'no vaccine needed, I have an immune system'


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
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Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
Laurence Fox reveals he has Covid days after claiming ‘no vaccine needed, I have an immune system’
‘Turns out I have been visited by Lord Covid at last,’ he wrote


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Domestically feral
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United states
My mother in law said the same thing. Got Covid. Was sick as fuck.

Shes fine now.

So what's your point with these posts? More confirmation bias?


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
My mother in law said the same thing. Got Covid. Was sick as fuck.

Shes fine now.

So what's your point with these posts? More confirmation bias?
That people that discount Covid are playing russian roulette. People really do die from Covid-19, and some like my brilliant cousin Carolyn get the long haul, which is no spring picnic.


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
Tragically, around 3 people per 100,000 lose their life to a drunk driver yearly in the United States.
I can think of few things more disrespectful than the following:
"Well—99.9% of people didn't die. Perhaps, this is being overblown?"
"Are we sure it was the crash that killed them? I'm nearly certain had a more healthy person been in some of those accidents, they would have survived."
"Was the victim overweight?"
"M.A.D.D probably gets compensated for every death, so hospitals fake the death certificates."
"Actually, this just proves airbags don't work."
Don't be the type of person making these tone-deaf, callous, and abhorrent statements. All it requires is a modicum of decency and humanity.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
My mother in law said the same thing. Got Covid. Was sick as fuck.

Shes fine now.

So what's your point with these posts? More confirmation bias?
That people that discount Covid are playing russian roulette. People really do die from Covid-19, and some like my brilliant cousin Carolyn get the long haul, which is no spring picnic.

We all know this, though. People who chose not to get vaccinated are aware they can catch Covid.

People have a variety of reasons why they dont want the vaccine. Some of them are stupid. Some are very valid.

Doesnt it ever kind of creep you out that media outlets feel the need to highlight this?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Tragically, around 3 people per 100,000 lose their life to a drunk driver yearly in the United States.
I can think of few things more disrespectful than the following:
"Well—99.9% of people didn't die. Perhaps, this is being overblown?"
"Are we sure it was the crash that killed them? I'm nearly certain had a more healthy person been in some of those accidents, they would have survived."
"Was the victim overweight?"
"M.A.D.D probably gets compensated for every death, so hospitals fake the death certificates."
"Actually, this just proves airbags don't work."
Don't be the type of person making these tone-deaf, callous, and abhorrent statements. All it requires is a modicum of decency and humanity.

Ahhhhhh this is a false equivalence.

There actually ARE factors present that decide what level of risk someone is in regarding Covid and severe illness and death.

If you are drunk and driving, you put yourself and others a much higher risk of serious injury or death. That risk is higher if no seatbelts are being used.

If you are black and overweight you are at a high risk of severe illness or death. If you are very young and healthy? You have no risk of severe illness or death.

Its definately not as cut and dried as this post is making it. Refusing to get a vaccine is definately not the same as drunk driving. You are not at an automatic higher risk of severe illness or death based on the vaccine alone.

You could say this about someone who checks all the high risk boxes. An overweight, 65 plus black man with diabetes who refuses to vaccinate is taking a risk akin to driving drunk. Only he isnt putting other people at the same risk.....unless he lives in assisted living.

The risk level really does depend on a lot. It does with ANY illness.


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
I'd rather be a dead dumb fuck, than live to raise my children, because muh freedumbs!

He’s declining a coronavirus vaccine at the expense of a lifesaving transplant: ‘I was born free, I’ll die free’

That can be his Epitath "I died dumb and free!"

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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I'd rather be a dead dumb fuck, than live to raise my children, because muh freedumbs!

He’s declining a coronavirus vaccine at the expense of a lifesaving transplant: ‘I was born free, I’ll die free’

That can be his Epitath "I died dumb and free!"

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And people also refuse blood transfusions and other medical interventions that could save their lives due to beliefs they have.

And it's not our place to be abusive or judgmental and it definately not our place to want them FORCED.

Unless you are also mocking people who refuse blood transfusions and such, people who are noncompliant with care plans, et.... your motive here is purely political.

If people wish to use their liberty and autonomy to make dumb decisions for themselves, that's not our business is it? The families have to deal with that.


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
I'd rather be a dead dumb fuck, than live to raise my children, because muh freedumbs!

He’s declining a coronavirus vaccine at the expense of a lifesaving transplant: ‘I was born free, I’ll die free’

That can be his Epitath "I died dumb and free!"

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And people also refuse blood transfusions and other medical interventions that could save their lives due to beliefs they have.

And it's not our place to be abusive or judgmental and it definately not our place to want them FORCED.

Unless you are also mocking people who refuse blood transfusions and such, people who are noncompliant with care plans, et.... your motive here is purely political.

If people wish to use their liberty and autonomy to make dumb decisions for themselves, that's not our business is it? The families have to deal with that.
We are talking about the highly politicized Covid here, please try to focus.

The drug is not approved for treatment of COVID-19 in Japan, and the U.S.
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, the World Health Organization, the EU drug regulator and Merck
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, which makes the drug, have warned against its use because of a lack of scientific evidence that it has therapeutic effect.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I'd rather be a dead dumb fuck, than live to raise my children, because muh freedumbs!

He’s declining a coronavirus vaccine at the expense of a lifesaving transplant: ‘I was born free, I’ll die free’

That can be his Epitath "I died dumb and free!"

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And people also refuse blood transfusions and other medical interventions that could save their lives due to beliefs they have.

And it's not our place to be abusive or judgmental and it definately not our place to want them FORCED.

Unless you are also mocking people who refuse blood transfusions and such, people who are noncompliant with care plans, et.... your motive here is purely political.

If people wish to use their liberty and autonomy to make dumb decisions for themselves, that's not our business is it? The families have to deal with that.
We are talking about the highly politicized Covid here, please try to focus.

The drug is not approved for treatment of COVID-19 in Japan, and the U.S.
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, the World Health Organization, the EU drug regulator and Merck
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, which makes the drug, have warned against its use because of a lack of scientific evidence that it has therapeutic effect.
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Just because the virus was politicized, doesnt make it separate from the medical feild Admin.

I'm trying to get you OUT of politics. You need a good grasp on something BEFORE you have a political view on it. You've got your cart before your horse here.

Policies need to reflect the facts, not form facts.

You should not be so emotional about how you think medical science should go. Science is constantly evolving. That why medicine is called a PRACTICE. The government shouldnt be enmeshed in it.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

It was a mild death.

How many people died of congestive heart failure yesterday?

How many people died of smoking related illness yesterday?

How many people died a natural old age death yesterday?

How many people died in car accidents or gun violence yesterday?

See if you are not accustomed to see these stats on a regular basis or trained to read data....its easy for people to pull out big numbers to manipulate how something is viewed.

I see that? I see "wow. Only 3k people". Because I know we are talking about a LARGE population.

It's really manipulative to compare viral deaths to a terrorist attack. What you are actually doing is the opposite. You are saying "only 3k people died in 9/11". 3k is a huge number for a terrorist attack. NOT for a virus.

Context is important.

Every 36 seconds someone dies of heart disease. There are 86400 seconds in a day. Think about that. How many 9/11s a day is that?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
My mother in law said the same thing. Got Covid. Was sick as fuck.

Shes fine now.

So what's your point with these posts? More confirmation bias?
That people that discount Covid are playing russian roulette. People really do die from Covid-19, and some like my brilliant cousin Carolyn get the long haul, which is no spring picnic.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Tragically, around 3 people per 100,000 lose their life to a drunk driver yearly in the United States.
I can think of few things more disrespectful than the following:
"Well—99.9% of people didn't die. Perhaps, this is being overblown?"
"Are we sure it was the crash that killed them? I'm nearly certain had a more healthy person been in some of those accidents, they would have survived."
"Was the victim overweight?"
"M.A.D.D probably gets compensated for every death, so hospitals fake the death certificates."
"Actually, this just proves airbags don't work."
Don't be the type of person making these tone-deaf, callous, and abhorrent statements. All it requires is a modicum of decency and humanity.
I'm a member of D.D.A.M.M., Drunk Drivers Against Mad Mothers!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I'd rather be a dead dumb fuck, than live to raise my children, because muh freedumbs!

He’s declining a coronavirus vaccine at the expense of a lifesaving transplant: ‘I was born free, I’ll die free’

That can be his Epitath "I died dumb and free!"

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I've had covid TWICE, and lived BOTH times!!!!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
That can be his Epitath "I died dumb and free!"

Precisely. Fuck 'em. On a personal level, I can't be bothered with the stupidity anymore. Whatever...
It is mind numbing

Keep posting the things you want to make them cry, but I'm glad you're not bought into the idea that they have any chance of learning something. They don't.
I just like watching the mental gymnastics they have to get through to remain faithful to the Trumpmeister.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
That can be his Epitath "I died dumb and free!"

Precisely. Fuck 'em. On a personal level, I can't be bothered with the stupidity anymore. Whatever...
It is mind numbing

Keep posting the things you want to make them cry, but I'm glad you're not bought into the idea that they have any chance of learning something. They don't.
I just like watching the mental gymnastics they have to through to remain faithful to the Trumpmeister.

Yes, it's quite fun. At least most of Trump's former inner circle were in it for the cash, cha-ching. They made money off of it. These idiots are rent free morons.


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
That can be his Epitath "I died dumb and free!"

Precisely. Fuck 'em. On a personal level, I can't be bothered with the stupidity anymore. Whatever...
It is mind numbing

Keep posting the things you want to make them cry, but I'm glad you're not bought into the idea that they have any chance of learning something. They don't.
I just like watching the mental gymnastics they have to through to remain faithful to the Trumpmeister.

Yes, it's quite fun. At least most of Trump's former inner circle were in it for the cash, cha-ching. They made money off of it. These idiots are rent free morons.
Look at all the ex staffers writing Books, "I knew he was not that smart and just a grifter, but I was there to keep him under control, honest!"


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
That can be his Epitath "I died dumb and free!"

Precisely. Fuck 'em. On a personal level, I can't be bothered with the stupidity anymore. Whatever...
It is mind numbing

Keep posting the things you want to make them cry, but I'm glad you're not bought into the idea that they have any chance of learning something. They don't.
I just like watching the mental gymnastics they have to through to remain faithful to the Trumpmeister.

Yes, it's quite fun. At least most of Trump's former inner circle were in it for the cash, cha-ching. They made money off of it. These idiots are rent free morons.
Look at all the ex staffers writing Books, "I knew he was not that smart and just a grifter, but I was there to keep him under control, honest!"

Right? lmao

Again, at least they were in it for the money. They sold their souls...some are giving them away for not a damn thing. Sad!

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
I went over to my double-vaccinated and boosted sister's house on the weekend. The one who got Covid a few weeks ago.

She still has some issue breathing and is using a prescription inhalator.

This is the worst case of sickness of anyone I know from Covid. Pretty sure the vaccine fucked-up a few people I know worse, and killed one. But, you know, "coincidence".


3 Felonies Hunter? Those are Rooky Numbers!
Site Supporter ☠️
Your Feng Shui gives me ennui.
I went over to my double-vaccinated and boosted sister's house on the weekend. The one who got Covid a few weeks ago.

She still has some issue breathing and is using a prescription inhalator.

This is the worst case of sickness of anyone I know from Covid. Pretty sure the vaccine fucked-up a few people I know worse, and killed one. But, you know, "coincidence".

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
It'd be nice if we had a vaccine for covid. We dont tho!

I just thought of an inconsistency with the pro-vaccine narrative.

I am going to call them vaccines, Lokmar, so they can be comfortable with what I am saying.

They say the vaccines go after the spike protein. No other part of the virus.

That makes sense, because the vaccines all trigger the body to produce the spike protein which then the body sees as an "invader" and the immune system defends against it.

But they also say that the vaccines do not do as well against the Omicron variant.

But the Omicron variant has the same spike protein.

And the anti-bodies, etc. that have been developed in the body are all designed to go after the spike protein. The same spike protein as we see in the Omicron variant. Yet they are not working against the Omicron variant.

Do any of the pro-vaccine people have a good explanation for this?

@Admin., you seem to be up on this stuff. What is the reasoning for the vaccines sucking ass against the Omicron variant?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
That can be his Epitath "I died dumb and free!"

Precisely. Fuck 'em. On a personal level, I can't be bothered with the stupidity anymore. Whatever...
It is mind numbing

Keep posting the things you want to make them cry, but I'm glad you're not bought into the idea that they have any chance of learning something. They don't.
I just like watching the mental gymnastics they have to get through to remain faithful to the Trumpmeister.


What exactly does this even have to do with Trump?

You know Trump supports and encourages people to get vaccinated? What does this have to do at ALL with Trump?

See what I mean? What the heck is your thing here?

This guy made a decision about his body. You may not like it or approve but this was HIS decision to make. Please explain what is going on in your head where you think WE are playing "mental gymnastics" at all.....let alone doing it to "stay loyal" to Trump?! Admin that makes absolutely no fucking sense whatsoever.

You know you guys have some wild ass off the wall views about other people that make no sense at all.

So is your point here that only Trump voters dont get vaccinated (false btw) and that it's some "loyalty" to Trump that we dont want the fucking government forcing medical interventions on the public? Really?

Please explain yourself here because this a talk that needs to happen.