LOL looks like Antifa got another beatdown in Portland


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
I won't be a gimp come the 2nd week of September, but you'll still be a sawed off runt with a major inferiority complex, sorry to be so up front with you, but you needed to hear it from someone you lust after.
What, you go full blown fairy nonce with butterfly wings and rename yourself to Puff The Magic Spazzoid at that time you freak show cock sleeve?

Puff the Magic Spazzoid,
Lived by Oregon.
And smoked the cock,
And smoked the rock,
In the land of gay ass mon. (said with a Jamaican accent) lol


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This is what a craphole Portland has become. You have drugged out white chicks acting like ghetto trash, some guy tries to break up their cat fight, and, of course, some low I.Q. thug comes up and shoots him for no reason. Yeah, defunding the police has been so successful.

Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
It was about 3 years ago that I sat across the table from a guy who asked me to help him form a chapter of Proud Boys. I declined because I have enough stuff going on in my life.

But if things ever escalate with The Proud Boys versus Antifa, I will have to reconsider. The itch to knock the shit out of some commie scum has been building inside me...

I was involved with the English Defence League and the North West Infidels around 2010-2015 time. These groups may start off with good intentions but always get infiltrated by feds. Sometimes they're even honeypot state set ups from the start.

Antifa will have paid agitators in their ranks also, it's unavoidable with this kind of thing.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I can handle myself and have a go when need be, but if I saw these lot coming towards me looking for a scrap I'd be thinking oh fuck....


Bunch of violent morons.

1) When Antifa said they were going to attack the "Love not hatred" rally the rally organizers relocated their event 10 miles away.

2) Antifa then got into vehicles and traveled ten miles away from their rally point for the sole purpose of causing violence. Violence Antifa did start when they attempted to use a van to run people over only to lose control and crash into a ditch.

3) Notice how everything was peaceful and fine until Antifa attempted vehicular homicide and began throwing explosives into crowds or people.

Yet you blame the people who Antifa attacked and attempted murder for defending themselves?

Antifa showed up to a protest being held by women who were protesting a man who had exposed himself to a little girl at Wi Spa and the spa did nothing.

So antifa showed up to attack and bully these women.

So it's okay now for far left groups to violently attack the rights of other citizens, okay for them to destroy communities. ......but anyone defending themselves are the violent ones

Evidently we should just shut up and go home and do as antifa wants. Because they can brutalize you if you dont and that's okay.
It really pisses me off when the Anteefers attack weddings and funerals , and the little children's school field trips!


Didnt piss you off when they attacked family worship.

Or attacked a womans protest

But yeah you know, we are so stupid for talking about this. Clearly it's just a "con boogy man" right? How dumb are we?

Smh. When these fascists do start attacking weddings and funerals, we already know you'll just mock people for taking issue with it.

Notice these fags only get cocky when faced with people who clearly don't want to fight...
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I can handle myself and have a go when need be, but if I saw these lot coming towards me looking for a scrap I'd be thinking oh fuck....


Bunch of violent morons.

1) When Antifa said they were going to attack the "Love not hatred" rally the rally organizers relocated their event 10 miles away.

2) Antifa then got into vehicles and traveled ten miles away from their rally point for the sole purpose of causing violence. Violence Antifa did start when they attempted to use a van to run people over only to lose control and crash into a ditch.

3) Notice how everything was peaceful and fine until Antifa attempted vehicular homicide and began throwing explosives into crowds or people.

Yet you blame the people who Antifa attacked and attempted murder for defending themselves?

Antifa showed up to a protest being held by women who were protesting a man who had exposed himself to a little girl at Wi Spa and the spa did nothing.

So antifa showed up to attack and bully these women.

So it's okay now for far left groups to violently attack the rights of other citizens, okay for them to destroy communities. ......but anyone defending themselves are the violent ones

Evidently we should just shut up and go home and do as antifa wants. Because they can brutalize you if you dont and that's okay.
It really pisses me off when the Anteefers attack weddings and funerals , and the little children's school field trips!


Didnt piss you off when they attacked family worship.

Or attacked a womans protest

But yeah you know, we are so stupid for talking about this. Clearly it's just a "con boogy man" right? How dumb are we?

Smh. When these fascists do start attacking weddings and funerals, we already know you'll just mock people for taking issue with it.

Jesus Christ. There are maybe 30 people in that first video, and all of them, I repeat, ALL OF THEM, look and sound mentally unbalanced. And this is what has you so worked up and so enraged at the left? They are not representative of an actual movement, or the opinions of the majority of people on the left. Please, put on your thinking cap.

Yet you and your comrades never condemn Antifa or BLM violence.

It's easy to see why people think that you support these groups.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I can handle myself and have a go when need be, but if I saw these lot coming towards me looking for a scrap I'd be thinking oh fuck....


Bunch of violent morons.

1) When Antifa said they were going to attack the "Love not hatred" rally the rally organizers relocated their event 10 miles away.

2) Antifa then got into vehicles and traveled ten miles away from their rally point for the sole purpose of causing violence. Violence Antifa did start when they attempted to use a van to run people over only to lose control and crash into a ditch.

3) Notice how everything was peaceful and fine until Antifa attempted vehicular homicide and began throwing explosives into crowds or people.

Yet you blame the people who Antifa attacked and attempted murder for defending themselves?

Antifa showed up to a protest being held by women who were protesting a man who had exposed himself to a little girl at Wi Spa and the spa did nothing.

So antifa showed up to attack and bully these women.

So it's okay now for far left groups to violently attack the rights of other citizens, okay for them to destroy communities. ......but anyone defending themselves are the violent ones

Evidently we should just shut up and go home and do as antifa wants. Because they can brutalize you if you dont and that's okay.
It really pisses me off when the Anteefers attack weddings and funerals , and the little children's school field trips!


Didnt piss you off when they attacked family worship.

Or attacked a womans protest

But yeah you know, we are so stupid for talking about this. Clearly it's just a "con boogy man" right? How dumb are we?

Smh. When these fascists do start attacking weddings and funerals, we already know you'll just mock people for taking issue with it.

Jesus Christ. There are maybe 30 people in that first video, and all of them, I repeat, ALL OF THEM, look and sound mentally unbalanced. And this is what has you so worked up and so enraged at the left? They are not representative of an actual movement, or the opinions of the majority of people on the left. Please, put on your thinking cap.

Yet you and your comrades never condemn Antifa or BLM violence.

It's easy to see why people think that you support these groups.

Yet, in reality, I condemn ALL of the violence. I always have and always will. That's what I did in the post you are responding to. I have yet to see one of you righties condemn violence from your side. Not one of you has ever done so.

I am literally a pacfist. I do not believe in war, and I do not believe in any of this violence. My issue with you people is you make heroes out of people like Kyle Rittenhouse, Zimmerman, Bush and his wars, and the Proud Boys. What left wing murderer have I ever defended? I will pay you 1000 dollars to link me to proof I have ever defended a murderer of any kind, or that I support BLM or Antifa violence. You are such hypocrites.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
It was about 3 years ago that I sat across the table from a guy who asked me to help him form a chapter of Proud Boys. I declined because I have enough stuff going on in my life.

But if things ever escalate with The Proud Boys versus Antifa, I will have to reconsider. The itch to knock the shit out of some commie scum has been building inside me...

I was involved with the English Defence League and the North West Infidels around 2010-2015 time. These groups may start off with good intentions but always get infiltrated by feds. Sometimes they're even honeypot state set ups from the start.

Antifa will have paid agitators in their ranks also, it's unavoidable with this kind of thing.

I've been saying that all along, haven't I?
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I can handle myself and have a go when need be, but if I saw these lot coming towards me looking for a scrap I'd be thinking oh fuck....


Bunch of violent morons.

1) When Antifa said they were going to attack the "Love not hatred" rally the rally organizers relocated their event 10 miles away.

2) Antifa then got into vehicles and traveled ten miles away from their rally point for the sole purpose of causing violence. Violence Antifa did start when they attempted to use a van to run people over only to lose control and crash into a ditch.

3) Notice how everything was peaceful and fine until Antifa attempted vehicular homicide and began throwing explosives into crowds or people.

Yet you blame the people who Antifa attacked and attempted murder for defending themselves?

Antifa showed up to a protest being held by women who were protesting a man who had exposed himself to a little girl at Wi Spa and the spa did nothing.

So antifa showed up to attack and bully these women.

So it's okay now for far left groups to violently attack the rights of other citizens, okay for them to destroy communities. ......but anyone defending themselves are the violent ones

Evidently we should just shut up and go home and do as antifa wants. Because they can brutalize you if you dont and that's okay.
It really pisses me off when the Anteefers attack weddings and funerals , and the little children's school field trips!


Didnt piss you off when they attacked family worship.

Or attacked a womans protest

But yeah you know, we are so stupid for talking about this. Clearly it's just a "con boogy man" right? How dumb are we?

Smh. When these fascists do start attacking weddings and funerals, we already know you'll just mock people for taking issue with it.

Jesus Christ. There are maybe 30 people in that first video, and all of them, I repeat, ALL OF THEM, look and sound mentally unbalanced. And this is what has you so worked up and so enraged at the left? They are not representative of an actual movement, or the opinions of the majority of people on the left. Please, put on your thinking cap.

Yet you and your comrades never condemn Antifa or BLM violence.

It's easy to see why people think that you support these groups.

Yet, in reality, I condemn ALL of the violence. I always have and always will. That's what I did in the post you are responding to. I have yet to see one of you righties condemn violence from your side. Not one of you has ever done so.

I am literally a pacfist. I do not believe in war, and I do not believe in any of this violence. My issue with you people is you make heroes out of people like Kyle Rittenhouse, Zimmerman, Bush and his wars, and the Proud Boys. What left wing murderer have I ever defended? I will pay you 1000 dollars to link me to proof I have ever defended a murderer of any kind, or that I support BLM or Antifa violence. You are such hypocrites.

Challenge accepted..... get your cheque book ready.

I can think of one example off the top of my head already, you've defended Nelson Mandella in the past and crowed about how wonderful it is that aparthied ended in South Africa.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I can handle myself and have a go when need be, but if I saw these lot coming towards me looking for a scrap I'd be thinking oh fuck....


Bunch of violent morons.

1) When Antifa said they were going to attack the "Love not hatred" rally the rally organizers relocated their event 10 miles away.

2) Antifa then got into vehicles and traveled ten miles away from their rally point for the sole purpose of causing violence. Violence Antifa did start when they attempted to use a van to run people over only to lose control and crash into a ditch.

3) Notice how everything was peaceful and fine until Antifa attempted vehicular homicide and began throwing explosives into crowds or people.

Yet you blame the people who Antifa attacked and attempted murder for defending themselves?

Antifa showed up to a protest being held by women who were protesting a man who had exposed himself to a little girl at Wi Spa and the spa did nothing.

So antifa showed up to attack and bully these women.

So it's okay now for far left groups to violently attack the rights of other citizens, okay for them to destroy communities. ......but anyone defending themselves are the violent ones

Evidently we should just shut up and go home and do as antifa wants. Because they can brutalize you if you dont and that's okay.
It really pisses me off when the Anteefers attack weddings and funerals , and the little children's school field trips!


Didnt piss you off when they attacked family worship.

Or attacked a womans protest

But yeah you know, we are so stupid for talking about this. Clearly it's just a "con boogy man" right? How dumb are we?

Smh. When these fascists do start attacking weddings and funerals, we already know you'll just mock people for taking issue with it.

Jesus Christ. There are maybe 30 people in that first video, and all of them, I repeat, ALL OF THEM, look and sound mentally unbalanced. And this is what has you so worked up and so enraged at the left? They are not representative of an actual movement, or the opinions of the majority of people on the left. Please, put on your thinking cap.

Yet you and your comrades never condemn Antifa or BLM violence.

It's easy to see why people think that you support these groups.

Yet, in reality, I condemn ALL of the violence. I always have and always will. That's what I did in the post you are responding to. I have yet to see one of you righties condemn violence from your side. Not one of you has ever done so.

I am literally a pacfist. I do not believe in war, and I do not believe in any of this violence. My issue with you people is you make heroes out of people like Kyle Rittenhouse, Zimmerman, Bush and his wars, and the Proud Boys. What left wing murderer have I ever defended? I will pay you 1000 dollars to link me to proof I have ever defended a murderer of any kind, or that I support BLM or Antifa violence. You are such hypocrites.

Challenge accepted..... get your cheque book ready.

I can think of one example off the top of my head already, you've defended Nelson Mandella in the past and crowed about how wonderful it is that aparthied ended in South Africa.

Link to me defending violence.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Oh no, your exact words were "link me to proof I have ever defended a murderer of any kind". Nelson Mandella had the blood of hundreds, maybe thousands on his hands....

Is Paypal ok?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Oh no, your exact words were "link me to proof I have ever defended a murderer of any kind". Nelson Mandella had the blood of hundreds, maybe thousands on his hands....

Is Paypal ok?

I don't see a link. My exact words were "link me to proof," and NOW I will clarify what you may have missed with your poor reading comprehension skills: Link me to proof I ever supported a murderer of any kind FOR MURDERING someone, the way you people support Rittenhouse and Zimmerman. Don't give me any shit about this. That is what I meant, and that is the proof I demand.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I can handle myself and have a go when need be, but if I saw these lot coming towards me looking for a scrap I'd be thinking oh fuck....


Bunch of violent morons.

1) When Antifa said they were going to attack the "Love not hatred" rally the rally organizers relocated their event 10 miles away.

2) Antifa then got into vehicles and traveled ten miles away from their rally point for the sole purpose of causing violence. Violence Antifa did start when they attempted to use a van to run people over only to lose control and crash into a ditch.

3) Notice how everything was peaceful and fine until Antifa attempted vehicular homicide and began throwing explosives into crowds or people.

Yet you blame the people who Antifa attacked and attempted murder for defending themselves?

Antifa showed up to a protest being held by women who were protesting a man who had exposed himself to a little girl at Wi Spa and the spa did nothing.

So antifa showed up to attack and bully these women.

So it's okay now for far left groups to violently attack the rights of other citizens, okay for them to destroy communities. ......but anyone defending themselves are the violent ones

Evidently we should just shut up and go home and do as antifa wants. Because they can brutalize you if you dont and that's okay.
It really pisses me off when the Anteefers attack weddings and funerals , and the little children's school field trips!


Didnt piss you off when they attacked family worship.

Or attacked a womans protest

But yeah you know, we are so stupid for talking about this. Clearly it's just a "con boogy man" right? How dumb are we?

Smh. When these fascists do start attacking weddings and funerals, we already know you'll just mock people for taking issue with it.

Jesus Christ. There are maybe 30 people in that first video, and all of them, I repeat, ALL OF THEM, look and sound mentally unbalanced. And this is what has you so worked up and so enraged at the left? They are not representative of an actual movement, or the opinions of the majority of people on the left. Please, put on your thinking cap.

Yet you and your comrades never condemn Antifa or BLM violence.

It's easy to see why people think that you support these groups.

Yet, in reality, I condemn ALL of the violence. I always have and always will. That's what I did in the post you are responding to. I have yet to see one of you righties condemn violence from your side. Not one of you has ever done so.

I am literally a pacfist. I do not believe in war, and I do not believe in any of this violence. My issue with you people is you make heroes out of people like Kyle Rittenhouse, Zimmerman, Bush and his wars, and the Proud Boys. What left wing murderer have I ever defended? I will pay you 1000 dollars to link me to proof I have ever defended a murderer of any kind, or that I support BLM or Antifa violence. You are such hypocrites.

Challenge accepted..... get your cheque book ready.

I can think of one example off the top of my head already, you've defended Nelson Mandella in the past and crowed about how wonderful it is that aparthied ended in South Africa.

Link to me defending violence.

Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
You know aswell as I do that my accusation is correct, I'm not trawling through years worth of your old posts for a measly $1000.

Come on, you Jews always have shekels, dig a little deeper. $5000 and I'll accept the challenge. Deal?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
You know aswell as I do that my accusation is correct, I'm not trawling through years worth of your old posts for a measly $1000.

Come on, you Jews always have shekels, dig a little deeper. $5000 and I'll accept the challenge. Deal?

I don't give a shit. My money, my proposal, my rules. I asked for a LINK, which I don't see, and I want a link to me defending a murderer FOR murdering. And I am talking political stuff, not some random guy who murdered someone who deserved to be murdered. Don't like the terms, don't play.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I've already reminded you that you have in fact defended a murderer in the past, the only thing stopping you from parting with your ill gotten gains is my laziness.

However, if I decide to actually bother searching through your archived posts, you know full well that your bs will be exposed once again...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I've already reminded you that you have in fact defended a murderer in the past, the only thing stopping you from parting with your ill gotten gains is my laziness.

However, if I decide to actually bother searching through your archived posts, you know full well that your bs will be exposed once again...

Yeah. Right. There is no link to me defending Mandela for murdering anyone. And you know it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
This what you said.

I will pay you 1000 dollars to link me to proof I have ever defended a murderer of any kind, or that I support BLM or Antifa violence.

And yes you have defended Mandella in the past, saying his rule was preferable to apartheid.

That is not a defense of murder. I defend Tucker Carlson for particular things he says now and then. That doesn't mean I defend his racism and his classism or other things he does or says.

I am still requiring a link, to me defending a murderer for murdering for political reasons. Like you people have defended Rittenhouse and Zimmerman solely for the murders they committed. Those two did nothing good with their lives. They were fuckups who murdered and you defended the murders themselves. I'm looking for a link to me doing the same.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
This is what a craphole Portland has become. You have drugged out white chicks acting like ghetto trash, some guy tries to break up their cat fight, and, of course, some low I.Q. thug comes up and shoots him for no reason. Yeah, defunding the police has been so successful.

Fucking wow.

I'm sure antifa and their fans would tell you people are acting this way due to years of "trauma" from an "abusive capitalist system" and they just need time and a universal income before everyone loves eachother.

Or course.....that's completely delusional hogwash and that man was just murdered on the sidewalk by animals.

Why is there a 16 year old girl out there? Do her parents hate her?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
This what you said.

I will pay you 1000 dollars to link me to proof I have ever defended a murderer of any kind, or that I support BLM or Antifa violence.

And yes you have defended Mandella in the past, saying his rule was preferable to apartheid.

That is not a defense of murder. I defend Tucker Carlson for particular things he says now and then. That doesn't mean I defend his racism and his classism or other things he does or says.

I am still requiring a link, to me defending a murderer for murdering for political reasons. Like you people have defended Rittenhouse and Zimmerman solely for the murders they committed. Those two did nothing good with their lives. They were fuckups who murdered and you defended the murders themselves. I'm looking for a link to me doing the same.

I defend Rittenhouse because he was actively fleeing and being persued, and if that's ever me or one of my kids running from violent rioters I want to make sure we have the rights to defend ourselves.

Where has Tucker been racist or classist?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
This is what a craphole Portland has become. You have drugged out white chicks acting like ghetto trash, some guy tries to break up their cat fight, and, of course, some low I.Q. thug comes up and shoots him for no reason. Yeah, defunding the police has been so successful.

Fucking wow.

I'm sure antifa and their fans would tell you people are acting this way due to years of "trauma" from an "abusive capitalist system" and they just need time and a universal income before everyone loves eachother.

Or course.....that's completely delusional hogwash and that man was just murdered on the sidewalk by animals.

Why is there a 16 year old girl out there? Do her parents hate her?

Yeah. Similar to what Rittenhouse did. But your ilk made him a hero and gave him millions of dollars.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
This what you said.

I will pay you 1000 dollars to link me to proof I have ever defended a murderer of any kind, or that I support BLM or Antifa violence.

And yes you have defended Mandella in the past, saying his rule was preferable to apartheid.

That is not a defense of murder. I defend Tucker Carlson for particular things he says now and then. That doesn't mean I defend his racism and his classism or other things he does or says.

I am still requiring a link, to me defending a murderer for murdering for political reasons. Like you people have defended Rittenhouse and Zimmerman solely for the murders they committed. Those two did nothing good with their lives. They were fuckups who murdered and you defended the murders themselves. I'm looking for a link to me doing the same.

You didn't demand a link showing you defending a murderer for committing murder. You just said show you where you defended a murderer.

You do realise that means 2 different things?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
This what you said.

I will pay you 1000 dollars to link me to proof I have ever defended a murderer of any kind, or that I support BLM or Antifa violence.

And yes you have defended Mandella in the past, saying his rule was preferable to apartheid.

That is not a defense of murder. I defend Tucker Carlson for particular things he says now and then. That doesn't mean I defend his racism and his classism or other things he does or says.

I am still requiring a link, to me defending a murderer for murdering for political reasons. Like you people have defended Rittenhouse and Zimmerman solely for the murders they committed. Those two did nothing good with their lives. They were fuckups who murdered and you defended the murders themselves. I'm looking for a link to me doing the same.

You didn't demand a link showing you defending a murderer for committing murder. You just said show you where you defended a murderer.

You do realise that means 2 different things?

I'm going to say it one more time: My challenge, my rules. I am telling you what the rules are, and I have clarified several times since that first post. Take it or leave it. I still don't see a link anyway.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
This is what a craphole Portland has become. You have drugged out white chicks acting like ghetto trash, some guy tries to break up their cat fight, and, of course, some low I.Q. thug comes up and shoots him for no reason. Yeah, defunding the police has been so successful.

Fucking wow.

I'm sure antifa and their fans would tell you people are acting this way due to years of "trauma" from an "abusive capitalist system" and they just need time and a universal income before everyone loves eachother.

Or course.....that's completely delusional hogwash and that man was just murdered on the sidewalk by animals.

Why is there a 16 year old girl out there? Do her parents hate her?

Yeah. Similar to what Rittenhouse did. But your ilk made him a hero and gave him millions of dollars.

Made who famous?

Rittenhouse was being actively persued and attacked. You can SEE it.

I'm sorry but just because the rioters are rioting a left wing cause does NOT give them a right to attack other citizens. Rittenhouse was trying to flee. When you get shot actively perusing someone, that's self defense.

The only reason my "ilk" made him a hero is because we wont tolerate having our rights to defend ourselves criminalized. Your "ilk" is trying to paint him a mass shooter and that's a complete lie. My "ilk" stood in the way of an example being made of someone who DEFENDED themselves. Which is absolute tyranny.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Always moving the goal posts, typical leftist.

Nope. The goal posts were not moved at all. I just had to clarify because you cons are incapable of understanding nuance and inference. The Carlson analogy was supposed to clear that up for your crowded little pea brain.

You don't have a link and you never will, so what do you care.

I did a search for you. There are NO posts here where I defend Mandela for anything.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
This is what a craphole Portland has become. You have drugged out white chicks acting like ghetto trash, some guy tries to break up their cat fight, and, of course, some low I.Q. thug comes up and shoots him for no reason. Yeah, defunding the police has been so successful.

Fucking wow.

I'm sure antifa and their fans would tell you people are acting this way due to years of "trauma" from an "abusive capitalist system" and they just need time and a universal income before everyone loves eachother.

Or course.....that's completely delusional hogwash and that man was just murdered on the sidewalk by animals.

Why is there a 16 year old girl out there? Do her parents hate her?

Yeah. Similar to what Rittenhouse did. But your ilk made him a hero and gave him millions of dollars.

Made who famous?

Rittenhouse was being actively persued and attacked. You can SEE it.

I'm sorry but just because the rioters are rioting a left wing cause does NOT give them a right to attack other citizens. Rittenhouse was trying to flee. When you get shot actively perusing someone, that's self defense.

The only reason my "ilk" made him a hero is because we wont tolerate having our rights to defend ourselves criminalized. Your "ilk" is trying to paint him a mass shooter and that's a complete lie. My "ilk" stood in the way of an example being made of someone who DEFENDED themselves. Which is absolute tyranny.

I never said ANYONE has the right to attack anyone. And, by American law, you don't have the right to murder anyone unless the attack on you is life threatening. I cannot murder you for trying to stop me from murdering someone else. Rittenhouse is, and now always will be, a murderer. You can see that in the videos. So is Zimmerman.