MTF Trannie, Forces "her" Tranny agenda onto Jeopardy, steals 3 games from heteroes, so far!


Factory Bastard
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Benzo rolled his creepy ass in here again, this time using his massive colostomy bag as a hamster ball.

What did he do other than two-finger his asshole and drag his moldy balls across the floor, where they were sucked up by his robot vacuum cleaner.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
Benzo rolled his creepy ass in here again, this time using his massive colostomy bag as a hamster ball.

What did he do other than two-finger his asshole and drag his moldy balls across the floor, where they were sucked up by his robot vacuum cleaner.
Poop and shit.
Shit and poop.
I bet you study yours and others bowel movements at the group home, huh
This queen gets all excited when corn niblets are served for dinner-

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
When Regan gets out of the group home on an outing he heads straight for the public bathrooms,
Either sex doesn't matter,
And sees if anyone forgot to flush.
The mother load,
Is when a toilet is broken and filled up.
To him,
That's heaven in a can-


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
In another thread I talked about how glad I am this trans shit wasnt going on when I was a kid because i was definately what you would call "gender nonconforming".

Most of my childhood friends were all boys. I played with boys doing "boy stuff" and I was a "Tom boy". I've never been super feminine. I CAN be....but it's not my normal. I'm feminine....I'm just not super feminine.

I played on an all boy soccer team up until I was 12 and was forced to stop. I played on an all boy team against all boy teams. My husband actually remembers me because of that. He played soccer for his private school, and our schools played eachother several times. I dont remember him, but he remembers me because i was the ONLY girl on that feild. That fucker thought it would be easy win because they had a girl playing.....and we CREAMED them every single time. I make sure he remembers that too :D

Anyway.....yeah i was upset and mortified when i was kicked off the team because of my body. My breats were developing. I was starting to change. And i was really upset that i was forced off the team to sit in the home economic shit with the other girls who i just didnt feel connected with. Of course that changed as I started getting to know them better. They didnt bring up the soccer thing they just started including me in what they were doing.

But as an adult I completely understand now and I fully agree with that decision. It was gracious and questionable allowing me to play at all. As I changed so did the way those boys looked at me. They were starting to see me as less one of them and more of a sexual being. It would have done damage to the team. They would be afraid of hurting me. Or accidently really hurt me. They would be brushing against me and getting boners and shit. The dynamic was completely changing I just didnt see that at the time. And yes a few of those teams mates had developed crushes and interest in me that made me uncomfortable as I saw them as buddies. Some were actually LESS respectful of me BECAUSE of how "boyish" I was. If men see you as "one of the guys" dont expect any respect like they give to women they see as ladies. They dont MEAN it like that but theyll do it. They will treat you like their male friends and since you are not male that SUCKS.

My best friend I've had for decades is a man. He opens my doors, pulls out my chairs. Guides me into rooms. Helps me with my And he absolutely no intention to ever try to fuck me. We are aware of our sex based differences and we still have a very close platonic friendship. He is basically a brother to me. He would never treat me like I'm a fucking man. He knows I'm not and I have absolutely ZERO need for men to see me as "one of the guys". I can be friends with men and hang out with men without needing to be treated like I'm one OR feeling a need to compete with them. I prefer to be seen as I am and treated with the basic respect that men should show to women AND vice versa.

And I get annoyed with women who push this "one of the boys" mentality and who are focused on competing with and being accepted as some sort of "equal" with men. We already are equal. We are DIFFERENT though. Women who treat other women like shit for male approval are the worst.

Doesnt matter how fast I ran or how much pain I can handle or good I was. I did NOT belong out there in cleets in the mud with the boys at that age. Some said I wasnt a "normal" girl. I WAS a normal girl. I belonged on a girl team....they just didnt have one.

So if someone read my post about how I was depressed and upset I had to stop playing soccer... I'm making sure its known that I AGREE with how my time on the boys team ended. I'm not being a hypocrite just because I've talked about the sadz I had over stopping soccer. A lot of bad things could have happened had I'd been permitted to continue and it ended when it needed to end and on a good note. The only thing that hurt was my pride. I got over it. I wasnt damaged for life like I could have been had I gotten severely injured or sexually aggressed upon from any male players. And yes it definately could have easily happened.

My own husband told me he was watching my butt while we kicked his teams ass. So there you have it.

I wouldnt allow any of my daughters to play on an all boy anything. And as of now there are female teams and I definately do not want boys who are trying to join the ranks of womanhood on sports teams with girls. It's clearly unfair and its bullshit.

Sex and gender are different. And this gender cult has taken toxic traditional gender roles, reinforced them and made them into a fucking religion. Wtf does "feeling like a woman" even MEAN? I'm a woman and I dont know. I have a vagina and female chromos....outside of that how the fuck am I supposed to "feel"? Feel like flipping my hair and wearing girly clothes and make up? GTFO.

Men and women ARE human beings. Not everyone has to "feel like" they wanna express themselves as the gender constructs society has set for males and females. And "feeling like" you wanna embody gender stereotypes of the opposite sex does not make you that fucking sex. You do HARM to that sex forcing this issue.


Domestically feral
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United states
Amy has 24 consecutive wins in a row, and total winnings to date $918,000.00, and she has not yet exposed herself in a fem child's bathroom, oddly.

Stubby tell us of your favorite thing

And? Does that somehow mean that women and girls havent been attacked by men claiming to be women in female spaces? That none of those rapes or assaults matter because there are trans people who dont rape? Until every single one is proven a rapist no women have a right to say anything about this?

All the cases that I posted are irrelevant bullshit because this biological man Amy has taken a record from a biological woman and created another glass ceiling? Exactly what is your point? That we need to accept biological men as women because they win at things better than bio women?



Domestically feral
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United states
In another thread I talked about how I played on an all boy soccer team

In another thread you promised me you'd leave football to the menz in return for respect and an acceptance of womenz lib.

So you're lying on one of them.

Which one biatch?

I literally never supported women playing on any male sports team. Especailly when women have womens sports.

That was a libfem thing. Those who think "equality" means ignoring all the differences.

I've never supported that, so I was kinda confused by your point.


Domestically feral
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United states

Well well.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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admin is stroking his 'girl penis' with a set of Chinese chopsticks right now



Factory Bastard
Hilarious my last poast here inspired 45 pages of loserama lmfao

Looks like ya'll had some happy holidaze lolz...

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Math not a strong suit for you eh tranny boi ?

No wonder you need to rely on government handouts



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Amy Schneider Becomes First Woman to Surpass $1 Million on ‘Jeopardy!’
Schneider, a software engineering manager, is the fourth contestant in the game show’s history to reach the milestone.

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A tissue for my Transphobic acquaintances.


Pauncho Spice, tell me about the Cocks again!

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