Lefties have a meltdown about Conservatives winning Alberta

senior penor

Factory Bastard
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I mean they are FUCKING MAD! Remember, some pollsters were saying the NDP was going to win in a landslide, while most reputable ones said it was going to be close, but popular vote and seat count saw it was a solid UCP win even after all the little fringe party votes went to the NDP
It was absolutely hilarious! back in april, they had pollsters saying the NDP was gonna win a majority ans Rachel Notley'sv NDP was a shoe-in for sure, and was just riding on a wave of people feeling betrayed by jason kenney and the UCP's covid betrayal.

then the election writ was dropped in May. notley opened her big fat yap and said she was going to skyrocket business taxes, while Danielle was too busy dealing with all the wildfires and did only a little bit of campaigning. the MSM, the unions, far-left groups peddled the attack ads non-stop for weeks and clearly had the media side locked down and heavily in favour of notley. progressives should be popping bubbly soy milk or something and wait for it to become official on may 29th, right?

The polls flipped to being a close race and got worse the closer they got to elections as Notley ran her mouth and bragged about wanting to raise taxes and shut down private clinics with no plan to replace them, and cranking the fear mongering up to 11. Then the far left didn't proofread what they shared and also did a complete stupid by sharing this article:
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Between 2018 and 2022, Alberta ranked last in Canada in growth in average weekly earnings, change in the minimum wage, change in share of Canadian non-residential investment, change in labour compensation share of GDP, growth in real GDP per capita at basic prices, and change in the employment-population growth.

The study says: “The only economic indicator in which Alberta has led all provinces has been the growth of corporate profits: they increased by 145 per cent between 2018 and 2022, and the growth of profits relative to GDP in Alberta has led all provinces.
They were citing 2018 and 2019 as well. the UCP wasn't elected until April 16 of 2019. Dumb lefties had their rage-induced blinders on so damn tight that they admitted Notley last year and a half as premier were a disaster, and wages and investment stagnated to dead last under notley's reign. This article wasn't just a few pages here and there, they pimped this article everywhere!
In other words, lefties cost themselves the election! They had every advantage going for them, and they STILL LOST!
Now why did I mention this? Because it shows lefties are losing. there is no "MAGA" to blame it on, and the leader of the lefties was coherant and had every advantage in the book, and still couldn't pull it off.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Good looking conservative women make admin meltdown. He’s a fucking sissy
senior penor

senior penor

Factory Bastard
Maybe someday you Canucks will heed Donald Trump's wisdom and start raking your forests!

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Notley slashed the wildfire budget and started tearing up contracts with waterbombers right before the fort mcmurray fire. Do you think that stupid socialist was gonna use that money for things like forestry management? Thats another reason why they lost. wildfires reminded people of what Notley did. perhaps donald trump could've taken some time out of his 2016 prdidential bid and remind that stupid socialist. lol


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Notley slashed the wildfire budget and started tearing up contracts with waterbombers right before the fort mcmurray fire. Do you think that stupid socialist was gonna use that money for things like forestry management? Thats another reason why they lost. wildfires reminded people of what Notley did. perhaps donald trump could've taken some time out of his 2016 prdidential bid and remind that stupid socialist. lol

Epic story, eh!