Left wing racism failing as always.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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In the meantime, we'll still keep growing the food they eat, producing the wine they drink, providing entertainment and the technology that drives this country...even when they hate.
Imagine being an American and not realizing some people always think the grass is greener over there. Yanno being a nation of immigrants and all.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
It's the most populous state in the nation and the 5th largest economy in the world. Haters have been burying CA over and over for decades and we always come out on top.

Poor fella is stuck somewhere in Ohio

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
See what I mean?
Liberals hate black people.....they are responsible for the Jim Crow Era rules that held people down for decades......you are responsible for it, just like the call for reparations.......yiu must pay........you have not namedvthe racist commenter........therefire it must be you!

You support unrestricted migrant influx into America......children suffer.....women suffer......Admin. laughs at their pain an suffering........It is inhuman......Admin. is inhuman.

One day Black folk will become aware.......and your kind will be decimated........that will be a fun day HAHA

@Lily.......she and her's will suffer toooooo

@Lotuswill be sitting pretty with zero fucks to give as longvascthe paella holds out, because leftists are the most un-empathetic pieces of human excrement on the Earth.

Now........after all that......can you tell me who made the racist statements?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Liberals hate black people.....they are responsible for the Jim Crow Era rules that held people down for decades......you are responsible for it, just like the call for reparations.......yiu must pay........you have not namedvthe racist commenter........therefire it must be you!

You support unrestricted migrant influx into America......children suffer.....women suffer......Admin. laughs at their pain an suffering........It is inhuman......Admin. is inhuman.

One day Black folk will become aware.......and your kind will be decimated........that will be a fun day HAHA

@Lily.......she and her's will suffer toooooo

@Lotuswill be sitting pretty with zero fucks to give as longvascthe paella holds out, because leftists are the most un-empathetic pieces of human excrement on the Earth.

Now........after all that......can you tell me who made the racist statements?

Why am I suffering again? Are you high?

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
Directly out of Killary's mouth........if only she could figure out a use for that mouth other tgan hate speech.......accusing young black men of violence.......at least ol' Slick Willy got them prisons built

This is the Leftist legacy.....supporting mass imprisonment of young blacks.

Oh well.....very sad really

The Atomic Punk

Factory Bastard
And what was the GOP doing at the time?
Can you tell me? You seem to know.....Or is this another empty rhetorical statement that has no substance?

It is up to you now to demonstrate your ability to debate.

You must respond......or........admit you're full of shit

Cite what you think the GOP did.