My Brand New Keyboard Letters

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
.. I am not a touch typist. Over the years I've replaced many a keyboard after the letters wore off the keys. Recently I'd been struggling mightily trying to tap the right keys with virtually all of the letters worn off and spending more time trying to correct the errors than typing the original message - bad enough my spelling sucks though the red underline feature is sometimes helpful it doesn't tell you how to make a correction and often enough the fancy werds I use aren't even in the software dictionary so I have to look it up anyway. but, that aside....
,.. So I had been thinking, there must be paste on symbols for keyboards - I mean I can't be the only one with greasy fingers solubilizing that ink. I look on Amazon, one-a-them BIIIG corporations we all lub to hate but can't avoid because they have so successfully eliminated the lovely mom and pop stores of yesteryear, and sure enough there they is. I order and a couple of weeks after receipt (today) I get around to applying them to the worn keys. Now, these are printed on top of black sticky-backed plastic and who knows if there is a grease-proof coating on them so eventually I suppose these too will need replacing, but GLORY as I type this - NOT A Single error So FAR.
.. I mean sure, not all of the paper backings came off easily since they were applied not to a single universal backing but to individual backings so about half were a pain in the toosh (Gen Disc board - trying to be carful here) to separate but the job got done and BOOOOY am I ecstatic (almost had to look up the spelling on that one).
.It was a lot of work and most of the letters are a bit crooked like that 50s/60s jazz style of lettering although they are uniform in size so not really the same.
.. Sort of tired today (hey the font color changed). I wrote about the wonderful day I had fishing the Big Res but didn't mention the 30 minute over steep scree and through the woods hike at the end, then yesterday took a hike waaaay down into the river valley from the high plateau an absolutely brutal march back up then somehow got spun around on the way back but it turned out good because it brought me to a lake I had wanted to see and maaan does that lake look Bassy so I intend to get back there soon. You can read about it in Holliday's World Famous Fishing Thread 2023 right here on BastardFactory.whatev. BTW, I just counted, 11 steps from my 'puter chair to the fridge where I have the sweetest juiciest watermelon ever. Yeeeeeummm !
.. Hey, ya know this talking about everyday life, the little things, is soooo much better than stinky old poolidicks. Thank god THAAAATS gone huh?

.And speaking of world famous things bout them World Famous Pontani Sisters?

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Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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The New Holliday

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
Site Supporter
The Deep Space
.. I am not a touch typist. Over the years I've replaced many a keyboard after the letters wore off the keys. Recently I'd been struggling mightily trying to tap the right keys with virtually all of the letters worn off and spending more time trying to correct the errors than typing the original message - bad enough my spelling sucks though the red underline feature is sometimes helpful it doesn't tell you how to make a correction and often enough the fancy werds I use aren't even in the software dictionary so I have to look it up anyway. but, that aside....
,.. So I had been thinking, there must be paste on symbols for keyboards - I mean I can't be the only one with greasy fingers solubilizing that ink. I look on Amazon, one-a-them BIIIG corporations we all lub to hate but can't avoid because they have so successfully eliminated the lovely mom and pop stores of yesteryear, and sure enough there they is. I order and a couple of weeks after receipt (today) I get around to applying them to the worn keys. Now, these are printed on top of black sticky-backed plastic and who knows if there is a grease-proof coating on them so eventually I suppose these too will need replacing, but GLORY as I type this - NOT A Single error So FAR.
.. I mean sure, not all of the paper backings came off easily since they were applied not to a single universal backing but to individual backings so about half were a pain in the toosh (Gen Disc board - trying to be carful here) to separate but the job got done and BOOOOY am I ecstatic (almost had to look up the spelling on that one).
.It was a lot of work and most of the letters are a bit crooked like that 50s/60s jazz style of lettering although they are uniform in size so not really the same.
.. Sort of tired today (hey the font color changed). I wrote about the wonderful day I had fishing the Big Res but didn't mention the 30 minute over steep scree and through the woods hike at the end, then yesterday took a hike waaaay down into the river valley from the high plateau an absolutely brutal march back up then somehow got spun around on the way back but it turned out good because it brought me to a lake I had wanted to see and maaan does that lake look Bassy so I intend to get back there soon. You can read about it in Holliday's World Famous Fishing Thread 2023 right here on BastardFactory.whatev. BTW, I just counted, 11 steps from my 'puter chair to the fridge where I have the sweetest juiciest watermelon ever. Yeeeeeummm !
.. Hey, ya know this talking about everyday life, the little things, is soooo much better than stinky old poolidicks. Thank god THAAAATS gone huh?

.And speaking of world famous things bout them World Famous Pontani Sisters?

Hey, good thing I posted this. It's just about all there is except for the music I've posted now that the favorite and best board has been foolishly sadly by necessity shut down.

PS: You know, it's almost like if ONE poster had been banished, or their temper tempered (and I'm not naming any names here) there might still be some activity on BastardFactory.whatev.

PPS: Tell your friends, if you have any...
.. If you aren't bored enough there is always BastardFactory.whatev.
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