It has begun


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
I knew my steadfast position of not voting red or blue would be problematic for some people again this cycle, probably even more so than 2016 or 2020. This has been verified by the fact that almost a year out from the election I've already received a chiding from a 'vote-blue-no-matter-who' proponent.

If supporting a genocide and trying to start WW3 aren't red lines for Biden voters then I have to presume nothing is. Literally nothing. Ol' Joe could shoot someone dead on a busy sidewalk and some people would still vote for him. Sound familiar? It should.

Red voters and blue voters are both cultists just with slightly different flavors of insanity. Republicans think everyone to the left of Dick Cheney is a communist and democrats want to end the democracy we don't actually have; democrats think everyone to the left of Hilary Clinton is a socialist and Trump wants to end the democracy we don't actually have.

At this rate I won't be able to drink the tears of duopolists screaming that I'm doing it wrong fast enough and need to start planning for how/where to store the excess. A bucket might do for a while but... anyone happen to have a spare rain barrel?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
It is awesome Fatso spends most of his PAC money on attorneys. Takes buckets of sucker cash


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Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
I would like to give Vitty a shoutout for doing what feels right to him. I wish more people would.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I knew my steadfast position of not voting red or blue would be problematic for some people again this cycle, probably even more so than 2016 or 2020. This has been verified by the fact that almost a year out from the election I've already received a chiding from a 'vote-blue-no-matter-who' proponent.

If supporting a genocide and trying to start WW3 aren't red lines for Biden voters then I have to presume nothing is. Literally nothing. Ol' Joe could shoot someone dead on a busy sidewalk and some people would still vote for him. Sound familiar? It should.

Red voters and blue voters are both cultists just with slightly different flavors of insanity. Republicans think everyone to the left of Dick Cheney is a communist and democrats want to end the democracy we don't actually have; democrats think everyone to the left of Hilary Clinton is a socialist and Trump wants to end the democracy we don't actually have.

At this rate I won't be able to drink the tears of duopolists screaming that I'm doing it wrong fast enough and need to start planning for how/where to store the excess. A bucket might do for a while but... anyone happen to have a spare rain barrel?

The genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestine has made it easy to turn away from Biden. It's not his age, though he is a doddering old man. It's his support of a terrorist state that is the straw broke the camel's back for me.

I will not vote for Biden. Not while he stands with the terrorist state that is slaughtering innocent Palestinians. You did this Joe. You.