JFK Jr is the Archangel Michael


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
...who did the most for civil rights in this country since Lincoln.

Murdy, Murdy, Murdy.... Lincoln was a sack of shit.

I’m not southern lol

In case Dove hasn’t explained my opinion enough for you already *rolls eyes*

Careful not to step in the bull shit with that.

Its ok, one day, one day I might be able to convert you lol.

no one is ever going to change this laid back beach girl


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
She thinks Lincoln was a democrat and that Democrats passed civil rights.

She has no idea that Republicans did all of that. And she wont actually read anything. So she has basic history grasp on the parties. She doesnt know democrats were the party of Jim Crow and Republicans were the civil rights, abolition party.

Try to educate her.....of you dare. Odds are good she will either play along only to blather the same misinfo later or she will get shitty with you.

I moved the educate request to the History thread lol.

Shes been told this several times and shown history sources.

She wouldnt even look at it. It was something by Thomas Sowell and she dismissed it as some "white racist praising the south".

Shes incurably ignorant. She just refuses to accept correction when shes embarrassingly wrong.

I think she thinks no one actually ever studies history so she can get away with claiming the democrats freed slaves and fought the cause for civil rights and also saying shes right because she studies history. When it's obvious she never has.

Everyone knows Lincoln was the father of the Republican party. That Republicans were abolitionists. That Republicans got the right to vote for black Americans. Passes the Civil Rights Act and got rid of democrat jim crow laws. They also pioneered womens rights.

The leftwing propaganda bullshit is that the parties "switched". But poor Murd is arguing that Democrats accomplished all this....not Republicans. Even though the kkk and every jim crow law was dems.....and really the party never fucking changed. They just brainwashed people.



Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
...who did the most for civil rights in this country since Lincoln.

Murdy, Murdy, Murdy.... Lincoln was a sack of shit.

I’m not southern lol

In case Dove hasn’t explained my opinion enough for you already *rolls eyes*

Careful not to step in the bull shit with that.

Its ok, one day, one day I might be able to convert you lol.

no one is ever going to change this laid back beach girl

Oh but I have fun in the South lol.

You can have your beach if its what you like, I love my Mountains and fresh flowing waters.

Ive only been to the beach 3 times. This next time will be in a few months, we are going to spread my sisters ashes in the ocean, its what she wanted.

I want some of mine spread at my favorite camping spot on the mountain by the stream.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
...who did the most for civil rights in this country since Lincoln.

Murdy, Murdy, Murdy.... Lincoln was a sack of shit.

I’m not southern lol

In case Dove hasn’t explained my opinion enough for you already *rolls eyes*

Careful not to step in the bull shit with that.

Its ok, one day, one day I might be able to convert you lol.

no one is ever going to change this laid back beach girl

Oh but I have fun in the South lol.

You can have your beach if its what you like, I love my Mountains and fresh flowing waters.

Ive only been to the beach 3 times. This next time will be in a few months, we are going to spread my sisters ashes in the ocean, its what she wanted.

I want some of mine spread at my favorite camping spot on the mountain by the stream.

I love the south. It’s one of my favorite places to visit mostly because I’m a history buff.

I have to live near an ocean and unfortunately the Atlantic just doesn’t do it for me like the Pacific. The PNW was one of the most magical places I’ve ever lived. The redwoods colliding cliffside with the ocean just does it for me.

I have always wanted my ashes scattered in the ocean… because mermaids become sea foam according to Hans Cristian Anderson lol

I hope you find your way to the beach you scattered her at for her birthday. I think that would be a wonderful way to honor her. Even better if you find a way to make it tradition xoxo


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
...who did the most for civil rights in this country since Lincoln.

Murdy, Murdy, Murdy.... Lincoln was a sack of shit.

I’m not southern lol

In case Dove hasn’t explained my opinion enough for you already *rolls eyes*

Careful not to step in the bull shit with that.

Its ok, one day, one day I might be able to convert you lol.

no one is ever going to change this laid back beach girl

Oh but I have fun in the South lol.

You can have your beach if its what you like, I love my Mountains and fresh flowing waters.

Ive only been to the beach 3 times. This next time will be in a few months, we are going to spread my sisters ashes in the ocean, its what she wanted.

I want some of mine spread at my favorite camping spot on the mountain by the stream.

I love the south. It’s one of my favorite places to visit mostly because I’m a history buff.

I have to live near an ocean and unfortunately the Atlantic just doesn’t do it for me like the Pacific. The PNW was one of the most magical places I’ve ever lived. The redwoods colliding cliffside with the ocean just does it for me.

I have always wanted my ashes scattered in the ocean… because mermaids become sea foam according to Hans Cristian Anderson lol

I hope you find your way to the beach you scattered her at for her birthday. I think that would be a wonderful way to honor her. Even better if you find a way to make it tradition xoxo

I get ya! I loved the redwoods too, and mountains there.

Oh we havent scattered her yet! She was going to the beach on our Mom's birthday (she gone too), to celebrate it by walking on the beach where they use to when they went. But didnt make it that day.