Is Dovey Pregnant?



Factory Bastard
I very much doubt that you have the money now for an abortion though. And you may yet indeed have to face a lengthy prison sentence if you go to a blue state, or a foreign country on yer return.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Here is the thing.

Blandy says abortion is a "basic human right"

I say it is NOT a basic human right. The right time life is the basic human right.

Now apply actual democracy to this and it's the best argument that wins and gains the support.

Blandy doesnt get to skip democracy and pretend he is for it when he is busy DICTATING, lying and using ad homs.

I support the people having the power and persueding them with civil discourse.

Blandy wants a ferdel arm to ramrod his values onto everyone. He does NOT support democracy.

That's the facts.

So whit ye are saying is that all lassies in America that have had an abortion over the past 50 years have been forced to have them?

Democracy plays its part in human rights, simply by upholding those rights...not by disavowing them.

And because their rights are overturned by the BabyJesus and white Christian fundamentalism, does not make it right.

But the red states will end up shooting themselves in the foot as many qualified obgyn's leave those states.


Factory Bastard
You love democracy so much except when it may not go in your favor and then you are all about removing power from people.

We know.

OMFG. You didn't just actually say that did you?

I absolutely did. And I'm standing on it.

Do you see these people freaking out about Roe being overturned? They are meltdown down saying giving the people the power is tyranny. Overturning Roe is LESS centralized power and it's the most American thing our SCOTUS has done in a while.

So yes.....Bland is all about democracy ONLY when he believes it honors what he wants. If democracy will go against what he wants....he wants to government to force it.

It's not tyranny, it was just a basic human right. And was for 50+years in even your country.

It's not a basic human right.

Of course it was, it was a constitutional right for 50 years in your country.

It needs to be codified by Congress and the Senate, and the filibuster has to go.

No it wasnt. Abortion was never a constitutional right. That's where you guys get stupid. This is a factual falsehood.

The filibuster has to "go" because you fucking hate democracy. What you want is a one party single state with centralized power. So that's why you leftards want all the safeguards and checks and balances taken away so you have nothing standing in the way of actual one party tyranny.

Jesus, the filibuster has to go because a 60% voting structure as a pass go mark is not democracy in the Senate. It's a cabal of interests protecting itself.

No it does NOT. It's one of our checks and balances that STOPS the tyranny of the majority to stomping all over the individuals.

See you dont understand the US government and why it's set up how it is, to ensure the individual rights and liberties of each citizens are honored.

In getting rid of checks and balances you now advocating the gang rape comparison.

What you guys want to do is have all the control. You dont want the people to have a say. You want YOUR people to have all the say.

But you never answered my salient question Dove.

If a black or brown man rapes a white teen, should she carry that pregnancy to fruition?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Here is the thing.

Blandy says abortion is a "basic human right"

I say it is NOT a basic human right. The right time life is the basic human right.

Now apply actual democracy to this and it's the best argument that wins and gains the support.

Blandy doesnt get to skip democracy and pretend he is for it when he is busy DICTATING, lying and using ad homs.

I support the people having the power and persueding them with civil discourse.

Blandy wants a ferdel arm to ramrod his values onto everyone. He does NOT support democracy.

That's the facts.

So whit ye are saying is that all lassies in America that have had an abortion over the past 50 years have been forced to have them?

Democracy plays its part in human rights, simply by upholding them...not by disavowing them.

Well I know I was heavily pressured to the point where I felt I HAD to. And I've been on many many support groups for women where I know I'm far from alone.

Women abort directly to the pressured of societies failures and mens unwillingness to commit and be responsible. Abortion would be incredibly RARE if we actually fixed the problems that lead women to the abortion clinic.

And no Bland....killing a human being and applying the philosophical concept of personhood (which was used to justify slavery, the holocaust, women as property) is NOT a fucking human right. The right to life IS.

And in a democracy, you dont get to tell people "well my opinion is the right one so I get to force it whether you like it or not". Because MY stance is just as valid as yours and unlike you I cant actually support my stance with facts.

But you dont have a specail authority over ANY other regular ass person that allows you to dictate when democracy takes place and when you think the government should force it.

Actually. .. don't you at least take some of the blame for putting yourself in that situation @Dove?

You got hitched with that guy. That was your decision. So nobody made you.

Even Johnny Depp isnt completely blameless. He chose Amber Heard so he put himself in that jam. He knowingly got hitched with a lesbian so of course the result was a disaster.
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Factory Bastard
I like my thread, it has exposed so many to the so little it needs to expose dem.

It's been a gid Sunday, I recall in my youth that involved going to church and having to sing about a deity that even at 5 years old I considered cold and elusive.

However, I wid be a liar if I said it did not make me feel better. I later confirmed that as just running with an adult pact, that told me Jesus wasn't Catholic, just a white Scota/Irish Protestant trying to do the right fing.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I like my thread, it has exposed so many to the so little it needs to expose dem.

It's been a gid Sunday, I recall in my youth that involved going to church and having to sing about a deity that even at 5 years old I considered cold and elusive.

However, I wid be a liar if I said it did not make me feel better. I later confirmed that as just running with an adult pact, that told me Jesus wasn't Catholic, just a white Scota/Irish Protestant trying to do the right fing.

Jesus probably thought more like today's Copic Christians based in Egypt. That was the for bearer of today's Christian faith worldwide.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
When Roe Vs Wade was settled, it overruled all previous Federal and state laws, it became a human right for a woman to decide her own reproductive rights.

Roe was NEVER a law. Abortion was NEVER a human right.

And you've CLEARLY never even read the arguments and the ruling. You have no clue what it was, what it said and how it applied. It was NEVER a law. Ever.

I asked you to cite the federal law that was undone. You cant do that.....because there never was one.

You are a stunning example of what that Russian defector Yuri B(not sure the name) warned about. No matter how many facts or authentic info are given to are unable to grasp any of it and stay stuck on your falsehoods.

There is no way to have am honest discussion with someone who is disconnected from reality. You are refusing to have any sort of grasp on the facts.

If you insist on believing this stupid bullshit that Roe was some federal law and it decided abortion was a constitutional human right and have this wild ass fantasy that the USSC just got rid of some federal law and can't discuss this at all. Because you are factually wrong and make bad arguments based on these falsehoods.

So there is no way around that. You are demonstrating how pure and unchecked majority rule democracy brings us dictators and regimes. Dictators rise to power with the support of the people. All they need to do is create a good marketing ploy. Get the public on board. Turn the citizens on eachother. People WILL cling to factual falsehoods and run on feelings.

The fact that some of you are so unwilling to take a moment to understand what just happened and why and what it means...and run with this idiocy of falsehoods and emotionally charged rhetoric and hate for other citizens is literally part of the process of KILLING democracy.

We have checks and balances here in America that prevents mob rule. Because we are a constitutional republic, and every person gets a voice here. The US government was made to be ran by the people. And so many now neglect their involvement, and do not understand how it works.

It's like leftists think going out and protesting and rioting is how we run the country and the government should see the protest and just give them what they want and bipass what our democratic process is. You guys cant even enage in civil discourse to persuade others to support your causes. You use hatred and violence to bully people into compliance.

Look at how you just disregard the power of respectful communication and understanding your opposition and meeting them there. That's too much work and requires actual empathy and critical thought. None of you are capable of that. So instead? You start with your hatred. Insults. Calling people racists, bigots, nazis and try to punish them for opposing you.

You dont WANT democracy. What you want is a one party, authoritarian state where anyone who may oppose your party has consequences for doing so. Is branded and outcasted. You only want "democracy" when its YOUR "side".

When the left says "democracy" it's a euphemism for "our power". Anytime we see leftists and left wing politicains says "democracy".....they are really saying "our power". It makes A LOT more sense when that is realized. You dont mind having some sanitized "controlled opposition" so long as they dont even effectively change something you believe to be a right. And you guys are SO easily manipulated that you dont even have your own convictions. You are useful idiots of tyrannical regimes that want to run the whole show.

It's incredible seeing people get hysterical over the over turning of Roe and claiming this is some sort of "control" over anything.....when in reality, we now have more control over the matter because the federal government stepped OUT of it.

If you supported actual democracy you would be celebrating the overturning of Roe and the power being given back to the people to decide how it should be handled in their state where they pay taxes. You are not because you know abortion isnt as supported and embraced as you guys pretend it is.

You dont want the PEOPLE to have the control. You want your PARTY to have the control. You are fascists. Bottom line. You dont want anyone else represented or any meaningful opposition. You want what YOU have decided is the right way to be forced through and you want to call that democracy.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
If a black or brown man rapes a white teen, should she carry that pregnancy to fruition Dovey?

So you think abortion should be legal at all stages of pregnancy because of white girls being raped by black or brown men? That's what you are saying here?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
When Roe Vs Wade was settled, it overruled all previous Federal and state laws, it became a human right for a woman to decide her own reproductive rights.

Roe was NEVER a law. Abortion was NEVER a human right.

And you've CLEARLY never even read the arguments and the ruling. You have no clue what it was, what it said and how it applied. It was NEVER a law. Ever.

I asked you to cite the federal law that was undone. You cant do that.....because there never was one.

You are a stunning example of what that Russian defector Yuri B(not sure the name) warned about. No matter how many facts or authentic info are given to are unable to grasp any of it and stay stuck on your falsehoods.

There is no way to have am honest discussion with someone who is disconnected from reality. You are refusing to have any sort of grasp on the facts.

If you insist on believing this stupid bullshit that Roe was some federal law and it decided abortion was a constitutional human right and have this wild ass fantasy that the USSC just got rid of some federal law and can't discuss this at all. Because you are factually wrong and make bad arguments based on these falsehoods.

So there is no way around that. You are demonstrating how pure and unchecked majority rule democracy brings us dictators and regimes. Dictators rise to power with the support of the people. All they need to do is create a good marketing ploy. Get the public on board. Turn the citizens on eachother. People WILL cling to factual falsehoods and run on feelings.

The fact that some of you are so unwilling to take a moment to understand what just happened and why and what it means...and run with this idiocy of falsehoods and emotionally charged rhetoric and hate for other citizens is literally part of the process of KILLING democracy.

We have checks and balances here in America that prevents mob rule. Because we are a constitutional republic, and every person gets a voice here. The US government was made to be ran by the people. And so many now neglect their involvement, and do not understand how it works.

It's like leftists think going out and protesting and rioting is how we run the country and the government should see the protest and just give them what they want and bipass what our democratic process is. You guys cant even enage in civil discourse to persuade others to support your causes. You use hatred and violence to bully people into compliance.

Look at how you just disregard the power of respectful communication and understanding your opposition and meeting them there. That's too much work and requires actual empathy and critical thought. None of you are capable of that. So instead? You start with your hatred. Insults. Calling people racists, bigots, nazis and try to punish them for opposing you.

You dont WANT democracy. What you want is a one party, authoritarian state where anyone who may oppose your party has consequences for doing so. Is branded and outcasted. You only want "democracy" when its YOUR "side".

When the left says "democracy" it's a euphemism for "our power". Anytime we see leftists and left wing politicains says "democracy".....they are really saying "our power". It makes A LOT more sense when that is realized. You dont mind having some sanitized "controlled opposition" so long as they dont even effectively change something you believe to be a right. And you guys are SO easily manipulated that you dont even have your own convictions. You are useful idiots of tyrannical regimes that want to run the whole show.

It's incredible seeing people get hysterical over the over turning of Roe and claiming this is some sort of "control" over anything.....when in reality, we now have more control over the matter because the federal government stepped OUT of it.

If you supported actual democracy you would be celebrating the overturning of Roe and the power being given back to the people to decide how it should be handled in their state where they pay taxes. You are not because you know abortion isnt as supported and embraced as you guys pretend it is.

You dont want the PEOPLE to have the control. You want your PARTY to have the control. You are fascists. Bottom line. You dont want anyone else represented or any meaningful opposition. You want what YOU have decided is the right way to be forced through and you want to call that democracy.

So the USA will end up resembling a patchwork quilt of red & blue states where abortion is permitted and prohibited eh @Dove?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Here is the thing.

Blandy says abortion is a "basic human right"

I say it is NOT a basic human right. The right time life is the basic human right.

Now apply actual democracy to this and it's the best argument that wins and gains the support.

Blandy doesnt get to skip democracy and pretend he is for it when he is busy DICTATING, lying and using ad homs.

I support the people having the power and persueding them with civil discourse.

Blandy wants a ferdel arm to ramrod his values onto everyone. He does NOT support democracy.

That's the facts.

So whit ye are saying is that all lassies in America that have had an abortion over the past 50 years have been forced to have them?

Democracy plays its part in human rights, simply by upholding them...not by disavowing them.

Well I know I was heavily pressured to the point where I felt I HAD to. And I've been on many many support groups for women where I know I'm far from alone.

Women abort directly to the pressured of societies failures and mens unwillingness to commit and be responsible. Abortion would be incredibly RARE if we actually fixed the problems that lead women to the abortion clinic.

And no Bland....killing a human being and applying the philosophical concept of personhood (which was used to justify slavery, the holocaust, women as property) is NOT a fucking human right. The right to life IS.

And in a democracy, you dont get to tell people "well my opinion is the right one so I get to force it whether you like it or not". Because MY stance is just as valid as yours and unlike you I cant actually support my stance with facts.

But you dont have a specail authority over ANY other regular ass person that allows you to dictate when democracy takes place and when you think the government should force it.

Actually. .. don't you at least take some of the blame for putting yourself in that situation @Dove?

You got hitched with that guy. That was your decision. So nobody made you.

Even Johnny Depp isnt completely blameless. He chose Amber Heard so he put himself in that jam. He knowingly got hitched with a lesbian so of course the result was a disaster.

Yeah I do. However that doesnt change the fact that I didnt really get to make my own choice. I was being heavily pressured and I wasnt given all the factual information.

You are completely one sided here because you dont want men to have any responsibility either way. You put it all entirely on the woman.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
When Roe Vs Wade was settled, it overruled all previous Federal and state laws, it became a human right for a woman to decide her own reproductive rights.

Roe was NEVER a law. Abortion was NEVER a human right.

And you've CLEARLY never even read the arguments and the ruling. You have no clue what it was, what it said and how it applied. It was NEVER a law. Ever.

I asked you to cite the federal law that was undone. You cant do that.....because there never was one.

You are a stunning example of what that Russian defector Yuri B(not sure the name) warned about. No matter how many facts or authentic info are given to are unable to grasp any of it and stay stuck on your falsehoods.

There is no way to have am honest discussion with someone who is disconnected from reality. You are refusing to have any sort of grasp on the facts.

If you insist on believing this stupid bullshit that Roe was some federal law and it decided abortion was a constitutional human right and have this wild ass fantasy that the USSC just got rid of some federal law and can't discuss this at all. Because you are factually wrong and make bad arguments based on these falsehoods.

So there is no way around that. You are demonstrating how pure and unchecked majority rule democracy brings us dictators and regimes. Dictators rise to power with the support of the people. All they need to do is create a good marketing ploy. Get the public on board. Turn the citizens on eachother. People WILL cling to factual falsehoods and run on feelings.

The fact that some of you are so unwilling to take a moment to understand what just happened and why and what it means...and run with this idiocy of falsehoods and emotionally charged rhetoric and hate for other citizens is literally part of the process of KILLING democracy.

We have checks and balances here in America that prevents mob rule. Because we are a constitutional republic, and every person gets a voice here. The US government was made to be ran by the people. And so many now neglect their involvement, and do not understand how it works.

It's like leftists think going out and protesting and rioting is how we run the country and the government should see the protest and just give them what they want and bipass what our democratic process is. You guys cant even enage in civil discourse to persuade others to support your causes. You use hatred and violence to bully people into compliance.

Look at how you just disregard the power of respectful communication and understanding your opposition and meeting them there. That's too much work and requires actual empathy and critical thought. None of you are capable of that. So instead? You start with your hatred. Insults. Calling people racists, bigots, nazis and try to punish them for opposing you.

You dont WANT democracy. What you want is a one party, authoritarian state where anyone who may oppose your party has consequences for doing so. Is branded and outcasted. You only want "democracy" when its YOUR "side".

When the left says "democracy" it's a euphemism for "our power". Anytime we see leftists and left wing politicains says "democracy".....they are really saying "our power". It makes A LOT more sense when that is realized. You dont mind having some sanitized "controlled opposition" so long as they dont even effectively change something you believe to be a right. And you guys are SO easily manipulated that you dont even have your own convictions. You are useful idiots of tyrannical regimes that want to run the whole show.

It's incredible seeing people get hysterical over the over turning of Roe and claiming this is some sort of "control" over anything.....when in reality, we now have more control over the matter because the federal government stepped OUT of it.

If you supported actual democracy you would be celebrating the overturning of Roe and the power being given back to the people to decide how it should be handled in their state where they pay taxes. You are not because you know abortion isnt as supported and embraced as you guys pretend it is.

You dont want the PEOPLE to have the control. You want your PARTY to have the control. You are fascists. Bottom line. You dont want anyone else represented or any meaningful opposition. You want what YOU have decided is the right way to be forced through and you want to call that democracy.

So the USA will end up resembling a patchwork quilt of red & blue states where abortion is permitted and prohibited eh @Dove?

Is that a problem?

The US was set up this way. We are united STATES. Each state government represents the people of that state.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
If a black or brown man rapes a white teen, should she carry that pregnancy to fruition Dovey?

So you think abortion should be legal at all stages of pregnancy because of white girls being raped by black or brown men? That's what you are saying here?

He probably jerks off to the idea.

I defo get the interracial rapey vibes from this guy.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Here is the thing.

Blandy says abortion is a "basic human right"

I say it is NOT a basic human right. The right time life is the basic human right.

Now apply actual democracy to this and it's the best argument that wins and gains the support.

Blandy doesnt get to skip democracy and pretend he is for it when he is busy DICTATING, lying and using ad homs.

I support the people having the power and persueding them with civil discourse.

Blandy wants a ferdel arm to ramrod his values onto everyone. He does NOT support democracy.

That's the facts.

So whit ye are saying is that all lassies in America that have had an abortion over the past 50 years have been forced to have them?

Democracy plays its part in human rights, simply by upholding them...not by disavowing them.

Well I know I was heavily pressured to the point where I felt I HAD to. And I've been on many many support groups for women where I know I'm far from alone.

Women abort directly to the pressured of societies failures and mens unwillingness to commit and be responsible. Abortion would be incredibly RARE if we actually fixed the problems that lead women to the abortion clinic.

And no Bland....killing a human being and applying the philosophical concept of personhood (which was used to justify slavery, the holocaust, women as property) is NOT a fucking human right. The right to life IS.

And in a democracy, you dont get to tell people "well my opinion is the right one so I get to force it whether you like it or not". Because MY stance is just as valid as yours and unlike you I cant actually support my stance with facts.

But you dont have a specail authority over ANY other regular ass person that allows you to dictate when democracy takes place and when you think the government should force it.

Actually. .. don't you at least take some of the blame for putting yourself in that situation @Dove?

You got hitched with that guy. That was your decision. So nobody made you.

Even Johnny Depp isnt completely blameless. He chose Amber Heard so he put himself in that jam. He knowingly got hitched with a lesbian so of course the result was a disaster.

Yeah I do. However that doesnt change the fact that I didnt really get to make my own choice. I was being heavily pressured and I wasnt given all the factual information.

You are completely one sided here because you dont want men to have any responsibility either way. You put it all entirely on the woman.

I would just like women to have the freedom to choose @Dove.

If abortion is banned, it will place a huge onus on men in those red states


Factory Bastard
Yes Dovey.

Because all SCOTUS did was allow individual states to legislate on it. Try to keep up with your own Constitutional Republican Democracy.

Taking life at a state level has now been sanctioned like it was on Death Row.

But you never once over nearly 50 pages answered my question.