Marijuana - Post Your Thoughts

Bastard Factory

Chairman of the Bored
Vegas Strip


This thread is for nothing more than the internets most potent and stickiest comments.




Professional Yeti Hunter
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I am pretty strict about my growing. Even taking trips away from them is hard and I trust very few people and leave a schedule for them. I am also a trim nazi. I have made people cry. Cannabis is fun to grow for me and I have been doing it for 23 years. I really don't smoke that much but I enjoy growing so there are a couple folks who find it easier just to pay me to do it.

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
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York, P.A.
I cannot imagine you making anyone cry for some reason.
I love smoking it, it's either smoke or take endless antidepressants and anti anxiety meds and well fuck that.


Professional Yeti Hunter
Site Supporter
I love CBD strains but I am pretty picky about THC strains. I prefer Indica. I wasn't trying to make anyone cry I just had to cut someone off because their trimming went to shit as they drank more. It was a combo of drunk/stoned emotional trimmer and me saying "take that shit down and redo it of you are fired."

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Site Supporter ☠️
York, P.A.
I'd cry too if I got cut off from an opportunity like that and I don't drink. I smoke what I can get my hands on so half the time I don't even know what strain it is My mood dictates whether I like sativa dominant or indica dominant but try to avoid strains that are significantly one or the other.


Professional Yeti Hunter
Site Supporter
Holly crap that place is making a mint. Just from the start you can see it 50/50 is usually 80 for a zip. I've seen QP's for 120

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Site Supporter ☠️
York, P.A.
Holly crap that place is making a mint. Just from the start you can see it 50/50 is usually 80 for a zip. I've seen QP's for 120
Hardly any of those strains have any CBD in them, not much of a variety. I figured the prices were bullshit. I just need to move because my whole state is bullshit.


Factory Bastard
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Blue dream I could see 40 for a 1/4 but not an 1/8 I feel bad for you my dear.
It's pretty much market price. It used to be a gram was $10, an eighth was $25 and a quarter was $40 but that was for average weed. (and depending on the source, some of it was seedy as hell) These days, with more potent weed, $40 is what you pay for an eighth.



ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator

Thats right near my stomping ground..

They ended up selling out to Jullian Fantino ex head of police..

Now it is cansidered an outcast and Kensingston Market wont allow them to progress since Fantino uses drug seuzures to better his business

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
My kids have both just sent their bongs to freind's houses for a period of time as neither of them can work when they smoke bongs.

They'll both carry on smoking joints so I find it intesting that this differing form of consumption should have such an alternate effect.

Strange eh?


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
If you drink Lean you might as well smoke Smack and cut out the shit.

It's not real lean, LOL , the weed community hates that name too says its making us look bad and are pushing the term THC syrup .. there's no opiates or amphetamines in this version


> you
Site Supporter ☠️
. o O
My kids have both just sent their bongs to freind's houses for a period of time as neither of them can work when they smoke bongs.

They'll both carry on smoking joints so I find it intesting that this differing form of consumption should have such an alternate effect.

Strange eh?



Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
If you drink Lean you might as well smoke Smack and cut out the shit.

It's not real lean, LOL , the weed community hates that name too says its making us look bad and are pushing the term THC syrup .. there's no opiates or amphetamines in this version
ooooohhhhhhh weed snobs!!! I don't care what any cunt says, the worst drug on the planet is alcohol, when my boy grows up I'l be forcing hard heroine into his veins!!! He'll thank me for it one day


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
If you drink Lean you might as well smoke Smack and cut out the shit.

It's not real lean, LOL , the weed community hates that name too says its making us look bad and are pushing the term THC syrup .. there's no opiates or amphetamines in this version
ooooohhhhhhh weed snobs!!! I don't care what any cunt says, the worst drug on the planet is alcohol, when my boy grows up I'l be forcing hard heroine into his veins!!! He'll thank me for it one day

That's not even my pic:GiggleBitch:² No weed snob here I smoke mostly mids(AAA) I smoke a lot though.. and it's the shitty DM from cough syrup with codienne .. I hate DM makes me feel sketchy , like taking a shit on acid..


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
If you drink Lean you might as well smoke Smack and cut out the shit.

It's not real lean, LOL , the weed community hates that name too says its making us look bad and are pushing the term THC syrup .. there's no opiates or amphetamines in this version
ooooohhhhhhh weed snobs!!! I don't care what any cunt says, the worst drug on the planet is alcohol, when my boy grows up I'l be forcing hard heroine into his veins!!! He'll thank me for it one day

That's not even my pic:GiggleBitch:² No weed snob here I smoke mostly mids(AAA) I smoke a lot though.. and it's the shitty DM from cough syrup with codienne .. I hate DM makes me feel sketchy , like taking a shit on acid..
"DM" Something morphine? Smack heads ruined the drug for everybody else! OPium, is like the cleanest high there is, buprenorphine hahaa the chemists must think to themselves how does this chancing bastard do that? My dose has been going up steadily since I started, now on 24mg a day but I get it home with me so I've got shit tonnes of it yeah hear scoundrel?I've none...


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
If you drink Lean you might as well smoke Smack and cut out the shit.

It's not real lean, LOL , the weed community hates that name too says its making us look bad and are pushing the term THC syrup .. there's no opiates or amphetamines in this version
ooooohhhhhhh weed snobs!!! I don't care what any cunt says, the worst drug on the planet is alcohol, when my boy grows up I'l be forcing hard heroine into his veins!!! He'll thank me for it one day

That's not even my pic:GiggleBitch:² No weed snob here I smoke mostly mids(AAA) I smoke a lot though.. and it's the shitty DM from cough syrup with codienne .. I hate DM makes me feel sketchy , like taking a shit on acid..
"DM" Something morphine? Smack heads ruined the drug for everybody else! OPium, is like the cleanest high there is, buprenorphine hahaa the chemists must think to themselves how does this chancing bastard do that? My dose has been going up steadily since I started, now on 24mg a day but I get it home with me so I've got shit tonnes of it yeah hear scoundrel?I've none...



It's Always 5:55, bitch.
Site Supporter
Nice thread with nice weed in it. Well, it is from now on! My charitable post hath finished the splendid purpose of this very thread made in my honor. Attempting to put everything in reverse from here would prove to be impossible because you're all faggots.

This random picture of magnificent weed, posted by one of you faggots earlier, does in fact exist on this generous planet. But Mother Earth plays favorites. She makes sure that I get a powerful Sativa; purple buds covered by wild red hair, and sparkling like that innocent-looking girl in Labyrinth:

Oh yeah, I forgot all about that lame example of showing how breathtaking weed makes your children healthy in a happy family, like the first two songs on this masterpiece:

I wish I knew where that old videotape was found? The first one with such a picture-perfect song to accompany the genuinely happy footage it showed. Me? I'm happy when I smoke this weed:


^Wrong picture, like the time it was originally posted on page one, and fucked this thread all up. Heeeeere's the real deal:





- Smoking that superior bud after downing a carefully brewed, 8 grams, lemon-teched, top-notch lab-pampered strains of A+ 'shrooms is a version of Heaven on earth.

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