Matt Walsh nails it on Trans issues!


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Its not about Trannies, they are a byproduct. Its about getting your perverted theories out of the classroom.
Show me all these demonic textbooks teaching our children how to tranny.

Oh PS, did you see this?

The people that told you books were bad were adulterous hypocrites.

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"Hey honey look at this pamphlet that guy with the big dick at the spouse swap party gave me, it says Trans people are destroying the American family!"


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
Its not about Trannies, they are a byproduct. Its about getting your perverted theories out of the classroom.

Except society has failed… and the parents have subsequently failed their children with their self-involved face buried in their phones entitlement. The teachers tried to warn us about this decades ago and public schools are churning out barely literate disrespectful little assholes.

We have billions of dollars for prisons and war, but can’t find adequate funding for the extracurricular PE/Art/sports/daycare/etc so our children can have balance in their lives.

Children need to learn tolerance, kindness and acceptance of everyone… not just white Christians.
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I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Except society has failed… and the parents have subsequently failed their children with their self-involved face buried in their phones entitlement. The teachers tried to warn us about this decades ago and public schools are churning out barely literate disrespectful little assholes.

We have billions of dollars for prisons and war, but can’t find adequate funding for the extracurricular PE/Art/sports/daycare/etc so our children can have balance in their lives.

Children need to learn tolerance/kindness and acceptance of everyone… not just white Christians.
Conservatives want to dismantle public education in favor of a Christi-Fascist education. “Teachers are making our kids gay!”


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Conservatives want to dismantle public education in favor of a Christi-Fascist education. “Teachers are making our kids gay!”

I don’t consider being force fed Christianity by our government freedom.

Remove GOD and we would end half the wars that our US tax dollars are funding. It’s really quite simple.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Personally, I think it’s a travesty that we/they are force fed heterosexual misogyny and racist Christianity by a white male dominant society where far right extremists are desperately attempting a hostile takeover of the nation.
Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster

One of the cool Kids.
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TERF Island.
Except society has failed… and the parents have subsequently failed their children with their self-involved face buried in their phones entitlement. The teachers tried to warn us about this decades ago and public schools are churning out barely literate disrespectful little assholes.

We have billions of dollars for prisons and war, but can’t find adequate funding for the extracurricular PE/Art/sports/daycare/etc so our children can have balance in their lives.

Children need to learn tolerance/kindness and acceptance of everyone… not just white Christians.

You were right untill the last line, its never been about white christians. This is why an increasing amount of people on the right want to kill people like you. you and people like you are to toxic to coexist with indefinitely. Killing lots of you will put a stop to it, not because its true or false but because you will recognise it as a failed tactic.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
You were right untill the last line, its never been about white christians. This is why an increasing amount of people on the right want to kill people like you. you and people like you are to toxic to coexist with indefinitely. Killing lots of you will put a stop to it, not because its true or false but because you will recognise it as a failed tactic.

Openly supporting murder and genocide of groups of people you don't agree with.

I guess this is your brand of "freedumb".


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
You were right untill the last line, its never been about white christians. This is why an increasing amount of people on the right want to kill people like you. you and people like you are to toxic to coexist with indefinitely. Killing lots of you will put a stop to it, not because its true or false but because you will recognise it as a failed tactic.

I disagree, but recognize we are all entitled to our opinions and appreciate that you express yours respectfully.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I am not supporting it, just predicting the future.
"Killing lots of you will put a stop to it"

Anyone who says there's no difference between the "Dems" and "republicans" is living in an alternate universe.

I have yet to hear one person that votes Democrat talk about committing mass murder. Not one yet.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I am not supporting it, just predicting the future.

I have been anti-war since I was 16 years old and ran through the veterans memorial cemetery in West Los Angeles. My bestie and I were training for soccer season and came across the grave of an 18 yo soldier who died in Desert Storm. We cried as we wondered what his family was going through, how many kids our age attended his funeral, and who he took to prom. It was overwhelmingly sad and I’ve never been the same.

This is what the Muslims and Jews fighting in the desert since the beginning has time has led to:

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I’m sorry, but I have zero respect for anyone who tries to desecrate a soldiers memorial cemetery.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
Anyone who says there's no difference between the "Dems" and "republicans" is living in an alternate universe.

Are there superficial differences largely structured around the kinds of identity politics that will never fundamentally change anything or challenge establishment power in any significant way?


Are both halves of the duopoly front men and women for the same oligarchic, corporate, and military psychopaths as demonstrated by all the "bipartisanship" flying around in matters of imperialism, exploitation, and wealth transfers?


Their differences don't even come close to excusing the similarities.

I have yet to hear one person that votes Democrat talk about committing mass murder. Not one yet.

Have you asked any zionists about that?
Because it doesn't sound like you've asked any zionists about that.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
You think it's respectful for him to talk about people like you being murdered? Oh, that's interesting.

He stated his opinion without 3rd grade insults attached. I can work with this. Plus, I’m not afraid to die. My father taught me from an early age to not fear death. His theory was that you’re not alive until you accept the inevitable.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Are there superficial differences largely structured around the kinds of identity politics that will never fundamentally change anything or challenge establishment power in any significant way?


Are both halves of the duopoly front men and women for the same oligarchic, corporate, and military psychopaths as demonstrated by all the "bipartisanship" flying around in matters of imperialism, exploitation, and wealth transfers?


Their differences don't even come close to excusing the similarities.

Have you asked any zionists about that?
Because it doesn't sound like you've asked any zionists about that.
Good point, the Zionists...and they stand alone. People in this country, and thankfully, many of them young, are standing against the Zionists.

I was being specific to Dems talking about Republicans, and vice-versa, and in the context of US politics.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
He stated his opinion without 3rd grade insults attached. I can work with this. Plus, I’m not afraid to die. My father taught me from an early age to not fear death. His theory was that you’re not alive until you accept the inevitable.

Okay, he didn't make 3rd grade insults. However, you don't have to fear death not to want to be dead because your opposition are murderous thugs.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
You were right untill the last line, its never been about white christians. This is why an increasing amount of people on the right want to kill people like you. you and people like you are to toxic to coexist with indefinitely. Killing lots of you will put a stop to it, not because its true or false but because you will recognise it as a failed tactic.
Just when I start thinking you're a normal person, you start spewing bullshit like this.


Hey lets worship the guy that teaches us who to hate this year!


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Okay, he didn't make 3rd grade insults. However, you don't have to fear death not to want to be dead because your opposition are murderous thugs.

The thought wouldn’t cross my mind tbh. But if I feel threatened, I will become the threat.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
The thought wouldn’t cross my mind tbh. But if I feel threatened, I will become the threat.

Sure, most of us would if we were physically threatened. Imagine though, these people who want to kill when they are not being physically threatened in any way.

What does that say about their mentality? Basically, "you support transpersons, therefore, you should be killed."

Who fucking thinks like that? Uhm, fundamentalist terrorists, that's who.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Sure, most of us would if we were physically threatened. Imagine though, these people who want to kill when they are not being physically threatened in any way.

What does that say about their mentality? Basically, "you support transpersons, therefore, you should be killed."

Who fucking thinks like that? Uhm, fundamentalist terrorists, that's who.
I don't like busybodies cherry picking random books to burn while they covet and fornicate each others spouses, I guess I should kill them.