'no vaccine needed, I have an immune system'



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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That can be his Epitath "I died dumb and free!"

Precisely. Fuck 'em. On a personal level, I can't be bothered with the stupidity anymore. Whatever...
It is mind numbing

Keep posting the things you want to make them cry, but I'm glad you're not bought into the idea that they have any chance of learning something. They don't.
I just like watching the mental gymnastics they have to get through to remain faithful to the Trumpmeister.


What exactly does this even have to do with Trump?

You know Trump supports and encourages people to get vaccinated? What does this have to do at ALL with Trump?

See what I mean? What the heck is your thing here?

This guy made a decision about his body. You may not like it or approve but this was HIS decision to make. Please explain what is going on in your head where you think WE are playing "mental gymnastics" at all.....let alone doing it to "stay loyal" to Trump?! Admin that makes absolutely no fucking sense whatsoever.

You know you guys have some wild ass off the wall views about other people that make no sense at all.

So is your point here that only Trump voters dont get vaccinated (false btw) and that it's some "loyalty" to Trump that we dont want the fucking government forcing medical interventions on the public? Really?

Please explain yourself here because this a talk that needs to happen.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
That can be his Epitath "I died dumb and free!"

Precisely. Fuck 'em. On a personal level, I can't be bothered with the stupidity anymore. Whatever...
It is mind numbing

Keep posting the things you want to make them cry, but I'm glad you're not bought into the idea that they have any chance of learning something. They don't.
I just like watching the mental gymnastics they have to get through to remain faithful to the Trumpmeister.


What exactly does this even have to do with Trump?

You know Trump supports and encourages people to get vaccinated? What does this have to do at ALL with Trump?

See what I mean? What the heck is your thing here?

This guy made a decision about his body. You may not like it or approve but this was HIS decision to make. Please explain what is going on in your head where you think WE are playing "mental gymnastics" at all.....let alone doing it to "stay loyal" to Trump?! Admin that makes absolutely no fucking sense whatsoever.

You know you guys have some wild ass off the wall views about other people that make no sense at all.

So is your point here that only Trump voters dont get vaccinated (false btw) and that it's some "loyalty" to Trump that we dont want the fucking government forcing medical interventions on the public? Really?

Please explain yourself here because this a talk that needs to happen.

Listen I dont watch corporate media so you are gonna provide some dialog here. Literally EVERYTHING Trump said about the virus watched directly from him.

These corporate media sound bytes and edits are total crap. I have shown this so many times.

What one is this?

And seriously what does THIS topic have to do with Trump?

Just explain the connection you are making here.

Our opinion has NOTHING to do with Trump. Our position is that its up to the individual what medical interventions they receive. That means some people are gonna make bad decisions but that's THEIR responsibility.

How are you seeing mental gymnastics? And where do you get this is "loyalty" to TRUMP?

I mean the fact that you guys think Trump showed up and all of a sudden we were all just caught up in some wild idea that we want individual rights and liberties and smaller government is BIZZARE.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
That can be his Epitath "I died dumb and free!"

Precisely. Fuck 'em. On a personal level, I can't be bothered with the stupidity anymore. Whatever...
It is mind numbing

Keep posting the things you want to make them cry, but I'm glad you're not bought into the idea that they have any chance of learning something. They don't.
I just like watching the mental gymnastics they have to get through to remain faithful to the Trumpmeister.


What exactly does this even have to do with Trump?

You know Trump supports and encourages people to get vaccinated? What does this have to do at ALL with Trump?

See what I mean? What the heck is your thing here?

This guy made a decision about his body. You may not like it or approve but this was HIS decision to make. Please explain what is going on in your head where you think WE are playing "mental gymnastics" at all.....let alone doing it to "stay loyal" to Trump?! Admin that makes absolutely no fucking sense whatsoever.

You know you guys have some wild ass off the wall views about other people that make no sense at all.

So is your point here that only Trump voters dont get vaccinated (false btw) and that it's some "loyalty" to Trump that we dont want the fucking government forcing medical interventions on the public? Really?

Please explain yourself here because this a talk that needs to happen.

Listen I dont watch corporate media so you are gonna provide some dialog here. Literally EVERYTHING Trump said about the virus watched directly from him.

These corporate media sound bytes and edits are total crap. I have shown this so many times.

What one is this?

And seriously what does THIS topic have to do with Trump?

Just explain the connection you are making here.

Our opinion has NOTHING to do with Trump. Our position is that its up to the individual what medical interventions they receive. That means some people are gonna make bad decisions but that's THEIR responsibility.

How are you seeing mental gymnastics? And where do you get this is "loyalty" to TRUMP?

I mean the fact that you guys think Trump showed up and all of a sudden we were all just caught up in some wild idea that we want individual rights and liberties and smaller government is BIZZARE.

That wasn't corporate media you dumb fuck, that was Donald J. Trump speaking to us Americas over a period of months. Watch it yourself, I am not going to transcribe it for your lazy ass.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

BFD, there have been dozens of shoddy studies and papers done about horse paste for covid. You're grasping at straws dumb ass.

Not horse paste.

Admin in my fridge right now I have amoxicillin formulated for cats.

So does that mean if my daughter gets prescribed amoxicillin, shes getting cat liquid?

A LOT of meds we take have formulations for animals.

See how the media gets people twisted?

Like that point with 3k people dying in a day from Covid on that day and intentionally comparing it to 9/11. You understand we have people dying every 36 seconds of heart disease? Why wouldnt THAT get tweets like Covid does? Heart disease is mostly preventable, Admin. Why dont we see the same sort of dialog surrounding that? Calls for policies to prevent heart disease?

Do you see my point?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
That can be his Epitath "I died dumb and free!"

Precisely. Fuck 'em. On a personal level, I can't be bothered with the stupidity anymore. Whatever...
It is mind numbing

Keep posting the things you want to make them cry, but I'm glad you're not bought into the idea that they have any chance of learning something. They don't.
I just like watching the mental gymnastics they have to get through to remain faithful to the Trumpmeister.


What exactly does this even have to do with Trump?

You know Trump supports and encourages people to get vaccinated? What does this have to do at ALL with Trump?

See what I mean? What the heck is your thing here?

This guy made a decision about his body. You may not like it or approve but this was HIS decision to make. Please explain what is going on in your head where you think WE are playing "mental gymnastics" at all.....let alone doing it to "stay loyal" to Trump?! Admin that makes absolutely no fucking sense whatsoever.

You know you guys have some wild ass off the wall views about other people that make no sense at all.

So is your point here that only Trump voters dont get vaccinated (false btw) and that it's some "loyalty" to Trump that we dont want the fucking government forcing medical interventions on the public? Really?

Please explain yourself here because this a talk that needs to happen.

Listen I dont watch corporate media so you are gonna provide some dialog here. Literally EVERYTHING Trump said about the virus watched directly from him.

These corporate media sound bytes and edits are total crap. I have shown this so many times.

What one is this?

And seriously what does THIS topic have to do with Trump?

Just explain the connection you are making here.

Our opinion has NOTHING to do with Trump. Our position is that its up to the individual what medical interventions they receive. That means some people are gonna make bad decisions but that's THEIR responsibility.

How are you seeing mental gymnastics? And where do you get this is "loyalty" to TRUMP?

I mean the fact that you guys think Trump showed up and all of a sudden we were all just caught up in some wild idea that we want individual rights and liberties and smaller government is BIZZARE.

That wasn't corporate media you dumb fuck, that was Donald J. Trump speaking to us Americas over a period of months. Watch it yourself, I am not going to transcribe it for your lazy ass.

So that wasnt CNBC showing a series of out of context sound bytes that I can pretty much guarantee is propaganda meant to paint Trump a certain way?

Why are you getting shitty?

I'm asking you why you think this is relevant to the topic AND to our position? I'll address that video in a minute. I will ask if you watched more than just these clips? Did you see everything he said or just the parts this video shows?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️

BFD, there have been dozens of shoddy studies and papers done about horse paste for covid. You're grasping at straws dumb ass.

Not horse paste.

Admin in my fridge right now I have amoxicillin formulated for cats.

So does that mean if my daughter gets prescribed amoxicillin, shes getting cat liquid?

A LOT of meds we take have formulations for animals.

See how the media gets people twisted?

Like that point with 3k people dying in a day from Covid on that day and intentionally comparing it to 9/11. You understand we have people dying every 36 seconds of heart disease? Why wouldnt THAT get tweets like Covid does? Heart disease is mostly preventable, Admin. Why dont we see the same sort of dialog surrounding that? Calls for policies to prevent heart disease?

Do you see my point?

No reputable Scientific/Medical Institution or individual has approved or recommended Ivermectin to prevent or treat Covid, None, zero, zilch, nada, none, null set.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

BFD, there have been dozens of shoddy studies and papers done about horse paste for covid. You're grasping at straws dumb ass.

Not horse paste.

Admin in my fridge right now I have amoxicillin formulated for cats.

So does that mean if my daughter gets prescribed amoxicillin, shes getting cat liquid?

A LOT of meds we take have formulations for animals.

See how the media gets people twisted?

Like that point with 3k people dying in a day from Covid on that day and intentionally comparing it to 9/11. You understand we have people dying every 36 seconds of heart disease? Why wouldnt THAT get tweets like Covid does? Heart disease is mostly preventable, Admin. Why dont we see the same sort of dialog surrounding that? Calls for policies to prevent heart disease?

Do you see my point?

No reputable Scientific/Medical Institution or individual has approved or recommended Ivermectin to prevent or treat Covid, None, zero, zilch, nada, none, null set.

First, that wasnt the point. The point was that we are not talking about horse paste. You say "horse paste" because MEDIA told you ivermectin was horse paste and people were overdosing on HORSE PASTE when no such thing was happening.

Cant you follow one point out without jumping to other shit? I STILL have no fucking clue what Trump has to do with this topic.

Also you mean government agencies havent approved it for treatment at this time. That's because of lack of evidence, there are trails going on with ivermectin.

I haven't made ANY claims about ivermectin because I know I'm not a doctor and I understand research isnt this easy peasey rock solid thing.

If you get offered ivermectin are you gonna call the doctor a Trumptard and lecture him on science?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
But when your children become deathly bill, look for the appropriate episode of Rogan or Faux News.

Oh I get it.

People either get all their info and make medical decisions based on what YOUR preferred sources say or they get it from Rogan or FAUX.

So basically you think everyone builds their world around what they read in media.

I cant. Man you cant even have a normal convo because your mind has been completely scrambled by media propaganda to the point where you cant even effectively communicate. You are on some whole ass other level and I dont even know how to meet you there.

This is sad and it's probably exactly people tell me all the time it's a lost fucking cause and I should just make cock jokes because there is no talking to you guys. You live in another world built by leftwing media. You literally view everything through a media paradigm.

I've pointed this out a few times and you just dont hear it.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Maybe it would be easier if Admin just started a thread to inform us on what we are all thinking and why and tell us about ourselves so we know how to respond to keep his media built fantasy world in tact without wasting any of our time typing things out that he is just gonna ignore anyway.

He can just keep taking shots at us over shit that isnt even true or real.

Clearly these people are so stuck in their hyper partisan biases they cant even make sense and trying to talk to them is futile. They are in another reality entirely.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️

BFD, there have been dozens of shoddy studies and papers done about horse paste for covid. You're grasping at straws dumb ass.

Hey Loktard show me one single peer reviewed by professionals in the field on your new jerk off lube's effectiveness in treating Covid-19, no rush, I'll look for all your verifiable references on the morrow, old Chap. Hup hup.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
They developed these injections and tested them and then fudged the numbers to make them seem more effective than they were. The ORIGINAL claim was get the jab and we'll all go back to normal. That was a known lie at the time but they knew the clock was ticking to get everyone jabbed so they propagandized getting the jab as if you were evil if you didnt get it. I already had covid so it was absolutely pointless for me to get it. Simultaneously, they stigmatized anything that they saw as a threat to the fake vax cornering the market on covid prevention. Thats how we got to enjoy the hysterics of aidsman freaking out over horse paste defaming his precious jab juice. During this time, we were still seeing breakout infections of at least 30%+. Once delta came out, break out infections were way over 50%, proving the virus mutated in vaxed people as the virus was "learning" to survive the limited jab immunity. The last major gasp at forcing the jab on everyone was then made. Once omicron came along, we learned the "vax" was about 20% effective if that. The jab has always actually been a prophylactic at best. For some, its killed em. Nobody ownes up to that which just makes the jab that much more untrustworthy. One thing's for certain though, the jab never met the definition of vaccine, so they changed the definition of vaccine.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

BFD, there have been dozens of shoddy studies and papers done about horse paste for covid. You're grasping at straws dumb ass.

Hey Loktard show me one single peer reviewed by professionals in the field on your new jerk off lube's effectiveness in treating Covid-19, no rush, I'll look for all your verifiable references on the morrow, old Chap. Hup hup.

Hey dickhead, my wife was double jabbed, STILL got covid. PWN3D!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Will the dum shits learn they have been lied to? Probably not as they are so indoctrinated in theor cult. It is nice to know real research is still being done about treatments even if English speaking countries are refusing to research treatments because they, wrongly, fear it will undermine vaccination efforts. In fact, their refusal to research and provide treatments is probably a crime against humanity. Especially since so many are available but big farm doesn't want them as that would undermine big pharmacy profits. Corruption is central to big politics and their efforts at suppression.

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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Will the dum shits learn they have been lied to? Probably not as they are so indoctrinated in theor cult. It is nice to know real research is still being done about treatments even if English speaking countries are refusing to research treatments because they, wrongly, fear it will undermine vaccination efforts. In fact, their refusal to research and provide treatments is probably a crime against humanity. Especially since so many are available but big farm doesn't want them as that would undermine big pharmacy profits. Corruption is central to big politics and their efforts at suppression.

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When MSLSD tells em its time to believe that there was a CONspiracy by the GOP to fake the data to make all the libtards believe the jab was genuine, THEN they'll believe the jab aint worth a fuk. We arent there yet.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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admin is a queer in fear


even tiny germs make him hide under his bed like a bitch

that's the navy for ya


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
They developed these injections and tested them and then fudged the numbers to make them seem more effective than they were. The ORIGINAL claim was get the jab and we'll all go back to normal. That was a known lie at the time but they knew the clock was ticking to get everyone jabbed so they propagandized getting the jab as if you were evil if you didnt get it. I already had covid so it was absolutely pointless for me to get it. Simultaneously, they stigmatized anything that they saw as a threat to the fake vax cornering the market on covid prevention. Thats how we got to enjoy the hysterics of aidsman freaking out over horse paste defaming his precious jab juice. During this time, we were still seeing breakout infections of at least 30%+. Once delta came out, break out infections were way over 50%, proving the virus mutated in vaxed people as the virus was "learning" to survive the limited jab immunity. The last major gasp at forcing the jab on everyone was then made. Once omicron came along, we learned the "vax" was about 20% effective if that. The jab has always actually been a prophylactic at best. For some, its killed em. Nobody ownes up to that which just makes the jab that much more untrustworthy. One thing's for certain though, the jab never met the definition of vaccine, so they changed the definition of vaccine.

It's more of a therapeutic vaccine.