Just-elected Congressman dies of Covid, age 41


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
Q got mad and disagreed lol
I am just going to explain this once: it was not worth my time to reply, so I just used the nice forum functionality.
You'll probably not able to understand the explanation, but deal with it. I'm not going to explain it any further
You’re the fucking dumb cunt around this joint, so shut the fuck up! Idiot!


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Luke Letlow, Louisiana’s incoming Republican congressman, has died from complications related to Covid-19 at the age of 41.

“The family appreciates the numerous prayers and support over the past days but asks for privacy during this difficult and unexpected time,” Letlow’s spokesman, Andrew Bautsch, said in a statement.

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Yeah...people with underlying health issues will always be at greater risk no matter how young they are. On a side note: in the Africa the high instances of TB and Aids are having serious consequences on the black nations. TB with regard to compounding breathing difficulties and AIDS with regard to already damaged immune systems. The second wave was huge, a third wave is happening as we speak.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
masks dont do shit for a virus, retard. I spoke with a doctor who's performed emergency surgery many times and he LOL'd at the idea of a paper mask stopping a virus. STFU josephine, you dont know jack or shit.
Try updating your knowledge. The masks DO have an effect. It's not stopping virusses 100%, but there is an effect. Why not help yourself and others by just using masks?

Surgical masks have almost no effect.

N95/P2 have marginal effect

Silicone based full face respirators do.

....but people misuse and reuse textile masks daily to the point it's become a joke, and few people have the training or the finances to use all masks properly and decontaminate multiple times daily.
So..... if it's not a 100% solution you should refuse to use it? :Confused3:

It's all for show with me and mine...

Same fucktarded masks in our pockets for weeks at a time, only because to not have one on or with incurs the wrath of you moronic loving Statists.

...and I wore much more sophisticated masks in the past for work.

People don't keep their guard up over time. People don't do the right thing by one another....getting slack, or refusing to care after a while.

People can't afford to live with the financial, emotional, and psychological tolls of something which is akin to a common cold....

...and the people who face up to it are truly free peoples. Those that don't are the harbingers of their own immediate demise (which especially includes anyone willing to accept a novel and rushed mRNA vaccine after a matter of mere months in development AND TESTING).

If it were left to me in another scenario, I'd cheerlead you idiots with rampant twirling pom-pom's so you'd wear your silly face nappies and get injected with 2020 snake oils, but RNA vaccines fuck the fucktarded AND the free.

You're creating a subclass of sickly human beings and not a whole lot of options for healthy reproduction couplings.

So just please kill yourself now.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
masks dont do shit for a virus, retard. I spoke with a doctor who's performed emergency surgery many times and he LOL'd at the idea of a paper mask stopping a virus. STFU josephine, you dont know jack or shit.
Try updating your knowledge. The masks DO have an effect. It's not stopping virusses 100%, but there is an effect. Why not help yourself and others by just using masks?

Surgical masks have almost no effect.

N95/P2 have marginal effect

Silicone based full face respirators do.

....but people misuse and reuse textile masks daily to the point it's become a joke, and few people have the training or the finances to use all masks properly and decontaminate multiple times daily.
So..... if it's not a 100% solution you should refuse to use it? :Confused3:

It's all for show with me and mine...

Same fucktarded masks in our pockets for weeks at a time, only because to not have one on or with incurs the wrath of you moronic loving Statists.

...and I wore much more sophisticated masks in the past for work.

People don't keep their guard up over time. People don't do the right thing by one another....getting slack, or refusing to care after a while.

People can't afford to live with the financial, emotional, and psychological tolls of something which is akin to a common cold....

...and the people who face up to it are truly free peoples. Those that don't are the harbingers of their own immediate demise (which especially includes anyone willing to accept a novel and rushed mRNA vaccine after a matter of mere months in development AND TESTING).

If it were left to me in another scenario, I'd cheerlead you idiots with rampant twirling pom-pom's so you'd wear your silly face nappies and get injected with 2020 snake oils, but RNA vaccines fuck the fucktarded AND the free.

You're creating a subclass of sickly human beings and not a whole lot of options for healthy reproduction couplings.

So just please kill yourself now.
There a lot of fucking idiots in this world. It’s no use talking sense to them anymore. As you said, a silly face nappy will do absolutely fuck all against viral pathogens. A full face mask with the appropriate filters or separate air tank is the only solution. Eyeballs will absorb pathogens just as easily as the lungs will, and that’s a fact.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
If you want to stop a virus, best suit up like you're going to the moon. Come to think of it, most tardy caca libs blast of daily into loon-r-orbit anyway so they should welcome the extra gear and prep time!
That’s what I told them long ago. It’s a virus folks! It just goes to show how many dumb people think that they’re intelligent!
masks dont do shit for a virus, retard. I spoke with a doctor who's performed emergency surgery many times and he LOL'd at the idea of a paper mask stopping a virus. STFU josephine, you dont know jack or shit.
Try updating your knowledge. The masks DO have an effect. It's not stopping virusses 100%, but there is an effect. Why not help yourself and others by just using masks?

Surgical masks have almost no effect.

N95/P2 have marginal effect

Silicone based full face respirators do.

....but people misuse and reuse textile masks daily to the point it's become a joke, and few people have the training or the finances to use all masks properly and decontaminate multiple times daily.
So..... if it's not a 100% solution you should refuse to use it? :Confused3:

It's all for show with me and mine...

Same fucktarded masks in our pockets for weeks at a time, only because to not have one on or with incurs the wrath of you moronic loving Statists.

...and I wore much more sophisticated masks in the past for work.

People don't keep their guard up over time. People don't do the right thing by one another....getting slack, or refusing to care after a while.

People can't afford to live with the financial, emotional, and psychological tolls of something which is akin to a common cold....

...and the people who face up to it are truly free peoples. Those that don't are the harbingers of their own immediate demise (which especially includes anyone willing to accept a novel and rushed mRNA vaccine after a matter of mere months in development AND TESTING).

If it were left to me in another scenario, I'd cheerlead you idiots with rampant twirling pom-pom's so you'd wear your silly face nappies and get injected with 2020 snake oils, but RNA vaccines fuck the fucktarded AND the free.

You're creating a subclass of sickly human beings and not a whole lot of options for healthy reproduction couplings.

So just please kill yourself now.
There a lot of fucking idiots in this world. It’s no use talking sense to them anymore. As you said, a silly face nappy will do absolutely fuck all against viral pathogens. A full face mask with the appropriate filters or separate air tank is the only solution. Eyeballs will absorb pathogens just as easily as the lungs will, and that’s a fact.


Where can I get one of those?


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
If you want to stop a virus, best suit up like you're going to the moon. Come to think of it, most tardy caca libs blast of daily into loon-r-orbit anyway so they should welcome the extra gear and prep time!
That’s what I told them long ago. It’s a virus folks! It just goes to show how many dumb people think that they’re intelligent!
masks dont do shit for a virus, retard. I spoke with a doctor who's performed emergency surgery many times and he LOL'd at the idea of a paper mask stopping a virus. STFU josephine, you dont know jack or shit.
Try updating your knowledge. The masks DO have an effect. It's not stopping virusses 100%, but there is an effect. Why not help yourself and others by just using masks?

Surgical masks have almost no effect.

N95/P2 have marginal effect

Silicone based full face respirators do.

....but people misuse and reuse textile masks daily to the point it's become a joke, and few people have the training or the finances to use all masks properly and decontaminate multiple times daily.
So..... if it's not a 100% solution you should refuse to use it? :Confused3:

It's all for show with me and mine...

Same fucktarded masks in our pockets for weeks at a time, only because to not have one on or with incurs the wrath of you moronic loving Statists.

...and I wore much more sophisticated masks in the past for work.

People don't keep their guard up over time. People don't do the right thing by one another....getting slack, or refusing to care after a while.

People can't afford to live with the financial, emotional, and psychological tolls of something which is akin to a common cold....

...and the people who face up to it are truly free peoples. Those that don't are the harbingers of their own immediate demise (which especially includes anyone willing to accept a novel and rushed mRNA vaccine after a matter of mere months in development AND TESTING).

If it were left to me in another scenario, I'd cheerlead you idiots with rampant twirling pom-pom's so you'd wear your silly face nappies and get injected with 2020 snake oils, but RNA vaccines fuck the fucktarded AND the free.

You're creating a subclass of sickly human beings and not a whole lot of options for healthy reproduction couplings.

So just please kill yourself now.
There a lot of fucking idiots in this world. It’s no use talking sense to them anymore. As you said, a silly face nappy will do absolutely fuck all against viral pathogens. A full face mask with the appropriate filters or separate air tank is the only solution. Eyeballs will absorb pathogens just as easily as the lungs will, and that’s a fact.


Where can I get one of those?

From most industrial or medical safety gear shops, but they won't offer you a course on decontamination from particulates, vapours, or biological matters... and you'd blow your budget using such a mask with the changeout of filters anyway...

...and all for what amounts to a 99.4-99.7% survival rate in advanced years, and close to 100% in youth to middle age.

This coronavirus is already mutating and likely to go the way of influenza. It's now a staple, in one form or another.

Learn to live with it.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
If you want to stop a virus, best suit up like you're going to the moon. Come to think of it, most tardy caca libs blast of daily into loon-r-orbit anyway so they should welcome the extra gear and prep time!
That’s what I told them long ago. It’s a virus folks! It just goes to show how many dumb people think that they’re intelligent!
masks dont do shit for a virus, retard. I spoke with a doctor who's performed emergency surgery many times and he LOL'd at the idea of a paper mask stopping a virus. STFU josephine, you dont know jack or shit.
Try updating your knowledge. The masks DO have an effect. It's not stopping virusses 100%, but there is an effect. Why not help yourself and others by just using masks?

Surgical masks have almost no effect.

N95/P2 have marginal effect

Silicone based full face respirators do.

....but people misuse and reuse textile masks daily to the point it's become a joke, and few people have the training or the finances to use all masks properly and decontaminate multiple times daily.
So..... if it's not a 100% solution you should refuse to use it? :Confused3:

It's all for show with me and mine...

Same fucktarded masks in our pockets for weeks at a time, only because to not have one on or with incurs the wrath of you moronic loving Statists.

...and I wore much more sophisticated masks in the past for work.

People don't keep their guard up over time. People don't do the right thing by one another....getting slack, or refusing to care after a while.

People can't afford to live with the financial, emotional, and psychological tolls of something which is akin to a common cold....

...and the people who face up to it are truly free peoples. Those that don't are the harbingers of their own immediate demise (which especially includes anyone willing to accept a novel and rushed mRNA vaccine after a matter of mere months in development AND TESTING).

If it were left to me in another scenario, I'd cheerlead you idiots with rampant twirling pom-pom's so you'd wear your silly face nappies and get injected with 2020 snake oils, but RNA vaccines fuck the fucktarded AND the free.

You're creating a subclass of sickly human beings and not a whole lot of options for healthy reproduction couplings.

So just please kill yourself now.
There a lot of fucking idiots in this world. It’s no use talking sense to them anymore. As you said, a silly face nappy will do absolutely fuck all against viral pathogens. A full face mask with the appropriate filters or separate air tank is the only solution. Eyeballs will absorb pathogens just as easily as the lungs will, and that’s a fact.


Where can I get one of those?
eBay, but it’s the appropriate micron filter that will determine effectivity. A viral microbe is 1000 times smaller than the average bacterium for example, so the appropriate filter will make it extremely difficult to draw in breath. 100% effectiveness is a oxygen tank and then you’ll need full fumigation/decontamination before entering your home. It’s futile really if one is really realistic about it. It’s been over 70 years and humankind still hasn’t found a vaccine for the common cold because of over 170 different strains. The mutations we are seeing with the Covid strains will be the same. I wouldn’t be rushing for a Covid 19 vaccine just yet. Let nature do her work...


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Hell yeah...I'm not afraid to die...realize it's less than a possibility of what I've even done for recreation in my life, and I know my kids and yours can weather it at almost 100% rates lest they have prior conditions, and even then.

Man up, Earth...

The virus and its strains aren't yet a problem as much as the people making the policies leading to problems.

...and if anybody tries to stick me, I'll chew their face off with my teeth if I've got nothing else.