Jewish Daily Forward Openly Admits Jews Are Behind Homosexual & Transgender Movement


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
God isnt even a male. Or a female. But then both male and female come Him.

He is 3 persons in one being. Try to figure that out without your brain bleeding. We cannot grasp it.....its beyond us

And if God is real.....that's exactly to be expected. A God we understand completely is a God we made up.

A human having the ability to grasp the fullness of God is like fitting the ocean in a shot glass.
Evolution has been proven, god theory has not... Tell me, what other thing on earth would you believe in with such little evidence? It's like parents making up stories to keep their kids away from the sea monsters, what better way to keep simps in check than to say something like "God sees all and you will face judgement when you die"? :LOL3:


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
What a great argument "just was" :Awesomeness:
I'm sorry everything needs creation and the most logical one is certain elements combining to make simple cells and the will to survive and multiplying through to evolution... The idea that some being said "boom, there's trees, boom there's fish, boom there's water" etc is truly laughable and a lot insane... There's absolutely no proof except "just because" and people like LokStein believe that but not other irrefutable facts he doesn't like... :facepalm:

Everything NATURAL needs creation. And if it needs creation it needs a right there that argument trips.

The God that's been argued for for thousands of years is eternal, omnipotent and well beyond our natural and finite realm. You gotta shake of the shackles of our limited humanesses and think outside our natural realm. It's a great topic but it really seems to freak people out. It used to really freak me out as well.

There is A LOT we dont know, you know?

Since God exists outside of time, everyone is already with Him in eternity.....we just dont know it yet.
Nonsense, Harry Potter is more believable...


Domestically feral
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United states
God isnt even a male. Or a female. But then both male and female come Him.

He is 3 persons in one being. Try to figure that out without your brain bleeding. We cannot grasp it.....its beyond us

And if God is real.....that's exactly to be expected. A God we understand completely is a God we made up.

A human having the ability to grasp the fullness of God is like fitting the ocean in a shot glass.
Evolution has been proven, god theory has not... Tell me, what other thing on earth would you believe in with such little evidence? It's like parents making up stories to keep their kids away from the sea monsters, what better way to keep simps in check than to say something like "God sees all and you will face judgement when you die"? :LOL3:

Evolution is a secondary theory. You still have the problem of first cause and consistent well as philosophical issues of objective morality and conscious awareness exclusively human.

If objective morals exist(and they do), there must exist a standard. God is that standard.

He is the very life of all that lives and the conscious awareness of those made in His image.

Evolution/intelligent design is certainly not either/or.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
What a great argument "just was" :Awesomeness:
I'm sorry everything needs creation and the most logical one is certain elements combining to make simple cells and the will to survive and multiplying through to evolution... The idea that some being said "boom, there's trees, boom there's fish, boom there's water" etc is truly laughable and a lot insane... There's absolutely no proof except "just because" and people like LokStein believe that but not other irrefutable facts he doesn't like... :facepalm:
Well asshat, you gaytheist goobers and your science did and still do use "just was" and "always has been" when asked about the origins of what created the big bang. You simply moved the goal post based off what caused you to learn that your former theories were wrong. Good job tho getting closer to God and the Bible!
Well you're going to hell for furious wanking :LOL3: You're condemned now and at birth when the demons scarred you with their mark!


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
God isnt even a male. Or a female. But then both male and female come Him.

He is 3 persons in one being. Try to figure that out without your brain bleeding. We cannot grasp it.....its beyond us

And if God is real.....that's exactly to be expected. A God we understand completely is a God we made up.

A human having the ability to grasp the fullness of God is like fitting the ocean in a shot glass.
Evolution has been proven, god theory has not... Tell me, what other thing on earth would you believe in with such little evidence? It's like parents making up stories to keep their kids away from the sea monsters, what better way to keep simps in check than to say something like "God sees all and you will face judgement when you die"? :LOL3:

Evolution is a secondary theory. You still have the problem of first cause and consistent well as philosophical issues of objective morality and conscious awareness exclusively human.

If objective morals exist(and they do), there must exist a standard. God is that standard.

He is the very life of all that lives and the conscious awareness of those made in His image.

Evolution/intelligent design is certainly not either/or.
AGAIN, POOF and god exists! Give me a fuckin break!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
God isnt even a male. Or a female. But then both male and female come Him.

He is 3 persons in one being. Try to figure that out without your brain bleeding. We cannot grasp it.....its beyond us

And if God is real.....that's exactly to be expected. A God we understand completely is a God we made up.

A human having the ability to grasp the fullness of God is like fitting the ocean in a shot glass.
Evolution has been proven, god theory has not... Tell me, what other thing on earth would you believe in with such little evidence? It's like parents making up stories to keep their kids away from the sea monsters, what better way to keep simps in check than to say something like "God sees all and you will face judgement when you die"? :LOL3:

Evolution is a secondary theory. You still have the problem of first cause and consistent well as philosophical issues of objective morality and conscious awareness exclusively human.

If objective morals exist(and they do), there must exist a standard. God is that standard.

He is the very life of all that lives and the conscious awareness of those made in His image.

Evolution/intelligent design is certainly not either/or.
AGAIN, POOF and god exists! Give me a fuckin break!

You cant prove or disprove supernatural claims, Shamp.

We dont have the tools.

Right now we just have to use evidence and logic to decide what we believe.

My point was is that what people....even sadly some people within the faith.....think of God and who/what He is, is very limited and faulty.

Our instincts are to try to shrink Him down to our level and apply our natural laws to Him. But that's a false God once you do that.....its no longer the God of the bible that we believe exists.

You see what I'm saying?

Whenever some hateful drooling anti theists (not saying that's you btw) comes swinging and says some idiotic, ironically simple minded shit like "you believe in imaginary friends!" Or "there is no magic sky wizard" or "old man in the clouds" or any such blather.....I mean I'd agree with them because I dont believe in an imaginary friend or any magic anything.

I believe there exists a Being outside of time and all we know, who is the architect of all existence and the source of life itself that we cannot fully grasp as limited human beings bound by natural law. And I feel satisfied with the evidence I see of this thus far.

It makes far more sense to me than any of the alternatives.

Even in science, things are approached in a far more open minded manner. If it wasnt, we would never have progressed. How we think of things matters.

At one point microbes were treated with mockery and like a fairytale lol. Until we got the tools to see and study them. People had to be open to their existence for that to even happen.

I think a lot of times people take strong bias stances against God because it's normal to be nervous or freaked out by the thought of having to be accountable to a powerful moral law giver. None of us enjoy the possibility of being judged.
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Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Yeah I think it's monumentally retarded, there's nothing when you die it's just like it was before you were born and that's the real proof we all know, not being here...
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Euuuggghhh the God debate, nobody knows for sure how we all got here, so it's pointless arguing about it!

I'll most likely always be on the fence over it all, considering there's no way of proving either side's argument.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
What a great argument "just was" :Awesomeness:
I'm sorry everything needs creation and the most logical one is certain elements combining to make simple cells and the will to survive and multiplying through to evolution... The idea that some being said "boom, there's trees, boom there's fish, boom there's water" etc is truly laughable and a lot insane... There's absolutely no proof except "just because" and people like LokStein believe that but not other irrefutable facts he doesn't like... :facepalm:
Well asshat, you gaytheist goobers and your science did and still do use "just was" and "always has been" when asked about the origins of what created the big bang. You simply moved the goal post based off what caused you to learn that your former theories were wrong. Good job tho getting closer to God and the Bible!
Well you're going to hell for furious wanking :LOL3: You're condemned now and at birth when the demons scarred you with their mark!
Good job avoiding the point dummy. Meanwhile, science continues to change.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Well, maybe God is inconsequential to all you subjects and slaves but here in America, the nations very existence is predicated upon the authority of God who grants inalienable rights. Without God, we're legally still englands bitch.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
What a great argument "just was" :Awesomeness:
I'm sorry everything needs creation and the most logical one is certain elements combining to make simple cells and the will to survive and multiplying through to evolution... The idea that some being said "boom, there's trees, boom there's fish, boom there's water" etc is truly laughable and a lot insane... There's absolutely no proof except "just because" and people like LokStein believe that but not other irrefutable facts he doesn't like... :facepalm:
Well asshat, you gaytheist goobers and your science did and still do use "just was" and "always has been" when asked about the origins of what created the big bang. You simply moved the goal post based off what caused you to learn that your former theories were wrong. Good job tho getting closer to God and the Bible!
Well you're going to hell for furious wanking :LOL3: You're condemned now and at birth when the demons scarred you with their mark!
Good job avoiding the point dummy. Meanwhile, science continues to change.
That fact HURT you lmao SIMP


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
What a great argument "just was" :Awesomeness:
I'm sorry everything needs creation and the most logical one is certain elements combining to make simple cells and the will to survive and multiplying through to evolution... The idea that some being said "boom, there's trees, boom there's fish, boom there's water" etc is truly laughable and a lot insane... There's absolutely no proof except "just because" and people like LokStein believe that but not other irrefutable facts he doesn't like... :facepalm:
Well asshat, you gaytheist goobers and your science did and still do use "just was" and "always has been" when asked about the origins of what created the big bang. You simply moved the goal post based off what caused you to learn that your former theories were wrong. Good job tho getting closer to God and the Bible!
Well you're going to hell for furious wanking :LOL3: You're condemned now and at birth when the demons scarred you with their mark!
Good job avoiding the point dummy. Meanwhile, science continues to change.
That fact HURT you lmao SIMP
What FACT is that, capt. avoidance?


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
What a great argument "just was" :Awesomeness:
I'm sorry everything needs creation and the most logical one is certain elements combining to make simple cells and the will to survive and multiplying through to evolution... The idea that some being said "boom, there's trees, boom there's fish, boom there's water" etc is truly laughable and a lot insane... There's absolutely no proof except "just because" and people like LokStein believe that but not other irrefutable facts he doesn't like... :facepalm:
Well asshat, you gaytheist goobers and your science did and still do use "just was" and "always has been" when asked about the origins of what created the big bang. You simply moved the goal post based off what caused you to learn that your former theories were wrong. Good job tho getting closer to God and the Bible!
Well you're going to hell for furious wanking :LOL3: You're condemned now and at birth when the demons scarred you with their mark!
Good job avoiding the point dummy. Meanwhile, science continues to change.
That fact HURT you lmao SIMP
What FACT is that, capt. avoidance?
Do you ever stop yapping about stupid shit? Remember the camel spider hysteria from your ghey armed forces? I'm getting one probably on Saturday, it's actually not the common one that's available about three weeks a year... It's a fluffy sub species that's wild caught, I'm gonna name it "LokStein" ha


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
What a great argument "just was" :Awesomeness:
I'm sorry everything needs creation and the most logical one is certain elements combining to make simple cells and the will to survive and multiplying through to evolution... The idea that some being said "boom, there's trees, boom there's fish, boom there's water" etc is truly laughable and a lot insane... There's absolutely no proof except "just because" and people like LokStein believe that but not other irrefutable facts he doesn't like... :facepalm:
Well asshat, you gaytheist goobers and your science did and still do use "just was" and "always has been" when asked about the origins of what created the big bang. You simply moved the goal post based off what caused you to learn that your former theories were wrong. Good job tho getting closer to God and the Bible!
Well you're going to hell for furious wanking :LOL3: You're condemned now and at birth when the demons scarred you with their mark!
Good job avoiding the point dummy. Meanwhile, science continues to change.
That fact HURT you lmao SIMP
What FACT is that, capt. avoidance?
Do you ever stop yapping about stupid shit? Remember the camel spider hysteria from your ghey armed forces? I'm getting one probably on Saturday, it's actually not the common one that's available about three weeks a year... It's a fluffy sub species that's wild caught, I'm gonna name it "LokStein" ha
WTF are you talking about, dipshit?

Give me your addy and I'll ship you some brown recluse to tuck between your ass.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis

I've also ordered another spiderling but meh


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
"If they bite they tend to hold on for a while" LOL! I bet that does cause some fukin hysteria!


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
"If they bite they tend to hold on for a while" LOL! I bet that does cause some fukin hysteria!
Guaranteed lokstein is a huge cunt! You heared it here firsted
Cause why? I'd smash you dumb ass spider with my foot? Or cause I'd pimp slap your cryin ass after?
LMAO i forget to laugh you obscenie fahg! I don't tell fibs
My gramps in California used to spray black widdows in the garage with silver spraypaint. Kills em dead in an instant. I bet your dumb assed spider wouldnt survive half a spritz. What man still buys bugs for a pet. WTF are you, 11? You gonna get a python when you grow up?


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
"If they bite they tend to hold on for a while" LOL! I bet that does cause some fukin hysteria!
Guaranteed lokstein is a huge cunt! You heared it here firsted
Cause why? I'd smash you dumb ass spider with my foot? Or cause I'd pimp slap your cryin ass after?
LMAO i forget to laugh you obscenie fahg! I don't tell fibs
My gramps in California used to spray black widdows in the garage with silver spraypaint. Kills em dead in an instant. I bet your dumb assed spider wouldnt survive half a spritz. What man still buys bugs for a pet. WTF are you, 11? You gonna get a python when you grow up?
Well, tarantulas are further up the food chain than rodents but lets go with spiders are ghey, I'd put my life on you being brought to your knees by an arachnid at some point in your miserable life nevermind my collection of fired up inverts... You should appreciate that I might call my new fluffy camel spood LokStein but I don't think you're smart ebough...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
"If they bite they tend to hold on for a while" LOL! I bet that does cause some fukin hysteria!
Guaranteed lokstein is a huge cunt! You heared it here firsted
Cause why? I'd smash you dumb ass spider with my foot? Or cause I'd pimp slap your cryin ass after?
LMAO i forget to laugh you obscenie fahg! I don't tell fibs
My gramps in California used to spray black widdows in the garage with silver spraypaint. Kills em dead in an instant. I bet your dumb assed spider wouldnt survive half a spritz. What man still buys bugs for a pet. WTF are you, 11? You gonna get a python when you grow up?
Well, tarantulas are further up the food chain than rodents but lets go with spiders are ghey, I'd put my life on you being brought to your knees by an arachnid at some point in your miserable life nevermind my collection of fired up inverts... You should appreciate that I might call my new fluffy camel spood LokStein but I don't think you're smart ebough...
Appreciate? Dude, I cant get passed the part of a grown man paying for a fukin spider. Oh I bet you drag in all kinds of pussy! LMFAO!


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
"If they bite they tend to hold on for a while" LOL! I bet that does cause some fukin hysteria!
Guaranteed lokstein is a huge cunt! You heared it here firsted
Cause why? I'd smash you dumb ass spider with my foot? Or cause I'd pimp slap your cryin ass after?
LMAO i forget to laugh you obscenie fahg! I don't tell fibs
My gramps in California used to spray black widdows in the garage with silver spraypaint. Kills em dead in an instant. I bet your dumb assed spider wouldnt survive half a spritz. What man still buys bugs for a pet. WTF are you, 11? You gonna get a python when you grow up?
Well, tarantulas are further up the food chain than rodents but lets go with spiders are ghey, I'd put my life on you being brought to your knees by an arachnid at some point in your miserable life nevermind my collection of fired up inverts... You should appreciate that I might call my new fluffy camel spood LokStein but I don't think you're smart ebough...
Appreciate? Dude, I cant get passed the part of a grown man paying for a fukin spider. Oh I bet you drag in all kinds of pussy! LMFAO!
Well you've a lot to learn...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
"If they bite they tend to hold on for a while" LOL! I bet that does cause some fukin hysteria!
Guaranteed lokstein is a huge cunt! You heared it here firsted
Cause why? I'd smash you dumb ass spider with my foot? Or cause I'd pimp slap your cryin ass after?
LMAO i forget to laugh you obscenie fahg! I don't tell fibs
My gramps in California used to spray black widdows in the garage with silver spraypaint. Kills em dead in an instant. I bet your dumb assed spider wouldnt survive half a spritz. What man still buys bugs for a pet. WTF are you, 11? You gonna get a python when you grow up?
Well, tarantulas are further up the food chain than rodents but lets go with spiders are ghey, I'd put my life on you being brought to your knees by an arachnid at some point in your miserable life nevermind my collection of fired up inverts... You should appreciate that I might call my new fluffy camel spood LokStein but I don't think you're smart ebough...
Appreciate? Dude, I cant get passed the part of a grown man paying for a fukin spider. Oh I bet you drag in all kinds of pussy! LMFAO!
Well you've a lot to learn...
Go play in yer sandbox, bug boy.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
"If they bite they tend to hold on for a while" LOL! I bet that does cause some fukin hysteria!
Guaranteed lokstein is a huge cunt! You heared it here firsted
Cause why? I'd smash you dumb ass spider with my foot? Or cause I'd pimp slap your cryin ass after?
LMAO i forget to laugh you obscenie fahg! I don't tell fibs
My gramps in California used to spray black widdows in the garage with silver spraypaint. Kills em dead in an instant. I bet your dumb assed spider wouldnt survive half a spritz. What man still buys bugs for a pet. WTF are you, 11? You gonna get a python when you grow up?
Well, tarantulas are further up the food chain than rodents but lets go with spiders are ghey, I'd put my life on you being brought to your knees by an arachnid at some point in your miserable life nevermind my collection of fired up inverts... You should appreciate that I might call my new fluffy camel spood LokStein but I don't think you're smart ebough...
Appreciate? Dude, I cant get passed the part of a grown man paying for a fukin spider. Oh I bet you drag in all kinds of pussy! LMFAO!
Well you've a lot to learn...
Go play in yer sandbox, bug boy.
If only you knew...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
"If they bite they tend to hold on for a while" LOL! I bet that does cause some fukin hysteria!
Guaranteed lokstein is a huge cunt! You heared it here firsted
Cause why? I'd smash you dumb ass spider with my foot? Or cause I'd pimp slap your cryin ass after?
LMAO i forget to laugh you obscenie fahg! I don't tell fibs
My gramps in California used to spray black widdows in the garage with silver spraypaint. Kills em dead in an instant. I bet your dumb assed spider wouldnt survive half a spritz. What man still buys bugs for a pet. WTF are you, 11? You gonna get a python when you grow up?
Well, tarantulas are further up the food chain than rodents but lets go with spiders are ghey, I'd put my life on you being brought to your knees by an arachnid at some point in your miserable life nevermind my collection of fired up inverts... You should appreciate that I might call my new fluffy camel spood LokStein but I don't think you're smart ebough...
Appreciate? Dude, I cant get passed the part of a grown man paying for a fukin spider. Oh I bet you drag in all kinds of pussy! LMFAO!
Well you've a lot to learn...
Go play in yer sandbox, bug boy.
If only you knew...
What, that the exterminator needs to visit and clean up that shithole?