My heartfelt thanks to those of you


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Who, even for the briefest moment, rejoiced with me yesterday in the birth of my granddaughter. @RANCIDMILKO ™ ®© @Darthinia Von Vader @Alticus @X @Dove

I appreciate when we can leave the snark, fights, and feuds behind and just be our true selves for a bit. Thank you very much.

The baby is beautiful, it was a wonderous experience seeing my second grandchild being born. Myself and my fellow grandma hugged when she was born. I was bawling in joy. It was a precious moment sharing all the love and joy in the room.

She had a 9.9 Apgar score

was a bountiful and healthy 9.9/10.

She was delivered by a mid-wife/RN and this woman was amazing. Cool as a cucumber when it came to her skills and work, but warm, and pithy in humor. She was sweet as she could be when she saw the baby, wishing the baby a happy birthday and just cooing as she cleared her nose and mouth of fluids so our little baby could use her tiny little voice to announce her arrival.

It was beautiful watching all these women (midwife + 4 RNs), myself, my daughter and her other grandma in the room together bringing this new baby to the world. So much positive feminine energy, couldn't have been any better.

My son-in-law was the only male energy in the room and he was pretty quiet and in awe, as one would expect.

One of the best days in my life.[/user]


Mr. Excitement
Site Supporter ☠️
I'm glad to hear that everything went well Lily. You and your daughter are very blessed.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Not really the religious type but God bless you and yours during this awesome time in your life(lives). I haven't been so fortunate and its tragic.. yet but I do pray I will have a child some day.

Thank you so much. They are a blessing. And to see my baby with babies of her own is a wonderful experience.

I hope you have a child of your own someday too.