Remember, there's no such thing as fraud committed by lefties


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Not enough to sway the results of an election. Funny how you people edit shit to suit your lies.

No one said there is NO FRAUD, there's not enough to change the results of an election on either side. Too bad you people are liars and tell half-truths.
But that doesn't stop the Republitards from already bitching and whining about the current election, while threatening Election workers.

"Stahp da stele!" average Trumptard


Domestically feral
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United states
Not enough to sway the results of an election. Funny how you people edit shit to suit your lies.

No one said there is NO FRAUD, there's not enough to change the results of an election on either side. Too bad you people are liars and tell half-truths.

Are you SURE no one said there is NO FRAUD? Because when Democrats win, that is exactly what they say.

And now they are preemptively claimed republicans are cheating because they know they are likely going to lose.

We are the ones who want elections to be made more secure.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
But that doesn't stop the Republitards from already bitching and whining about the current election, while threatening Election workers.

"Stahp da stele!" average Trumptard

Democrats are literally claiming Republicans are already cheating.

Or is that far right extremists dressing up like known democrats and saying it to make you guys look bad?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Are you SURE no one said there is NO FRAUD? Because when Democrats win, that is exactly what they say.

And now they are preemptively claimed republicans are cheating because they know they are likely going to lose.

We are the ones who want elections to be made more secure.

Is there an idiot somewhere that has said there is "NO FRAUD"? I'm sure there is an idiot that has said that.

However, the vast majority of people in the party have said, along with the GOP, that there isn't enough to change the outcome of an election.

That I am sure of...


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
It's totally true and perfectly okay when democrats scream and yell and accuse opposition of cheating in elections.

But when they win elections.....anyone who voices mistrust of the election is a TERRORIST.

These unhinged liars even threaten civil war if they lose. And their loony toon followers accuse us of all the shit they actually do.


Domestically feral
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United states
"Trump knows he is an illegitimate president"

Everyone sees the hypocrisy here. When democrats lose its perfectly fine for them to abuse the other half of the country and scream "illegitimate" and spend tax dollars on partisan impeachments and bullshit investigations.

But the very minute other people say they do not trust democrats....omg its terrorism and suddenly protesting and questioning the election is domestic terrorism and we have politcal prisoners and Orwellian censorship.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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Not enough to sway the results of an election. Funny how you people edit shit to suit your lies.

No one said there is NO FRAUD, there's not enough to change the results of an election on either side. Too bad you people are liars and tell half-truths.
And to tell of people who haven't learned with all the disgrace that this ideology has brought all over the world?

And you know what? I agree, They don't need fraud to get what they want anymore

They have enough brainwashed people who are convinced they know the "truth" and will gladly jump into the precipice like little depressed lemmings to make their masters happy.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
And to tell of people who haven't learned with all the disgrace that this ideology has brought all over the world?

And you know what? I agree, They don't need fraud to get what they want anymore

They have enough brainwashed people who are convinced they know the "truth" and will gladly jump into the precipice like little depressed lemmings to make their masters happy.

Well, now you're talking ideology. I thought this was about election fraud.

You must have your goal posts mounted on wheels and motorized...

Your side is able to persuade voters as well. Funny how people all over the world are sick of right-wing politics...


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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Well, now you're talking ideology. I thought this was about election fraud.

You must have your goal posts mounted on wheels and motorized...

Your side is able to persuade voters as well. Funny how people all over the world are sick of right-wing politics...

You say you hate everyone. That alone says how we should take your opinions.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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Fucking stupid. Liberals are the most fucking stupid people that ever existed. Period.

And these ones that haven't learned with all the places where it failed miserably are certainly the ultimate ones in terms of stupidity.

At least the ones that came before had an excuse, but after, so, SO MANY failures, the fact that so many still want this shit is unbelievable.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Fucking stupid. Liberals are the most fucking stupid people that ever existed. Period.

And these ones that haven't learned with all the places where it failed miserably are certainly the ultimate ones in terms of stupidity.

At least the ones that came before had an excuse, but after, so, SO MANY failures, the fact that so many still want this shit is unbelievable.
U mad bro? Is Lula in the room now? :Bwahaha:


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Fucking stupid. Liberals are the most fucking stupid people that ever existed. Period.

And these ones that haven't learned with all the places where it failed miserably are certainly the ultimate ones in terms of stupidity.

At least the ones that came before had an excuse, but after, so, SO MANY failures, the fact that so many still want this shit is unbelievable.

Your problem is that you conservatives don't convince anyone either. People live under your governance and they turn to the other side.

The problem is that no one sees is that the extremes attract few. You are an extremist and if your side loses, you talk of turning to violence.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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Now the supreme court in Brazoo is trying to make the refugees from Venezuela to shut up.

They are desperate warning us that's exactly how their country went to hell.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Yeah, even your Obammy said he was a thug

Maybe you should try bringing your white ass to Brazil now in 2023

Just make sure you don't make a wrong turn into a favela``

Now the supreme court in Brazoo is trying to make the refugees from Venezuela to shut up.

They are desperate warning us that's exactly how their country went to hell.
Maybe you should shoot all the refugees from that evil communiss and violent regime?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
They had a well known Antifa account in the sewer known as Portland bragging about how many mail in ballots he had stolen and filled out for far left candidates. They were openly urging other Antifa to commit voter fraud.

There is not enough voter fraud to change the outcomes of elections.

What voter fraud really means is "Those coloreds get to vote and they never vote for us."

I wonder why?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
We think but do not know that for sure. They best way to tackle the issue is to actually enact the 2003 bipartisan election security recommendations to make sure our elections are as clean and transparent as possible. Yes, that is going to mean most mail in ballots ha e to go because that is the single most likely avenue for voter fraud according to the findings of the bipartisan commission.

You will notice dems are doing the opposite of that though. It is like they are trying to promote voter fraud.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
We think but do not know that for sure. They best way to tackle the issue is to actually enact the 2003 bipartisan election security recommendations to make sure our elections are as clean and transparent as possible. Yes, that is going to mean most mail in ballots ha e to go because that is the single most likely avenue for voter fraud according to the findings of the bipartisan commission.

You will notice dems are doing the opposite of that though. It is like they are trying to promote voter fraud.
fuck your paranoia, I would rather do some infrastructure repair, you screaming sheeple. Do you drive on roads and bridges and freeways?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Well, now you're talking ideology. I thought this was about election fraud.

You must have your goal posts mounted on wheels and motorized...

Your side is able to persuade voters as well. Funny how people all over the world are sick of right-wing politics...

Read your last sentence a few times. You psychopaths do not view your opposition as humans. Or people. You've legit entered into the psychology of genocide and you still think your "side" are the good guys.

Do you know what persuades voters? Watching what your politcains do and how their voters treat everyone like garbage.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
fuck your paranoia, I would rather do some infrastructure repair, you screaming sheeple. Do you drive on roads and bridges and freeways?

Right that's why instead of passing the infrastructure bill during Trumps term you guys were screaming about Russiagate and how Trump was "illegitimate".

Now that Biden was installed and the infrastructure bill was loaded up with partisan pork you pretend you really give a shit about 7 percent of that bill (because that's all that's going to infrastructure).