If someone is punching, kicking, and attacking you while you try to prevent them from beating up you little sister for no reason then a single hit to make the crazy bitch get off you seems reasonable.

I thought you wanted equality?

He beats girls, period. Equally of opportunity, pay, etc. I never said that females are equally strong as males, they're not for the vast majority of females and males.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Excellent point, Dove. Just this week the progs were defending that Registered Democrat rioter that Kyle Rittenhouse took out with an amazing running head shot. You know, the one who had just gotten out of prison for assfucking all those little boys. Lotus said that that guy didn't deserve to be killed by a "Trump rioter." She actually said that. Honest to God.

That was a thing of Glory, that head shot by Kyle, a thing that Bards would have sung about in days gone by.

That he was a child molester hasth nothing to do with the events in Kenosha. My partner started down that path and I reminded him that as an attorney he had to agree that it was irrelevant to the case. He agreed that the judge would exclude that information.

Does that mean he was a good person? No, but his past crimes that are unrelated are irrelevant.
Meanwhile your dogshit prosecutor want a video of Kyle intervening in a fight on behalf of his sister to be introduced as evidence.

I’ll take. Who’s the hypocrite now for 200 alex
You mispelled video of Kyle the Kourageous beating up a girl.

He beat a girl?

A true conservative hero!!!
As opposed to being a democrat vermin dirtbag who raped little boys

I think all child molesters are garbage. I don't think the sentence for it is execution.

No one was executed for that. They were shot in self defense because they attacked others.

It is telling that all three jack offs were multi time felons though.

He murdered that person. He walked up to people with a weapon, he was the aggressor.

Lol! Open carry is legal in that stateband, no, you can't attack someone just because they are legally open carrying. It was Ziminski and Rosenbaum who hide between cars and tried to jump on Kyle after threatening to kill him. Kyle's response was to run away while Ziminski's response was to start firing his illegal 9mm pistol while Rosenbaum threw things at Kyle cornered him and tried to grab his rifle. That is an open and shut case as it gets.

If they felt threatened, yes they can. I would feel threatened if I saw a teen male walking up to me with a firearm in this country.

Extremely threatening, some authoritarian little teenager walking around with a gun like that, looking ready to shoot. Everyone knows teenagers' brains aren't wired right. Anything could happen, and obviously, the worst did happen.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Excellent point, Dove. Just this week the progs were defending that Registered Democrat rioter that Kyle Rittenhouse took out with an amazing running head shot. You know, the one who had just gotten out of prison for assfucking all those little boys. Lotus said that that guy didn't deserve to be killed by a "Trump rioter." She actually said that. Honest to God.

That was a thing of Glory, that head shot by Kyle, a thing that Bards would have sung about in days gone by.

That he was a child molester hasth nothing to do with the events in Kenosha. My partner started down that path and I reminded him that as an attorney he had to agree that it was irrelevant to the case. He agreed that the judge would exclude that information.

Does that mean he was a good person? No, but his past crimes that are unrelated are irrelevant.
Meanwhile your dogshit prosecutor want a video of Kyle intervening in a fight on behalf of his sister to be introduced as evidence.

I’ll take. Who’s the hypocrite now for 200 alex
You mispelled video of Kyle the Kourageous beating up a girl.

He beat a girl?

A true conservative hero!!!
As opposed to being a democrat vermin dirtbag who raped little boys

I think all child molesters are garbage. I don't think the sentence for it is execution.

No one was executed for that. They were shot in self defense because they attacked others.

It is telling that all three jack offs were multi time felons though.

He murdered that person. He walked up to people with a weapon, he was the aggressor.

Lol! Open carry is legal in that stateband, no, you can't attack someone just because they are legally open carrying. It was Ziminski and Rosenbaum who hide between cars and tried to jump on Kyle after threatening to kill him. Kyle's response was to run away while Ziminski's response was to start firing his illegal 9mm pistol while Rosenbaum threw things at Kyle cornered him and tried to grab his rifle. That is an open and shut case as it gets.

If they felt threatened, yes they can. I would feel threatened if I saw a teen male walking up to me with a firearm in this country.

Lol! Go ahead and try that one in court.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Excellent point, Dove. Just this week the progs were defending that Registered Democrat rioter that Kyle Rittenhouse took out with an amazing running head shot. You know, the one who had just gotten out of prison for assfucking all those little boys. Lotus said that that guy didn't deserve to be killed by a "Trump rioter." She actually said that. Honest to God.

That was a thing of Glory, that head shot by Kyle, a thing that Bards would have sung about in days gone by.

That he was a child molester hasth nothing to do with the events in Kenosha. My partner started down that path and I reminded him that as an attorney he had to agree that it was irrelevant to the case. He agreed that the judge would exclude that information.

Does that mean he was a good person? No, but his past crimes that are unrelated are irrelevant.
Meanwhile your dogshit prosecutor want a video of Kyle intervening in a fight on behalf of his sister to be introduced as evidence.

I’ll take. Who’s the hypocrite now for 200 alex
You mispelled video of Kyle the Kourageous beating up a girl.

He beat a girl?

A true conservative hero!!!
As opposed to being a democrat vermin dirtbag who raped little boys

I think all child molesters are garbage. I don't think the sentence for it is execution.

No one was executed for that. They were shot in self defense because they attacked others.

It is telling that all three jack offs were multi time felons though.

He murdered that person. He walked up to people with a weapon, he was the aggressor.

Lol! Open carry is legal in that stateband, no, you can't attack someone just because they are legally open carrying. It was Ziminski and Rosenbaum who hide between cars and tried to jump on Kyle after threatening to kill him. Kyle's response was to run away while Ziminski's response was to start firing his illegal 9mm pistol while Rosenbaum threw things at Kyle cornered him and tried to grab his rifle. That is an open and shut case as it gets.

If they felt threatened, yes they can. I would feel threatened if I saw a teen male walking up to me with a firearm in this country.
Especially a dorky looking incel type carrying the most popular cosplay gun.

Exactly, they have been murderers.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Excellent point, Dove. Just this week the progs were defending that Registered Democrat rioter that Kyle Rittenhouse took out with an amazing running head shot. You know, the one who had just gotten out of prison for assfucking all those little boys. Lotus said that that guy didn't deserve to be killed by a "Trump rioter." She actually said that. Honest to God.

That was a thing of Glory, that head shot by Kyle, a thing that Bards would have sung about in days gone by.

That he was a child molester hasth nothing to do with the events in Kenosha. My partner started down that path and I reminded him that as an attorney he had to agree that it was irrelevant to the case. He agreed that the judge would exclude that information.

Does that mean he was a good person? No, but his past crimes that are unrelated are irrelevant.
Meanwhile your dogshit prosecutor want a video of Kyle intervening in a fight on behalf of his sister to be introduced as evidence.

I’ll take. Who’s the hypocrite now for 200 alex
You mispelled video of Kyle the Kourageous beating up a girl.

He beat a girl?

A true conservative hero!!!
As opposed to being a democrat vermin dirtbag who raped little boys

I think all child molesters are garbage. I don't think the sentence for it is execution.

No one was executed for that. They were shot in self defense because they attacked others.

It is telling that all three jack offs were multi time felons though.

He murdered that person. He walked up to people with a weapon, he was the aggressor.

Lol! Open carry is legal in that stateband, no, you can't attack someone just because they are legally open carrying. It was Ziminski and Rosenbaum who hide between cars and tried to jump on Kyle after threatening to kill him. Kyle's response was to run away while Ziminski's response was to start firing his illegal 9mm pistol while Rosenbaum threw things at Kyle cornered him and tried to grab his rifle. That is an open and shut case as it gets.

If they felt threatened, yes they can. I would feel threatened if I saw a teen male walking up to me with a firearm in this country.

Lol! Go ahead and try that one in court.
nno yuo!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Excellent point, Dove. Just this week the progs were defending that Registered Democrat rioter that Kyle Rittenhouse took out with an amazing running head shot. You know, the one who had just gotten out of prison for assfucking all those little boys. Lotus said that that guy didn't deserve to be killed by a "Trump rioter." She actually said that. Honest to God.

That was a thing of Glory, that head shot by Kyle, a thing that Bards would have sung about in days gone by.

That he was a child molester hasth nothing to do with the events in Kenosha. My partner started down that path and I reminded him that as an attorney he had to agree that it was irrelevant to the case. He agreed that the judge would exclude that information.

Does that mean he was a good person? No, but his past crimes that are unrelated are irrelevant.
Meanwhile your dogshit prosecutor want a video of Kyle intervening in a fight on behalf of his sister to be introduced as evidence.

I’ll take. Who’s the hypocrite now for 200 alex
You mispelled video of Kyle the Kourageous beating up a girl.

He beat a girl?

A true conservative hero!!!
As opposed to being a democrat vermin dirtbag who raped little boys

I think all child molesters are garbage. I don't think the sentence for it is execution.

No one was executed for that. They were shot in self defense because they attacked others.

It is telling that all three jack offs were multi time felons though.

He murdered that person. He walked up to people with a weapon, he was the aggressor.

Lol! Open carry is legal in that stateband, no, you can't attack someone just because they are legally open carrying. It was Ziminski and Rosenbaum who hide between cars and tried to jump on Kyle after threatening to kill him. Kyle's response was to run away while Ziminski's response was to start firing his illegal 9mm pistol while Rosenbaum threw things at Kyle cornered him and tried to grab his rifle. That is an open and shut case as it gets.

If they felt threatened, yes they can. I would feel threatened if I saw a teen male walking up to me with a firearm in this country.

Extremely threatening, some authoritarian little teenager walking around with a gun like that, looking ready to shoot. Everyone knows teenagers' brains aren't wired right. Anything could happen, and obviously, the worst did happen.

And especially in the US where teen males have been responsible for so many mass shootings.

I hope the prosecutors do consider that they're state of mind could have been in that space.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Excellent point, Dove. Just this week the progs were defending that Registered Democrat rioter that Kyle Rittenhouse took out with an amazing running head shot. You know, the one who had just gotten out of prison for assfucking all those little boys. Lotus said that that guy didn't deserve to be killed by a "Trump rioter." She actually said that. Honest to God.

That was a thing of Glory, that head shot by Kyle, a thing that Bards would have sung about in days gone by.

That he was a child molester hasth nothing to do with the events in Kenosha. My partner started down that path and I reminded him that as an attorney he had to agree that it was irrelevant to the case. He agreed that the judge would exclude that information.

Does that mean he was a good person? No, but his past crimes that are unrelated are irrelevant.
Meanwhile your dogshit prosecutor want a video of Kyle intervening in a fight on behalf of his sister to be introduced as evidence.

I’ll take. Who’s the hypocrite now for 200 alex
You mispelled video of Kyle the Kourageous beating up a girl.

He beat a girl?

A true conservative hero!!!
As opposed to being a democrat vermin dirtbag who raped little boys

I think all child molesters are garbage. I don't think the sentence for it is execution.

No one was executed for that. They were shot in self defense because they attacked others.

It is telling that all three jack offs were multi time felons though.

He murdered that person. He walked up to people with a weapon, he was the aggressor.

Lol! Open carry is legal in that stateband, no, you can't attack someone just because they are legally open carrying. It was Ziminski and Rosenbaum who hide between cars and tried to jump on Kyle after threatening to kill him. Kyle's response was to run away while Ziminski's response was to start firing his illegal 9mm pistol while Rosenbaum threw things at Kyle cornered him and tried to grab his rifle. That is an open and shut case as it gets.

If they felt threatened, yes they can. I would feel threatened if I saw a teen male walking up to me with a firearm in this country.
So if you felt threatened you'd run after this person huh?

cool story

like you could run :LOL3: :LOL3:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Excellent point, Dove. Just this week the progs were defending that Registered Democrat rioter that Kyle Rittenhouse took out with an amazing running head shot. You know, the one who had just gotten out of prison for assfucking all those little boys. Lotus said that that guy didn't deserve to be killed by a "Trump rioter." She actually said that. Honest to God.

That was a thing of Glory, that head shot by Kyle, a thing that Bards would have sung about in days gone by.

That he was a child molester hasth nothing to do with the events in Kenosha. My partner started down that path and I reminded him that as an attorney he had to agree that it was irrelevant to the case. He agreed that the judge would exclude that information.

Does that mean he was a good person? No, but his past crimes that are unrelated are irrelevant.
Meanwhile your dogshit prosecutor want a video of Kyle intervening in a fight on behalf of his sister to be introduced as evidence.

I’ll take. Who’s the hypocrite now for 200 alex
You mispelled video of Kyle the Kourageous beating up a girl.

He beat a girl?

At a school an older girl attacked and was beating up his younger sister so he intervened to stop the fight. When the older girl started hitting him to he fought back. All over in seconds and nothing came of it.

All of which is irrelevant to the case just like the background of the others.

Intervening doesn't include punching a female.

If someone is punching, kicking, and attacking you while you try to prevent them from beating up you little sister for no reason then a single hit to make the crazy bitch get off you seems reasonable.

I thought you wanted equality?

He beats girls, period. Equally of opportunity, pay, etc. I never said that females are equally strong as males, they're not for the vast majority of females and males.

Want to be treated like a lady then act like a lady. If someone is punching, kicking, and attacking you and your younger sister and asking them to stop has no effect... Then, yes, reasonable force to make that person stop attacking you is exactly that. Reasonable.

Again, no of this is admissible at trial just like all the criminal backgrounds of the criminal leftists are out. The judge ruled on that last week.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Excellent point, Dove. Just this week the progs were defending that Registered Democrat rioter that Kyle Rittenhouse took out with an amazing running head shot. You know, the one who had just gotten out of prison for assfucking all those little boys. Lotus said that that guy didn't deserve to be killed by a "Trump rioter." She actually said that. Honest to God.

That was a thing of Glory, that head shot by Kyle, a thing that Bards would have sung about in days gone by.

That he was a child molester hasth nothing to do with the events in Kenosha. My partner started down that path and I reminded him that as an attorney he had to agree that it was irrelevant to the case. He agreed that the judge would exclude that information.

Does that mean he was a good person? No, but his past crimes that are unrelated are irrelevant.
Meanwhile your dogshit prosecutor want a video of Kyle intervening in a fight on behalf of his sister to be introduced as evidence.

I’ll take. Who’s the hypocrite now for 200 alex
You mispelled video of Kyle the Kourageous beating up a girl.

He beat a girl?

A true conservative hero!!!
As opposed to being a democrat vermin dirtbag who raped little boys

I think all child molesters are garbage. I don't think the sentence for it is execution.

No one was executed for that. They were shot in self defense because they attacked others.

It is telling that all three jack offs were multi time felons though.

He murdered that person. He walked up to people with a weapon, he was the aggressor.

Lol! Open carry is legal in that state and, no, you can't attack someone just because they are legally open carrying. It was Ziminski and Rosenbaum who hide between cars and tried to jump on Kyle after threatening to kill him. Kyle's response was to run away while Ziminski's response was to start firing his illegal 9mm pistol while Rosenbaum threw things at Kyle cornered him and tried to grab his rifle. That is an open and shut case as it gets.

It's scary how they are arguing that it's okay to chase and assault someone if you have a reason to and they shouldnt be allowed to defend themselves.

They legit are out of touch with humanity and just objects or "teams". These are not human beings to them.

I really cannot imagine where you have to be in your head to argue against this kid having the right to defend himself against those absolute bags of shit.

And NONE of these irrelevant standards they are applying to Kyle only go ONE way.

They literally act like they have supremacy over everyone. Like our rights come second to thier fucking causes.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
It just stuns me there are so many grown ass adults defending the little prick. A lot of grown men with the brains of stupid ass teenagers.
It doesn't stun me that you worthless mopes are defending pedophiles and other assorted criminals tho

just sayin


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Excellent point, Dove. Just this week the progs were defending that Registered Democrat rioter that Kyle Rittenhouse took out with an amazing running head shot. You know, the one who had just gotten out of prison for assfucking all those little boys. Lotus said that that guy didn't deserve to be killed by a "Trump rioter." She actually said that. Honest to God.

That was a thing of Glory, that head shot by Kyle, a thing that Bards would have sung about in days gone by.

That he was a child molester hasth nothing to do with the events in Kenosha. My partner started down that path and I reminded him that as an attorney he had to agree that it was irrelevant to the case. He agreed that the judge would exclude that information.

Does that mean he was a good person? No, but his past crimes that are unrelated are irrelevant.
Meanwhile your dogshit prosecutor want a video of Kyle intervening in a fight on behalf of his sister to be introduced as evidence.

I’ll take. Who’s the hypocrite now for 200 alex
You mispelled video of Kyle the Kourageous beating up a girl.

He beat a girl?

A true conservative hero!!!
As opposed to being a democrat vermin dirtbag who raped little boys

I think all child molesters are garbage. I don't think the sentence for it is execution.

No one was executed for that. They were shot in self defense because they attacked others.

It is telling that all three jack offs were multi time felons though.

He murdered that person. He walked up to people with a weapon, he was the aggressor.

Lol! Open carry is legal in that stateband, no, you can't attack someone just because they are legally open carrying. It was Ziminski and Rosenbaum who hide between cars and tried to jump on Kyle after threatening to kill him. Kyle's response was to run away while Ziminski's response was to start firing his illegal 9mm pistol while Rosenbaum threw things at Kyle cornered him and tried to grab his rifle. That is an open and shut case as it gets.

If they felt threatened, yes they can. I would feel threatened if I saw a teen male walking up to me with a firearm in this country.
So if you felt threatened you'd run after this person huh?

cool story

like you could run :LOL3: :LOL3:

Yes, se
Admin getting bigger mad now
Pouty Pauncho getting his White Claw face on now, as he holds back the tears.
dont melt because we're making fun of all those years you spent sucking cock on a boat.

Thought you libs were proud of such deviant behavior

And you're a non-serving wimp
And you're a hotair blimp

And you're a moron who dates and marries drug addicts. Any relevancy for either statement to this discussion?
You tell me.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Admin getting bigger mad now
Pouty Pauncho getting his White Claw face on now, as he holds back the tears.
dont melt because we're making fun of all those years you spent sucking cock on a boat.

Thought you libs were proud of such deviant behavior
Read it and weep, Butterball



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
It just stuns me there are so many grown ass adults defending the little prick. A lot of grown men with the brains of stupid ass teenagers.

So we should grow up and realize leftwing rioters are entitled to destroy communities and beat and murder anyone they want.

Got it.

I mean I dont understand how anyone could defend established criminal who were rioting and aggressively went after the kid.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
It just stuns me there are so many grown ass adults defending the little prick. A lot of grown men with the brains of stupid ass teenagers.
It doesn't stun me that you worthless mopes are defending pedophiles and other assorted criminals tho

just sayin
Sorry, this is not the whataboutism Board.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Admin getting bigger mad now
Pouty Pauncho getting his White Claw face on now, as he holds back the tears.
dont melt because we're making fun of all those years you spent sucking cock on a boat.

Thought you libs were proud of such deviant behavior
Read it and weep, Butterball


Look at what Strawberry Shortcake pulls out of her Stash!


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
It just stuns me there are so many grown ass adults defending the little prick. A lot of grown men with the brains of stupid ass teenagers.
It doesn't stun me that you worthless mopes are defending pedophiles and other assorted criminals tho

just sayin
Sorry, this is not the whataboutism Board.
It's not a Navy boat either so stop looking to suck cock in a hallway, fag

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Admin getting bigger mad now
Pouty Pauncho getting his White Claw face on now, as he holds back the tears.
dont melt because we're making fun of all those years you spent sucking cock on a boat.

Thought you libs were proud of such deviant behavior
Read it and weep, Butterball


Look at what Strawberry Shortcake pulls out of her Stash!

that's quite a self own there princess :LOL3:

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
It just stuns me there are so many grown ass adults defending the little prick. A lot of grown men with the brains of stupid ass teenagers.
It doesn't stun me that you worthless mopes are defending pedophiles and other assorted criminals tho

just sayin
Sorry, this is not the whataboutism Board.
It's not a Navy boat either so stop looking to suck cock in a hallway, fag


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Admin getting bigger mad now
Pouty Pauncho getting his White Claw face on now, as he holds back the tears.
dont melt because we're making fun of all those years you spent sucking cock on a boat.

Thought you libs were proud of such deviant behavior
Read it and weep, Butterball

I don't think that's gonna make HIM weep.

I'm sure I've boosted his confidence more than a few times.....js.

Big isnt short. Why dont you stay on topic and TRY to have a normal discussion?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Admin getting bigger mad now
Pouty Pauncho getting his White Claw face on now, as he holds back the tears.
dont melt because we're making fun of all those years you spent sucking cock on a boat.

Thought you libs were proud of such deviant behavior
Read it and weep, Butterball


Look at what Strawberry Shortcake pulls out of her Stash!

hahaha...Strawberry Shortcake...:GiggleBitch:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
It just stuns me there are so many grown ass adults defending the little prick. A lot of grown men with the brains of stupid ass teenagers.
It doesn't stun me that you worthless mopes are defending pedophiles and other assorted criminals tho

just sayin
Sorry, this is not the whataboutism Board.

Pointing out an established CHILD RAPIST went after a kid to attack him and the kid shot him in self defense isnt a "whataboutism".

It isnt fucking difficult to understand these men were established to be violent men and they were rioting when they went after Kyle.

I suppose you think they were going to cuddle him with that gun and skateboard.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Admin getting bigger mad now
Pouty Pauncho getting his White Claw face on now, as he holds back the tears.
dont melt because we're making fun of all those years you spent sucking cock on a boat.

Thought you libs were proud of such deviant behavior
Read it and weep, Butterball


Look at what Strawberry Shortcake pulls out of her Stash!

hahaha...Strawberry Shortcake...:GiggleBitch:

you look like you've down a strawberry short cake or 2 million