New Poll: Trump more popular than ever


An Claidheam Anam
Why does this Ueber Conservative retired judge have TDS?

Because he's a Deep State traitor to Liberty whose name is now on the list of traitors who will be reckoned with when the time comes for a free people to re-secure the blessings of liberty.

He is, after all, a lifetime government careerist whose every paycheck came from monies confiscated from the productive in society at the point of the taxman's gun, while he himself has never produced a single thing of value that anyone would pay a dime for at a garage sale.

Kinda like you and Lily, and probably Holliday too. Parasites all.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Because he's a Deep State traitor to Liberty whose name is now on the list of traitors who will be reckoned with when the time comes for a free people to re-secure the blessings of liberty.

He is, after all, a lifetime government careerist whose every paycheck came from monies confiscated from the productive in society at the point of the taxman's gun, while he himself has never produced a single thing of value that anyone would pay a dime for at a garage sale.

Kinda like you and Lily, and probably Holliday too. Parasites all.

Hey gaslighter, where does a person get a career as a member of the "private sector" judiciary?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Oak Bay
I wonder what the Federalist Society has to say about this.........


An Claidheam Anam
Hey gaslighter, where does a person get a career as a member of the "private sector" judiciary?
What have I "gaslighted" about, Lily? Has the judge sucked his living from the taxpayers his entire career or not?

Haven't you sucked your living from the taxpayers your entire career?

Hasn't Admin done the same?

I fail to see where the "gaslighting" is.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
What have I "gaslighted" about, Lily? Has the judge sucked his living from the taxpayers his entire career or not?

Haven't you sucked your living from the taxpayers your entire career?

Hasn't Admin done the same?

I fail to see where the "gaslighting" is.

What options does a man interested in being a jurist have? Where besides government can he work?

Your ad hom attacks are meaningless to me.


An Claidheam Anam
What options does a man interested in being a jurist have? Where besides government can he work?

Your ad hom attacks are meaningless to me.
The problem of an entrenched government bureaucracy -- the Deep State -- has forever been exposed by the Bad Orange Man. That genie can not go back into the bottle. That's why Trump is hated so much by government types, because he threatens their gravy train.

That Gravy Train that you government parasites have sucked your livings from like cankered leeches for so long is coming to an end. Be thankful you're older and will probably die before this all comes to a head -- but it will come to a head -- and none of this shit you Leftist vermin started because you hate hate Trump and Trump supporters is going to end well.

just sayin'

Advise your kids to not seek government jobs.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
The problem of an entrenched government bureaucracy -- the Deep State -- has forever been exposed by the Bad Orange Man. That genie can not go back into the bottle. That's why Trump is hated so much by government types, because he threatens their gravy train.

That Gravy Train that you government parasites have sucked your livings from like cankered leeches for so long is coming to an end. Be thankful you're older and will probably die before this all comes to a head -- but it will come to a head -- and none of this shit you Leftist vermin started because you hate hate Trump and Trump supporters is going to end well.

just sayin'

Advise your kids to not seek government jobs.

I see you have no answer to the question I actually posed. I gave your dismount a -2


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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What have I "gaslighted" about, Lily? Has the judge sucked his living from the taxpayers his entire career or not?

Haven't you sucked your living from the taxpayers your entire career?

Hasn't Admin done the same?

I fail to see where the "gaslighting" is.
Congratulations you're boring af. And yet retardedly enough you support Trump who wants another bite of the apple and the grifting of the government teat.


An Claidheam Anam
I see you have no answer to the question I actually posed. I gave your dismount a -2
Because your question is meaningless in the context of the conversation. I don't give a fuck where a jurist might go to find a job. The point is that the jurist Admin posted a video of is a corrupt government careerist Deep State piece of traitorous filth who is filled with hubris and considers himself a member of the "ruling class," and like you hates millions of his fellow Americans because they had the temerity to vote for and continue to support Donald Trump.

The Judge can go fuck himself. His words hold no credence for me and I have no respect for Statist lickspittles.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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An Claidheam Anam
You guys are hopeless.

Anyway, I'm out. I have to get up tomorrow and engage in some free market enterprise to create some wealth that can be taxed so you dolts can keep getting your government checks. I just stopped by because I need worthy foils to fully enjoy my message board experience ... and you pussies are too frightened to go to BC.

Enjoy the echoes in here.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
You guys are hopeless.

Anyway, I'm out. I have to get up tomorrow and engage in some free market enterprise to create some wealth that can be taxed so you dolts can keep getting your government checks. I just stopped by because I need worthy foils to fully enjoy my message board experience ... and you pussies are too frightened to go to BC.

Enjoy the echoes in here.

One isn't afraid of excrement, one simply abhors the stench. Fly fly little birdie to safety.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
You guys are hopeless.

Anyway, I'm out. I have to get up tomorrow and engage in some free market enterprise to create some wealth that can be taxed so you dolts can keep getting your government checks. I just stopped by because I need worthy foils to fully enjoy my message board experience ... and you pussies are too frightened to go to BC.

Enjoy the echoes in here.
Good luck I hear the unemployment offices in the Chicago area can be most enervating.


An Claidheam Anam
Admin should revisit the definition of the word "enervating,." But is is Admin and, well, you know, he was in the Navy.

But seriously, I have a beer to finish and I'm curious. Why are you two Leftards so afraid of Biggly? It can't be the "Admin Sucks Cock" thing because, well, that ain't nothing Admin hasn't heard forever, and it can't be the Poarka thing since it was Rancid who started all that.

So what is it that frightens you two little mincing Lefties so much about posting at BC?

I post wherever I want and whenever I want without regard to any stupid forum war that means nothing to me.

Am I just better and more well-adjusted than you two simpering Leftist swine?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Admin should revisit the definition of the word "enervating,." But is is Admin and, well, you know, he was in the Navy.

But seriously, I have a beer to finish and I'm curious. Why are you two Leftards so afraid of Biggly? It can't be the "Admin Sucks Cock" thing because, well, that ain't nothing Admin hasn't heard forever, and it can't be the Poarka thing since it was Rancid who started all that.

So what is it that frightens you two little mincing Lefties so much about posting at BC?

I post wherever I want and whenever I want without regard to any stupid forum war that means nothing to me.

Am I just better and more well-adjusted than you two simpering Leftist swine?

I thought you were leaving?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Hey @Admin.

What's wrong with us that we want to such high quality posters that produce such classics as:

"SM/you're a 9roomer"
"admin sucks cawk"
"oink oink"
"Flynn is hateful"
"Flynn is a tranny."
"Lily is hateful"
"BF is a lib"
eta: "Lily is fat."

There is seriously something wrong with us to avoid the classics! It couldn't be that they are boring, nah, impossible!
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An Claidheam Anam
Hey @Admin.

What's wrong with us that we want to such high quality posters that produce such classics as:

"SM/you're a 9roomer"
"admin sucks cawk"
"oink oink"
"Flynn is hateful"
"Flynn is a tranny."
"Lily is hateful"
"BF is a lib"

Seriously something wrong with us to avoid the classics!
You forgot the 'Flynn's smelly yeast infection" one.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
You forgot the 'Flynn's smelly yeast infection" one.

Right, so creative and interesting. I could have my head pickled in formaldehyde and I'd still want to have a gun blow my brains out rather than read that shit again.

eta: How naive I was 15 or so years ago when I thought you might be an interesting and intelligent man. You'd rather spend your energies on the lowest form of humans than think for yourself. It's sad really.


Factory Bastard
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Associated Press is Rothschild owned, aka the epitome of biased, dishonest, jew media.
That article is in the Daily News, which is owned by Alden Global Capital.

Alden has a reputation for sharply cutting costs by reducing the number of journalists working on its newspapers.
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In March 2018,
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, the media columnist for
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, called Alden "one of the most ruthless of the corporate strip-miners seemingly intent on destroying local journalism."
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dubbed Alden the "grim reaper of American newspapers."
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Alden received critical coverage from the editorial staff at the Denver Post, who described Alden Global Capital as "vulture capitalists" after multiple staff layoffs.
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Educate yourself, whinger.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
What have I "gaslighted" about, Lily? Has the judge sucked his living from the taxpayers his entire career or not?

Haven't you sucked your living from the taxpayers your entire career?

Hasn't Admin done the same?

I fail to see where the "gaslighting" is.
Those people are paid to work for the government. Whereas Trump has made his money lying and manipulating and suing and cheating and gaslighting. That's SOOOOOOOOO much better than working for the government.

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
More zombie apocalypse news. Not that it's news that trumputinists are mindless zombies.
.. BTW, trumptards - dictators are great until they stop doing what the useful idiots who put them in power want them to, then find them guilty of disloyalty.

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Mon, August 21, 2023 at 12:07 AM EDT

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charging Donald Trump with lying about the 2020 election to overturn President Joe Biden’s win have done nothing to slow the geyser of election falsehoods flowing from the former president and his supporters.
Just two days after the Georgia indictment, one of Trump’s most enthusiastic backers took the stage at a conference in Missouri to again spread election misinformation.
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, the owner of MyPillow who is a vocal promoter of the myth that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, kicked off an event on purported election crimes with a video about fraud.
It included footage from November 2020 that purported to show a Fulton County, Georgia, election worker pulling a briefcase of ballots from under a desk to surreptitiously add them to the tally.
As evidence has since shown, the worker, Ruby Freeman, was simply doing her job — pulling out a standard government container full of real ballots that had to be counted.
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, including one by hand, showed the ballots were tallied properly and the results were accurate.
But Freeman and her daughter, who also worked in the elections office that night, were targeted by Trump and his allies and accused of helping throw the election to Biden, compared to drug dealers and deluged with threats. The women
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about their ordeal and sued several Trump backers, including former
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, for libel. The lies about them are a central part of last week’s indictment of Trump and his allies for allegedly conspiring to spread misinformation to steal the Georgia election.
Yet they persisted. During his conference, Lindell prefaced the video by saying “it isn’t about evidence” and meant to evoke the atmosphere of December 2020, as Trump was challenging the election results and trying to find avenues to remain in power. The anonymously produced video, full of fevered reports of other ”anomalies” in the election, opens with the words “this video is pure data.”
“I never forgot this video,” Lindell said.
Nor has the Republican electorate. Although Trump’s allegations have
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— often by
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— they’ve taken a firm hold among his party. An
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found 57% of Republicans said they didn’t view
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as a legitimately elected president.
The 98-page Georgia indictment lists several false allegations made by Trump that were quickly disproven by fellow Republicans, Georgia’s secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, and Gov. Brian Kemp. Still, Trump insists to this day that the election was stolen from him and continues to
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After the indictment, he promised a press conference this week revealing a report he claimed would show how the Georgia election was stolen from him —
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on Thursday, saying his lawyers wanted to make his argument in a court filing instead.
“Does anybody really believe I lost Georgia?” Trump asked on his Truth Social network Saturday. “I DON’T.”
By repeating the lie over and over, even when it has been repeatedly exposed as baseless, Trump is not only ensuring that his loyal followers remain energized, but also dominating the discussion and forcing others to relitigate the 2020 election on his terms.


.. As Orwell predicted - Trump tells his loyal zombie supporters that only he will tell them the truth. You can not believe what you see and hear with your own eyes and ears.
.. As Goebbels demonstrated - repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth (to the zombies anyway).
Truths are lies and lies truth - Orwell.
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