"No Liberals Allowed" thread.


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I think at the time, the point of this thread was to mock a few of our P'sOV in the Twumpy twead lol how very 'Trumpian' tweettweettweet, likes he's a gahhdamm bird ..


Undeniably Plausible
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The Third Rail
Well, there are a couple points I'd like to present counterpoints to, here:

"I hate globalization!" while typing ona computer made overseas in clothing bought cheaply, becasue they're made overseas, and enjoy out of season fruit and vegetables, from other countries.

Global markets aren't what I, at any rate, object to. Global policymaking is; governance by those with no understanding of or accountability to those their policies govern from afar.

"Immigrants is stealing our jobs".. those jobs most caucasians won't do because they believe it's beneath them, but more than happy to indenture immigrants to do those jobs as long as they don't ask for equal rights to fair pay.

Actually, part of that statement defeats itself. By and large, these are jobs employers have historically preferred illegal aliens for over citizens and immigrants (meaning, people who actually immigrated, the legal way). Why? Because, just as you point out, they don't have to pay illegal aliens legal wages. That's how illegal aliens, in the context of black market labor, result in both labor displacement and wage contraction.

"I hate liberals" while enjoying liberal ideas like freedom of speech, right to assembly, the right to vote, the right to bear arms.. all those ideas that the unwashed masses couldn't enjoy until some liberalist came around and made changes. To think the common folks should have rights? what a liberal idea.

This is something of a distortion. There has been a major subversion of the meaning of the word 'liberal' from the days of Washington, Jefferson, et al., to today, where the left engages in online mob tactics and, on university campuses, organized and premeditated violence aimed at shutting down free expression and open discourse. Most of today's "liberals" simply do not fit the word -- but are only too happy to continue to appropriate it to lend what are, in fact, fascist activities an air of legitimacy.


Undeniably Plausible
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The Third Rail
I would add that, in the classical sense, I am something of a liberal. In today's terms, though, that would be a libertarian, specifically of the minarchist persuasion. To me, liberalism means that government has a role to play, but only in those functions which private entities simply cannot perform themselves, such as contract mediation/enforcement, national security (which, in a minarchist context, means a secure border, a ready military for defensive use only, and immigration control -- not foreign military adventurism and massive spying apparatus), and diplomacy.

Socially, I believe that individuals own themselves -- meaning that what you put into your body is your choice, and the results of that, for good or ill, are for you alone to face. Now your friends and loved ones might try to persuade you not to smoke drain cleaner, but it's not for the government to tell you that you can't; your body, your choice. Gay marriage shouldn't be recognized by government -- but because government has no damned business "recognizing" marriages of any kind for any reason to begin with. Gun ownership? Own whatever you want. But if you use it to inflict violence on an innocent person, you'd better believe you just threw the rest of your own life away.

Fiscally, wages and salaries are a matter of private contract between prospective employer and prospective employee. Removing the minimum wage would even the playing field between citizens and the labor black market in play now, removing the incentive for employers to cheat and removing the "carrot" for illegals while leaving only the "stick." This, in turn, might finally catalyze those who would have come to reform the corrupt governments in their own countries, by force if necessary. The sad fact is that by permitting illegal immigration, we prolong the misery of all those in those countries who cannot come here illegally. If their industrious sons had to stay home, their "home" might finally face a revolution that makes it better -- for everyone there.


Factory Bastard
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Fiscally, wages and salaries are a matter of private contract between prospective employer and prospective employee. Removing the minimum wage would even the playing field between citizens and the labor black market in play now, removing the incentive for employers to cheat and removing the "carrot" for illegals while leaving only the "stick."

Just to clarify this point; You believe there should be no minimum wage at all?

aunty mabels cuntwash

acquiring filth
I used to be a liberal. Used to be.

Then this shit happened...


...and from the democratic primaries right on down to the current day, I have to confess that I've NEVER seen a more compelling reason in current times to distance myself from a political movement as that wrinkly, double dealing, underhanded, backstabbing CUNT and slimy lying TURDS who supported her through her buying off the DNC, schilling her way into the good graces of multinationals and otherwise selling the electorate short and the very country she was supposed to be representing out from under their feet.

I'm not a fan of Trump, but I'll tell you this much; from where I'm sitting, he's knocked a few balls out of the ballpark in terms of employment, the economy and foreign policy. Still watching him get demonized by fatass fuckhead like the TYT's Chunk UngermingermongerMunger and his simpering bimbos though and I know why. You lot had a nice little system going; not "nice" for the majority of you personally, but certainly that's what you were sold by people like that doddering pants-suited warmongering bitch pictured above. People who would like nothing better than to see our orange haired friend and his supporters bashed and thrashed to within an inch of their lives by the mob. Right before we all march off to reboot the Cold War with Russia and her allies, creating even more refugees which presumably the world over will be called upon to succour in their time of need. Well whooptefuckingdo.

I don't know how to sugarcoat this, so I'm just going to come out and say it; I've seen classic liberalism and this shit ain't it. It's also not what the conservatives are branding it as now, but that's sure as fuck what it's been perverted into. I cannot in all good conscience lend my voice to a bunch of wankers that scream blue bloody murder about Trump's shortcomings when they themselves have so much going on that runs counter to the core ideals they pretend to stand for. Trump and his cronies are preaching violence and intolerance? Well that may be... who the fuck are rushing out to be the most violent and intolerant at this point? Who are roaming the streets looking to beat the living shit out of anything in a MAGA hat when they aren't screaming skywards or indulging in bigotry and outright witchhunts against anyone who deviates from their idea of "what's fair" by so much as a nanometer?

I got news for you; the Germans tried what you're attempting now and it didn't work so well for them either. Stop pinning your hopes on a policy that devolves to "we're not Trump" and fuck all else. He might not have all the answers (I would be very surprised if he did) but at the very least he is out there doing something about it and in the face of some pretty stiff opposition. Don't like it? Come up with a better fucking solution maybe, one that addresses the issues in your own backyard instead of letting it go to rack and ruin while you worry about what goes on in other people's.

And for fucks sake, ditch that stupid fucking waste of taxpayer dollars that is the Mueller Probe. It's obviously missed it's mark which is why they're concentrating on Manafort and not Trump at this point, and the stuff they're going after the former looks closer to the Podestas than anything else.
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Undeniably Plausible
Site Supporter
The Third Rail
Fiscally, wages and salaries are a matter of private contract between prospective employer and prospective employee. Removing the minimum wage would even the playing field between citizens and the labor black market in play now, removing the incentive for employers to cheat and removing the "carrot" for illegals while leaving only the "stick."

Just to clarify this point; You believe there should be no minimum wage at all?

Correct. It's done more harm than good.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Yeah just disarm America so they too can be turned into Europe, Canada, NZ and Australia... Let the governments do what they want there too... America is melting pot of races that simply can’t get along for the most part but it’s usually excused as “white” racism as the reason but if anyone wants to see what most blacks think of whites then pose as a white guy on worldstar, mainstream site whose anti white racism racism is never even flinched at... lol Truth... I’m actually starting a Scottish long bow movement to overthrow the government...


Forever forgotten.
Yeah just disarm America so they too can be turned into Europe, Canada, NZ and Australia... Let the governments do what they want there too... America is melting pot of races that simply can’t get along for the most part but it’s usually excused as “white” racism as the reason but if anyone wants to see what most blacks think of whites then pose as a white guy on worldstar, mainstream site whose anti white racism racism is never even flinched at... lol Truth... I’m actually starting a Scottish long bow movement to overthrow the government...


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Yeah just disarm America so they too can be turned into Europe, Canada, NZ and Australia... Let the governments do what they want there too... America is melting pot of races that simply can’t get along for the most part but it’s usually excused as “white” racism as the reason but if anyone wants to see what most blacks think of whites then pose as a white guy on worldstar, mainstream site whose anti white racism racism is never even flinched at... lol Truth... I’m actually starting a Scottish long bow movement to overthrow the government...
No, I’ve got a loicence
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Forever forgotten.
Yeah just disarm America so they too can be turned into Europe, Canada, NZ and Australia... Let the governments do what they want there too... America is melting pot of races that simply can’t get along for the most part but it’s usually excused as “white” racism as the reason but if anyone wants to see what most blacks think of whites then pose as a white guy on worldstar, mainstream site whose anti white racism racism is never even flinched at... lol Truth... I’m actually starting a Scottish long bow movement to overthrow the government...
No, I’ve got a loicence
Carry on, sir.


Site Supporter
Canada's not to late, we've got a sudden influx due to America's new policies, we need to deal with what we have and cut this dragons head off NOW, and not in a Dickhead style and fashion like a certain someone,

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
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York, P.A.
Yeah just disarm America so they too can be turned into Europe, Canada, NZ and Australia... Let the governments do what they want there too... America is melting pot of races that simply can’t get along for the most part but it’s usually excused as “white” racism as the reason but if anyone wants to see what most blacks think of whites then pose as a white guy on worldstar, mainstream site whose anti white racism racism is never even flinched at... lol Truth... I’m actually starting a Scottish long bow movement to overthrow the government...
My daughter disagrees. She also said you sound slow.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Yeah just disarm America so they too can be turned into Europe, Canada, NZ and Australia... Let the governments do what they want there too... America is melting pot of races that simply can’t get along for the most part but it’s usually excused as “white” racism as the reason but if anyone wants to see what most blacks think of whites then pose as a white guy on worldstar, mainstream site whose anti white racism racism is never even flinched at... lol Truth... I’m actually starting a Scottish long bow movement to overthrow the government...
My daughter disagrees. She also said you sound slow.
Did she enjoy the porn ads? lol I’m joking but confuses edit

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Site Supporter ☠️
York, P.A.
Yeah just disarm America so they too can be turned into Europe, Canada, NZ and Australia... Let the governments do what they want there too... America is melting pot of races that simply can’t get along for the most part but it’s usually excused as “white” racism as the reason but if anyone wants to see what most blacks think of whites then pose as a white guy on worldstar, mainstream site whose anti white racism racism is never even flinched at... lol Truth... I’m actually starting a Scottish long bow movement to overthrow the government...
My daughter disagrees. She also said you sound slow.
Did she enjoy the porn ads? lol I’m joking but confuses edit
I don't have the porn ads cause mod/elite status.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Yeah just disarm America so they too can be turned into Europe, Canada, NZ and Australia... Let the governments do what they want there too... America is melting pot of races that simply can’t get along for the most part but it’s usually excused as “white” racism as the reason but if anyone wants to see what most blacks think of whites then pose as a white guy on worldstar, mainstream site whose anti white racism racism is never even flinched at... lol Truth... I’m actually starting a Scottish long bow movement to overthrow the government...
My daughter disagrees. She also said you sound slow.
Did she enjoy the porn ads? lol I’m joking but confuses edit
I don't have the porn ads cause mod/elite status.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I’d love a liberal answer to this question, my question... Let’s say the West allows everyone in and its bulging with everyone from Africa and war torn countries... Peaceful? Or just a hellish situation that makes the West just like the countries they were fleeing except WORSE! I swear liberals are brain dead! Fuck sake! People of colour love white countries but hate white people and this is grossly obvious to anyone... Tell me I’m wrong! There will be a race war soon because it’s been forced upon ONLY white countries! A common quote is “Every man, woman and child experiences major war in their lifetime” fuckin ready!
Watch before you seek to win


Undeniably Plausible
Site Supporter
The Third Rail
The thing is with refugees and economic migrants: they come from the cultures from which sprang the shit they're running from. And we expect them not to bring those same ethics sets with them and pull those shenanigans here where they can finally be the mullahs and cartel bosses in the absence of the competition they faced at home?

To employ an (admittedly less than artful) analogy: If you save a shark from other sharks and put it in your swimming pool, the basic fact remains that all you've ultimately done is put a shark in your swimming pool.


Site Supporter
The thing is with refugees and economic migrants: they come from the cultures from which sprang the shit they're running from. And we expect them not to bring those same ethics sets with them and pull those shenanigans here where they can finally be the mullahs and cartel bosses in the absence of the competition they faced at home?

To employ an (admittedly less than artful) analogy: If you save a shark from other sharks and put it in your swimming pool, the basic fact remains that all you've ultimately done is put a shark in your swimming pool.
Obviously, it's a shark, but what if it's a guppiy who's perfectly happy being a brick layer, I know some who can't almost speak english and they make 150 k a year, employ a few people from back home, anyone willing to work hard for that matter ...no one wants the sharks... do you people only know shitskin blacks and muslims ?


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
The thing is with refugees and economic migrants: they come from the cultures from which sprang the shit they're running from. And we expect them not to bring those same ethics sets with them and pull those shenanigans here where they can finally be the mullahs and cartel bosses in the absence of the competition they faced at home?

To employ an (admittedly less than artful) analogy: If you save a shark from other sharks and put it in your swimming pool, the basic fact remains that all you've ultimately done is put a shark in your swimming pool.
Hitler said “It can never be undone” and that’s so true... I believe the white race is done for because of cowardice and betrayal, no liberal Gaylord ever takes in consequence of actions, gratuitous ignorance until they themselves cry just before their murder for being white... White women deserve what is coming to them and their children!


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YAHHHHHHH BOYYYY !! I LUVS ME SOME d TRUMPF PUSSY GRABBIN, bone spur mutherfucker bwahahahahahahahaaaaa


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
The thing is with refugees and economic migrants: they come from the cultures from which sprang the shit they're running from. And we expect them not to bring those same ethics sets with them and pull those shenanigans here where they can finally be the mullahs and cartel bosses in the absence of the competition they faced at home?

To employ an (admittedly less than artful) analogy: If you save a shark from other sharks and put it in your swimming pool, the basic fact remains that all you've ultimately done is put a shark in your swimming pool.
Obviously, it's a shark, but what if it's a guppiy who's perfectly happy being a brick layer, I know some who can't almost speak english and they make 150 k a year, employ a few people from back home, anyone willing to work hard for that matter ...no one wants the sharks... do you people only know shitskin blacks and muslims ?
“Not all Muslims” lmfao shoo fahget!


Factory Feline
Site Supporter
Stop with the labels and just think things out.

Sick of everyone blaming everyone else and not working towards solutions.