MTF Trannie, Forces "her" Tranny agenda onto Jeopardy, steals 3 games from heteroes, so far!


Factory Bastard
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ANYONE who dresses as the opposite sex should be executed immediately. I wouldnt even tolerate it as a joke anymore. Motherfuckers need to start dying like dogs. Sorry kids, Halloween is gonna be bloody!

So long DD. Lokbrain wants to kill you.


Domestically feral
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United states
Gender dysphoric people just need real actual help. They dont need to be some partisan mascot and used as a tool to tear down womens rights.

Transitioning doesnt help them. They will find something that triggers their dysphoria. All the surgeries and hormones in the world are not going to make them more comfortable in their skin. It's always temporary relief.

They live in a state of perpetual mental/emotional crisis. That's why they have a high suicide rate. And no.....its not societies fault they have a high suicide rate. It's because they have a tortured existence not being able to escape their dysphoria.

They are suffering and trying to enforce a radical gender ideology and making mental illness something normal that doesnt require any treatments past transition is a huge fucking mistake and it's going to do nothing but harm women and girls. And stop gender dysphoric people from getting real help.

Could you imagine if anorexia was treated like gender dysphoria? Anorexic people see themselves as fat. They starve themselves for relief from feeling fat. We are doing that to gender dysphoric people. That's not love and acceptance. That's pure hate and negligence.

Now "trans" is this huge umbrella under which autogynophilia and fetish is included so we now put predators into the "trans" category. It's incredibly harmful to everyone. And those who support this are unable or unwilling to have any real conversation because they just label any fucking counter arguments as "transphobia". Whatever.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Gender dysphoric people just need real actual help. They dont need to be some partisan mascot and used as a tool to tear down womens rights.

Transitioning doesnt help them. They will find something that triggers their dysphoria. All the surgeries and hormones in the world are not going to make them more comfortable in their skin. It's always temporary relief.

They live in a state of perpetual mental/emotional crisis. That's why they have a high suicide rate. And no.....its not societies fault they have a high suicide rate. It's because they have a tortured existence not being able to escape their dysphoria.

They are suffering and trying to enforce a radical gender ideology and making mental illness something normal that doesnt require any treatments past transition is a huge fucking mistake and it's going to do nothing but harm women and girls. And stop gender dysphoric people from getting real help.

Could you imagine if anorexia was treated like gender dysphoria? Anorexic people see themselves as fat. They starve themselves for relief from feeling fat. We are doing that to gender dysphoric people. That's not love and acceptance. That's pure hate and negligence.

Now "trans" is this huge umbrella under which autogynophilia and fetish is included so we now put predators into the "trans" category. It's incredibly harmful to everyone.
I'm sure you're familiar, but how about the ones that demand surgery to remove body parts? I saw one of these people who hounded doctors until they FINALLY agreed to remove a healthy leg. Fucked up like a screen door on a submarine!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Gender dysphoric people just need real actual help. They dont need to be some partisan mascot and used as a tool to tear down womens rights.

Transitioning doesnt help them. They will find something that triggers their dysphoria. All the surgeries and hormones in the world are not going to make them more comfortable in their skin. It's always temporary relief.

They live in a state of perpetual mental/emotional crisis. That's why they have a high suicide rate. And no.....its not societies fault they have a high suicide rate. It's because they have a tortured existence not being able to escape their dysphoria.

They are suffering and trying to enforce a radical gender ideology and making mental illness something normal that doesnt require any treatments past transition is a huge fucking mistake and it's going to do nothing but harm women and girls. And stop gender dysphoric people from getting real help.

Could you imagine if anorexia was treated like gender dysphoria? Anorexic people see themselves as fat. They starve themselves for relief from feeling fat. We are doing that to gender dysphoric people. That's not love and acceptance. That's pure hate and negligence.

Now "trans" is this huge umbrella under which autogynophilia and fetish is included so we now put predators into the "trans" category. It's incredibly harmful to everyone.
I'm sure you're familiar, but how about the ones that demand surgery to remove body parts? I saw one of these people who hounded doctors until they FINALLY agreed to remove a healthy leg. Fucked up like a screen door on a submarine!

Yep. That's body dysphoria as well. Also people who are compulsive with plastic surgery.

We dont try to normalize that. But yeah let's murder gender dysphoric people with apathy and lazinessness masked as "acceptance".

Everyone deserves help and care. Unless you are gender dysphoric. Than you are just a partisan tool and weapon. And if you kill yourself because you cannot live with such intense dysphoria and you've given thousands of dollars trying to surgically "fix" yourself....well you are still a tool and weapon because your suicide can be blamed on "society".

Pharmaceutical corps and profit driven doctors love the gender era. They are banking on this.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
There should not even be the "T" in LGB. Gender dysphoria is not an orientation. Neither is the autogynophiliac fetish.


Factory Bastard
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So tell DD
With as much tolerance as can be tolerated on a troll board, I understand that there are people who care about all sorts of fucked up people. I'm not one of them though. I guess its partly due to being raised by liberal parents and being utterly disgusted and repulsed by their fucked up thought processes. Like I told my children: "If you ever turn out to be murderers or faggits, I'll disown you!"


Have kink will travel.
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So tell DD

Why are you addressing Dove with one of my many old nicks?

Are you gut-hooked?

Speaking of being gut hooked. Howz it feel to have a pair of cooked lungs Dinky Dianna?

There's no speaking, Geriatric Gut Hooked one... you just are.

A sad sack of Californian shit that ran off to the third world because he couldn't hack it financially in the US any further but was too stupid to migrate Midwest and shut his stupid mouth. Lulz...


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
So tell DD
With as much tolerance as can be tolerated on a troll board, I understand that there are people who care about all sorts of fucked up people. I'm not one of them though. I guess its partly due to being raised by liberal parents and being utterly disgusted and repulsed by their fucked up thought processes. Like I told my children: "If you ever turn out to be murderers or faggits, I'll disown you!"

If any of my daughters go leftarded and become activists I would die. That would be the worst.

I genuinely worry about this gender shit causing my daughter grief if some psycho straight male decides he "identifies" as a woman and is thusly a lesbian....and she gets attacked as a transphobe or terf because there is no way shes ever gonna want a "lady dick". Lesbians get harrassed like this. It's a problem.

Thankfully she refuses to associate with left wing politics and that "community". My daughters see right through all that bullshit.

I didnt even know it was bad as it is until they showed me the "gender queer" tick tocks. The shit is a whole cult.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
So tell DD
With as much tolerance as can be tolerated on a troll board, I understand that there are people who care about all sorts of fucked up people. I'm not one of them though. I guess its partly due to being raised by liberal parents and being utterly disgusted and repulsed by their fucked up thought processes. Like I told my children: "If you ever turn out to be murderers or faggits, I'll disown you!"

If any of my daughters go leftarded and become activists I would die. That would be the worst.

I genuinely worry about this gender shit causing my daughter grief if some psycho straight male decides he "identifies" as a woman and is thusly a lesbian....and she gets attacked as a transphobe or terf because there is no way shes ever gonna want a "lady dick". Lesbians get harrassed like this. It's a problem.

Thankfully she refuses to associate with left wing politics and that "community". My daughters see right through all that bullshit.

I didnt even know it was bad as it is until they showed me the "gender queer" tick tocks. The shit is a whole cult.
The world is off the fucking rails. For far too many years, we've (as a people) have reveled in non conformity and tearing down tradition and morality. Now, literally anything, as long as its against tradition, goes. There's no way it doesnt implode civilization.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
So tell DD
With as much tolerance as can be tolerated on a troll board, I understand that there are people who care about all sorts of fucked up people. I'm not one of them though. I guess its partly due to being raised by liberal parents and being utterly disgusted and repulsed by their fucked up thought processes. Like I told my children: "If you ever turn out to be murderers or faggits, I'll disown you!"

If any of my daughters go leftarded and become activists I would die. That would be the worst.

I genuinely worry about this gender shit causing my daughter grief if some psycho straight male decides he "identifies" as a woman and is thusly a lesbian....and she gets attacked as a transphobe or terf because there is no way shes ever gonna want a "lady dick". Lesbians get harrassed like this. It's a problem.

Thankfully she refuses to associate with left wing politics and that "community". My daughters see right through all that bullshit.

I didnt even know it was bad as it is until they showed me the "gender queer" tick tocks. The shit is a whole cult.
The world is off the fucking rails. For far too many years, we've (as a people) have reveled in non conformity and tearing down tradition and morality. Now, literally anything, as long as its against tradition, goes. There's no way it doesnt implode civilization.

I dont understand how any thinking people could consider this shit "the future". As if humanity has never had hedonistic societies and shit just like this before.

We have done this....and it never worked. I swear it's made people dehumanize eachother. People are just so much colder and more hateful. Using eachother and thinking the world revolves around them.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Like how very valid fears about men being allowed in womens spaces are dismissed.

These people totally ignore the reality. Even as we see predatory behaviour, rape and assault occurring in female spaces because of this.

They have fucking audacity to argue that we are not worried about women and girls....we just "hate people who are different". So yeah its ALWAYS about them. The whole world revolves around their queerness. We arent even allowed to fear predatory males.....its gotta be about the gender queers. It's all we ever think about in their minds.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Yeah, but Lokmar says he'd kill Blaire White or your kid...

Wtf is that?
I guess if you're in the fukin closet, no problemo. See, what we keep going back to over and over again, is flipping shit about people like me who WOULD, if I had power, strafe and nape a gay pride parade. Maybe instead, focus a bit more on not having a society where this deviancy where this foul shit is celebrated. Now we all know that aint gonna happen so the tolerance will continue until the day comes when the entire lid pops off civilization and dead trannies in the streets are gonna be the LEAST of anyones worries.

This type of behavior is evil, no matter how much you love the person. I can tell you this, no lie, if one of my own kids were involved in the spa incident Dovey frequently talks about, I'd support killing my own fukin kid!


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Yeah, but Lokmar says he'd kill Blaire White or your kid...

Wtf is that?
I guess if you're in the fukin closet, no problemo. See, what we keep going back to over and over again, is flipping shit about people like me who WOULD, if I had power, strafe and nape a gay pride parade. Maybe instead, focus a bit more on not having a society where this deviancy where this foul shit is celebrated. Now we all know that aint gonna happen so the tolerance will continue until the day comes when the entire lid pops off civilization and dead trannies in the streets are gonna be the LEAST of anyones worries.

This type of behavior is evil, no matter how much you love the person. I can tell you this, no lie, if one of my own kids were involved in the spa incident Dovey frequently talks about, I'd support killing my own fukin kid!

If you truly believe in God, you won't try to act on his/her behalf about matters of the heart while on earth...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Yeah, but Lokmar says he'd kill Blaire White or your kid...

Wtf is that?
I guess if you're in the fukin closet, no problemo. See, what we keep going back to over and over again, is flipping shit about people like me who WOULD, if I had power, strafe and nape a gay pride parade. Maybe instead, focus a bit more on not having a society where this deviancy where this foul shit is celebrated. Now we all know that aint gonna happen so the tolerance will continue until the day comes when the entire lid pops off civilization and dead trannies in the streets are gonna be the LEAST of anyones worries.

This type of behavior is evil, no matter how much you love the person. I can tell you this, no lie, if one of my own kids were involved in the spa incident Dovey frequently talks about, I'd support killing my own fukin kid!

If you truly believe in God, you won't try to act on his/her behalf about matters of the heart while on earth...
God says all gays should die. The disciples reaffirmed the Mosaic Law on sexual degeneracy at the Council of Jerusalem. Doesnt really matter though because the Law of Noah is universal to all mankind.


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
Gender dysphoric people just need real actual help. They dont need to be some partisan mascot and used as a tool to tear down womens rights.

Transitioning doesnt help them. They will find something that triggers their dysphoria. All the surgeries and hormones in the world are not going to make them more comfortable in their skin. It's always temporary relief.

They live in a state of perpetual mental/emotional crisis. That's why they have a high suicide rate. And no.....its not societies fault they have a high suicide rate. It's because they have a tortured existence not being able to escape their dysphoria.

They are suffering and trying to enforce a radical gender ideology and making mental illness something normal that doesnt require any treatments past transition is a huge fucking mistake and it's going to do nothing but harm women and girls. And stop gender dysphoric people from getting real help.

Could you imagine if anorexia was treated like gender dysphoria? Anorexic people see themselves as fat. They starve themselves for relief from feeling fat. We are doing that to gender dysphoric people. That's not love and acceptance. That's pure hate and negligence.

Now "trans" is this huge umbrella under which autogynophilia and fetish is included so we now put predators into the "trans" category. It's incredibly harmful to everyone. And those who support this are unable or unwilling to have any real conversation because they just label any fucking counter arguments as "transphobia". Whatever.

^^^ Triggered transphobe.