More stupid shit from Alpha Tard Aryan.



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I remember Aryan donating. It was a Tuesday. I had a cruller with my iced coffee because they were out of strawberry donuts. Flynn was angry. 0ak was fat. FACT.

You "remember" that like you "remember" asking for the I.P. logs in hopes of proving I was posting in the SB as a guest.

Got a link?

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Losing you would be one of the best things to happen to this forum.
Flynn has literally said that to five or six different posters in the last month. They guy really does want to run off everyone who disagrees 2ith him or calls him out on his b.s.. People like him kill forums and should never be allowed any where near a mod panel.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Flynn has literally said that to five or six different posters in the last month. They guy really does want to run off everyone who disagrees 2ith him or calls him out on his b.s.. People like him kill forums and should never be allowed any where near a mod panel.

Well, thank goodness you're not in charge of anything.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You "remember" that like you "remember" asking for the I.P. logs in hopes of proving I was posting in the SB as a guest.

Got a link?
Why does Flynn always confuse the poster no one with me? Next post the dip shit will do his usual lie and deny nonsense.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Well, thank goodness you're not in charge of anything.

I am in charge of several things in real life while you're a complete loser in real life thus why you thirst so strongly for a panel in an obscure web forum with 10 posters. You are pathetic, you she-male loser


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
I am in charge of several things in real life while you're a complete loser in real life thus why you thirst so strongly for a panel in an obscure web forum with 10 posters. You are pathetic, you she-male loser

But you're not in charge of shit here.


Domestically feral
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United states
Good lord, Flynn. GET A FUCKING LIFE. Trawling through people's old posts on obscure forums in the early hours of the morning while off your face is not normal, healthy behaviour.

I barely even remember making that post, but I suspect it was something called a "joke", although I don't expect a humourless, sour-faced, old haddock like you to grasp this for one moment.

I mean, you don't even understand basic sarcasm or word play ffs...

Flynn actually thinks he can turn obvious sarcasm into a way to make you look stupid and he will sit there and embarrass himself over and over with it.

Look how long this drooling dumb ass used the "small business oligarchy" and the "auto error" comments I made. It was beyond cringey....desperate and made him look intensely stupid and unhinged. And he will continue to claim he "won" and that you are the stupid one.

He claims you are "forum cancer" so it makes sense he focuses on you and drags old posts of yours from other boards and starts threads here about them. Because why not make sure the forum cancer has tons of attention and threads directed at them. You know when I find someone cancerous I totally sit and read all their posts from this board AND other boards and I highlight that and devote threads to it.

He actually cares how he looks to people on forums so he relies on this delusion that we all care about that. And makes a huge moron of himself over and over.

He will never understand all the ways he HELPED my case and my side with the Poofer thing. The best supportive evidence that existed to show MY side of it was the truth was HIM and his constant angry spam fests. It's like he was handed a shovel and dug his own e grave.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
How come I don't see your gay ass name on the donation roster?

Broke lying bitch.

Probably because it's none of your fucking business what other people do with their money.

A concept most rational and civilized people fully understand but yet you carry on as if you are entitled explanations and people need to take your thoughts and feelings into consideration when they spend their own damn money.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Flynn has literally said that to five or six different posters in the last month. They guy really does want to run off everyone who disagrees 2ith him or calls him out on his b.s.. People like him kill forums and should never be allowed any where near a mod panel.


Him and his flying fat monkeys tried embarrassingly hard to run ME off for years.

Which is always gonna be futile because I really don't give a fuck how I "look" on a forum and I love the taste of tears.

I almost feel bad for them lol.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
But you're not in charge of shit here.

Nor are you, dog fucker. You ain't in charge of shiiiitttt.

Just because you can block people from posting and panel abuse doesn't make you "in charge" fact, that just shows how I'm charge you are NOT.

No one respects you, idiot. And you only have a mod panel because the one who IS in charge is letting you have one.

And the rest of us are perfectly good with not being in charge here. None of us WANT to be. This only matters to pitiful bum scrotes like yourself who have absolutely no power in your actual life so you need a forum to help you feel more in control. How unfortunate that you can't even get that here, huh?

Bahahahaha. What a loser you are.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
My research minions are telling me that flynn is throwing quite the fit of hysterics over at CBT and looking to Oak for advice

lmao -- victims


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
My research minions are telling me that flynn is throwing quite the fit of hysterics over at CBT and looking to Oak for advice

lmao -- victims

Who goes to Oak for advice?!

"Halp! I might be a bit too happy and normal! How do I fix that and stay as fat and miserable as possible?! Oak help a scrote out!"