It was inevitable


Busta Troll

Factory Bastard
Grade F

"...everyone but a couple of other twats and you..."


I had to go back one whole post to find a grammatical error that you made!!!

Now I remember one of the things I liked about you!!!!

You are stupid!!!

Wow you're dumb. Do you dress yourself, stupid?


Factory Bastard
Shut the fuck up Gunz you filthy disgusting hog beast.How's the weight now kid ? Slimmed down to 25 stone I expect lulz.How's that retarded kid of yours btw? He should pop by and say hi to the resideant retards here like the cock monster and fakegrimm.Those couple of mongs must of had the same mother,though fakegrimm isn't totally useless I guess.Well he performs falaitio on b/f ever second Tuesday so he can keep his mod spot.The tard wants to be me you know.Like there could ever be anyone as fucking awesome as me,the `reaper` lulz.

Say hi to that whale of a cunt wife too.

Also free speech is not allowed here Gunz.So if you want to post without the lib-tards crying there arses off to b/f then come join the cool people at the blue cashew.

Reaper truly is the dumbest cunt I have ever tried to be nice to, on any forum. If reaper comes a trolling, all you need is a can of Febreze, some petroleum based jelly to fist fuck him with and an illustrated copy of Mein Kampf.

Little known fact, if you hold up the skull fucked skull of Reaper to the blue light of any site he is on during a winter solstice, you can see Gal Gadot reciting the Quran backwards while pleasuring herself with a menorah.


The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Wow you're dumb.

Exceeding expectations!!

For you:


Busta Troll

Factory Bastard
Busta brought out the Big Gunz and proceeded to....

Shoot himself in the foot.
Yeah, you're still the same lame twat. Out-of-context stupidity turned into your entire arsenal, combined with nifty font changes and exclamation points.

It's no wonder you choose to hang around in places so full of simpletons.
Brawl Hall legends in the house...sponsored by Viagra.
Legend. Singular. The rest of these turds are clingy attention whores who never evolved past 2010.


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
Site Supporter
@Busta Troll

People here have recently been talking about each other’s kids. So how many kids does your daughter have now? How brown are they? Who knows or bothers to care who the father(s) is?

God does, who is infamous for working in mysterious ways so please stop using His name in vain every time she inconveniently drops those niggers off at your house for unspecified lengths of time. On the bright side, you and Heidi Klum’s parents finally have something in common.


Folks normally suspect their daughters will strikingly resemble their once-pretty mothers after puberty and kids. I can’t say with any certainty that your plump pumpkin does now because your wife’s face was the only person in that FB pic to have their face blacked out. Here, let’s fix that:

Kiss this, Chris.


Now, bulky women -- like your wife -- in grocery stores are such inconvenient nuisances. Shoppers always wish they’d get sent back to the end of the line when they’re seen holding dozens of outdated coupons, all the while standing still with blank looks on their faces in steadfast refusal to help out the baggers. Throw in a fat black lady wearing a ratty wig working the register and everyone’s schedules are suddenly, yet very slowly, fucked. That shit feels like waiting outside for a new gaming console’s release.

Thanks to your genes that are naturally thwarted by jeans, your unfit tribe knows aaaall about restlessly waiting longer than they should. That is why you and your brood are always sure to carefully plan your birthday parties around Red Lobster’s yearly Ultimate Endless Shrimp feast special because the waitresses are too goddamn slow to keep up with y’all’s impatient paces with all those offensively tiny plates. They intentionally drag ass to leave you bovines to stare at those filling biscuits, the tipless bastards. Your newest goal should be to show this skinny bitch how it’s really done.

Beating her impressive record would come in second place only to your legendary personal feat of gobbling so many Happy Meals that you put Toys R Us out of business. I can only imagine how utterly empty you must’ve felt when you learned that the McMillions Monopoly was a scam meant to bring in more dicks through the doors who just wound up making lines longer for you – karma be damned! Along with your fatal diabetes…

- Nutritionist.

Busta Troll

Factory Bastard
@Busta Troll

People here have recently been talking about each other’s kids. So how many kids does your daughter have now? How brown are they? Who knows or bothers to care who the father(s) is?

God does, who is infamous for working in mysterious ways so please stop using His name in vain every time she inconveniently drops those niggers off at your house for unspecified lengths of time. On the bright side, you and Heidi Klum’s parents finally have something in common.


Folks normally suspect their daughters will strikingly resemble their once-pretty mothers after puberty and kids. I can’t say with any certainty that your plump pumpkin does now because your wife’s face was the only person in that FB pic to have their face blacked out. Here, let’s fix that:

Kiss this, Chris.


Now, bulky women -- like your wife -- in grocery stores are such inconvenient nuisances. Shoppers always wish they’d get sent back to the end of the line when they’re seen holding dozens of outdated coupons, all the while standing still with blank looks on their faces in steadfast refusal to help out the baggers. Throw in a fat black lady wearing a ratty wig working the register and everyone’s schedules are suddenly, yet very slowly, fucked. That shit feels like waiting outside for a new gaming console’s release.

Thanks to your genes that are naturally thwarted by jeans, your unfit tribe knows aaaall about restlessly waiting longer than they should. That is why you and your brood are always sure to carefully plan your birthday parties around Red Lobster’s yearly Ultimate Endless Shrimp feast special because the waitresses are too goddamn slow to keep up with y’all’s impatient paces with all those offensively tiny plates. They intentionally drag ass to leave you bovines to stare at those filling biscuits, the tipless bastards. Your newest goal should be to show this skinny bitch how it’s really done.

Beating her impressive record would come in second place only to your legendary personal feat of gobbling so many Happy Meals that you put Toys R Us out of business. I can only imagine how utterly empty you must’ve felt when you learned that the McMillions Monopoly was a scam meant to bring in more dicks through the doors who just wound up making lines longer for you – karma be damned! Along with your fatal diabetes…

- Nutritionist.

So you're still a racist stooge spewing walls of text that add up to "you're fat."

You're the stoogiest of all the stooges. I thought Prowler was sad. Poofer I expected. I...actually had forgotten you existed. Unfortunately, I see you can't say the same. Because we both know that you're a forum clown and I list "Professional Troll" on my tax returns. I'm the only person to come off of these forums and turn trolling, particularly trolling stupid fucks like you, into national news.

I have Greg Abbott, Larry Elder, a slew of MAGA Congressturds and hopefuls, and just about every X stooge spewing right-wing nonsense on my list of trolling accomplishments. You have the five people still hanging around these shitholes. And you're not even beating them.

Now, why don't you go ahead and evolve for a while and then come back and see me, m'kay, champ? Learn to cap your nonsense at a few aptly-worded paragraphs while you're at it.

Busta Troll

- You're an idiot. And you're dismissed.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
So you're still a racist stooge spewing walls of text that add up to "you're fat."

You're the stoogiest of all the stooges. I thought Prowler was sad. Poofer I expected. I...actually had forgotten you existed. Unfortunately, I see you can't say the same. Because we both know that you're a forum clown and I list "Professional Troll" on my tax returns. I'm the only person to come off of these forums and turn trolling, particularly trolling stupid fucks like you, into national news.

I have Greg Abbott, Larry Elder, a slew of MAGA Congressturds and hopefuls, and just about every X stooge spewing right-wing nonsense on my list of trolling accomplishments. You have the five people still hanging around these shitholes. And you're not even beating them.

Now, why don't you go ahead and evolve for a while and then come back and see me, m'kay, champ? Learn to cap your nonsense at a few aptly-worded paragraphs while you're at it.

Busta Troll

- You're an idiot. And you're dismissed.

You said you were running away.....


You might have another one of your "episodes".

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Do you remember what shoes Paul was wearing in the video....was it I Am The Walrus? When they were dressing in Sgt. Pepper's outfits....on stage....small drum kit....

But Paul's shoes....remember?

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
On the doll on the right side of of the picture....on the doll's right thigh...

White sports car....

With red coming out of the top.



The Prowler

Factory Bastard
See the funeral in that picture?

See the Hofner violin bass?

See the 3 strings? Which means one is missing....

See that the other Beatles have brass instruments....Paul has wood....

Do you see the message in the bass drum?







The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Dude - you aren't another of these conspiracy theorists, are you?
Cuz, I..I got to be honest with you. I just can't take any more of it.

Have you seen the inside picture in the Sgt. Pepper's album?

Paul is sitting cross legged....

He has a police badge on his arm.....




Where he had the car accident.

The badge has been altered, though.

The second "P" has been change to a "D".....
