Instead of bashing Trump...

senior penor

Factory Bastard
After the disaster of George W Bush & what he put your country and the rest of the world through, I don't see how anybody can be worse than him.

How come W Bush & Ceheny got away with everything and they try nail Trump for everything?
Because bush and cheney are part of the uniparty establishment, while trump shits on that uniparty instead of furthering on their authoritarian push. The uniparty id where people like bitch mcconnel, shit romney,lesbian liz cheney and other long-time establishment goons and RINOS hold their loyalties. They hate trump because he started a movement that keeps those establishment goons accountable and resulted in people like liz cheney getting kicked out of congress and making kevin mccarthy give a launbdry list of concessions and a shittonne of votes to even become speaker.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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"Leave Trump alone, oh boo hoo hoo!!!"