King Martini and TBSG


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Is that supposed to be armor?
I thought you were LARPing as a clumsily-tinseled christmas tree.
I wouldn't need a saws-all to have that pathetic foil off you... I'd only need a pair of tweezers and some nail clippers.


still wearing it, sir ...

I could don my condom of eXcitment, see if that'll make you any moar interesting :LOL3:

Hey, nice to see you heer anyhoo ... you know the fun is here, succumb already


Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
Wait... here is supposedly some big time flamer and the best he can come up with is "Queen Fagtini"?
Yea OK Mr Bater.:LOL3:

The Schooling of DisMaster area Part 3

So you are trying to do the single sentence thing I taught you although it looks like you are desperately looking for props. Like a fuchtardazoid on crutches you'll keep limping along, hang in there small fry you'll make it to the end.

Is that a picture of me? Wow I look so young, I'm bound to have lily and CW in my inbox in no time at all. So who did you steal that one of?

It must be hard if your stealing other peoples stuff or are you claiming you made it? As it doesn't make any sense I suggest you stick with the "I stole it" excuse.

If your stupid enough to admit you made it can you explain it to me please? Whos the Dusky chic calling me Daddy and why does she think a 5th tear shit poster like Pufferfish can be mean? Why am I calling her boy do you have Gender Dysphoria?

And whats wrong with confusing pufferfish with drivel seeing thats all you need and its what you've based your whole "flame career" on?

So your on messageboard crutches(props) posting confused gibberish, flipping your name as a chest puff but your hangin in there so carry on with rainbow parade, go you!


Mr. Excitement
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Yea OK Mr Bater.:LOL3:

The Schooling of DisMaster area Part 3

So you are trying to do the single sentence thing I taught you although it looks like you are desperately looking for props. Like a fuchtardazoid on crutches you'll keep limping along, hang in there small fry you'll make it to the end.

Is that a picture of me? Wow I look so young, I'm bound to have lily and CW in my inbox in no time at all. So who did you steal that one of?

It must be hard if your stealing other peoples stuff or are you claiming you made it? As it doesn't make any sense I suggest you stick with the "I stole it" excuse.

If your stupid enough to admit you made it can you explain it to me please? Whos the Dusky chic calling me Daddy and why does she think a 5th tear shit poster like Pufferfish can be mean? Why am I calling her boy do you have Gender Dysphoria?

And whats wrong with confusing pufferfish with drivel seeing thats all you need and its what you've based your whole "flame career" on?

So your on messageboard crutches(props) posting confused gibberish, flipping your name as a chest puff but your hangin in there so carry on with rainbow parade, go you!
Is that any way to speak to a king?


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Yea OK Mr Bater.:LOL3:
Good lord....

I changed my nic to "Master" and best this polygrip using receptacle is "derp derp Bater derp derp"

no seriously, some moron named "Cookie Monster" on an adult forum doesn't scream neighborhood watch sign up on every street corner near his halfway house or anything...

The Schooling of DisMaster area Part 3

So you are trying to do the single sentence thing I taught you although it looks like you are desperately looking for props. Like a fuchtardazoid on crutches you'll keep limping along, hang in there small fry you'll make it to the end.
The only thing you have "taught" anybody here, is the correct way to take a beating, you stupid pushover.

You keep getting back up, which is not only a testament to your stupidity, but also just how much your pride is such a cruel mistress with a dick. If Calvin Klein made jumpsuits to wear for victims in a fetal position i would throw my opinion out there in a grass roots effort to vote for you to be the only model they would ever need.

There isn't a single person who walks on two legs, and even some of the more intelligent animals on this earth, like elephants, for instance, who think you are winning anything in this thread other then sympathy.

Years from now members here are going to tell their grandkids;

"Mike Tyson used to beat the shit outta ppl, but there was this time this person named Looney at a forum called Bastard Factory who had his head shoved so far up his own asshole by some guy named Poofer he was doing suspened in mid air anal cartwheels to the point if they hooked up a battery from the breeze he could have lit up a small city for around five...maybe six minutes"

Seriously, point out where exactly you think you have the upper hand at any point is this massacre/exchange in any of that shit you have posted. Now im genuinely curious how that lump of shit you call a brain works.....

warning- A certified Looney meltdown incoming.

viewer discretion advised.
Is that a picture of me? Wow I look so young, I'm bound to have lily and CW in my inbox in no time at all. So who did you steal that one of?

It must be hard if your stealing other peoples stuff or are you claiming you made it? As it doesn't make any sense I suggest you stick with the "I stole it" excuse.
There aint nobody in your DMs on any social media site with a set of tits without a dick attached to it, you make believe living story teller. And that pic was posted by Weeps, which i then created a gif out of.

yes, I made the gif. That, isn't stealing, that's called "chopping" a talent you don't possess but so effective it made you spaz out incoherently.

but, if you want to talk "stealing"..



If your stupid enough to admit you made it can you explain it to me please? Whos the Dusky chic calling me Daddy and why does she think a 5th tear shit poster like Pufferfish can be mean? Why am I calling her boy do you have Gender Dysphoria?

And whats wrong with confusing pufferfish with drivel seeing thats all you need and its what you've based your whole "flame career" on?

So your on messageboard crutches(props) posting confused gibberish, flipping your name as a chest puff but your hangin in there so carry on with rainbow parade, go you!
And this^^^ is all a NO YUO snore bomb, proving once again this cretin has rocks in his head and cannot even get his own prose straight and garbles his chances at trying to throw a dummy dart at the wall blindly that he hopes sticks but just doesn't.

Looney, again, you are too stupid to box with a GOAT. You are not intelligent enough to even read coherent let alone be entertaining on top of it. It's too demanding for that half a pin tip sized brain of yours and the results of this inflection of yours, from once being some know it all, pigeon chested clown to now reading like a desperate, defensive blob of shit, mouth breathing out anything that, in your mind, doesn't make you look like a fool is just yet another depressing exercise for you on these forums.

This is what, two forums now you are going to be laughed off of? Tisk tisk.

I am almost positive I have slapped the start of a mild form of schizophrenia into that deformed head of yours and you will be yelling out my name and talking about me in real life around random strangers from this exchange for no apparent reason. Like a message board version of tourettes just out of nowhere Looney here will be buying a pound of turkey at the deli and will scream "King Martini" to the shock of everyone around him while tearing up and grinding his teeth.

Come on, little fella. I have plenty more. Post again.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
My mistake, King is obviously short for DunKing-on Fartini...


GTG work see you later Waster.
And this ^^ worthless shit post is what is considered a a white flag for the mentally confused and socially awkward crowd.

King Martini, this site's reigning champion writes;

I have reignited this forum doing my MJ impression dunking

Then this useless to anything but a gloryhole steals;

" derp derp dunKING"

In the exact same thread, harkening back to the days when I would write shit then, in a reply post right under it, BiggieBlimpSized would pretty much copy and paste my shit word for word.

Hey Gangrene talent, do you need me to write you some hot shit too? Or are using internet....hold on let me stop laughing....(shakes head, straightens up) or are using internet meme generators your idea of cutting edge material?

Everybody, hop onto the DeLorean, let's relive 2008 where posting up random Google picks, meme generators, and ripping off talented writers such as yours truly was a thing. Looney here is your captain and idiot savant in that regard and has the situation on lock down.

No wait.... Looney, who lives in a halfway house with criminals yet supposedly (rolls eyes) isn't one himself, has to go to the dildo factory he works at as a product tester.

Hey dumbass, your complete dedication to butchering the English language is a fucking crime itself.

Let's see....

You can't chop, you can't create media of any kind, and you are not only a horrible writer but want to convince anybody that you could hang with great flamers outside of carry their fucking bags from forum to forum.

And no offense, everyone here, including idiots you have been name dropping for emotional support, was laughing at you in the shout box. If your idea was to get lols by being the biggest imbecile on this forum, congrats, retard, you earned it.

Looney, you lost. There's no sense in trying to spin yet another false narrative where you try and come off like some name flamer when there's an actual not only name flamer here, but a top 5 talent of all time in yours truly pointing out just how weak and redundant you actually are. Now that I think about it, you didn't lose, you got slaughtered.

Now, to be fair, you have options. You can point yourself upwards into the other forums where the big bad poofer can't hurt you any more or you can up your game here. That choice is yours and yours alone and I'd think about it deeply if I were you considering. You embarrassed yourself and the only consolation you have is most ppl do when trying to box with yours truly.

I am way too quick witted, too intelligent, and much, much too streamlined for an idiot like you. I am disappointed that not only did I put an epic beating on you but that it was as one sided as it turned out to be.

Your podcast better be a home run or your getting shot out of a cannon from my forum.


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Wow, what a pile O shit ^^^ :LOL3:

shit's from the mouth and ass, fuck buddy you must go through a shit-load of TP :LOL:


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
They say the squeakiest wheel gets the grease but sometimes all it gets is sticky privileges and sore joints from patting itself on the back. It stays spinning in the same ol' rut though.

Rollin' rollin' rollin'...

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
Site Supporter ☠️
TERF Island.
everyone here, including idiots you have been name dropping for emotional support, was laughing at you in the shout box.
Did you just steal a flame I used on you earlier and reworded it? And making fake claims? I'm in the shoutbox doofus.


How to post a lot without saying anything. Yep your a pro at something.:LOL3:

Meanwhile for a non chopper....




Bastard of the Century
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Ahh Blur, me ol'fashioned denizen of destructive prowess, we are not all foreigners to the concept of why flaming never really had a concept to build so insignificant a concept upon; but some of us still feel that those foundations have never really faltered, when confronted by an inability to confront anything that merely involves banging your head against a script wall.

I for one still enjoy the predictability of the lackbluster lackprose intolerant, and the potpourri of political nuance in any given site.

KM is still a survivor, like MK Ultra in a prison block, or on the speediest speed the CIA could never afford.

Oh, don't get me wrong, Sir. Your quasi-poetic blandishments are for naught. I quite like Martino. He knows it, too.

I miss and I missed the early days of flaming, when kings like Martini where still taken seriously. What a grand spectacle that must have been, in that era when has-beens still were.

I'd pay good coin to see the @Master at work. As things stand, I'll likely be buried with me treasure.


Factory Bastard
Oh, don't get me wrong, Sir. Your quasi-poetic blandishments are for naught. I quite like Martino. He knows it, too.

I miss and I missed the early days of flaming, when kings like Martini where still taken seriously. What a grand spectacle that must have been, in that era when has-beens still were.

I'd pay good coin to see the @Master at work. As things stand, I'll likely be buried with me treasure.

I concur, he shares a wit that is rarely given kudos in the over-indulgent mammalian bastard factory. He's like a colourfully character infested meercat, popping its head above the parapet just to have its head blown off by Chris Kyle from a range that far exceeds our normal propagandized and sluggish expectations.

I suspect Blur, that you miss very little in the flash that passes as real time for you... while the rest o'us have to absolve ourselves from our own lethargic tardiness.

I know you never missed much Blur.