Left wing extremism linked to narcissism and psychopathy.

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
Every thinking person already knew this but it is nice to see a study confirming it.

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It perfectly describes Antifa and BLM.

Thats not exactly true though, the research links those with dark triad psychopathy with seeking out extremist type ideologies to exercise power over people, which atm is the far left.


Factory Bastard
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Thats not exactly true though, the research links those with dark triad psychopathy with seeking out extremist type ideologies to exercise power over people, which atm is the far left.
Actually, atm, and for decades and decades, it is the corporation that wields the power over everything and everyone, and that monster is apolitical.


Factory Bastard
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Thats a different issue and corporations have shifted left.
It's not a different issue, and corporations give money to both parties. They ultimately care about profits, not politics. Of course they are inclusive of all people, because all people are potential customers, so gays and minorities are not shunned by them. That's not left-wing, that's just smart.


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Follow the money.


Domestically feral
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United states
Show me your proof that the victim was wearing work boots when he was murdered and the rapid decline in burglaries post his death you naive simpleton


So again, you didn't read the long discussion thread we all had on this topic because in your hate-filled brain you decided all of us and these "right wing groups" that don't exist all think the pricks who shot this guy shouldn't have been convicted.

Which is completely false. The charges we disagreed with but the outcome....not so much. You know it's not so simple.

In your head it's either Arbery was some innocent victim who was doing absolutely nothing and was targeted because he is black. And people who don't agree with THAT certainly MUST be racists who agree that the men were right to shoot him.

It simply CANT be anything beyond those two choices, right? Especailly when you are determined to think the worst of other people and justify your hatred of them.


Domestically feral
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United states

Bottom line, liberals operate on facts and logic, conservatives are emotionally damaged.

None of you are liberal. You are the exact opposite. Liberals stand on liberty.....you want bigger more over reaching government. And you don't welcome opposing views. And you don't listen to or understand where anyone else is coming from.

You are no liberal by any stretch.

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
It's not a different issue, and corporations give money to both parties. They ultimately care about profits, not politics. Of course they are inclusive of all people, because all people are potential customers, so gays and minorities are not shunned by them. That's not left-wing, that's just smart.

Yea but it doesn't say anything about people of the dark triad. Also Corperations are "Acting" left due to ESG and activist harrassment but this is beginning to change.


Domestically feral
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United states
Kindness and real tolerance is a completely alien concept to today's leftist.

They are first world spoiled brats who are fueled by closed minded rage and have no regard or care whatsoever about how their actions or demands will impact other people. They don't care about anyone else. It's entirely all about them.

The rage and entitlement is astounding. Women aren't even allowed to have boundaries anymore or have a say in what goes on in our own spaces without being labeled and attacked.

And if a woman or girl gets assaulted as a result of leftist demands....SHE is the bad guy. Look how they just ignore how men are lying about identifying as women so they can rape women in prisons. Or how they ignore that poor girl in VA who was raped in the ass.

They shit they overlook because .....God fucking forbid we make decisions based on biological sex for the safety of women. We all HAVE to be forced to believe in gender stereotypes.

And the riots....they care so much about Floyd but Secoria Turner is just garbage.

They really just do not care and enjoy abusing and hating people.


Domestically feral
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United states
Thats rubbish, left are idealists and right realists and of course there are both and exceptions but realism has closer relation to facts and logic.

It gets me how they try to call themselves liberals while being full blown authoritarians. We really shouldn't let them control language like they do.